
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

8 - Frozen (1)

O.O Frozen (1) O.O

Finally got it, I like where this is going and I can't wait for my plans to come into action, hope you all enjoy~

Word count: 1434


Yep, Frozen it is, we're going to Frozen, now am I going to go when they're the most vulnerable and they need an adult figure, or somewhere during their later years.

Benefits for going when they're young. Show Elsa my powers, gain her favour, be playful and act friendly with Anna, and then I got the princesses under my thumb and into my harem, whether it be as they're young because I can't be bothered staying until they're grown up, or wait until they're older if I can be bothered.

Now the benefits for during the movie times. I can do anything and it'll be legal, no interdimensional FBI will be coming after me, and I won't have to wait for any time to get to the events. But, I will have to build relations with them. Anna will be easy, so desperate for love, but that's how Prince Hands got her so easily. Now, Elsa, she'll be a bit harder, but I'm sure showing her a bit of power, and she'll be too frantic to even care about anything I give her.

So, it seems I'll be going with option 2 because I can't be fucked being a child again. So limiting.

Now the fun part, should I use my main body or transmigrate to someone else. The best time would be the ball, get Anna's attention, clock in Elsa's powers, then get her hooked.

I am seriously so smart. {Gonna have him be a bit narcissistic at times.} I mean, look at my— the new me's— looks. I look damn handsome in that moonlight lake reflection

Back on topic, let's go— Wait, should I take Mother Gothel, before she becomes old, like in her prime? Nah, maybe later, I want some more powers now, because I am a weak-ass boy right now, and look at all those main characters, wishing for instant power, energy reserves, dumbass wishes, etcetera, etcetera. Time to get to the next world.


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⫦ Choose ⫣

⪧ Anime/Manga/Hentai

⪧ Cartoon/Comic

⪧ Game

⪧ Novel

⪧ Other


Cartoon obviously.


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⪧ Enter the title of your chosen world: …


I'm going to Frozen.


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⪧ Reincarnation/Transmigration: Your choice: …

⪧ Reincarnation/Transmigration: Protagonist

⪧ Traverse


Let's just traverse there using my main body, I don't know any of the princes, and I can't be bothered going into Prince Hands's body, he's too annoying to look at, pretentious prick.


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⪧ Choose your location: …

⪧ Choose your time: …

⪧ Stop time of current world: Yes/No


, and this world could be useful in the future, so I will stop time.


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⪧ Enter the title of your chosen world: Frozen

⪧ Traverse

⪧ Choose your location: Outside the castle gates

⪧ Choose your time: 5 minutes before the opening of the gates

⪧ Stop time of current world: Yes


Finally, I can actually get some destructive powers, not just support. Like, who doesn't want some seriously fun powers?

So off we go!


{Changing his looks a bit, just because I want him to look more like Namor from Marvel.}

In another world, in the kingdom of Arendelle, the gates to the royal castle would finally open for the first time in many years, but only for one day, to celebrate the queen's coronation. The time had nearly come and a male, of around 16 years of age, but physically looking at least 20, with a nicely ripped swimmers body hiding under a pure white cotton hoodie and black jeans, and his electric blue eyes that stood out from the average human.

Although in strange clothing and outstanding in every way, he was hidden in a small alley, between two inconspicuous houses, not far away from the bridge needed to cross to get to the castle.

'Woah, feels strange being back in my own body, and it seems… the physical capabilities of Eugene's body is stacked onto mine. Now, this can be fun to play with. But back to the plot, if it did it right, which I am highly certain of, then she should start singing in a few minutes and come out of those gates,' Samael thought upon arriving in the Frozen world.

Shuffling out of the alley into the warm early morning sun, he felt rejuvenated after not seeing the sun with his real eyes in a while {only been 5 days or so} and so he went to go to the gates, to get in line for the opening.

Strolling through the grounds, he got some weird looks for his clothes but amazed by his face and body sculpture, they didn't judge and attributed it to another kingdom's culture.

With the atmosphere joyful and fun, Samael found himself enjoying this medieval world. The children playing, happy citizens, dodgy dukes from another kingdom, and a prince 13th in line for the throne wanting to marry into this kingdom with his looks and to take advantage of the princess and her desperation for love. Oh, how he missed plots.

But the show has only just begun {quite literally}, as the gates creaked and out came a singing princess dancing and twirling away, finally meeting new people for the first time in forever.

Singing and smiling, passing the man that stood out from the crowd, her heart skipped a beat and nearly tripped, earning a slight laugh in response, adding to the already joyful atmosphere.

Knowing where she would end up, he didn't care and continued through the gates to the main entrance, wanting to see Elsa as soon as possible to get her powers and hopefully gain a new harem member too, because he was in no way going to limit himself {free power upgrades}.


Not long later and the coronation had begun inside the chapel {that's what Imma call it}, as the beautiful young woman with pure white hair and a gold tiara, calmly stood before a priest holding a cushion that seated a ceremonial orb and sceptre, signifying the crowning of an Arendellian monarch.

Slightly shivering while removing her gloves, the heir to the throne slowly grasped upon the objects and picked them up, turning around after doing so. Still slightly shivering, Elsa's gaze grew worries as icy crystals crept up the surface as she attempted and succeeded at showing a calm facade.

Yet the only person who saw through it was the man sitting in the front row, the same one as before, and the one that managed to attract Elsa's younger sister many times. He sat there calmly with a polite smile, yet on the inside, he was just about ready to burst.

Finally witnessing real powers for the first time, his desire for them grew to the extreme. Lucky that he made it to the front row {even if it's only meant for the closest of people to the kingdom}, he thought, 'List.'


{Elsa Oldenburg}


\\\ Available ///

⫣ Ice Manipulation ⫦

⫣ Snow Manipulation ⫦

⫣ Winter Manipulation (Limited) ⫦

⫣ Water Manipulation (Limited) ⫦

⫣ Elemental Spirit Sense (Limited) ⫦

⫣ Ice Spirit Physiology ⫦


'Well I'll be yoinking all of those, thank you very much. Now let's see their full descriptions.'


\\\ Powers ///



⫣ Ice Manipulation ⫦ *New*

- This power grants you the ability to manipulate cold and ice.


⫣ Snow Manipulation ⫦ *New*

- This power grants you the ability to manipulate snow.


⫣ Winter Manipulation (Limited) ⫦ *New*

- This power grants you limited control over the ability to manipulate the season of winter and the concepts of cold, snow, death and solitude.


⫣ Water Manipulation (Limited) ⫦ *New*

- This power grants you limited control over the ability to manipulate water.


⫣ Elemental Spirit Sense ⫦ *New*

- This power allows you to sense the spirits of the elements.


⫣ Ice Spirit Physiology ⫦ *New*

- This physiology grants you complete immunity to all forms of cold temperatures and resistance to heat.


'Oh, you are one overpowered individual Elsa, and I can't wait to find the rest of the spirits. You're going to be my fast track to my success.'

As his train of thought continued, so did the coronation, and Elsa was officially granted the title of Queen of Arandelle. Therefore, the official party would begin shortly, and preparation was needed for it to be perfect.

Power stones are great, helps more people see my book and makes me want to write even more. Add it to your library for updates, and join the Discord server is suggested. I'm very active and anything you want to ask, I should be able to get to you within the hour.

Slammeron01creators' thoughts