
The Mystery Of 7 Rings

The book is about 7 chosen teenagers, who will save not only the world, but the universe. For readers who like mystery, plot twists.

Ashot_B · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1:”The Arrival”

By getting close to Earth, an unidentified ball was falling on Earth's atmosphere, it got heated up and started to crack. There was a guy, named Darcel, in the ball with colorful rings. He was unconscious, he woke up because of the heat he felt. Not realizing what's happening, he only understood that he needs to do something to save him and the rings. He immediately tried to open portals so he could teleport himself on the land. But he was still weak, the portals that he created were not big enough to go through, so he only managed to open a few little portals and he threw the rings in it. Now that the rings are saved he was concentrating on making a big portal for himself. While trying to create one for him, he noticed that he is already getting closer to the ground and he didn't have that much time. The sphere, that he was in, crashed into pieces and he was left with no hope, he knew that it was too late. Fortunately, he felt in a ocean, but he blacked out, because of the impact he got.