
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

9 - Frozen (2)

O.O Frozen (2) O.O

For his perspective, I tend to switch between his thoughts and view on the situation and describing what he's doing and from a third perspective, if you haven't already figured it out.

Word count: 1048


The night had come, and so had the party. And I was ready to play. The people were, happy? And only talking in their little social circles. Yet I just stood in the corner, hoping to not attract much attention, yet it seems my most wondrous self was destined to attract attention. I mean, look at me, how can I not?

Back to the party, the music cheerful and the people dancing, yet it must come to a stop as the queen and princess enter, with her run-in entrance, and again, nearly tripped over looking at me, all the way in the back corner of the room. Damn is she in need of some love. Lucky most of the people were looking down apart from the queen and the guy next to her doing the introductions.

Zone out and skip ahead a bit, and here's the part I wanted.

"No. Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?!" Pretty reasonable considering Elsa left little Anna's life for around 10 or something years, not a word of why ever escaping her room.

"I said, enough!" There it is. Now, all we gotta do is wait, and she will storm off, with shrieks and nervous chattering going around. Meh, afraid of the unknown, I would too, if I didn't know of the possibilities of the multiverse. A few seconds later and she ran off scared.

I'm getting bored, so let's play around with these new powers.

What to start with. Hold up, there's ice in front of me, let's use that as a template.

Walking forward, I chip off the edge of the spike closest to me. Inspecting it, I find it's just normal ice, merely a little more compact and harder than normal. Continuing, I try fabricating a glacialc object of the same shape, for a bit of practice, and it just felt natural, like breathing, conjuring ice out of nothing, but I'm sure there's some form of magical energy in everything, otherwise, how would the spirits be alive?

Satisfied, I try and regenerate the ice from the icicle I snapped, and it grows to be just as it was. Trying something a bit bigger, I disintegrated Elsa's ice until it disappeared back into the fragments of energy it once was.

Happy with my progress, I turned to the remaining guests and announced, "Don't worry. I'm a part of a special organisation that helps the common people by taking in all powered people. You won't have to worry about it, we'll fix all of this, and no more magical problems will come upon this world."

Just like that, I won't have to worry about some of the problems, and getting them to put a bit of trust into me would help in the long term, if I need it. Now I just gotta use my new powers to get rid of the shit that Elsa spews across the kingdom.


Taking his time, Samael strolled through the castle walls until he made it outside, admiring the display of the fountain freezing and wondering what else he could do with his powers. Feeling great now, he just deflected the ice blast thrown at his direction after the duke of Weasletown started screaming and continued calmy strolling with confident strides towards the frozen stiff queen, probably having a mental breakdown after witnessing someone else with the same powers as her.

Arriving next to her, he whispered his reassurance, "I've finally found you. You don't belong here, come with me, I'll take you from this prison, and you know what I mean. I'm like you, but I know what I can do. I can control it. You want that too, right? So come with me and I'll show you," claiming his first mentally unstable harem member, he took her by her cold frozen hands, as she flinched, feeling someone's hands for the first time in her life since her childhood.

Revelling in the feeling of skin contact without freezing the other person, her thought process momentarily froze and when she came about, they had arrived at the North mountain.

Regaining her bearings, she looked around and seeing the man that managed to take her away without her knowing, her guard instantly rose. "Who are you and what do you want with me?"

"First, chill out, you can't do anything to me, and I am Samael Avakala…" stopping for a moment, a thought came to mind, 'That name really doesn't feel right saying out loud, should change it later.' Continuing, "and I'm here to help you learn about and how to control your magical powers. All because I'm the same as you, and you have too much potential to waste on the emotional shit you would be going through right now if I didn't come. Now, what do you say, want me to teach you?"

"Yes!" She instantly answered, unsure of why she wanted to know so much and why she was so attracted to him. "But you have to show me what you can do first and why I'm so attracted to you," she quickly added, realising her own enthusiasm in slight embarrassment.

"Well, of course, it's not like you'd just follow a stranger you just met after seeing a bit of power. This…" spreading his arms wide, a small chunk of snow floated off the ground and expanded until it turned into a small tornado under his body, lifting him off the ground and into the sky, "Is what I can do."

Shocked at what he managed to do, she just stood there, not moving, shocked at the revelation of another person truly having control over ice like her. But that didn't stop there, with his range expanding over time, he could now control all snow and ice within a 5-kilometre radius of him, and that's exactly what he did. A white blanket had covered the sky, quite literally, until it all compacted and was yeeted towards Arandelle, exploding above it and covering the kingdom in a snowstorm, the movie events happening all over again. {Didn't like how this ended.}

"Now, ready for a training montage?"

Power stones are great, helps more people see my book and makes me want to write even more. Add it to your library for updates, and join the Discord server is suggested. I'm very active and anything you want to ask, I should be able to get to you within the hour.

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