

Just as the title depicts, it's all about the mysteries revolving Maggie's life.   What would you do when you discovered your entire life was a lie? A lie that revolved around secrets and scandals   When the closest one turned out to be a ticking time bomb for your life.   This is the story of Margaret Harper, aka Maggie. **** When life was going all well for Maggie Harper, what happens when her hideous past resurfaces? What was the past, and how will it be related to her present? Her life is promised to take a toll for the worst after she met her high school crush in the same college. It all began with a dangerous challenge. A game with a Playboy: who will win? How is she going to survive this game filled with mystery and confusion? **** She stood by the floor-to-ceiling French window, staring at the children, who were laughing and giggling as they played and had fun in the amusement park. Her heart was cold, and her eyes were lifeless. The innocence that was always present in the eyes of children wasn't in hers. She yearns for love and affection. She wanted the freedom these children had. Why wasn't she just an orphan? The hate and bitterness that had accumulated in her heart intensified, and her expression hardened. She was only ten years old, but the killing intent that surged from her couldn't be measured. "Standing and staring at the crowd won't be of any help at this moment." She heard what her best friend said. "I want to leave this place and never return" She mumbled through gritted teeth, her fists clasped tightly together. "I know, and I've come up with the perfect plan." Her best friend replied as she placed her hand on her shoulders. "A plan won't work, Samantha," She turned to face her. "We need to devise a scheme; A perfect one" She muttered, and her lifeless eyes shone with ruthlessness and brutality.

Sparkles2 · Urban
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9 Chs


The bell rang, signifying it was time for lunch. Natalie's cohorts, Eunice and Brielle, were the first to rush out before the rest gradually followed.


Maggie wrapped up the biological drawing she was working on and carefully placed all the books in her bag.


If there was one thing she valued above all, it was gaining knowledge and more knowledge.


And these books contain a lot of essential materials.


Maggie picked up her backpack and hung it around her shoulder.


What she saw that morning couldn't let her trust any of her classmates. What if her books suddenly disappear and her learning materials are all gone?


No, she didn't want to take the risk.


Maggie parked everything and was ready to walk outside to the cafeteria when a strong hand suddenly grabbed hers.


She instantly turned cold, and within an eyeblink, she was already steps away from the person.


Maggie raised her head to see who the shit the person is, and lo and behold, it was the cutest Playboy guy with red locks.


"How dare you touch me?" She yelled.


"Oh wow, I merely touched your hand, dear old classmate; how can you yell like that?" Clifford said with a flirtatious smugness.


Nothing irritated Maggie more than seeing that proud pridefulness on his face. She looked at her wrist, and her brows furrowed in extreme disdain, perhaps in hate.


Two girls suddenly walked past the empty classroom, and Maggie directly stopped them.


"Halt!"   She demanded as her face was getting slightly red.


Nancy and Stacey paused their movements in surprise as they both turned to gaze at Maggie.


"Hey, one of you should come to take my bag and unzip it," she ordered.


The twins dared not disobey; they didn't want to land themselves in trouble and were quick to do as she demanded.


"The sanitizer and inhaler," Maggie murmured; her face was completely red, and she was short of breath.


Shocked, Clifford rushed to help, but Maggie in return screamed at the top of her lungs.


"I forbid you from getting any closer to me." She screeched, but Clifford just wouldn't listen.


He rushed over and began holding and rubbing her hands while Nancy and Stacey were confused about what to do next.


Maggie kept resisting, and the next moment, she passed out, much to their astonishment.


Maggie's body and face were as red as tomatoes. Her lips were turning purple, and her hands were terrifyingly cold.


Nancy's eyes widened, and like a flash of lightning, she'd grab Maggie away from Clifford and push the dumbfounded son of a billionaire to the side.


She placed Maggie on the floor and quickly performed CPR on her while Stacey went on cleaning her palm with the sanitizer.


"What happened just now? What's wrong with her?" Clifford asked gruffly.


"She's got allergies," Nancy replied.


The students were now gathered by the corridor, whispering to themselves while Clifford ran his hand through his red locks.


How could he not know it? Maggie was a germaphobe, and he had touched her using the same hand he'd used to finger Natalie, and she'd gotten infections.


Why was his life so messed up?


Mrs. Ashley's heels clicked as she got there with the clinical nurses, and Maggie was directly placed on the stretcher and taken away while the twins packed her bags and followed suit.


Clifford also didn't stay behind, and the gossip students who had left their brunch to experience first-hand school entertainment weren't willing to be left out and they immediately followed.


The medical staff inserted an IV drip for her, and as time passed, her expression gradually turned better and lighter.


Maggie's eyes opened to see the white ceilings and walls.


She didn't need to be told where this place was, as she already knew where it was.


How could she be admitted to the school clinic after only half a day of teaching and lectures on the first day of school?


Won't that be creating history yet again, and all thanks to the same person?


With all the anger and strength she could muster, seeing that she was the only one in the room, Maggie stood up from the bed and removed the connected IV drip.


She wore the nurses' gloves and stumped out, banging the door from behind. Maggie sighted the crowd, and the most eye-catching of them was flirt with red locks.


Anger filled her heart as she sighted him standing with a girl who had almost all her flesh exposed by the skimpy clothes she was wearing.


They were both smiling, grinning, and flirting with each other.


"He dares put me in this sickly condition and have the guts to flirt?" Maggie was filled with rage.


Not giving anyone a moment to react, two slaps landed on Clifford's cheeks, and his eyes turned red and puffed.


"That is for what you just caused me. And the other is for you, Clifford Collymore, to never cross paths with me, Maggie Harper.

Or else, I, Margaret, will teach you an unforgettable lesson: never mess with anyone."

She roared at him as the imaginary fire blazed in her eyes.


Maggie hated this side of him. How can he not be responsible for his actions? Just how many lives has he ruined?


Disgusted by the sight of him, she turned around and left, and the noisy atmosphere was so quiet that not even an ant dared to make a sound.


No one has ever threatened Clifford in his entire life. Worst of all, no one has ever hit him. But Maggie just did.


And she didn't do it anywhere else but in front of the entire college. Sure, he knew this was soon going to be the hottest topic on the internet.


"The son of the richest businessman in Mexico City got slapped by a random transfer student."


His reputation is going to be tarnished, and his image will be questioned. The same will also go for his ability and confidence.


The one thing he hated in his life is to be doubted, compared or looked down upon.


And Maggie has just done that. She had openly challenged it, and his ego has been stabbed.


"You should not have done what you just did, Margaret Harper. You have awakened the rage in me.

 And I'll make you pay. I'll make sure you regret it, in this life and in any life to which you are born.

 I swear to take all you have and make you beg me. I'll break your confidence and pride.

 You'll be left alone and will bring yourself to me, and then I'll fuck you in every position.

 For each bad comment, Margaret Harper must pay. And that, I, Clifford Collymore, promise you."


He stared at the place where she'd walked past and smirked evilly like a maniac, then strutted through the other path.


But little did he know that these two paths lead to the same end. The path is connected and whichever way they went past shall lead them to the same destination.

And getting to fulfill all the promises he had made gets a hefty price to pay in return.


Will he be ready to pay the price when the time comes?


To ruin is to be ruined. 


Are they ready for the doom that awaits them? Who'll give up first?

Get ready lovely readers, it gonna be lit(^^)

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