
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

10 - Frozen (3)

O.O Frozen (3) O.O

I've finally written the next chapter, sorry for taking a while. Finally finished all my school stuff, and I felt like I needed a bit of a break from it all, so I took a week to enjoy myself. Watched a lot of stuff, and I'm going to make it so he can go to Disney and Pixar worlds, not just Disney.

I'm making a bunch of stuff up for how the powers and stuff work for the rest of Disney probably, so screw logic (if there is any). Also, his powers will grow massively within a short amount of time, but then it will stop, that will be my only limit after a massive power upgrade.

Comment if there are any mistakes, I would really like for that... If you can be bothered to.

Hope you all enjoy, cheers~

Word count: 1321


'No training montage, I just want to get Elsa, get the powers of the other spirits and the trolls, and get out of here. Nothing else that's useful to me here apart from that,' Samael thought as he added the only spirit that he currently has access to, to his harem.

'Hmm, Anna isn't useful, and the harem is only for women that are useful for my growth, why would I need someone useless?'

Following the disappearance of the queen — yet in no way connected — the storm that once threatened Arandelle for about a minute causing massive damage, stole buildings from their owners, people from their families, and just about everything in the kingdom from the ground. That one, just up and left, like it was never there in the first place, the only evidence the destruction of the kingdom. And the man responsible for it just sat in the air, hovering above the mountain tops, thinking of ways to get new powers available to the current him.

'I can probably go through the mist covering the Enchanted Forest now that I have the Ice Spirit Physiology, I should be recognised by the mist and allowed in. But I need to get some troll powers first, like Pabbie.'

With an idea in mind, Sam set out for finding the race of rock trolls that lived in the mountains, but before he just picked a random direction and went that way, he thought of a way to use one of his unused powers. Connecting to the water moisture in the air, he set about travelling around the mountains, linking his own senses of touch to the water, trying to feel the general shape of a group of balls.

Some minutes later, and he made out the shape of them, deep into the mountains and protected by a natural barrier of magic. Too bad they couldn't protect themselves against the elements and after tracing the water back to his body, Samael had a direction to go and feeling just a tad more experimental, his body dissolved into mist.


Reappearing above the rock formation in relative ease, a body reconstructing from the water vapour in the air and its occupant feeling a bit dizzy.

Still hovering in the air with the help of a mini twister of snow, Samael observed the surroundings in search of the one he was looking for, and just away from the rest, a little less inconspicuous, it was spotted, putting a smile on the face of Sam as he saw some new powers he deserved after finding this place.




\\\ Available ///

⫣ Magic (Limited) ⫦

⫣ Memory Manipulation ⫦

⫣ Thought Projection ⫦

⫣ Clairvoyance ⫦

⫣ Magic Detection ⫦


I'll be taking all of those. Might as well just steal them as they are; won't be staying in this world after one more trip, and I can't forget his experience. Altering memories are risky, and one mistake can lead to a brain-dead being. Not helpful at all. Anyway, let's see what I really got.'


\\\ Powers ///



⫣ Magic Removal (Limited) ⫦

- The user can remove traces of magic from an object or organism.

| To use, the user must be in physical contact with the target.


⫣ Memory Manipulation ⫦

- The user can control the memories of oneself and others, allowing the user to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, erase, detect, and view them.


⫣ Thought Projection ⫦

- The user can project the thoughts of others and themselves as a 3D/2D image in their surroundings.


⫣ Future Sight ⫦

- The user can see the future of a specified target, up to the time of its death/destruction.


⫣ Magic Detection ⫦

- The user can sense the presence of magic/magical energies within the user's vicinity, and gain a detailed understanding about the magic/magical energies they are sensing, including the amount/size of magic/magical energies they are sensing and whether they are hidden.


Again, dispersing into mist, he reappeared in a desert, utterly exhausted and not far from the mountains.

Taking a few deep breaths, he looked up and saw mist. A long stretch of light blues and purple from a cloud of greys, stretching across the horizon. Something mystifying for the current Samael. But a few seconds later, and he had gotten over one of the most beautiful spectacles he had ever witnessed.

Floating down, he sent a blast of ice at the wall, just testing. Not sensing it coming back, he slowly floated the icicle pierced straight through it and out the other side leaving Sam petrified.

Smiling the next instance, the chunk of head regenerated, with the water in the surroundings freezing and filling in

'It really lives up to its reputation of not letting anything in. But that doesn't matter, a bit of flexing my powers and wallah, I should be good.'

Feeling the need for more power, he willed for every element he could control, to create one massive fluctuation in the space around him, filling it with ice, snow, water, and a whole lot of energy. Creating a perfect sphere, with a radius of 5 kilometres, making the surrounding mountains look as small as toothpicks to a human, and threatening to destroy the mist that could separate a kingdom and one of the most magical forests in the world.

"So, are you going to let me in?" Sam sarcastically remarked. The mist was there to protect the forest, if it denied Samael access, then it would just be destroyed. Might as well let in the being that can destroy it within 5 seconds then risk its own life along with the rest of the others in the forest.

With a shiver in nervous acceptance, the mist slowly parted, revealing a white entrance surrounded by four stone monoliths representing the four elements – earth, water, wind, and fire. Standing at 10 metres tall, with both wind and fire to the right and water and earth to the left. It was quite magical, but not so enticing for the newly seasoned ice spirit.

With no concern for his safety, he strolled on in as if he owned the place, admiring the quiet beauty of the autumn forest he had just entered, not minding the fact he had woke the spirits that could quite literally control nature.

*Elsa's mother singing from the Atohallan river*

He instantly shut her down. "No. Fuck that. Imma leave soon, go bother someone else."

The vibrant warm colours, the soft crunch of the freshly dried leaves, the sun shining through the and illuminating the area. It was truly beautiful… but that would never last.



'There are the Earth spirit "representatives" and there should be the wind spirit coming right about–

*Wind spirit noises*


'Now. Cool, and it should be invading my personal space right now, so no time for looksies.'


Saying those words aloud just for fun's sake, the wind spirit froze in its tracks, realising, it lost all it's powers, and it vanished leaving the new wind spirit

"Well, that was unexpected. Guess I'm the wind spirit now? I don't really want to get rid of big moving rocks, so I'll just copy theirs, and the same for the little fire spirit. Maybe I should take him as a pet? Yeah, a cute little fire spirit as a pet, sounds actually nice."


Swirling around, a little purple fire scuttled along the worn ground at a speed most adults could not match, towards the spirit of ice and wind. As Sam bent down to pick the little guy up, a water horse, a Nokk more specifically – according to this world's mythology – had arrived from the direction of the Dark Sea while the Earth giants came from their mountains.

With the spirits meeting for the first time in many years, Samael was just about ready to get going to his next world.


Join the discord: discord.gg/awevXYU

Chapters will be coming back again, but probably only 2-3 chapters a week.


Power stones are great, helps more people see my book and makes me want to write even more.

Slammeron01creators' thoughts