
The Mystery Of 7 Rings

The book is about 7 chosen teenagers, who will save not only the world, but the universe. For readers who like mystery, plot twists.

Ashot_B · Fantasy
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Chapter 2:”The Arrival of Red & Blue”

It was night in Beverly Hills (11:00pm). Blaze and Azura were siblings from a not poor, not rich family, but a problematic one. Their parents were all in fights, in debts. Their father was a cop with drinking problems, their mother was a good, respectful lawyer.

Blaze was the oldest, he was a nice, good looking, athletic kid. His best friend, only friend, was his classmate Ryan, who was from a wealthy family. Blaze couldn't catch up with his classes due family situation, but Ryan, who was the smartest kid in the class, never let him down. Blaze was very strong, he would always think about Azura, to leave their house and live alone, just them two.

Azura was going to the same school as Blaze. She had no friends, was not the popular type. She was hanging out with Blaze and Ryan, they didn't mind it. Azura was very smart, cold, kind at the same time, bada$$, savage, but in real, she was sensitive inside. She had to act like that, cuz of her parents. She could never show weakness to others, that's what she has always told herself.

The day of the Arrival, their father came home drunk as usual, but he got fired from work so there was a huge fight in the house, Blaze couldn't tolerate it anymore, so he took his sister out from the house. They ran away, walking down the Main Street. Blaze was disappointed, sad, struggled, but won't show that to Azura.

-What do you think will happen to them?,- asked Azura in a sad voice.

-To whom? Mom and dad? Uh, don't worry about them, they always argue about sh*tty stuff, and then get along,- said Blaze in a fake tone.

-Ey, language. I know you are upset because of them, but remember we always got each other no matter what, right ?

-Yes, of course.

-Pinky promise ?!

They took a pinky promise and continued their walk with funny conversations, laughter, not giving attention to which way they were going. Minutes later they got to a unpleasant, deserted street. Blaze's attention caught the silence around them, he held his head high and saw the paintings on the walls of abandoned buildings. It was the Dark Street. It was deserted when a few gangs, rebels took the place for their illegal activities, such as drugs, weed, illegal market. Blaze took Azura's hand and turned back, in front of them stood two man.

-What are you doing here sweeties?,- asked one of the men with a pervert voice, like they were going to kill them and sell their organs. That is what Azura thought.

-Me and my sister just got lost, but it's okay, I know the way back.- said Blaze in a strong voice, but deep down he was scared as f*ck.

-You are living? So early?

-Yeah, it's already late, our parents are definitely looking for us and worrying. So excuse us.

The men start laughing and come closer to them, it was obvious that they weren't gonna let them go, so they start running.

They got in bystreet, it was a trap, with no exit. Azura and Blaze got nervous, they didn't have a way out. The men come towards them with an ugly laughter. In that hopeless moment in the sky ignited a light, flame, it was Darcel. At the moment when the men were looking at the sky, not so high appeared a portal above Azura and Blaze. It were the Red and Blue rings. They dropped in front of them and were shining. Azura wanted to take them, but she didn't even got the chance, when the rings in a rapid way threw themselves to their fingers, and stopped shining.

-Okay, okay. Where were we?! Huh, *laughs* one of the creepy guys.

He grabbed Azura's hand and in a sudden he tripped , his knees cracked, he couldn't breathe, like ... his bloodstream was stopped.

The other guy seeing that, was shocked, but he didn't hesitate and with his bat wanted to hit the girl's hand. At that second, Blaze, didn't know why or how, but he held his hand and shoot at him with red, glittering fire. All covered in fire, the guy ran away screaming, but he didn't manage to far as he burned down and die. Azura and Blaze were looking at the corpses and each other not knowing what or how the hell happened. They got up and just ran as fast as they could.

It was not them using the powers of the rings. No, it were the rings themselves, they were protecting their new, young masters.