
The Mysterious Heiress

She is a princess of holy land who wants nothing more than freedom. And that's why she ran from home. " Who dares to block the path of this Princess ?" she spoke in a haughty tone. He is cold and ruthless who never submits to anyone. " You call yourself Princess but to me you seem like a spy of our rival kingdom " He narrowed his golden eyes in suspicion. " Spy or Princess I don't care! She is only mine " He chased her all his life but there is a man who always meddled in his affairs like a third wheel. Let's find out with whom the destiny sides with.

AN_B · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Hidden Street

The girl stared at the handsome face just inches away from her and her heart skipped a beat. She quickly composed herself and answered in a raspy voice. " Feng Li. This princess is called Feng Li."

And without speaking further the mighty Jun Yun walked away.

" Tch.. What a snob!" only after he left could Feng Li make such a remark.

" Thankyou Miss. I will never forget this Miss's benevolence " the sudden voice brought back Feng Li from her revery . She turned her gaze towards the maid who was giving her a bow.

" What is your name?" asked Feng Li with a slight smile on her face. Seeing her fleeting smile the maid went in a daze for a good few seconds. When she came back to her senses her face flushed red and she spoke nervously " This servant is called Ming Yue."

An idea popped in Feng Li's mind and she asked Ming Yue, " Do want to serve this Princess here ?" she pointed her index finger at herself.

The maid was stunned when she heard those words! She thought no one will hire her after such a commotion even if she wasn't at fault. Her eyes filled with tears and she knelt before Feng Li addressing her " Mistress. "

A smile which can topple cities bloomed on Feng Li's face , " Great! Let's go back" and that's how Feng Li got her personal maid servant in this realm.

Next few days were peaceful. She enjoyed delicacies and strolled the city with Ming Yue.But soon she realized she was short of money and this gave Feng Li a heart attack.

" Darn! How could this Princess live her lavish life without any money! "

In just a few days Ming Yue understood that her Mistress is unpredictable and no one can understand her line of thoughts. She was right next to her Mistress when she saw her whining about money.

" Mistress there is a place in Central Region known as hidden street where one can exchange things for money. If we could go to Dark Forest and do some hunting we could gather crystal cores of demon beasts and sell them in Hidden Street." Ming Yue thought this could be the best idea. But to her suprise Feng li spoke in a lazy manner " What demon beasts and what Dark forest? This Princess has killed all those demon beasts already "

Poor Ming Yue! When she heard those words spoken by her Mistress in her lazy and languid tone she felt her head buzzing. Before she could calm herself down she heard Mistress's raspy voice again

" Wait! Tell me more about this hidden street "

Feng Li was curious to know about such a place. Earlier when she killed those demon beasts she sold their crystal cores to Zang Pavillion. And it was suggested by her two minions. They said that Zang Pavillion is the top pawn store and nobody dares to cause ruckus there. They had many powerful cultivators guarding the Pavillion. But it is her first time hearing about 'Hidden Street'.

Ming Yue was excited to tell her Mistress all about the Hidden Street so she started informing her " Mistress, the Hidden Street is a type of Black Market. One can pawn things or sell them at a good price. One can even sell information there but it is similarly dangerous. That place is the hub of many powerful cultivators and merciless mercenaries. There is even a death arena where one can challenge his or her opponent or even the arena King. One can get anything they want from that place if they have enough money or something valuable for exchange. Rare herbs, weapons, artifacts, crystal cores , high grade pills .. you just name it and you could find everything there. But common people never dares to set foot there as it is the lawless land, once someone brought something then it is totally upto their strength whether they are capable to take it back with them safely. "

Hearing such a vivid explanation Feng Li's eyes shone with excitement and she knew where she could sell her priceless pills. With a hearty laugh she spoke in her raspy voice

" Time to get rich again "