

Just as the title depicts, it's all about the mysteries revolving Maggie's life.   What would you do when you discovered your entire life was a lie? A lie that revolved around secrets and scandals   When the closest one turned out to be a ticking time bomb for your life.   This is the story of Margaret Harper, aka Maggie. **** When life was going all well for Maggie Harper, what happens when her hideous past resurfaces? What was the past, and how will it be related to her present? Her life is promised to take a toll for the worst after she met her high school crush in the same college. It all began with a dangerous challenge. A game with a Playboy: who will win? How is she going to survive this game filled with mystery and confusion? **** She stood by the floor-to-ceiling French window, staring at the children, who were laughing and giggling as they played and had fun in the amusement park. Her heart was cold, and her eyes were lifeless. The innocence that was always present in the eyes of children wasn't in hers. She yearns for love and affection. She wanted the freedom these children had. Why wasn't she just an orphan? The hate and bitterness that had accumulated in her heart intensified, and her expression hardened. She was only ten years old, but the killing intent that surged from her couldn't be measured. "Standing and staring at the crowd won't be of any help at this moment." She heard what her best friend said. "I want to leave this place and never return" She mumbled through gritted teeth, her fists clasped tightly together. "I know, and I've come up with the perfect plan." Her best friend replied as she placed her hand on her shoulders. "A plan won't work, Samantha," She turned to face her. "We need to devise a scheme; A perfect one" She muttered, and her lifeless eyes shone with ruthlessness and brutality.

Sparkles2 · Urban
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9 Chs


Lucas and Amelia were surprised at Maggie's outburst, as they weren't expecting such a reaction from her.


"But dear Imperial Diamonds, this is the best college here, and you deserve the best of everything. Why are you refusing to go?" Lucas asked.


He dropped the cutlery he was using to eat, and he turned to look directly at Maggie.


Amelia also stared at Maggie as she curiously waited to hear why she was declining such an incredible offer.


A scowl was resting on Maggie's face as she had already lost all the appetite to continue eating.


The food in her mouth was now tasteless, and the earlier tempting dishes now looked no different from trash meals.


With an indifferent voice, she turned to her parents, eyeing them with contempt.


How could her parents not know her dislike for that college? They very well knew how much she hated those spoilt rich heirs and heiresses that filled the school.


Imperial Diamonds is a college for the rich and powerful. Pampered teenagers and good-for-nothing sons and daughters of businessmen and politicians attend the school.


They do nothing but bully the poor and students on scholarships and also trouble the lecturers.


She dared not attend such a college. Maggie, as an international intercultural student, is known for her great performances and achievements.


She's popularly tagged 'young scientist,' as her ability to manipulate science projects was out of this world.


How could she possibly accept such outrageous arrangements from her parents, who had always known her dislike for that particular institution?


Who were they trying to show off to?


Maggie had no idea, but at this moment, she was all flared up and wasn't going to listen to whatever excuse they were going to give.


"I won't go, and that's final. I'd rather return to Singapore." She exclaimed and rose from her seat, looking infuriated, as she made to leave but halted upon hearing Lucas' words.


"The transfer process has been completed, Margaret Harper. You have no choice but to attend Imperial Diamond College. Your resumption date is tomorrow.


I'll advise you to calmly prepare for lectures tomorrow and not give us a hard time. We know you love science projects, so we are working on completing a science lab for you at home."


"Maggie, your Dad is right; this is for your good. Besides, we're already this wealthy; no one is going to bully you there," Amelia added.


"You too, Mom? I didn't know you both hated my progress that much," Maggie shrieked disappointedly, and she ran to her room looking bleak.


Amelia stood up from her seat and was about to run after Maggie when Lucas stopped her.


"Give her some space, Amelia; she'll think it through. We both know Maggie never goes against our wishes. I'm certain, she won't"  He persuaded her, but Amelia just huffed and glared at him.


"My poor baby didn't get the chance to eat properly. She didn't get to eat these delicious dishes I had personally ordered the chef to prepare. It's all thanks to you," she condemned.


Lucas couldn't be less concerned about Amelia's tantrums as he continued eating, not willing to let the dishes go to waste.


Maggie angrily threw her phone on the bed. She was frenetic.


 Why her?  Her dream was to become a famous inventor like Marrie Currie and others. Why were her parents trying to ruin everything for her?


She plumped herself into the soft Queen-size bed, and her phone, which was beside her, buzzed.


She picked it up and checked to discover it was a call from Dysha, her best friend.


"Hey, babe, how's Mexico City? Home sweet home, huh?" Dysha's cheerful voice sounded.


Maggie's mood instantly improved upon hearing her best friend's voice.


"It'll have been if they didn't bring up the topic they just did," Maggie mumbled in reply, and Dysha could immediately tell something was bothering her.


"Spill it, honey, what's wrong with you now, huh? And who are they? What did they bring up?

Didn't you say you were going to look for your high school nerdy crush when you left?" 


Dysha bombarded her with different questions.


"First of all, I'm mad, angry, and irate. And secondly, they are my parents. Thirdly, they freaking want me to attend that fucked up Imperial Diamonds College and have already gotten all the transfers done."


"The worst part is that I'll have to resume tomorrow. For crying out loud dysha, I just returned here today after three years; won't they even give me time to rest and recover my lost strength?"


Dysha felt speechless as she heard Maggie's complaint. She was sincerely surprised, as she always knew the couple to be kind-hearted and easygoing.


Why were they now harsh with Maggie? 


"Perhaps they have their reasons," she thought.


"And as to finding Clifford, it'll have to wait for later," Maggie completed, and Dysha let out a deep sigh.


If she had to be honest, she had no idea what to say, but she truly believed in Maggie.


"You know what? I think you should just do as they ask," Dysha said to Maggie's dismay.


"You too!"  Maggie exclaimed in surprise.


"No wait, don't get me wrong, okay? Also, don't hang up on my call; hear me out."


Dysha quickly sprouted, knowing fully well that Maggie could decisively hang up the call.


"Aren't Imperial Diamonds for spoilt brats who misbehave? You aren't going there to misbehave, right? You are going there to study, so all you need to do is focus on your studies.

But that doesn't mean you should let them bully you. I know you can deal with every single heckler that crosses your path.

You have always brought changes to every institution you attend; I believe you will also bring a change there.

Perhaps Imperial Diamonds College is waiting for Maggie's arrival to change its ways."


Dysha advised.  She went on talking and talking until she realized no one was answering her questions.


"Hey bitch, how dare you ignore me?" Dysha yelled, but there was still no response.


"Hey Maggie, are you there? Maggie?  Maggie!!"


"Beep! Beep! Beep!" The call was hung up.


"Rot in hell, O Margaret Harper. I curse you from the bottom of my soul," Dysha desperately shouted while glaring hard at her phone as she heard the beep sound of the call disconnect.

The next day, at Imperial Diamonds College, Mrs. Ashley was standing on the podium as she was ready to explain some biological terms, but the students in the class did not look like they were inclined to learn a single thing.


"Good day everyone, today our topic is a classification of animals in the kingdom Animalia.

But before we begin, I'll be introducing a new class member; welcome her with loud applause." 


She yelled but got no responses, only mumbles, and mocking laughter.


Mrs. Ashley felt angry, and she shrieked again.




A deep, cool voice suddenly chuckled, and she felt her brain about to burst.


"Why don't you just teach and get your black ass outta here? We don't care if you are teaching about the Kingdom of Animalia or the Kingdom of Ashelia."


He mocked, and the whole class erupted in pearls of laughter.


Mrs. Ashley burned in rage. "How dare you, Cliffcolly, and what the hell, oh my Jesus, are you doing in my class?"


She cried out.  She immediately turned to face the wall, as she couldn't bear to see such a thing happening right in front of her.


"What do you think? Don't tell me you don't do this with the old hag of a husband you have.

I guess you don't because he's already old. But I can give you a good fingering right now if you want." 


He spoke naughtily, and the class wooed as he continued to deepen his fingers inside the sweet punani of the lady that was sitting almost naked on his lap.


Clifford's fingers went deeper as he let out a curse as the lady kept grinding his c*ck with her big ass that was placed on his thighs.


Natalie's indecent moans resounded in the class, and the surrounding students were busy cheering and taking pictures.


A loud moan erupted from their lips, and they both came to their climax.


Just then, the door of the classroom pushed open, and Maggie stepped in.


Her eyes were filled with stupefaction and disbelief at the sight before her.

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