
The Mysterious Heiress

She is a princess of holy land who wants nothing more than freedom. And that's why she ran from home. " Who dares to block the path of this Princess ?" she spoke in a haughty tone. He is cold and ruthless who never submits to anyone. " You call yourself Princess but to me you seem like a spy of our rival kingdom " He narrowed his golden eyes in suspicion. " Spy or Princess I don't care! She is only mine " He chased her all his life but there is a man who always meddled in his affairs like a third wheel. Let's find out with whom the destiny sides with.

AN_B · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Outcome of Black Bulls

When Feng Li saw a young man kneeling before that mercenary head she felt speechless. Who are these dumbwits who are blocking her path. She kicked the young man aside and landed a hard punch on Baozhai's face. Her punch was so powerful that it sent the so called Lord Baozhai flying several meters and then he crashed on a pillar with a loud thud. She glared at his four minions

" Still not moving "

The four members of Black Bulls were stupefied and so was the groaning Baozhai.

He gritted his teeth and glared that peerless beauty, with a roar he accused her,

" You Bitch! You dare caught me off guard ".

Hearing his words black Bull's members sighed in relief. So their worries were for naught. They came back to their original, arrogant selves.

" Little Beauty, you have no ethics at all. How could you punch someone out of the blue!" reprimanded one of Black Bull's member. While the others helped Baozhai on his feet. They were still not letting them pass.

When Ming Yue saw her Mistress was about to loose her temper again she came forward , " This Mister! Stop blocking our path , my Mistress is running out of patience here " she warned them in a cold voice.

" Hahaha! Number 3, Did you hear that? This servant here is giving us order. She is not bad too. Would you like her to serve you? " spoke the one who was number two in ranking to his companion who was known as Number 3.

" Now I think of it, she is not bad at all! I will take her for some fun" he spoke while glaring Ming Yue with lecherous eyes of his.

Seeing the black bulls members bullying the little girl and her maid servant some cultivators felt sympathy, some were jeering, some just wanted to see how the drama ends and others were anticipating if they could taste that little beauty themselves. Different thoughts clouded different people. But a certain shop owner at the extreme right corner of the street was keenly watching everything.

" Bring her to the base " ordered Baozhai as he turned to leave. For the punch he received, he wanted to pay her back tenfolds. He wanted to torture her under him until she begs for mercy. Imagining this he finally felt a little better.

His minions licked their lips as they thought after their boss they could enjoy her too and rushed forward to grab her but was it so easy to capture the arrogant Feng Li.

She scoffed at their futile attempt and saw their undisguised lust, she felt so disgusted that her anger reached at another level. In a cold menacing tone she spoke,

" Courting death! Aren't You!" and with a wave of her hand she summoned a tornado. The other cultivators who were in close proximity retreated hastily with visible shock in their eyes.

Who in the world is this little girl! Will someone tell them? As powerful entities of Gea Kingdom they never saw someone with such kind of power. The members of Black Bulls didn't get the time to retreat as their speed was faster than lightining when they tried to grab Feng Li so they immediately caught up in that tornado. They were so shocked that they even forgot to react.

The tornado seem to have its own concious, reason being, it only focused its attention on the four members of Black Bulls. Inside the tornado, wind was slashing those four men like sword. They screamed out of their lungs and begged for mercy but their pleas were in vain . And after a while four bloodied bodies were thrown on the cold street. The huge chaos abruptly stopped and the tornado dissappered as if it was never there.

It didn't do any other damage. The shops were unaffected and no one else was injured except those four who were in the verge of their last breath. They will surely be dead in no time.

Baozhai paled and stood rooted at his place. Never in his wildest dream he dreamt something like this. He has ruined countless women and even killed their husbands and lovers. He was arrogant through and through and never feared anyone. But today was the only exception.

He felt a chilling sensation in his bones when he saw the killing intent in those extraordinary pair of Sapphire Blue eyes.

His legs went weak and he knelt on the ground,

" Mercy! Mercy Young Miss! I am toad who stupidily dreamt of eating swan's meat! Please spare my life! I.. I will never repeat this again! Never ever " he begged for forgiveness and banged his head on the ground to show his sincerity but he doesn't know that the haughty Princess rarely give someone one chance let alone two. She didn't kill him the first time but he didn't cherish his life so who could he blame for his own stupidity.

She casted her eyes downwards and saw his pathetic state. A harmless smile bloomed at her gorgeous face making the gloomy street brighten up at that moment but in those deep eyes a sinister glint flashed past.

Everyone who was watching the scene upfront held their breaths. Nobody knew what would happen next. Then they saw her kneeling down and grabbing Baozhai from his neck. She smiled beautifully dazzling all the people who were watching everything holding their breaths and then a cracking sound reverberated making everyone's hair stand at ends.