
The Mysterious Heiress

She is a princess of holy land who wants nothing more than freedom. And that's why she ran from home. " Who dares to block the path of this Princess ?" she spoke in a haughty tone. He is cold and ruthless who never submits to anyone. " You call yourself Princess but to me you seem like a spy of our rival kingdom " He narrowed his golden eyes in suspicion. " Spy or Princess I don't care! She is only mine " He chased her all his life but there is a man who always meddled in his affairs like a third wheel. Let's find out with whom the destiny sides with.

AN_B · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Head of top Mercenary group ' Black Bull '

Hearing such a vivid explanation Feng Li's eyes shone with excitement and she knew where she could sell her priceless pills. With a hearty laugh she spoke in her raspy voice

" Time to get rich again "

She told Ming Yue that they will start their journey to Hidden Street the next morning.

The next day her two minions were loading a carriage with food and other neccessities. She frowned at the sight but didn't tell any of them to stop. When the red robe man saw their master arriving he hastily greeted her with his bright smile " Master! Everything is ready. The first carriage is for Master and the second one is loaded with ration and other stuff "

Feng Li just nodded at him and sat inside the carriage. It took them a whole week to travel.

They crossed a Mountain and a few remote areas and finally a forest before they could see a vast stretch of land which was bustling with activities but to enter inside that vast land they had to cross a barrier or else they could only go back.

Feng Li was so excited to explore that place and the so called barrier was child's play for her. When her two minions and Ming Yue saw her Mistress dispelling the barrier with just few weird words and signs they were shocked beyond words. Their Mistress was truly amazing.

When they entered inside it was just the opposite of what they saw from outside. They were scared out of their wits.

From outside the place was looking like a market with lots of hustle bustle but now they could feel the oppressive aura. There was no sunlight. It looked like the sun was hidden behind the dark clouds. The surroundings were despondent and gloomy.

" So it was a Mirage hmm? Not bad! This Princess is impressed " Feng Li spoke with a nod.

" Mistress! You mean what we saw from outside was just a mirage?" asked Ming Yue with widen eyes.

" That's right. Let's go" nodded Feng Li and walked towards a narrow alley. When they crossed that alley their eyes popped out of their sockets and there was a wide grin plastered on Feng Li's face.

Many cultivators with huge burly bodies were walking on the streets, some were negotiating the price with shopkeepers, some were selling crystal cores and skin of demon beasts while others were fighting in the middle of the streets. It was a really a lawless land but there was one and only rule and that was ' No one is allowed to kill or threaten the shopkeepers who were selling or buying things from these cultivators and if anyone dared to break this rule they will be killed and their family will be annihilated without mercy ' and because of this rule even the strong cultivators should show respect to these shop owners.

It is believed that the Hidden Street belongs to the Dark Lord and no one dares to provoke the King of Hell.

" Mistress! Is it alright for us to visit such a place. I can only see men around " her words were filled with nervousness.

" With this Princess here you don't have to worry " her tone arrogant as usual. But just when they stepped forward they heard someone laugh

" Woah! Its been ages since this Lord see such a refreshing beauty in this Hidden Street " a tall man with average facial features blocked Feng Li's path. Behind him were four of his men who snickered at their Lord's words.

Feng Li frowned and shouted at him

" Ugly freak! Get out of this Princess's sight "

Her words shocked people around her. One man who was sipping his tea choked instantly. He put his cup down and rushed to help the beauty

" Lord Yan don't get angry. She doesn't know about his lordship. Please forgive her " He knelt down.

The man who blocked Feng Li was the head of top mercenary group ' Black Bulls ' and his name was' Baozhai ' .

When Feng Li saw a young man kneeling before that mercenary head she felt speechless. Who are these dumbwits who are blocking her path. She kicked the young man aside and landed a hard punch on Baozhai's face. Her punch was so powerful that it sent the so called Lord Baozhai flying several meters and then he crashed on a pillar with a loud thud. She glared at his four minions

" Still not moving "