

Just as the title depicts, it's all about the mysteries revolving Maggie's life.   What would you do when you discovered your entire life was a lie? A lie that revolved around secrets and scandals   When the closest one turned out to be a ticking time bomb for your life.   This is the story of Margaret Harper, aka Maggie. **** When life was going all well for Maggie Harper, what happens when her hideous past resurfaces? What was the past, and how will it be related to her present? Her life is promised to take a toll for the worst after she met her high school crush in the same college. It all began with a dangerous challenge. A game with a Playboy: who will win? How is she going to survive this game filled with mystery and confusion? **** She stood by the floor-to-ceiling French window, staring at the children, who were laughing and giggling as they played and had fun in the amusement park. Her heart was cold, and her eyes were lifeless. The innocence that was always present in the eyes of children wasn't in hers. She yearns for love and affection. She wanted the freedom these children had. Why wasn't she just an orphan? The hate and bitterness that had accumulated in her heart intensified, and her expression hardened. She was only ten years old, but the killing intent that surged from her couldn't be measured. "Standing and staring at the crowd won't be of any help at this moment." She heard what her best friend said. "I want to leave this place and never return" She mumbled through gritted teeth, her fists clasped tightly together. "I know, and I've come up with the perfect plan." Her best friend replied as she placed her hand on her shoulders. "A plan won't work, Samantha," She turned to face her. "We need to devise a scheme; A perfect one" She muttered, and her lifeless eyes shone with ruthlessness and brutality.

Sparkles2 · Urban
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9 Chs


Earlier, Maggie stood by the door with her bag hanging over her right shoulder as she waited for the door in front of her to push open, but after standing for about twenty minutes and getting no response, she decided to just walk in.


Never in her nineteen years of existence did she expect such a grand welcome.


Not grand in a good way but the exact opposite.


"Making out in the class?" She thought, looking revolted.


Maggie's eyes trailed to the podium to see the teacher staring at her in surprise. She could tell how embarrassed the teacher must be as her expression was not one bit good.

Maggie adjusted her glasses and turned to look at the topic the teacher had written on the board.

She didn't care about the various eyes that were gawking at her as she brought out her biology notebook from her bag and some stationeries.


She strutted towards an empty seat that was in the front, threw the bag that was placed on the locker to the floor, and then placed her textbooks on the desk.


She carefully brought out a piece of clothing from her backpack, under the eyes of the entire second-year class, cleaned the chair, and then dumped the piece of clothing in the class trash can.


She then strolled swaggishly to her 'new' seat and then sat down. 


Maggie took out a pen from her mathematical set and then stared at the teacher.


"Can you please start teaching?" She asked ever so politely, and Mrs. Ashley was stunned to the core.


"Wasn't she told to treat her with care and accept all her demands as she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman that can cause havoc in the city if a strand of her hair is touched?


Aren't rich kids good for nothing? Why was she acting differently?"


Different thoughts rang through Mrs. Ashley's mind as she stared suspiciously at Maggie, who just smiled, reassuring her to 'please continue.'


Natalie's brain was about to explode as her eyes featured around her designer handbag that was now lying on the floor where the dirt was.


Her eyes burned in anger as she stood up from Clifford's thighs and adjusted her crop top and mini skirt.


She pulled out wipes and organized her makeover before stomping to the front seat.


Mrs. Ashley was just about to explain the next example to Maggie and three other scholar students who were also paying attention to her teaching when she heard a commotion.


She turned and was surprised to see all of Maggie's items on the floor. Shivers ran down her spine, and her feet turned cold as she recalled the message she received.


No, she couldn't afford to lose her only job. She hurried down the podium but paused at the scene that suddenly unfolded.


Maggie just wrote two lines from the note Mrs. Ashley was giving. when she suddenly felt a strong presence behind her.


Before she could react, a strong arm flung her things on the desk to the ground, and the next thing she knew, she felt something cold on her top.


She looked down to see raw eggs dropping down her clothes.


Her expression turned incensed, and the very next thing that happened shocked all of the students.


No one knew how she did it due to how fast she acted. Maggie pulled off the outer shirt she was wearing, and the next thing she did was rub the spilled egg all over Natalie's face and hair.


Natalie's makeover was instantly ruined, and her face was all smudged, looking no different from a joker and a clown.


Maggie then arranged the mini shirt she had worn inside and then revealed a lopsided smirk as she grinned wickedly at Natalie, who's yet to react.


"Oh my God, she didn't just do that to the senator's daughter, did she?" Nancy, a scholarship student, mumbled excitedly as she whispered to her twin sister, Stacey, who was also a college student on scholarship.


"You aren't dumb or blind, are you? She just did, sis. This is going to be fun." Stacey whispered back, and they both had sparkling glimmers in their eyes.


Natalie finally came to her senses, and she let out a scream that reverberated through the four corners of the Classroom.


"Arrgh! You are going to pay for this, I swear!" she yelled, then rushed out of the classroom.


Eunice and Brielle, Natalie's cohorts and spoilt rich kids who always go partying and bully other poor people or people below their status couldn't accept what had happened after hearing people's mocking words.


They both stood up with furious gazes and walked up to Maggie, who was now parking her things on the floor.


Brielle bent over and was about to pull Maggie's hair when Mrs. Ashley's words ceased her actions.


"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She said it with a light smile.


"Did you just say that to us, you homeless old wretch?" Eunice yelled with raised brows.


"I can't believe you've got guts. I tell you if it's because of what this brat did just now if I were you, I wouldn't cross my lines. This bitch right here will be paying for her crimes soon."


Brielle sprouted, but Mrs. Ashley just shrugged her shoulders as she left for the podium.


"I was merely advising you to take precautions as not everyone is like me, or rather below you," she replied.


"Are you saying she's wealthier than us? This trashy-looking piece of sh*t with glasses?" Eunice mockingly chuckled, and Brielle let out a loud laugh.


"She must be joking; otherwise, which rich millionaire's daughter dresses in baggie clothes and sneakers and also comes to college using a backpack instead of designer handbags?" Brielle sneered.


"You never can tell," Mrs. Ashley replied to their surprise.


The class went quiet instantly, and almost everyone had their eyes on Maggie. No one knew who she was here, and many were curious to know who exactly she was, but they knew better than to ask.


The person in question looks like a proud peacock disguised as a humble nerd. They could still recall how she'd single-handedly dealt with the senator's daughter.


They had the chance to hear her introduction but chose to see Cliffcolly make out with Natalie over her.


Sigh, the past can't be undone.


Thankfully, Samantha Mathias, the president's daughter, and the Imperial Diamonds College's biggest tyrant wasn't around today as she had gone to Italy on vacation and will be resuming next week.


If looks could make holes in one's body, Maggie well knew that her body would have been given a million holes.


But a large hole will be in one direction.


She turned behind her only to share eye contact with her once-upon-a-time high school crush, Clifford Collymore, known as Cliffcolly.


She stared at him with contempt and scorn.

"Who was he? Not her sweet, handsome, and innocent Clifford. He was someone else, A jerk, a playboy, a big bad shameless son of a billionaire." She mumbled to herself.


She never wants to associate with a person like him, a bad influence.


Never in Clifford's wildest dreams did he expect to ever see Maggie.


Maggie?  Wasn't that his... high school lover girl who had left without any trace?


His eyes went wide as his thoughts were confirmed when he saw her walking steps.


This was his Maggie.


No one had her natural catwalk style. Others could fake it, but not Margaret. She was born like that.


She was born a beautiful damsel with a great body, sexy curves, super intelligence, and an attractive mole above her lips.


Her hair was naturally blonde, and she loved wearing huge glasses, not because it was recommended but just to add a touch to herself and make her look more like a nerd, even if she wasn't one.


Her self-reliant trait attracted him at first, and he began falling in love. And when he was confident enough to ask her out, she suddenly disappeared.


And now she's appeared out of the blue and in the worst possible situation. The fact that she was looking hotter in her baggie top and baggie pants made it feel as if he hadn't just climaxed a while ago.


He badly wanted to push Natalie off his thighs, but his self-restraint and proud attitude didn't let him.


Deep down, he knew he had downgraded himself yet again. He didn't miss the disgusted look she threw at him just now.


Maggie had always been herself; she hated bullies and always worked to drag them down.


And now she was here. what baffled him was how the hell she was able to get into this college. From the look of things, she's been transferred.


And the last time he recalled, Maggie was from a middle-class family.


How was she able to afford the fees? He needed to learn more about her mystery.


Clifford immediately brought out his phone and texted his private investigator.


"Find out everything about Margaret Harper from three years ago, with photos attached."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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