
Chapter 47

Chapter 47:

You have slept in you own bed; HP and MP have been restored 100% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy groaned as he pushed the notification away getting up. Last night had been brutal. He had spent it training himself in his new found mana control abilities.

Oddly enough it was easy to control, kind of like water control, but it also had it's own unique properties. The closest things he could compare it to would be just pure energy, if he made a construct with it it became solid, if he didn't then it would just be pure energy.

Percy yawned as he threw his blanket off of him getting up, Thalia hadn't come in last night, she was also training like crazy. Something about improving her lighting control, Percy didn't ask because her secret's were her own.

Seeing Leo sitting by the TV made Percy smiled as he scratched the dog behind the ear waking him up. "Time to get up bud, we have a long day ahead of us."

Leo yawned, "are we going for a walk?"

Percy nodded, "yup. A nice long walk."

Leo mumbled, "good. I'll see you then."

Percy chuckled as Leo put his head back down returning back to sleep. The demigod quickly grabbed a towel and his phone as he walked out of the cabin. As he closed the door behind him suddenly somebody cried out;


Percy turned around in a flash dropping his towel as his hands immediately went to his pocket. Percy blinked as he realized standing before him in front of his cabin was all his friends. The head counselors, Michela, Clarisse, Annabeth, Nina, Mera, Nico, Decker even Peter from the Ares cabin was here.

"Ah, guys? What's going on?" Percy asked looking at his grinning friends.

"Don't tell me you forgot!" Michael shouted out as everyone else chuckled.

"Forgot? Forgot what?" Percy asked.

"Told you he would forget," Annabeth mumbled, "and even after all the efforts we took waking up so early in the morning just to surprise him."

"Will someone tell me what's going on?!" Percy asked desperately, "I'm really starting to freak out here guys!"

"Simple fish head," Thalia's familiar voice called out as the small group of demigods in front of the Poseidon cabin parted allowing Thalia to walk towards Percy with a cake in her hand. The cake was blue with a single light candle. On it were the words 'Happy Birthday Percy' written on it with deep blue frosting.

"Holy shit," Percy mumbled as Thalia stopped in front of him, "it's my birthday."


It's your 14th birthday! Congratulations! Here are two presents!

One free Level up and one new Perk!

Level up!

Percy Jackson

Health- 14,850/14,850 (+1000) = 15,850

Mana- 8,050/8,050 (+1000) = 9,050 (+20% more mana, +1,810) = 10,860

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-48 Exp- 0/130,000


STR-100(+20)=120 (Multiseal – 6- 1.5(+20)=21.5)





LUC-100 (+50= 150)


MONEY- 25,437,683$/ 856D

New Perk!

Demigod's power- Earn an extra 10 points during every 5 levels. (starting from level 50)

Percy was amazed at this, he had forgotten his birthday, again! He pushed the boxes away and looked at Thalia. She smiled at him as she presented the cake.

Percy grinned as every slowly began to sing happy birthday. Percy smiled at them all and quickly blew out the candle causing everyone to clap.

"Enough clapping!" Michael shouted, "let's eat this bad boy!" everyone chuckled but agreed with Michael's suggestion as the Poseidon cabin was filled to the brim with demigods.

Michael and the guys immediately jumped onto Percy's bed and turned on the TV, a documentary about Greek culture was playing. The girls quickly made a small group for themselves as they sat around gossiping while Nico and Decker were in one corner plotting their next prank with the help of the Stoll brothers.

Percy helped Thalia serve the cake as he smiled at her, "did you make this yourself?"

Thalia blushed, "yeah," she whispered in a low tone, "how did you know?"

Percy reached behind Thalia's ear as he took out a smudge of flour left behind, "you're a very messy cook."

Thalia blushed, "damn it. I thought I got all of it."

Percy chuckled, "it really doesn't matter," he kissed her on the check, "thanks Thalia, this is the best birthday ever."

Thalia kissed Percy back as the two began to serve everyone cake.

"Is eating cake the first thing in the morning really such a good idea?" Decker asked aloud.

"Shut up Decker! No one asked you!" Nico shouted at his friend, "and if you don't want your cake I'll just take-"

"-Nope!" Decker cried out as he grabbed the plate and moved it away from Nico's greedy hands, "no thank you."

Nico huffed as everyone chuckled at their antics. Percy chuckled but Decker was right, they did need more than just cake. So Percy opened up his inventory and started pulling out food from the Lotus casino that he had stored up in there.

All in all it was a good small party where people just sat around talking. Today was already starting to look like a good day.

After the heavy breakfast Percy and his small band of friends made way to the Mess Hall where the meet the rest of the camp. Everyone quickly went their own way while Percy and Thalia sat down together at the Poseidon table. They had been doing so for sometime now and people didn't really seem care, and since no one stopped them they continued to do so.

Percy sat next to her hand in hand, "so what's the plan for today?" Thalia asked Percy.

"Well I was hoping that we could take a day off," Percy told her with a grin, "maybe visit your brother in camp Jupiter, see how their doing. Then...I don't know, maybe see my mom and then…..well I honestly don't know."

"What did you do for your last birthday?" Thalia asked him.

"I went dungeon crawling with my dad."

Thalia blinked, "you cleared a dungeon with your dad? Poseidon? Like the God."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I know. Bloody bugger stole my kill. He was all like, 'I didn't think you could handle it Percy,' but I could see the way he was looking at me, just wanted to steal my experiance points."

Thalia chuckled, "alright then, note to self, don't take Percy's experience points. So you have no plans for today? Nothing?"

Percy shrugged, "I'm not really a birthday planner kind of guy."

"What did you do before? You know, before all of this?"

"Well I…..I stayed at sea, I just…..stayed at the sea," Percy smiled remembering the fond memories, "my mom would take me out to the lighthouse we rented out in Montauk and we would spend the week there, just the two of us. I loved looking out at the see, it just…..relaxed me I suppose. Gods, looking back I so should have realised I was a son of Poseidon even then!"

Thalia smiled, "maybe. But let's get back to buisness, I want today to be the best day in your life, well one of anyway, so I was thinking why not go to an amusement park or something?"

Percy smiled, "an amusement park? Really?"

"What? No ood?"

Percy shook his head, "no...no, that sounds awesome," Percy grinned, "never been to one before. Well I have, but that one was abandoned and I had to fight off robotic spiders with video camera Hephaestus set up to try and catch Ares and Aphrodite making out."

Thalia raised an eyebrow, "was that the time you and Luke had to retrieve the shield of Ares?"

Percy nodded, "yup."

Thalia nodded, "well I promise, no monsters, no robotic spiders and no Gods. Just you, me, and everyone else in camp."

Percy blinked, "what? Thalia we can't bring everyone with us! They aren't immune to their scent! With the whole camp there we are bound to draw every monster right to us!"

"And that is why I'm here," a familiar voice called out behind Percy.

The demigod turned and saw Edward standing behind him with a large silver briefcase by his side. The son of Hermes looked around as a look of nostalgia came over him, "even after all this time it hasn't changed a bit."

"Ed? What are you doing here?" Percy asked as he got up to give his older friend a hug.

"Hey Percy, and happy birthday," Edward said with a smile returning the hug, "and I am here to give you a present."

Percy stepped to the side as Ed put his briefcase on the table and opened it. Inside was filled will green pills each placed inside tiny individual plastic bags. A quick count told Percy that there was enough for the entire camp, with a lot left over.

"Good job Ed," Thalia said with a grin, "you pulled through."

Edward scoffed, "why do you act so surprised? I told you I would have it ready didn't I? Please, have some faith daughter of Zeus."

Thalia rolled her eyes, "yeah yeah money pants, sorry if I offended you, please accept my most sincere of apologies," she said pouring on the sarcasm.

"You know when you say it like that that I kind of feel like you don't appreciate me," Edward said forening.

"Okay what is going on?" Percy asked, "I seriously feel left out."

"Well you girlfirend here," Edward emphasized the word grinning at Percy, "called me up and asked for a favour. A sort of birthday present for you."

Percy turned to Thalia, "you asked him to make the pills?"

Thalia nodded, "yup, we knew they worked, so I figured why not? So I figured, 'hey Percy's birthday is coming up, and everyone in camp is working super hard, so why not give them a break?' And just like that got the awsome idea of an amusement park."

Percy blinked, "seriously? How did you even get Ed's number?"

"I got it from your phone," Thalia said with a shrug, "by the way you should really store that in your inventory."

"I don't get a signal in my inventory," Percy told her, "so nobody would be able to call me if I did that."

Thalia shrugged, "anyway, so I planned this all out, aren't I the best girlfriend ever?"

Percy smiled, "yes, yes you are," he then kissed Thalia deeply as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

They broke the kiss when Percy suddenly had a thought, "but how are we going to get tickets for an amusement park? There are at least 150 demigods here, we can fill a normal park all on our own!"

"Already got that covered," Edward spoke up as he pushed the green pills away revealing a stack of tickets inside the briefcase. He passed them to Percy who looked them over;

Full day pass to Splish Splash water park!

This pass gives you full access to every ride and attraction in the Splish Splash water park! The price of meals is not included. Please bring your own water wear.

"Holy shit Ed," Percy said looking at the tickets, "these must have cost a fortune." Percy knew the water park that was featured in this ticket, it was very popular and very expensive for the normal person to go to.

"Not really," the billionaire said with a shrug, "anyway I basically bought the entire park out for the day, so….I suggest we all leave as fast as we can."

Percy blinked at Ed and then turned to Thalia again, "you are the best girlfriend ever, period."

Thalia grinned, "I know. Now, go ahead," she pointed to the head table where Chiron was waiting for him, "tell them all what we are going to do today."

Percy grinned as he gave her another kiss walking towards Chiron. "Did you know what they were planning?" he asked his old mentor.

"Well…..a little," the old hero trainer admitted, "it is good to see Edward back in this Hall," the legendary teacher spoke as he smiled at Ed who smiled back, "now, go ahead Percy, make your announcement."

Percy nodded as he turned around and cleared his throat, "alright everyone listen up!" the campers stopped eating as they all turned to him one by one, "now I know what you are thinking, 'he's probably going to make some announcement about training or something', and while usually that would be the case today is going to be a little different."

The campers all looked surprised while Thalia and Edward smiled knowingly. Percy continued, "as some of you might know today is my birthday," he paused waiting for them to complete their birthday wishes and greeting before continuing, "yes, thank you. And so, my gift to you all today is this, today there will be no training."

Everyone broke into cheers and applause even louder than the ones they gave for his birthday. Percy sighed, 'they are a little too excited about all this. Am I really that bad?'

After the stopped cheering Percy continued, " but that is not the only gift. The other was done in surprise by my wonderful girlfriend Thalia," the girl mentioned blushed, "who managed to do it without tipping anyone off, somehow."

Percy held up the tickets, "full day passes to Splish and Splash, the water park. Everyone, get your swimming suits ready, we are going to a water park!"

This time they cheered even louder making Percy smile.

"How are we getting there?" Clarisse asked out loud.

Percy turned to Ed who spoke up, "I rented out a couple of school busses, they will be here in about….an hour's time. Enough space for us all."

The campers started to whisper amongst themselves again as a buzz of excitement filled the air. Percy smiled, "alright, get ready and meet us by the barrier tree in one hour's time. Head counselors are obviously responsible for making sure everyone get's ready on time and obviously this isn't compulsory, you can stay back, but I don't really think you want to."

"No shit Sherlock!" Michael yelled out.

"Fuck you Michael!" Percy cursed back.

"I didn't realise you were gay Percy!"

"I'm not, it doesn't count when the guy looks like a girl!"

Michael blinked, "you think I'm pretty."

Percy blushed, "okay, fine, you win. Let's just drop this."

"Oh hell no," Michael replied with a grin, "you think I'm pretty!"

"Micheal...stop, please."

"Do you think I'm prettier than Thalia?"

"Dude, it's my birthday, stop."

"No, of course not, she's your girlfriend, how about Annabeth? Am I prettier than her?"

Percy whimpered, "you won, okay? Please just stop."

"No way! Tell me Percy, am I prettier than Annabeth? Tell me! Tell me!"


Michael was paralyzed by a well placed zap of electricity from Thalia. She blew on her outstretched finger like it was a gun, "you don't have to thank me."

The camp chuckled at their antics as quickly they all started to talk amongst themselves again.

Just then Annabeth spoke up, "wait...you want to bring the entire camp to the park? Won't our collected scents attract a lot of attention? The monstrous kind?"

Edward smiled, "and that's what this is for," he said tapping his case. He put it down on nearest table and opened it again. He then stepped aside allowing everyone in camp to get a clear view of the large collection of green pills inside it.

"Wait...are those..." Annabeth began.

"The immunity pills," Edward nodded, "with these you won't have a problem with monsters catching your scent again."

The campers all began to murmur among themselves again. It had been a week since they all heard about the immunity pills. Since then the campers had all been anxious to get their hands on a pill for themselves, but they knew it had to be tested first.

"So...who wants to go first?" Thalia asked.

The campers looked nervous as nobody stepped forward. But just then a voice called out, "us!"

Nico and Decker walked out of the gathered demigods with eager smiles on their faces as they eyed the pills.

Percy smiled, "I should have know you two would want to try them out first."

"You know it," Decker said grinning at the young man he had come to view as an older brother or sorts.

"Alright then, before we begin," Thalia turned to Percy, "maybe you should grab some milk from the kitchen."

Percy nodded as he did just that. Soon everyone from camp gathered up behind Nico and Decker waiting patiently for their turn. They all basically had the same reaction, panting with a look of constipation. Not even the Aphrodite kids could make that look good, though Drew did somehow manage to pull it off.

Soon the demigods went back to their cabins to pack as Edward meet up with the other head councilors and Chiron to catch up or simply talk. Percy and Thalia on the other hand slipped into Poseidon's cabin where Percy provided to show Thalia just how much he loved her gift.


Kissing, Lv- 14 (20%)

It is what it is. The higher level you are the better kisser you are. And remember practise makes perfect.

Your level is kissing leaved the person feeling happy for the 10 hours

15% chance of turning them on.

An hour later;

Percy, Thalia and Leo walked to the entrance of the camp and waited near the barrier tree where most of the campers had already gathered. Thalia and Percy had a wide smile on their face, one didn't have to be a child of Athena to figure out why.

Peleus the dragon had been growing at a steady pace over the last month. He was now big enough to wrap around the branch on which the Golden Fleece was perched. He didn't look like much of threat right now, what with Katie Gardener current playing with the gaurdian, feeding him some berries from out of his hand, but Percy knew that the creature was still a dragon, meaning he would grow up big and strong.

Annabeth noticed then, "hey guys, what," Annabeth paused and sighed,"…..Thalia you got like twenty hickies around your neck."

Thalia blinked as her hand went immediately to her neck as she blushed. Percy chuckled causing Thalia to beat his stomach playfully.

"You know I can heal those if you want," Percy offered, "if it really bothers you so much."

"No..." Thalia muttered, "it's cool." Percy grinned while Annabeth just sighed at her friend's actions. It was like Thalia was a different person every time she was with Percy, more open, more…..normal.

Soon it was 9 and everyone had gathered around the barrier tree. Edward soon lead the small group down the hill and to the main road where sure enough was 3 school buses waiting for them.

They all got on, cabin by cabin. Percy, Thalia, the Athena and Hermes cabin all got on one bus with Edward as their 'adult' supervisor. Unfortunately Leo couldn't come with, but the wolf hybrid didn't seem to mind, something about having the camp all for himself. Percy was just hoping they didn't all come back to see the camp covered with piss.

Soon the bus was in motion and very was buzzing in excitement.

"Alright everyone!" Edward shouted out, "let's sing a travel song!"

"Please don't," Percy mumbled.

"Shut up Percy!" Ed replied with a grin, "now, 100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of beer on the wall."

Percy was practically in tears as quickly everyone joined in. Thalia grinned at her boyfriend's pain as she too joined up on the sound singing the loudest.

"99 bottles of beer on the wall! 99 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall!"

One long ride later;

"...pass it around! 21 bottles of beer on the wall!"

"We're here!" Percy shouted out loud pointing at the billboard for the water park in question that came into view.

The campers all in the bus quickly stopped singing talking amongst themselves, whispering how excited they were. Percy sighed at the sweet relief of not having to listen to that accursed song anymore while Thalia just smiled.

They quickly reached the place and sure enough Percy was the first one out of the bus. He didn't mind the trip itself, that was fine, and the singing was...manageable. It was just how damn slow everything was going! Percy could have run the same distance in less than a minute, so being forced to sit inside a bus that went at a snail's pace compared to him was kind of boring.

Soon everyone gathered in front of the water park's entrance as they all began to pair up. Percy obviously paired up with Thalia and were put in charge of the minor demigods, it was the couple's job to make sure they didn't do anything stupid.

They all quickly left the parking lot and approached the water park. The entrance was a big wooden building with open walls and a roof shaped like an umbrella with a corridor on either side leading to a small building that was marked as the men's and women's changing room.

Edward quickly greeted the manager of the place who trated Ed like a God, considering the man did just buy of the entire park for the day. After exchanging a few words Ed came back to the campers who were anxious to get going, some were bouncing on their feet in excitement.

"Alright everyone the first thing we need to do is change!" Edward called out, "these are the changing rooms. The mens are to my left," he pointed behind him, "and the women's are to my right. Get changed and meet up on the other side of this building!"

The campers all nodded as they all quickly ran off to do so. Percy opened his inventory and passed Thalia her bag which she had packed before while he himself went into the men's changing room and quickly got ready.

Percy came out and found that he was the first one to get ready, obviously changing at super speed had some perks. He had chosen a simple set of blue and black swimming trunks that reached halfway to his knees along with a set of flip flops. His Olympus tattoo with the nine stripes and the scar he got from Alcyoneus was on full display. He didn't really care about the scar, he got used to seeing it, plus Thalia thought it looked cool so that was a plus.

He quickly passed a small ticket barrier, which had been disabled since they already knew he was meant to be here. The other side of the building lead to a courtyard of sorts filled with a single bagel stand and a couple of gaming stands which were filled with employees that smiled at him.

Percy smiled back but quickly ignored them as he walked forward passed the courtyard and towards a gift shop of sorts that was currently closed, guess Ed didn't want the campers spending money on it.

Percy took a deep breath, through his connection with water he could feel everything inside this park. Every single ride in here featured several metric tons of water being pumped in and out. Percy could feel it all flow through the pipes below him. The park might look big above ground, but the stuff underneath was simply massive.

"Well don't you look handsome," Percy heard his dad's voice call out.

Percy turned as sure enough there was Poseidon dressed up in his usual blue hawaiian shirt and beige slacks with his trident in the form of a pool noodle. The God had a couple of shades on along with a large straw hat as he sipped from a giant slurpee.

"Dad?" Percy asked as he smiled, "what are you doing here?"

"Just came to wish you a happy birthday son," the sea God said smiling, "Happy Birthday Percy, 14 is a very big milestone you know."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, I'm sure."

"But I must say you don't look 14," Poseidon examined Percy body, "if I was to guess you would easily be confused by someone older…...maybe 17."

Percy nodded, "yeah, it's a perk I obtained from fighting a monster. It basically increases my growth causing me to reach my prime quicker."

Poseidon whistled, "nice. Though such a blessing must also have a drawback."

Percy sighed, "it does. It also increase my, ah,well, my sexual drive," Poseidon snickered at Percy's blush, "but Gamer's mind helps me keep it under check, mostly."

"And the things that Gamer's mind can't control?"

Percy blush grew redder, "I ah, I manage."

Poseidon raised an eyebrow, "Thalia?" Percy didn't say anything which only made the God grin even wider, "I see. Well it does make sense. Just do push it okay? I don't want to be a grandfather so soon. Well I am already, but that's not the point."

"Dad!" Percy yelled, "seriously! Stop! We haven't even...well you know."

Poseidon nodded, "okay fine, I'll stop, but only because I know how embarrassing it is for you to have the sex talk with your father." Percy grumbled but said nothing. Slowly Poseidon's smile went away as he looked at the scar on Percy's body, "does it hurt?"

"What?" Percy asked confused before looking at where Poseidon was staring, "on, no. Not really."

"Hum, maybe Gamer's body is keeping the pain away," Poseidon said, "mostly scars like that...they tend to make a person feel...something."

Percy nodded, "I figured. Anyway don't' worry, I'll training every day to become stronger, it won't happen again."

Poseidon sighed but nodded, "yes, it won't. And I am here to make sure of that."

Percy blinked, "what do you mean?"

Poseidon said nothing as he snapped his finger summoning something in a flash of bright light. As Percy blinked away his temporary blindness he looked to see his dad holding up a black metal gauntlet.

"Here," Poseidon threw the gauntlet to Percy who caught it with ease.

The son of Poseidon looked it over, the gauntlet was black with greek runes written all over it in white. Percy could understand some, mostly the basic ones, but the rest were way too advanced for him.

The gauntlet itself was made out of a very light metal that shined like glass and very soft cloth. The forearm had a large slab of metal going all the way around the forearm. The writs and glove however were made out of the soft, almost silk like cloth, with a blue line going between the metal and the leather.

"Go on," Poseidon prompted, "put it on." Percy nodded as he made to remove his watch and armband of Cerberus when Poseidon stopped him, "leave them on."

Percy looked at his father confused, "there doesn't really seem to be enough space for them. Are you sure-"

"Yes, yes, now put the damn gauntlet on, I want to see if it works," Poseidon said sheepishly as he motioned Percy to hurry up.

Percy wondered why his dad was in such a hurry be he shrugged it off, crazy Gods. He put the gauntlet on and was surprised to find that his watch and bracelet didn't scratch the inside, hell it barely felt like he was wearing anything at all. He could however feel his hand push up against the gauntlet, but it never felt something resisted him, it was like it went on forever.

"This is amazing," Percy said moving his wrist around getting a feel of the gauntlet, "it doesn't' even feel like I'm wearing it."

Poseidon grinned, "yes it is charmed to feel like that. Think of it as space being compressed multiple times in one point, this skill is called, 'Spatial Deflection', but I just like to call it the bigger on the inside charm."

Percy nodded as he suddenly realised why the metal seemed familiar, "did you make this out of the Galvron I gave you?"

Poseidon grinned, "yup. The metal is pure galvron, mostly. The rest is a mix of celestial bronze and imperial gold. The cloth on the other hand, well that's Galvron mixed in with some of Athena's personal silk collection, virtually indestructible and it feels like silk to the normal touch."

Percy blinked, "dad….that sounds super expensive."

Poseidon grinned, "I know, I'm awesome. But after you defeated Alcyoneus Hades felt indebted to you. So he offered to pay up his debt to you by giving me the raw supplies to build your armour. Don't ask how I got the silk...just don't."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "armor?"

Poseidon grinned, "why don't you go ahead and observe your new gift Percy. I assure you, you won't be confused anymore if you do."

Percy did just that;

Percy's gauntlet;

This gauntlet is the basic form of Percy's armour. It is made out of Galvron and a combination of other metals. The cloth is a combination of Athena's divine silk and Galvron.


Can only be used by Percy or who ever he gives permission to.

It has a storage space present underneath the metal forearm plate, slide to access.

Currently being stored- 2 pens, a box of Nectar and Ambrosia.

It has electromagnets and a charm present in the metal forearm plate that will automatically summon or repel your shield.

The cloth can become as hard as metal, simply channel mana into it.

Percy stopped right there as he immediately wanted to try out all the gauntlet just said. He looked at the metal plate around his forearm and pressed on it. It was pushed in and clicked, sliding open revealing the hidden compartment inside.

"Ah, so that's what you wanted to see first." Poseidon smiled, "well you see I figured you needed a few extra weapons, just in case something happened to Waverider and Riptide. Sure you have your inventory, but incase you are unable to use it, this might be helpful."

Percy nodded dumbly as he looked in the storage spot, which was 4 inches deep. Percy remembered what his dad said, 'it is bigger on the inside.' That explained how a four inch deep storage compartment could be in his gauntlet.

Percy then looked what was stored there. Like the description said there were two golden pens stored in there, they looked almost exactly like Riptide, except more...new? Yeah, new. And next to the pens was a tin box containing a square of Ambrosia that was dipped in Nectar.

Percy then closed the compartment and began to channel mana into the cloth on his hands. Suddenly the smooth, almost silk like, material turned hard. It felt like Percy was wearing chain mail, thick, but not that heavy. The smooth silk curved jagged, taking on an almost fish-scale like appearance. That wasn't the only new feature as Percy found metals caps over his knuckles. They must appear when he activates the clothes hard mode.

Percy deactivated the enhanced cloth and turned back to reading the info box for the gauntlet;

Special features;

Activate Arm gaurd mode- Transform you gauntlet into its arm gaurd mode. To activate say, 'Wave.'

Activate full Armour mode- Transform you gauntlet into it's armour mode. To activate say, 'Tsunami.'

Deactivate- Say 'Low tide.'

Percy blinked as he snapped his head to his dad, "dad…..did you make me an armour?"

Poseidon grinned, "hell yeah I did." Percy turned from his father to his gauntlet and simply started with his mouth open. "Well?" Poseidon asked him, "what are you waiting for?"

Percy grinned, "Tsunami!"

The gauntlet glowed blue as suddenly it exploded into motion. Percy saw more than felt peice of armour come out of the gauntlet and flow into their place. The silk and metal moved separately. The silk moved like a fast stream of water as it coated Percy's entire body in a few seconds flat. The metal on the other hand were like boats that sailed on the silk, moving to where they needed to go.

Percy felt the chest piece slide into places as suddenly the silk jumped up and sewed itself into the metal, blowing blue where the silk metal metal. The chest peice then moved as it suddenly expanded meeting with the pieces of metal on Percy's abdomen and fusing with them forming one whole piece of greek style armour that ended slightly below Percy's shoulders.

On Percy's right hand came a gauntlet similar to the one on his left, though a bit smaller in size. There was no metal on Percy's biceps and triceps allowing him for a full range of motion with his arms.

Soon his trunks was covered with the armour as a belt snapped into place taking the form of a plain band of white that broke apart the constant black suit.

Percy's legs didn't have any more metal on them, most of it was just silk, the this cloth seemed thicker, like the kind Percy found in his friction proof suit. He had knee gaurd that looked very sharp and a set of shin guards that came to his upper shin. His shoes were exactly like his fric shoes, down to the pattern on the soles, except these were again black and blue keeping with the theme.

Just then Percy felt something creep on his face, the silk covered his ears and hair leaving only the front half of his face free. Suddenly a large metal dome closed down on Percy's vision shutting close.

Percy could see through two holes in, what he assumes, is the helmet. Percy looked looked down and moved his arm around, "woah."


Armour activated!

+20% MP

+10% HP

+70% Elvish magic

+5 Dex

+2 Str

+3 Vit

+2 levels for water, ice, shadow and earthquake control

Percy looked at all that and couldn't help muttering the words that came to his mouth, "fuck me!"

Poseidon grin grew even bigger, which almost seemed impossible, "I hope you like the design, I made it myself."

"You made this?!"

"Well not physically," Poseidon admitted, "I did design how it should look and all that but my forgers took care of the actually creating."

"Still," Percy looked down, "this is so cool!" Percy immediately summoned a block of ice in front of himself forming a mirror to check himself out.

If he had to describe himself in one word it would be cool. On his chest peice was the form of Waverider expertly designed into it, it looked so much like the real thing it was scary. The helmet in was a full mask one, kind of like a great helm except more streamlined. Percy could see a fin like structure on both sides of his helmet and a large on the top back. It reminded him of a shark, two small fins in the side and one large one on top.

The one thing that Percy didn't notice though was the cape that he now had. The cape was black with its ends attached to pins near his neck. It looked similar to his armour cloth, but much more thicker.

Percy then Observed his armour;

Percy's armour;

Armour made out of Galvron and a combination of other metals. The cloth is a combination of Athena's divine silk and Galvron.


Enchanted to be resistant even under extreme weather conditions.

Flame proof

Water proof

The cloth can become as hard as metal, simply channel mana into it.

Friction proof

Defence- Indestructible


+20% MP

+10% HP

+70% Elvish magic

+5 Dex

+2 Str

+3 Vit

+2 levels for water, ice, shadow and earthquake control

Special feature-

God Mode-

Will give you +50 points to all stats and 9 million defence points

Cost- all your mana, leaving you unable to use your mana while in this mode. -20 to all stats after use.

Time limit- 5 minutes

Percy's cape;

Cape made out of a combination of Galvron, Athena's silk and celestial bronze.


Memory cloth- While usually it is a normal flexible cloth, if one was to pass mana through it, the cloth will take on whatever form said user choices. The cloth will also become as hard, provided a passable level of defence

100 MP- Iron hard

500 MP- Steel hard

1000 MP- Chromium hard

1500 MP- Quartz hard

2000 MP- Diamond hard

"Dad this thing has enough stats to make a normal human on par with the average demigod!"

Poseidon grinned, "thats why I keyed it to only you and whoever you give permission to. No one else can activate it, let alone use the gauntlet."

"How do I take this off?" Percy asked pointing at his helmet.

"The button is on the temple," Poseidon supplied.

Percy pressed on his right temple causing a screen to slide down. The helmet's eyes sockets started to glow blue as Percy saw a virtual screen in front of him that showed his life and mana bar in the corner along with a mini map.

"What the hell?" Percy asked looking at the health and mana bar. It was perfect, it told him exactly how much mana he had and how much he was recovering on a per second basis.

"Ah yes, the hud screen. Something the Fates suggested I do."

"You talked to the Fates?"

"More like they talked to me," Poseidon said with a shrug, "anyway, they gave me the spell to use on the screen. They told me it would help you know how much energy you had let behind. It a Gamer thing right?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, something like that." Percy pressed the button on the right again deactivating the screen. The helmet's eye sockets stopped glowing as Percy's vision returned to normal. He then pressed the button on his left temple causing the helmet to pop open revealing Percy's face.

"So...what do you think?" Poseidon asked eagerly.

Percy looked down, "dad….I don't know what to say. This armour it's…...is amazing."

Poseidon nodded, "I know, I made sure you only had the best. It was easly with the Galvron, the metal is a great mana conductor so I was able to put in a tone of enchantments. This is probably one of the best forged pieces of armor in the entirety of Atlantis."

Percy quickly hugged his dad pulling him close, "thanks dad...this is….this is the best gift I have ever gotten."

Poseidon grinned, "you made me proud Percy," the God broke the hug and looked Percy in the eyes, "I don't have many son's that have been….necessarily good people. They were never respected much in the Greek world but you…..you have made me proud son."

Percy smiled, "thanks dad."

Poseidon grinned, "anytime.

"Although…..the cape is a little….too much?"

Poseidon sighed, "I'll admit, it is more Roman than Greek, but you are the head of the oncoming war Percy. Both the Greeks and the Romans look up to you. You're their hero, so you need to at least look the part."

Percy wanted to argue but he knew Poseidon was right. So instead he just sighed, "yeah, you're right, I guess."

Poseidon nodded, "though if you want to remove it, all you have to do is," Poseidon reached behind Percy's armour and pressed a rune below the back of his neck causing the cape to retract back into the shoulder pins they came out of.

Percy grinned, "cool, everyone else is going to be so jealous."

Poseidon chuckled, "yes, yes, I am sure they will be. Speaking of the demigods I do believe the rest of them have arrived, meaning it is time for me to go."

Percy looked over and saw a couple of demigods unchanged and ready. Percy nodded, "right, Low Tide," he said deactivating his armour causing all of it to pour back into his left gauntlet leaving Percy in his trunks and flip flops.

"Have a great birthday son," Poseidon told Percy giving him another hug.

"Thanks dad," Percy replied, "and thanks again for this amazing gift, I promise, I won't let you down."

Poseidon grinned, "I know you won't." The God then disappeared in a flash of light leaving Percy alone.

The demigod quickly threw his new gauntlet into his inventory and walked back to his fellow demigods, he would learn to use his new armor later, but for now it was time to relax and have fun.

Percy walked back to the demigods, it seemed only the guys were ready along with a few girls. Percy went to Michael who, along with Travis and Conner, was busy ogling Katie Gardener who was wearing a green two piece.

Percy sighed, "you know if you three stare any harder you might burn a hole into her bikin."

"Shut up Percy!" Michael hissed, "don't say that out loud! We don't want her to find out!"

Percy rolled his eyes but remained quite. But they did have a point, Katie was hot. She was extremely gifted in the chest department, one couldn't tell before due to all the baggy clothes she wore, but Katie had some great big melons on her. But that didn't mean Percy perved on her, no he didn't, he had far too much of a healthy fear of his girlfriend to do that.

But Katie wasn't the only good looking girl in the group, in fact almost all the campers were good looking with very athletic bodies. But then again they were all the children of the Gods, so it made sense that they all looked beautiful or handsome. Plus they trained everyday, hell Percy was surprised that camp half-blood wasn't just one big orgy party 24/7. Sure a few people did it, mostly couples or children of Aphrodite, but over all it was just like any normal teenage camp. You know if a normal teenage camp fought monsters and controlled the very elements.

"Damn look at Clarisse," Travis said out loud pointing at the daughter of war who had just come out of changing room.

Why Clarisse wasn't what one would call a….classical beauty, she was very sexy in her own right. Clarisse's' body was trimmed of all fat with tightly packed muscle. Her breasts weren't huge like Katie's but her ass was very firm. She wore a red two piece bikini with black straps that showed of her trained body. There was something to be said about a girl with ab's, and judging by the way Michael's jaw was hanging Percy believed he liked it.

Percy chuckled, "seriously Michael you need to pick up your jaw before someone shoves a coconut into it."

Michael snapped shut as he blushed, "s-shut up."

"You know," Percy lowered his voice to a whisper as he put his hand over Michael's shoulder, "you could go and pair up with her." Michael's eyes widened at the suggestion as Percy continued, "she doesn't have a partener, I think, and neither do you. So…., what do you say?"

Michael gulped, "w-well she does look pretty, I guess."

Percy patted Michael on the back, "then go talk to her."

Michael gulped nervously but nodded as he did just that. Percy smiled at the sight of his two friends chatting.

The next person to come out of the woman's changing room was Mera who winked at Percy. She wore a two piece bikini with a green lower piece and a purple chest piece that was shaped like a seashell. Percy didn't even understand how those things held back her massive chest and not snap at the straps. Mera's breasts were probably a solid D cup and the way she puffed out her chest showed how much she liked them.

Percy however didn't linger long, which caused Mera to huff in annoyance but the mermaid didn't say anything about it. Just then Percy saw Thalia walk out of the shower. Percy's eyes widened and his mouth opened in amazement.

Thalia was wearing a black one piece swim wear that really enfranchised her curves. He breasts were pressed together by the tightness of the suit enhancing her cleavage. The 'v' shaped cut at the bottom displayed her wide hips and thick thighs drawing the attention of everyone there. Percy swore even some of the girls looked at those things in lust.

The only reason why Percy wasn't immediately turned on at the mere sight of her was because he had seen it all before. But even then there was still a part of him that instantly shut off, and Percy thinks it was the part of him that made proper words.

"W-wo-ah," Percy stammered as Thalia approached him.

She smiled at him, "and here I thought seeing me half naked won't interest you anymore."

"I don't know why you thought that," Percy told her as he once again looked her up and down, "damn, I'm a lucky guy."

Thalia grinned, "and I'm a lucky girl," she looked his once over lingering too long near his abs, "Gods those things are so damn hot!"

"Yeah they are," a daughter of Aphrodite, Drew something, called out. Percy turned and saw her and a few other female campers were looking at them, or more specifically, him.

"Back off Drew, or I swear I make you hair look like a puff ball," Thalia growled out as her hands crackled with bluish current. Drew and the others immediately backed of, the girl didn't spend hours on her hair only to have it turned into a perm because she pissed of the daughter of Zeus.

"Damn Thalia," Percy said grinning, "didn't know you were that protective of me."

Thalia huffed, "well I am," she looked at his scar as a look of regret took over her face, "especially with you."

Percy knew Thalia still blamed herself for his scar, he didn't understand why, it wasn't her fault a Giant almost killed him. But he understood the guilt she must have felt when she saw it, so he did what any good boyfriend would, he smiled as he hugged her, "relax Thalia, I'll be fine." Thalia nodded but said nothing. Percy kissed her on the cheek, "come on I know what'll make you feel better," Percy then too Thalia to one of the ice cream stands.

Percy looked at the stad and grinned, "go on, my treat," he said smiling at Thalia.

The daughter of Zeus smiled as his gesture as she looked at the options available. "I think I'll have…."

As Thalia was making her ice cream selection Percy felt his boyfriend scenes go off. It was some kind of sixth sense he got every time a situation involved Thalia. It wasn't really a skill, at least the Game didn't register it as such, more like a gut instinct. Percy turned around and immediately saw what was tigger his boyfriend scenes.

Travis and Conner had their eyes stuck on Thalia's behind, as was Lee, but he was much more discreet about it. Now Percy didn't honestly mind them looking, after all Thalia was a pretty girl, but something in him still wanted to rip their throat out for even thinking about checking his girl out. It was a part of him he didn't like, but it was still a part of him.

So Percy came to a compensation. Instead of killing them Percy decided to teach them a lesson. He reached out with him mind and visualized the straps on their swimming trunks. He grabbed hold of them with their mind and pulled them up at the same time giving both boys a mean wedgie.

"EEP!" Travis and Conner yelled out as they felt their pants being yanked up before they were suddenly let go causing them to drop to the ground. They held their groin in pain as they slowly looked for what caused this.

Suddenly the two of them felt a wave of bloodlust hit them hard. Sweat began to gather along their brows, it was one of the largest amount of Bloodlust they have ever felt. The only other time the two felt this much coming at them was from that time they pranked the Aphrodite girls by putting glue on their lipsticks.

The two demigods and everyone around them slowly turned to the source of the bloodlust and found themselves staring at Percy's eyes which were glowing red. The brothers gulped as Percy glared at them. Percy then looked to Lee who was also sweating a bit, the message was clear, Travis, Conner, Lee and every other boy there knew that if they ever looked at Thalia wrong they would regret it.

"Damn Percy," Thalia said giggling as she handed him his blueberry ice cream cone, "didn't know you were that protective of me."

All of Percy's anger washed as away as he blushed taking his cone from Thalia, "I ah….well at least we know that we are perfect for each other."

Thalia chuckled, "yeah. I would electrocute any girl that leered at you while you would wedgie any guy who looked at me. We are totally a match made in heaven."

Percy smiled as he turned to their server, a young man who didn't seem to notice the whole bloodlust thing. "How much do owe you?" Percy asked the man with a smile.

"Nothing," the man replied, "everything here is already payed for in full."

Percy was surprised, 'guess Ed really is pulling out all the stops for today.'

Soon everyone was ready and Percy stepped to the front of the group. He cleared his throat, "now before we all go out and have fun, I want to address one small thing,"everyone quieted down to listen to what Percy had to say, "first off I just learnt that everything here is free," the demigods started to chatter, "that means you all don't have to pay for anything, Ed's footing the bill."

Everyone cheered at that as the demigods next to the older man thanked him repeatedly while Ed just smiled, he was glad that he could make his family happy.

"Now the second thing I wanted to say," Percy's voice turned serious, it was the kind of tne he used when he wanted to tell them something important, so everyone began to listen closely, "if anyone of you little shits pees in the pool and I swear to the Gods I will hunt you down and shove your piss down you fucking throat!"

The camp gasped as they all stepped back.

"You can do that?!" Michael asked in surprise.

Percy nodded, "yup. I can control piss. It's not a skill I would like to advertise, but yeah I can do that. I can also connect with the water, so I know when it's pure and when it's not," Percy glared, "and I have ways of finding out whose piss it is."

The entire camp started to get nervous under Percy's glare when suddenly a woman's voice called out, "is that really how you talk to your friends Percy?"

Percy blinked as he looked to the back of the group, "mom?"

Sally Jackson smiled a she walked towards Percy in a very beautiful one piece swimsuit and a large blue hat. Percy gave his mom a hug and stepped back, "what are you doing here?"

"Come now Percy, did you really think I would not come for my own son's birthday party?" Sally asked.

"Not that, I mean how are you...here. Like here here?"

Sally smiled as she turned to Thalia, "Thalia called me." Percy turned to his girlfriend and felt the love he had for her grow in leaps and bounds as the demigoddess simply smiled. "Thank you again for the invite Thalia dear, I hope this son of mine didn't give you too much trouble."

Thalia blushed, "n-no ma'am, not much trouble."

"Oh please dear call me Sally," she then turned to Percy, "and you," she glared as Percy started to sweat, "is that how you talk to you friends? I raised you better than that Percy!"

"But moooom-"

"No buts," Sally crossed her arms in anger as Percy hanged his head in shame, "now apologize to your friends."

Percy looked up as he activated a skill he hadn't used in over a year's time;

Puppy dog eyes, Lv-1 (20%)

You can use these eyes to guilt trip people into doing what you want them to do.

Success rate- (Luc)% chance of success

Percy knew that since it was his birthday he had a luck of 150 points. This was guaranteed to work!

It didn't.

Sally thru the look off, "oh please, I raised you Percy. I know that look and I am immune to it. Now apologize."

Percy grumbled, "fine." He moved in front of the group and sighed, "I'm sorry."

The demigods were stunned at the way Sally controlled Percy. The only person they ever saw Percy listen to was Thalia, and even she couldn't make him do something he didn't want to. Truly Sally Jackson was the mother of demigods. She raised him, and she knew how to control him. This made her somewhat of a godly figure in the eyes of the demigods.

Soon the group was off. They tried to maintain order, but that was quickly lost in the first five minutes.

Mostly the demigods went as groups, either with their siblings or with their friends. Couples obviously went together, Thalia wish Percy, Selina with Beckendorf, who just started dating, and of course Michael and Clarisse, though neither admitted that.

Percy and Thalia first hit the Lazy River that was basically just a slow circuit of water that went around the first half of the park. They grabbed a two person float and basically jumped in relaxing as the slow moving current sent them a drift.

Percy played with Thalia's as she laid back on his chest relaxing in the water. Percy smiled as he kissed her head, "thanks."

"For what?" Thalia asked.

"For being the best girlfriend ever," Percy replied as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"I didn't do much," Thalia admitted, "I just made a bunch of calls."

"I don't care," Percy said holding her close, "I love you."

Thalia's heart fluttered hearing those words, "I love you too Percy."

The couple laid back as they enjoyed a gentle float down the water body enjoying the rays of the sun. Percy hated Apollo, but at least the God did good work.

"Attack!" two voice yelled out as Percy and Thalia suddenly felt streams of water hit them reaching the two in water.

Percy sputtered as he turned to see Nico and Decker standing on the banks of the water body with two toy water guns in hand. The boys grinned as Nico aimed at Percy's head, "feel the wrath of the Water Explotinator 2000!"

Nico's water gun shot enough water to drench Percy's entire head as he laughed happily.

Percy grinned as he pushed his wet hair to the side, "do you really think that was a good idea Nico?"

Nico blinked, "yeah, why not?"

Thalia grinned, "because bone boy, you just started a water fight with the son of Poseidon."

Nico and Decker gulped as they turned to see Percy lift two giant balls of water and throw it at their faces.

"Abandon ship!" Decker yelled out as he and Nico ran away before Percy's water ball could hit them.

Percy chuckled, he didn't throw it to hard or fast, after all it was just for fun. "You two aren't getting away that easily!"

Percy got off the two person tube and had the water carry him to the banks of the water body as he began chasing the two boys with Thalia laughing at her boyfriend's antics.

Soon they moved on as Percy watched over Nico and Decker while Thalia managed to find Annabeth and Nina. Annabeth wore a one piece swimwear similar to Thalia but also wore a jacket over it. Nina on the other hand wore a two piece bikini that showed off her body. Like Clarisse she didn't have much fat in her arms, a by product of working in a forge.

"Let's go on that one!" Decker shouted as he pointed to a ride called 'Surf City' that was basically a large pool that created artificial waves.

Percy grinned, "hell yeah mini me!" he turned to Thalia "you coming?"

Thalia shook her head, "you go ahead."

Percy nodded as he and the two kinds ran into the pool. Thalia smiled as she turned to her friend who was currently looking into a book. Thalia sighed, "Annabeth you can read later."

Annabeth grunted but did nothing. Thalia sighed but said nothing, the girl was like this ever since Percy gave her that stupid book of Argo's. Thalia knew what Annabeth was doing was important work, but she didn't want her friend obsessed with it.

"She hasn't put that thing down once," Nina said as the three quickly found bench to sit on that gave them a clear line of sight to the boys, "she's kind of obsessed."

Thalia nodded, "I know."

"I'm not obsessed," Annabeth muttered, "I'm just….it's a child of Athena thing."

Thalia raised an eyebrow, "like what?"

"This book," Annabeth closed it rubbing her eyes, "there is just so much to take in it's…..it's staggering."

"How much sleep are you getting?" Nina asked as she looked at the bags under Annabeth's eyes.

"Enough," Annabeth replied.

"How much is enough?" Thalia asked.

"Enough," Annabeth repeated as she sighed, "it doesn't matter. The things I'm learning from this….it's amazing. Did you know Argo once tried to map out the DNA sequence of the Gods?"

Nina raised an eyebrow, "I thought the Gods didn't have DNA."

"They don't," Annabeth nodded, "at least not in the way we know it. It seemed Argo theorized that the DNA of the Gods only existed inside themselves and once that DNA interacts with, let's say, a human, it becomes 'corrupted', half of it vanishes while the rest stay. That's why we are not immortal even though one of our parents are, because the part that gives us that trait disappears."

"So he what? Tried to get the blood of a God?" Thalia asked.

"Not just any god," Annabeth explained, "the God."

"The Christian God?" Nina asked, "he exists?"

Annabeth shrugged, "he thinks so."

"He does," Thalia spoke up drawing the other two's attention, "Percy and I once meet a son of Pestilence, one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Plus Marcia, the demon from hell Percy controls, also mentioned something about the Christian God, something about lunch."

Annabeth nodded, "makes sense. Greek Gods, Roman Gods, Christian God, what's next? Egyptian?"

Thalia chuckled, "who knows?" Soon the three feel silent as Annabeth put the book away, Thalia was right, she needed a break.

"So.." Nina spoke up drawing everyone's attention, "you and Percy."

That statement alone made Thalia pause. She knew about Nina's feeling for Percy, and she frankly felt for the girl. She liked him for the same reason Thalia did. Percy saved her life when she was at death's door and helped protect her from one of the scariest night in her life.

"Ah...yeah," Thalia nodded as the awkwardness set int.

"When did you guys...you know, admit it?"Nina asked.

"He ah, he kind of saved my life," Thalia told her, "but before that I kind of got drunk at a party and may have kissed him. So that and well….one thing lead to another and we just kind of…..got together."

Nina nodded, "you kissed him huh?"

Thalia nodded, "yeah."

"Damn," Nina cursed, "so that's what I should have done." Thalia and Annabeth blinked as Nina chuckled at their reactions, "what? You thought I was going to be angry? Well I am, but...it was kinda my fault. He saved my life too, should have made my move then and there. I would have had an entire year head start on you….but that's life, regrets and all."

Nina looked so sad, Thalia just wanted to hug her and tell her it's going to alright, but that would make her feeling seem kind of…..worthless. She didn't need nor want Thalia's pity, and Thalia respected that about her.

"So tell me Thalia," Annabeth spoke up, "how does Percy kiss?" Thalia blushed as Nina looked at the daughter of Athena in surprise. "What?" Annabeth asked with a shrug, "I'm curious."

"Really?" Thalia asked, "you are curious about how he kisses?"

"Yeah," Annabeth nodded.

"Annabeth I don't really think-"

"-Actually now I'm curious," Nina interrupted, "I want to know how he does it. You know considering I can probably never get one from him considering you threaten to electrocute anyone who even looks at him funny."

Thalia blushed as she rubbed her head, "yeah well, I'm kind of possessive."

"So is he," Annabeth said, "now...spill."

Thalia blushed, "well….I guess he's….he's amazing. It's like kissing a pillow, like a really warm pillow that hugs you back. But then there are these times when he's...well, just like goes into this phase where he's so demanding and pushy. Then he feel like….well like a wave, just sweeping me off of my feet."

Nina stared in wonder, "wow."

Annabeth nodded, "wow is right. I'm not in love with Percy and I still want to know how it feels to kiss him."

Nina blushed while Thalia chuckled. "Oh and also," Thalia began,"there is this one thing he does where kisses me and places his hands on my hips. He like slowly works into it, and then bamn! Both his hands are on my ass and he just pulls me closer, it honestly feels amazing. One time I didn't remember to stand and my legs just kind of gave out, but Percy just held on."

Annabeth and Nina looked at Thalia starry eyed as a feeling of want rose in their hearts, along with a little envy in Nina's case.

"So….." Annabeth began.

"So…." Nina repeated, "you guys think Clarisse and Michael are going to start dating by the end of the day?"

"Totally," Thalia agreed grinning as the three quickly dived into the new topic.

Percy and the boys were having a blast in the big wave pool. Decker swam along the waves as Nico and Percy make the waves in the pool bigger. It was easy to do as Percy quickly gained control over the water systems and started making the waves bigger. But he made sure not to over work the system, don't want one of the machines to break or anything.

After some time the small group quickly moved on. Percy noticed that Thalia, Annabeth and Nina had all become closer as they spoke in hushed tones. Percy could eavesdrop on them, but he decided not to.

But he did use his Empathic powers to try and figure out why the girls kept sending him weird looks and realised that they were all having feeling of lust directed towards him. Thalia was obvious, and so was Nina, though there was also a little bit of envy mixed in with that. But the biggest surprise was Annabeth, though those feelings were far less in intensity than Thalia or Nina.

Soon they came onto a water slide called the 'Alien Invasion'. The ride was huge with a big funnel like structure on the very top. The slides turned and knotted all over the place before opening up to a poll of water in the bottom. Needless to say Nico and Decker were excited to try it out.

Since it was a four person ride Percy and Thalia decided to join the kids as they climbed to the top of the water ride. They quickly got onto a four person water tube as the sat around facing each the center holding their hands.

The employee who worked there pushed the tube into the big funnel like structure, giving it a little spin.

The water tube slowly started to revolve around faster and faster as it began to circle the funnel. Percy's head was spinning but thanks to his advanced reflexes he could still clearly make out where they were. But the rush and the excitement still filled him with happiness as the tube finally entered the slide like tunnel.

The inside of the tunnel was glowing with different lights as strange music blared in the background. Nico and ecker cheered in happiness as Thalia and Percy giggled in joy. They hadn't had much time to act like a kid, this was definitely a feeling they missed.

Soon the ride ended and Nico and Decker wanted to go again. This time Annabeth and Nina accompanied them leaving Thalia and Percy by a bench that seemed to be littered all over the camp.

"This is fun," Percy told her as they looked at their friends around them. Percy noticed Katie and Castor walk around as they chated about the fertility properties of grapes. Katie waved to Percy who waved back.

"Yeah, it is," Thalia admitted, "it's nice to let kids….well be kids. Nico and Decker aren't the only demigod kids we have in camp, they all deserve days like this."

"And you gave it to them," Percy said holding her hand, "you did, not me." Thalia smiled as Percy continued, "remember that time so long ago when you still hated my guts? The first time we had an actual civil conversation?"

"You mean that time you were perving on me?" Thalia asked grinning.

"First off I wasn't perving on you, I was Observing you, and second off can you blame me?" Percy asked looking her up and down.

Thalia chuckled but said nothing. Percy smiled, "do you remember what you said back then?"

Thalia nodded, "yeah. I said that you were better than me, and that you were the one who should lead the camp, not me."

Percy nodded, "you said that because you thought you weren't worthy, that you would fail them. You believed that they wouldn't follow you-"

"-But you did," Thalia cut in, "you believed in me. You said that you would support me, that people cared about me."

"Like you cared about them," Percy squeezed her hand, "and I was right. You gave them what I never could Thalia, a chance to be kids. While I was too busy making sure they were strong enough not to die in the war to come you treated them like the children they were. You gave them a chance to be normal. You said before you don't think they would ever follow you into battle….tell me, do you think the same now?"

Thalia looked at the demigods that roamed the park, they smiled and waved at her and Percy. They were all so happy, and knowing that she helped make this possible made her happy.

"No….before I was an outcast, they wouldn't have followed me. But now…." Thalia turned to Percy smiling, "they would. Guess you kept your promise Percy."

Percy smiled as he kissed her gently, "I guess I did."

After going a few more rides the day just flew by. Before they knew it a message alert played on the park's speakers told them all to meet up at Picnic Grove, which was in the edge of the park, for lunch.

The grove itself was huge with a buffet of sorts placed here and there in stalls. It didn't seem like this was the usual practise here, but considering they were the only one's here Percy guessed the park must have made an exception.

Percy grabbed a plate and went through the buffet filling his plate with everything and anything he could find. Thalia simply shook her head at Percy's appetite while the mortals just looked on in wonder.

Thalia then found Michael and Clarisse sitting with Annabeth and Nina. Thalia guided Percy, who was holding onto his plate with both hands, and they sat down with the others.

"So did you guys have fun?" Thalia asked as she winked at Clarisse who blushed back.

"Yeah we did," Michael said a with a grin, "we went into this call dinosaur falls, I think it was one of the biggest slides in the water, totally awesome!"

"And….?" Nina probed further.

"And...what?" Michael asked.

The girls, including Clarisse sighed. "Nevermind," Nina said as she returned to her food.

"So what did you do Percy?" Clarisse asked as she looked at Percy only to pause for a few seconds. Percy currently was going at super speed putting away food like he hadn't eaten in days.

"He's, ah...currently occupied," Thalia said sighing at her boyfriend's lack of table manners. "We had fun," Thalia continued, "mostly Nico and Decker dragged us all around the park pushing us to try new things."

"I know what you mean," Michael nodded, "mostly the younger kids went on the rides while the older ones just kind of enjoyed their day off. And the rest, well...you know those cabanas located all over?"

Annabeth nodded, "you mean those mini changing room things? Yeah, what about them?"

"The older kids started using them to make out," Clarisse supplied as she glared at Michael who blushed.

"And how do you know this?" Percy asked as he was halfway done with his plate.

"We ah, might have accidently stumbled on Selena and Chris….you know," Michael blushed.

"We had to run before we got spotted," Clarisse said, "so we kind of hide in one of the cabanas and well….we heard moaning coming from the other ones. It didn't really take a child of Athena to figure out what was going on."

The others nodded as he finally got the picture that Clarisse was portraying. She was pissed because while Michael and her were trapped in that small room he didn't try and kiss her or anything. Even Percy, who was kind of dense about these things, understood what was going on.

"Hey Michael you guys are done with your food right?" Percy asked.

Michael looked at his and Clarissa's empty plates and nodded, "ah, yeah. Why do you ask?"

"I want seconds," Percy told him as he finished the rest of his food, "come with me."

"Why can't you get it yourself?' Michael asked.

"Because seeing your beautiful face will improve my self control," Percy said rolling his eyes as he got up and grabbed Michael, "just shut up and come."

Michael huffed, "okay, okay, shes," the son of Apollo grabbed their plates and walked away. Percy looked at Thalia and Annabeth and a silent message was passed between them. At the moment they had one goal, get Michael and Clarisse together.


Quest Alert!

Get Clarisse and Michael together


+50 Exp

+1 point


Clarisse might end up killing Michael

Micheal might end up crying to sleep every night

Do you accept?


Percy immediately pressed yes as the quest box disappeared. He then lead Michela back to the buffel while Annabeth and the others began talking to Clarisse.

"You know she likes you right?" Percy told him as they walked to the buffe.

"W-what?!" Michael stammered out blushing.

"Clarisse," Percy stated, "she is totally in love with you."

"Percy have you been drinking some of the chlorine water?" Michael asked sarcastically, "because you sound crazy right now."

Percy rolled his eyes, "you are the son of the God of truth. You know I'm not lying."

"I know you think you're not lying," Michael told him as he put away his finished plates, "but that might not be the truth."

"Michael you are not that stupid so don't act like it," Percy grumbled as he began to put food back onto his plate, "you like her, you know she likes you, so what's the problem?"

Michael looked like he wanted to argue a lot more but stopped himself. He sighed and began again in a low tone of voice, "I don't think I'm good enough for her."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "what the hell are you talking about man?"

"Clarisse,' Michael repeated, "I don't think I'm good enough for her man. She's...well fuck she's perfect. Sure she might not be funny or witty, but she's awesome in her own way and you have seen those abs right? She saved my life that time with Polyphemus and ever since then…..everytime I try to talk about it with her I just freeze up. All my confidence just kind of melts away. I keep thinking, 'what if I'm not good enough? Would she leave me?' And honestly Percy….I don't think I can take that."

Percy sighed, "Michael, I love you man, you are one of my closest friends, but by the Gods sometimes you act like a idiot."

Michael blinked, "w-what?"

"Look in any relationship there is always the chance of a break up. Maybe someday even Thalia and I might drift apart or even just stop being together for no proper reason. But I honestly don't care about that, for me….for me it's about the now. Right now she's the one I want and right now I am the one she wants and I fully intend it to be that way for as long as I can."

Michael noded sadly, "yeah….but what if Clarisse doesn't like spending time with me? What if….what if she doesn't feel the same way I feel about her."

"Then that's her problem Michael," Percy told him, "but honestly tell me," he stared into the demigod's eyes, "do you really think she feels like that?"

Michael looked at Percy for the longest time as the gears in his mind worked overtime. He blinked, "fuck this."

Michael turned and walked away from Percy. The son of Poseidon blinked, 'well that was unexpected.'

"Michael wait up!" Percy called as he grabbed his plate of food running after his friend, "if it's something I said I'm sorry!"

"Shut up Percy," Michela replied, but it had no malice in it, if anything it was said more as an afterthought.

Michael walked behind Clarisse surprising the girls who were suddenly taken out of their conversation but Michael. "Clarisse we need to talk."

The daughter of war blinked as she turned to Percy who just shrugged in confusion. She got up and turned to Michael. "What about?"

"This," Michael said as he grabbed her head and brought it towards his closing his lips on hers. Clarisse's eyes went wide at the action but slowly the war girl accepted it as she began to kiss back. Michael ran his hand along Clarisse's back as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

It was honestly very awkward for Percy to be standing next to them, he wondered is this was how everyone else felt when he and Thalia were making out. Plus Clarisse and Michael were obviously kissing for the first time, Percy wasn't an expert, but he was pretty sure that you don't try and swallow the other person's lips into your mouth.

They finally stopped as Michael panted, he was out of breath, "do you want to go out sometime?"

Clarisse grinned, "about bloody time you idiot."


Quest Completed!

Get Clarisse and Michael together


+50 Exp

+1 point

Percy smiled as he pushed the box away. It was a very short quest and not worth much points, but since when did making people happy need to be rewarded.

"Finally!" Annabeth shouted out throwing her hands up in cheer, "it was like you two would never get together!"

Clarisse and Michael blushed as Nina spoke up, "I must say Percy you must have amazing motivational speaking skills. You talked Michael into doing something in two minutes that Clarisse's half naked body didn't managed to do in half a day."

Michael and Clarisse further blushed but the jabs didn't stop as more and more demigods realised what happened. It was now Michael's turn to be made fun of, but Percy didn't really think he cared, he was far too happy to be bother with the light teasing.

Soon Percy finished his second round as he left his friend to go find out where his mom was. Apparently she spent the day walking around helping the younger demigods out along with Ed. Percy soon found her sitting next to Edward chatting with a smile on her face.

"How was your day mom?" Percy asked as he sat down next to Sally and Ed.

"It was great dear," Sally said with a smile, "did you get enough to eat?"

Percy grinned, "come on mom, who do you think you're talking to?"

"I'll say," Ed grumbled, "kids eats more than any grown man I know."

Percy grinned, "well when you the stamina to run half way across America you tend to burn a lot of calories."

"Well it's just then," Sally said with nostalgic sigh, "even when he was younger, before all of this, he used to go through so much food! It was like the boy had a black hole where his stomach should be!"

Percy shrugged, "I was a very active kid."

"And you still are," Ed said grinning, "I always wondered how a 12 year old kid could be confident enough to fight a demon from hell. Guess I can see where he got it from," Ed smiled at Sally who blushed, which was surprisingly went unnoticed by Percy who was being called by his friends.

"I'm coming!" Percy shouted at them before turning to Sally again, "I'll meet you later mom, one of my friends just kind of started dating so we are making fun of them."

"You mean Michael and Clarisse?" Ed asked in surprise, "I thought those two would never get together."

Percy was surprised, "how did you know about Michael and Clarisse?"

"Oh please dear," Sally waved Percy's question off, "anyone who had eyes could see the way those two acted around each other. It was only a matter of time you know."

Percy chuckled, "guess the only ones who didn't know were Michael and Clarisse themselves."

Ed chuckled, "yup."

"Any way please go ahead and enjoy your time Percy," Sally told him reassuringly, "today is your birthday and we have spent many of them together. This is probably the first one you can spend with your friends, so go ahead. I'm sure Ed can keep me company."

Percy nodded as he turned to Ed, "I leave her in your….hands."

Ed raised an eyebrow, "kid you're acting like I'm not responsible."

"You're not," Percy replied back flatly, "you are a grown man with the personality of a child."

"That's rude," Ed huffed as he turned to Sally, "aren't you supposed to say something about disrespecting your elders?"

Sally shrugged, "well he's not wrong."

Ed caught his heart dramatically, "Et tu Sally?"

The older Jackson laughed as the two adults began talking about their lives telling Percy that is was time for him to go.

As the demigod looked back he saw his mom laugh and smile gleefully. It kind of made him nervous, it's not that he didn't like her being happy, it was just that the person telling the jokes was Ed who…..well, he's Ed. The guy who took a 12 year old kid into club. Sure it seems like a cool idea then but looking back now Percy realised it might have not been very responsible of him.

Percy sighed, 'well at least mom will be adult enough for the both of them.'

Percy walked back to Michael and the others and immediately began to tease him friend as he found the newly found couple holding hands.

After their early lunch the demigods split up again, but as every had just ate people tended to more a bit more slowly. They weren't to eager on getting on rides that would make them barf up all that they had just ate.

So the group of demigods were mostly just glad to walking around from place to place. Michael was nervous as hell, he had no idea what to do. If Clarisse said anything like, 'it's too hot,' or 'damn my feet are killing me.' Michael would lose it.

He would curse his dad for the constant rays of sunlight. He would offer to carry Claisse if she wanted. And then….this happened.

"Damn I'm cold," Clarisse muttered.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "how can you be cold?" Percy asked, "we are in a water park in the middle of the summer."

"I'm not used to wearing," she looked down, "well this," she pointed at her bikin.

Percy shrugged and moved on, but Michael didn't. He looked around for something for Clarisse to wear and his eyes landed on Annabeth's jacket. He grabbed it and somehow before the girl even realised what was happening managed to slip it off of her giving it to Clarisse.

"Hey!" Annabeth yelled out in frustration, "that's mine shit stain!"

" Annabeth you shouldn't hide your body," Michael waved at her, "woman empowerment and all that." He then put the jacket around Clarisse's shoulder who blushed at Michael's antics.

"That settles it," Nina said with a wide grin, "Michael's whipped. We lost him you guys, we lost Michael."

"Hey! I'm not whipped!" Michael protested.

"Oh dear Clarice you look sick," Thalia said in a horrified voice, "are coming down with something? Was it something you ate?"

Clarisse was confused but before she could speak Percy spoke, "yeah….maybe it was something you ate."

"What?!" Michael yelled out, "are you serious?"

"Yeah Michael," Annabeth nodded just managing to suppress the grin that threatened to tear apart her face, "maybe you should go to the first aid tent and get her something."

"But isn't that on the other side of the park?" Percy asked horrified, "how could he ever get there in time. This is it, Clarisse if going to die now, woe is us to have lost-"

"-You can stop Percy," Nina said as she giggled, "he already left the moment you said where the first aid stand was."

And sure enough at the end of the road was Micheal running for all he was worth towards the first aid stand. Percy and the rest couldn't hold it in any more as they broke out into laughter. Annabeth grinned, 'nobody takes my jacket.'

"That was kind of mean you guys," Clarisse spoke out.

"Oh please," Nina rolled her eyes, "as if you wouldn't have done the same."

Clarisse shrugged, "well he's my boyfriend you know, so no, I wouldn't."

"Yeah but how long did you have to wait for that to happen?" Annabeth asked, "remember all those times where you wanted him to kiss you or even just hold your hand but he didn't? Remember that Clarisse?"

"And remember all the times he shamelessly flirted with Mera?' Nina pushed, "and how he kept pushing you away every time you tried to get close to him?"

The daughter of Ares slowly turned blank as she nodded, "okay then, he can suffer a little longer."

Percy shivered, the way Annabeth and Nina manipulated Clarisse was almost unnoticed. The son of Poseidon made a mental note to himself not to piss ether of the two girls off.

Soon Michael returned with a giant box of first aid medical items. And of course they then began to tease him yet again. After Percy put the box back where it belonged by super speeding around the park they were off again.

It had been around a hour since they had eaten so they finally felt ready to get on one of the rides. This time is was another artificial wave machine, but this was much, much bigger.

'The Big Kahuna' ride also featured several small surf boards. They were just long pieces of foam, but people could still use them to ride the artificial waves created.

Michael immediately had the brilliant idea to have a competition, the one who can stand on their board the longest won. And of course Percy wasn't allowed to play, because Michael and the others all agreed that was cheating. Percy didn't like that, he didn't like that at all. So he planned his revenge.

First up to surf was Michael who was surprisingly very balanced. Just as he was about to cross the 40 second mark Percy decided to step in. Using his powers over the water he managed to flip Michela's board over him dropping the son of Apollo into the water.

Next came Annabeth who was very good at staying on her board. It must have been her dislike of moving water that motivated her to stay on the board, but Percy quickly took care of that. All it took once one tiny little push with his telekinetic powers and Annabeth fell into the water

Clarisse then gave it a shot and this time Percy didn't have to interfere. She just fell down all on her own. She also had a bad case of motion sickness, must have been something to do with the horrible boat trip she took that summer.

Fourth was Thalia, and Percy made sure not to interfere this time. He wanted to help her win, but refrained himself from doing so. This was mostly because Thalia already knew all his tricks and would be pissed if she knew he was helping her win. She stayed on for a full minute.

Last was Nina, who actually knew how to surf. Every trick Percy did failed, she just adapted to fast to even the slightest change. And she soon crossed the full minute mark making her the winner of the contest.

Soon the group moved on to the next ride which was something called the 'Hollywood stunt rider.' It wasn't that big of a ride, but it didn't feature one thing, a memorabilia photo at the end.

So they all decided to go for it. Unfortunately it only allowed four people per boat. That meant they were two extra. Just as they were about to call it quits they saw Bianca and Nico walking hand in hand each with their own ice creams.

It didn't take much to convince the children of Hades to come along for the ride and they were quickly off. The first group who went through the ride was Annabeth, Nina, Michael and Clarisse. They got into a silver tram that took them high up a metal tube before bringing them down at breakneck speed on to the other side where a camera who picture them just before the impact the water below.

After his other friends went it was Percy's turn. He sat in the back of the tram with Thalia while the brother sister duo sat up front. They were slowly taken into the metal pipe which was pitch black barring a few glow in the dark stickers here and there.

Nico giggled, "this is so cool! It's like climbing up a river!"

Percy nodded as the tram was surrounded by water on both ends. It didn't kind of seem like a log ride, only they were going up hill.

Soon they came to the very top as Thalia held his hand tightly. They stopped for a second that the very edge of the fall. Everyone was silent and just then, "let's start this thing!" Nico yelled out. And as if the ride heard it they suddenly fell down head first.

Everyone yelled in excitement as they threw their hands up. Jets of water splashed onto their faces drenching them from head to toe. Even the water around the tram rushed past them making it feel like they were swimming down stream.

Suddenly the dark tunnel they were in opened up to the sky as Percy heard the snap of a picture being taken.

The tram then crashed into the water pool below causing the water to explode. If they weren't drenched before they were now.

They climbed out of their tram and went to their friends who were waiting for them by the counter. Soon each of them had two picture feature both groups of demigods. These photos were now considered treasured memories as Percy carefully his copy into his inventory.

The now larger group of demigods moved onto the next ride, 'Bootlegger's Run'. It was a giant water slide, the biggest in the park. It was made out of tube that twisted and turned all over the place, which some being fully opened while the others being fully closed. Each cart could support 10 people, so they could all easily hit inside.

Like a normal rollercoaster this thing took a long time to get to a higher level. Water flowed past them and Percy could feel it all around him. He also knew that the tracks for the ride ended after the tipping point, beyond that it was gravity and the strong water currents inside the tunnels that would guide their little cart.

Everyone quickly strapped in and they were quickly off. The cart moved slowly upwards as everyone chattered amongst themselves in excited tones. They reached the very edge of the long climb and slowly began to descend down.

Percy heard the cart disengage from the tracks below it, the water around them began to pick up speed as it slowly pushed the cart forward faster and faster. Soon the cart was going downwards gaining more and more speed.

The demigods yelled out in joy at the way the cart spun. Soon they came into a tunnel that blocked all light from the outside. The inside of the tunnel was covered with neon lights that zipped past them without a moment's notice. Soon they came to a sharp turn where the cart literally ran up the side of the tunnel.

The demigods were having the time of their lives, and Percy couldn't have felt happier.

Warning! Gergosa's are attacking the park!

Percy blinked at the box, 'what the fuck?!' Justs then the tunnel leveled out and the top half was opened up revealing the view outside. Percy turned and saw with disbelieving eyes a 30 feet Gergosa standing in the middle of the park.

"Gergosa!" Annabeth yelled out. Before they could do anything else the cart went into the closed tunnel again. Percy knew he had to move.

"I'll meet you all outside!" Percy yelled out as he activated his strength seals releasing them all at once;

Seal Release: Layer 6, Time: 1 month

STR- 69,120 (+20) = 69,140

Percy broke off the straps holding him place and got up.

"Where are you going?!" Thalia yelled out.

"I need to make sure they are all safe!" Percy yelled back as he jumped up. He tore through the ceiling of the metal pipe like it was nothing and landed on top of it.

He looked ahead to see the Gergosa bend down and pick someone up. Percy activated his 8.0 eyesight and immediately recognized that the person the Gergosa had in it's hands was Beckendorf.

Percy didn't hesitate as he bent low and pushed foward breaking into the pipe through the force of his jump. The entire ride shock as Percy was sent launching through the air towards the Gergosa. Percy reached into his pocket and uncapped Waverider.

Percy drew back the blade and gathered his mana activating the special feature of Waverider. Large amounts of water was summoned from the tip of the weapon as Percy used his mana control to manipulate said water into forming a larger water sword.

"Get off my friend!" Percy roared as he swung the now giant water blade across throught the Gergosa's hand, which bought Chalres up to it's mouth, and it's neck.

Percy then dismissed the gathered water and threw Waverider to the side as he grabbed Charles who was falling from the cut off Gergosa's hand. Percy quickly used the water he gathered before to form a protective ball around him and Charles and they quickly went crashing into the ground below like a falling comet.

Percy managed to create an air pocket inside the bubble for Charles to breath, he was well aware that breathing underwater was only a child of the sea thing.

The moment they stopped crashing into the Earth Percy opened the water bubble and let go of Charles who was panting.

"T-thanks Percy," the usually quiet son of Hephaestus said.

"It's okay," Percy asured him, "what happened? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," he assured the demigod, "it just- it came out of nowhere. It tried to grab Selina but I managed to push her out of the way in time. Is that….the Gergosas you guys told us about?"

Percy nodded, "Yes, and Charles, I don't think that was the only. They usually hunt in groups….we need to get the others."

Suddenly two more roars broke out of the park as Percy could sense through his mana sensing powers that exactly two more Gergosa's had suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"We need to hurry," Percy told the demigod, "go to the announcer's desk and tell everyone through the microphone to come to Picnic Grove. They may be able to handle a few of the Gergosas on their own but I don't want to risk it."

Charles nodded, "right….why is this happening?"

A dark look came over Percy's face, "I have an idea….but I hope to the Gods I am wrong. Now go! I'll make sure Selina is alright. Once you are done with the broadcast get to Picnic Grove, we'll see you there."

Charles nodded as he ran away. Percy watched him go and quickly turned around and began running the other way towards where the Gergosa was last seen. Percy reached into his inventory and pulled out his black armored gauntlet. If he was here then Percy needed something to trump his Haki.


Quest alert!

Save the demigods in the park!


+1 point for every life saved

Level 10 skill disk (2)



Death of camper members

Death of Thalia

Do you accept?


Percy pressed yes, he had no intention of failing this mission, least of all it would result in any harm coming to Thalia.

Percy slide the gauntlet on, "Tsunami!" The armour exploded with cloth and metal as they began to cover Percy. He ignored the feeling of the soft cloth like material cover his body. He ignored how the chest plate locked itself into plate as a blue hue came on from the point where cloth met metal.

Armour activated!

+20% MP

+10% HP

+70% Elvish magic

+5 Dex

+2 Str

+3 Vit

+2 levels for water, ice, shadow and earthquake control

The helmet then slid into place as Percy pressed the button on the right activating his hub, he would need the mini map to find Selina.

Percy honestly wanted to check up on his mom, she was mortal and probably the one most in danger. But he had hope that Ed would take care of her.

Percy quickly found the daughter of Aphrodite hiding behind a dumpster. She was covered with garbage but she still looked unbelievably beautiful, and the revealing bikini didn't help one bit. The moment she stopped Percy and jumped at him, Percy expected a hug or even a hello, but instead Selina started to slash at him with her sword.

"Get away from me you freak!" Selina roared out as she poured charmspeak into her voice, not that that had any effect on Percy.

"Woah Selina stop!" Percy cried out as he back away from her wild, yet precise swings.

Selina paused, "Percy?"

The demigod nodded as he pressed the left button near his temple opening up the mask, "it's me."

"Where did you get that suit of armour?"

"It was a birthday gift from my dad."

Selina looked it up and down, "some birthday gift."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I know. Are you okay? Did anything happen."

"I'm fine, is Charles-"

"Is fine," Percy told her, "I told him to go to the announcer's desk and direct everyone to Picnic Grove."

Selina sighed in relief, "good, that's good. When that thing came in, I-I froze. When you, Clarisse and Annabeth told us about them….I didn't understand just exactly how horrifying they were. They tired to eat Charles Percy, eat him."

Percy nodded, "I know, but it's okay. We have trained for this, I have trained you all for this. At the very least no one else will die until we all gather together to form a solid defence."

Selina sighed but nodded, "yeah….yeah, you're right."

"Get to Picnic Grove Selina," Percy told her, "Charles will meet you there." Selina nodded and started to move when Percy stopped her, "Selina," the girl turned around, "did you see something when the Gergosa attacked? Someone?"

Selena groaned, "well…..there was this one creepy looking guy. He was one of the park workers, I think. He just….he just put me the wrong way. Like he didn't look at me in a perverted way, I'm used to that. He just….set me off."

"Where did you see him last?"

"I think he was at the Hollywood stunt ride place, you know the one that took people's photos?"

Percy nodded, "right, I'll check it out. You get to safety."

Selina nodded as she ran away. Percy activated his Speed Demon perk and rushed towards the familiar park ride. As he ran he thought it over, he tried to remember all the people in that ride, none of them looked like him. But he could have just been hiding.

Percy stopped in front of the ride and he looked around. He couldn't see anyone and his map, which seemed to work on sensing people's mana, also didn't pick up anything. Percy walked around for minutes when suddenly his screen turned red;

Warning! Atta-

Percy didn't read it as he jumped away landing to the side as something crashed into the exact spot he was standing on a few seconds ago. He landed perfectly, the heavy armour didn't restrict his movements.

Percy's hub turned back to normal, the Fates must have also made the hub linked to his own powers. The red lights must have been a version of Area sence.

Percy quickly pushed all those thoughts to the side as he looked to the thing that had attacked him.

"You have gotten faster haven't you?" asked the figure dressed in black as he stepped out of the small creator he had made. He patted his suit as blue lightning crackled around his body, "I hate getting my suits dirty, but for you…..well for you I always make an exception."

Percy growled, "I thought I killed you."

"You did, almost," the man grinned revealing his shark like teeth, "but you will find that human will can do wondrous things…..Percy."

Percy reached into the pocket of his armour's belt and drew out and uncapped Riptide and Waveride. He looked at the man and growled,"this time I'll make sure your head is removed from you body, Argo."


So honestly tell me, how many you actually believed Argo was dead?

Hope you all like the armour and the special features. UP NEXT- ARGO V PERCY FIGHT!

+200 Exp for anyone who can guess what that blue lighting around Argo indicates. Hint: It's from a TV on the CW based on a DC superhero.