
The Mystery Of 7 Rings

The book is about 7 chosen teenagers, who will save not only the world, but the universe. For readers who like mystery, plot twists.

Ashot_B · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3:”The Arrival of Green & Yellow”

Amber was a teen girl from Sevilla, Spain. She was in high school, she had no friends. Even though she knew Spanish, was kind to everyone, still all her life she felt like an outsider in Sevilla. She lived in a small apartment with her mother, Sofía. Amber did not know her father, according to her mother, he was dead. Her father was from America. She has never been in USA, every time when she opens the subject about going there, to see her father's side, homeland, Sofía, her mother was getting mad at her, she explained her million times that they are not welcomed there, that her father's side is not interested in them at all, they have no place there. That was making Amber only more angrier and sad. But she had a way to let that anger out. Amber was a teen master of martial arts.

One day she came home from school, with a magazine in her hand, it contained cheap, easy ways of traveling, especially to LA, USA. She showed the magazine to her mother with a big aspiration that she and her mother will go and live there. Her mother was disappointed with her, shook her head, grab Amber's hands, looked at her eyes and told her:

-Amber, darling, it's time for you to know the real truth, your father is not dead, he is alive, living happily in LA with a family and kids, he abandoned us, when you haven't even born, he didn't want you. But...- said Sofía with a broken voice.

-What? No, you said he is dead, you are lying.- said Amber not believing her, eyes full of tears.

-He is dead to us. I had to lie to you, he never wanted to see you, he left us, never contact us, I decided that it would be better if you thought that he is dead. It's not easy for me either.

-No, no... that's not true. How could you?! Decide what's better for me?!

-Please, listen.

-No, stop... why? Huh? Why now? Why are you telling me this crap now?

Sofía looked desperate.- He sent a letter, yesterday night. I don't know how he found us, BUT.

Not letting her to finish, Amber said,- What was in the letter? Where is it?

-You don't understand, sweetheart.

-Don't call me that! Give it to me.

-I threw it away. Please, let me explain.

-What? You could explain before this. Do you even realize what you did to me? You made me believe that I don't have a father. You know what I went through? No, how? You were just lying all this years and fake smiling. Are you even my real mother, you fake perra.

Sofía slapped Amber and with a high voice yelled at her,

-You have no right to talk with me like that! Your father is a rich a$$ man, who was ashamed of having you, he left us with nothing. He and his family are dangerous people with big opportunities, they wanted me dead while I was pregnant with you! It's you who don't understand what I have sacrificed for you. All I did, all my hard work, late shifts I took, was for you to have a normal goddamn life *sobbing*. And what I get in return? I Had to forget him, we needed to hide from him!

Sofía started to walk to one corner of the room to another,-And now after all this years, he sends a letter, asking to meet you?! What a bastard!

-He wants to see me?! *in a low voice*

-How can he have the nerve, the face to ask that.

-I need to see him.

Sofía sat down, she was shocked.

-What? Are you even listening to me? He didn't want you!

-But now he does!- Amber went close to her mother, sat at the edge of the chair,-You just don't like the thought that I can be happy there, you think that I'll be happier with my own father than you, but you don't need to worry mom, I will always love you and appreciate all you have done for me. Just please, let's go together and let me meet my father,- said Amber with sobbing and comforting her mother by hugging her.

With wet eyes, broken heart Sofía said:

-I'm sorry, but you need to forget of you leaving this country and meeting your father. I have no intention to see him, neither should you. Now go, go to your room it's late, you have school tomorrow.

Amber didn't believe her mother and ran to her room, crying.

It was the night of the Arrival.

She was mad at her mother, but she understood who the victim was in their situation, but also she must had to meet her father, to speak with him and know why he didn't want her and now is interested in seeing her. And by that minding, she packed her stuff, bought a ticket to LA via internet using her mother's credit card and without telling her mother, she sneaked out from the house and went to the airport, SVQ.

The same night Jade and his happy family were leaving Sevilla to their sweet home LA, they were at San Pablo's airport, the same airport that Amber was going. Jade was a kind, smart kid who never wanted from his parents anything. He had a little sister and a big brother. They have visited Spain for their summer holidays. His brother, Max was nothing but a dark, rebel guy who didn't care at all what were they doing, his sister, Eliza was very active child with super energy. They passed the reception, passport control and were waiting at the main hall. Eliza was sitting next to Max, who was in his phone, Eliza tried to get his oldest brother's attention, by dancing and fooling around. Max got angry and screamed at her :

-Stop acting like a child and leave me alone.

She got emotional, started crying and ran away.

-Max, go find your sister right now and apologize to her!,- told their mother to Max.

-It's her fault, not going.


Not letting her finish the sentence, Jade said:

-Don't worry mom, I'll go find her, it'll be okay.

Jade found her sister near a store with candies, that was obvious. She entered the store, where was Amber, buying snacks for the flight. Jade got to the store, when his eyes caught Amber he was frozen, it was love at first sight. But Amber didn't give a damn about boys at that time, all she was concerned was finding her father.

An earthquake. An earthquake started randomly and got everyone out the airport and they saw a meteor falling, but that was not a meteor.

Jade took Eliza's hand and got under the table, Jade looked out and saw Amber standing there confused not knowing what to do. He screamed:

-Get down and come here!

Amber got under the same table, she was still scared.

Eliza was scared too, she closed her eyes and put her head under Jade's hands.

The ceiling of the store was slowly shaking. In front of them opened a portal the rings felt out of it. Jade and Amber were looking at the rings, like they were calling them. They both had a strange feeling, they were amazed by the glittering, shine. Jade took the green ring and Amber took the yellow. And with an instinct put them on their fingers.

The ceiling broke and was falling. Amber looked above them, saw how the ceiling was falling down and with her mind, she held the pieces in the air. Jade didn't hesitate a minute and create long plants around the ceiling, which took the stones back to its place and glued it. Jade and Amber were both shocked, the earthquake ended, they get out of the store and without exchanging a word, went their separate ways.

Again, it was not them, who used the powers of the rings. It were the rings themselves, again, saving their owner's lives.

After an hour later, when Jade and Eliza got back to their family, their plane was leaving. They got on the plane. Amber was on the same plane. Jade and Amber saw each other, but didn't say a word and pretended like they haven't seen each other.