
The Muggle V Magical situation

In the second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter had hoped for a somewhat peaceful year after surviving the ordeal with the Sorcerer's Stone. However, the tranquility didn't last long as a strange series of events began to unfold. Muggles across the world were beginning to stumble upon evidence of magic. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Aftodelse · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

These chains will never bind me

In the top of the Weasley's , a triumphant grin spread across Tom Riddle's face as he clutched the diary tightly in his hand. He could feel the surge of power coursing through him, the very essence of life filling his once-fragmented existence. After years of being confined to the pages of the diary, he was finally free.

The dark magic that had bound him to the diary had been broken, and now, Tom Riddle had a tangible body once more. It was a surreal experience for him as he looked down at his hands, flexing his fingers with a newfound sense of freedom.

"These chains will never bind me," he whispered, his voice resonating with a chilling certainty. "I'm free. I'm free."

His eyes gleamed with malice and ambition, for he knew that this was just the beginning. The world that had once rejected him would soon bow before his might. He would rise to power, and no one would stand in his way.

"I'll show them all," he said to himself. "No one can stand against the might of Lord Riddle."

When he decided to descend the stairs to kill the family a blue box popped in front of his face.

Greetings Villain.

I am the Advanced Virtual Assistant to Nefarious and Immoral Purpose. AVANIP, if you will. AVANIP is a hyper advanced multi-dimensional series of records and systems made to pluck those with 'Negative Karma' who have died, freeing from the stream of reincarnation, and weigh the dice as it were. Instead of being placed in a random world with no memories of your past life, you were placed in a random universe which you have grown fond of. Your only task from this point forwards is to seriously shake things up.

In addition to Reincarnation, AVANIP allows you to keep in contact with all those with the AVANIP System across the vast multiverse. Do not worry, you are the only 'addition' to the world you have found yourself in. The branching petals of reality are infinite and constantly growing, and despite there being billions upon billions of System users, that number is far lower than 'Infinite'.

Finally, the AVANIP system functions as your medium to gain skills and purchase items and special qualities from other worlds. But how will you ever make any money by merely existing? You clearly need some form of archetype, thus we shall be giving you one.

Randomizing your 'Villainous Archetype'.

1% 2% 3%

The Plaguebearer

"What the fuck".

plaguebearer: (Novice) {Rare}

The Plaguebearer is a master of alchemy, delving into the darker arts of potion-making and concocting deadly elixirs that can bring about destruction and chaos. Through years of experimentation and study, the Plaguebearer has honed their skills to perfection, creating potent brews that unleash devastating effects upon their victims.

With a morbid fascination for the macabre, the Plaguebearer has become adept at crafting Rare 'Cursed Alchemical Concoctions.' These concoctions are infused with malevolent energies, making them 5% more powerful than ordinary alchemical creations. The Plaguebearer's sinister knowledge grants them a unique advantage in dealing with enemies and adversaries.

Their workshops are filled with an array of strange and unsettling ingredients, ranging from the rarest herbs to the venom of deadly creatures. The Plaguebearer is no stranger to toiling over bubbling cauldrons, manipulating the very essence of these components to unleash their deadly potential.

However, it is not just the potency of their concoctions that sets the Plaguebearer apart. They have mastered the art of infusing their elixirs with subtle curses and hexes, allowing the toxins to linger within their victims long after initial exposure. The effects of these cursed brews can be devastating, causing lingering pain, weakening the body, or inducing madness in the afflicted.

His vision blurred, and he felt disoriented as the memories of countless alchemical formulas and cursed concoctions flooded his mind. He could see himself in various scenarios, concocting deadly elixirs and infusing them with malevolent energies. The thrill of wielding such power was exhilarating, but it also filled him with a sinister sense of satisfaction.

As the initial surge of information subsided, Tom gradually regained control of his muscles, pushing himself up to sit on the floor. His eyes gleamed with a newfound determination as he realized the potential of his Plaguebearer abilities. With this power at his disposal, he could spread chaos and fear throughout the wizarding world, proving his dominance and asserting himself as Lord Riddle.

As he calmed his racing thoughts, Tom noticed the blue box of AVANIP still hovering in front of him. "So, this is my role in this vast multiverse," he mused, his lips curling into a malevolent grin. "To shake things up and embrace the darkness within. Nothing changed".

Achievement unlocked

The Mortal-Defier

The Mortal-Defier is a figure shrouded in darkness and mystery, a being whose very existence defies the natural order of life and death. Formerly known as Tom Riddle, this enigmatic and malevolent individual has transcended the boundaries of mortality through dark and forbidden means.

Ability unlocked

Absorbere (Novice) {Legendary}

Absorbere is a legendary ability that grants its possessor the power to consume magic in all its forms. It is a gift, or perhaps a curse, that bestows the user with an insatiable hunger for magical energies, allowing them to drain the very essence of spells, enchantments, and mystical forces.

With Absorbere, the wielder becomes a conduit of darkness, capable of siphoning the lifeblood of magic from any source. Whether it be spells cast by wizards, the mystical energies of ancient artifacts, or the innate power of magical creatures, nothing is beyond the grasp of this profound ability.

When activated, the user's presence becomes a swirling vortex of power, drawing in surrounding magic like a black hole but at its most basic level appears as an animal that will need to get close to absorb mana. With a mere gesture or a focused thought, they can seize and consume spells, absorbing their strength and adding it to their own reservoir of power. Each spell devoured enhances the user's magical prowess, making them even more formidable and formidable adversaries.

The absorption process is a mesmerizing display of raw energy. A mesmerizing display of raw energy, as the stolen magic cascades into the user, swirling and coalescing around them in a dark aura can be shown as going down the gullet of the animal it appears as. The absorbed magic then flows through their veins, fueling their every move and amplifying their own spellcasting abilities.

However, this dark power comes at a cost. Absorbere demands self-control and mastery over one's own desires, for the hunger for magic can become an all-consuming obsession. The temptation to absorb even more magical energy may lead the wielder down a treacherous path, transforming them into a power-hungry and ruthless individual.

Ability Unlocked

Gamers mind (novice) (basic)

Gamers Mind is a unique and extraordinary ability that grants its possessor a state of unparalleled mental fortitude and clarity. When activated, this novice-level power bestows upon the user a mind shielded from distractions, emotions, and psychological interferences, akin to a seasoned gamer in a state of absolute focus during intense gameplay.

With Gamers Mind, the user gains the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of chaos and danger. They become immune to mental manipulation, mind control, and emotional tampering, making them exceptionally difficult to sway or manipulate through psychological means. This mental shield extends to illusions, preventing them from being deceived by magical or mundane trickery.

Furthermore, the Gamers Mind allows the user to shut out external distractions, focusing solely on their chosen objectives. This heightened concentration enhances their decision-making capabilities, strategic planning, and analytical skills, enabling them to devise cunning tactics and outmaneuver their opponents with ease.

The ability is not limited to combat scenarios alone. It also serves as a mental refuge during times of stress, trauma, or emotional turmoil. When turned on, Gamers Mind grants the user clarity of thought, allowing them to process complex situations and emotions with a calm and logical approach.

However, the Gamer's Mind is a double-edged sword. While it offers immunity to outside influences, it can also lead to emotional detachment and a sense of detachment from reality. The user may struggle to empathize with others or connect on an emotional level, potentially leading to challenges in forming deep, meaningful relationships.

The ability can be turned on and off at will, providing the user with the freedom to choose when to activate the heightened mental state. When activated, a subtle aura of calm and focus surrounds the user, indicating their mental fortitude to those who can perceive such energies.

As a novice-level ability, Gamers Mind lays the foundation for further mastery and development. With time and practice, the user can strengthen this mental shield, unlocking deeper layers of mental resilience and focus. In the hands of a skilled individual, Gamers Mind can become a powerful asset, allowing them to navigate the multiverse with an unyielding resolve and an unshakable grip on their destiny.

Ability Unlocked: Gamers Body (Novice) (Basic)

Gamer's Body is an extraordinary ability that enhances the physical attributes of its possessor, transforming them into a formidable force in the multiverse. When activated, this novice-level power grants the user an enhanced physique, akin to that of a seasoned gamer whose reflexes, stamina, and strength are finely tuned for intense gameplay.

With Gamer's Body, the user gains increased agility, speed, and coordination, enabling them to move with extraordinary precision and dexterity. Their reflexes become lightning-fast, allowing them to react quickly to any threat or challenge that comes their way. This heightened physical prowess makes them formidable in combat, as they can strike and evade with unparalleled finesse.

Furthermore, Gamers Body boosts the user's endurance and stamina, enabling them to withstand physical exertion for extended periods without succumbing to fatigue. It allows them to push their limits and perform feats that would be beyond the capabilities of an average individual. The user can endure harsh conditions and recover from injuries at an accelerated rate, making them a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

The ability also enhances the user's physical senses, granting them heightened perception and awareness of their surroundings. This heightened sensory acuity aids in detecting hidden dangers, anticipating attacks, and gathering crucial information during their journeys through the multiverse.

However, as with any ability, Gamers Body comes with its challenges. While it provides extraordinary physical enhancements, the user must be cautious not to overexert themselves, as prolonged use of the ability can lead to physical strain and exhaustion. Moreover, relying solely on physical prowess may lead to neglecting other crucial aspects of survival and growth in the multiverse.

Gamers' bodies can be turned on and off at will, providing the user with the freedom to activate and deactivate their enhanced physical state as needed. When activated, a subtle aura of energy surrounds the user, indicating their heightened physical capabilities to those who can perceive such energies.

As a novice-level ability, Gamers Body serves as a foundation for further mastery and development. With time and practice, the user can unlock deeper layers of physical prowess, attaining levels of strength, speed, and endurance that border on superhuman. In the hands of a skilled individual, Gamer's Body can become a key asset, enabling them to face the challenges of the multiverse head-on and emerge victorious in their quests and battles.

Debuff: Horcrux Lost

Horcrux Lost is a detrimental condition that occurs when a dark wizard or witch loses control or possession of one of their Horcruxes. Horcruxes are powerful and forbidden dark magical objects created to contain a piece of the creator's soul, allowing them to achieve a form of immortality.

When a dark wizard's Horcrux is destroyed or stolen by an adversary, they suffer from the debuff known as Horcrux Lost. This condition weakens the dark wizard significantly and leaves them vulnerable to various magical and physical attacks.

Effects of Horcrux Lost:

Vulnerability to Physical and Magical Attacks: The dark wizard becomes more susceptible to harm from physical and magical attacks. Without the protection of the Horcrux, they no longer have an anchor to the mortal world, making it easier for others to inflict harm upon them.

Loss of Immortality: The dark wizard loses the shield of immortality provided by the Horcrux. This means they can now experience natural aging and are no longer protected from death in any form. It is a severe blow to their pursuit of eternal life and power.

Emotional Instability: Losing a Horcrux is a traumatic event for the dark wizard. It may lead to emotional turmoil, erratic behavior, and a loss of focus on their dark objectives. The weight of mortality and the fear of death can consume them, making them more unpredictable and reckless.

Weakening of Dark Magic: The dark magic abilities of the wizard may become diminished due to the loss of a fragment of their soul. Their spells and curses may not be as potent as before, reducing their effectiveness in battle.

Loss of Strategic Advantage: Horcruxes are strategically significant to dark wizards, as they provide a safeguard against complete destruction. With a Horcrux lost, the dark wizard loses a vital tactical advantage and may become more cautious in their actions.

Curing Horcrux Lost:

Curing Horcrux Lost is an arduous task and usually requires significant effort from both the afflicted dark wizard and their allies. The most common method of reversing the debuff is to create a new Horcrux, but this is a dark and dangerous practice that further fragments the soul and perpetuates the cycle of evil.

Alternatively, some powerful counter-curses and restorative magic might have the potential to mend the soul and help the dark wizard regain some measure of their former strength. However, these solutions are often complex, and the success is not guaranteed.

Overall, Horcrux Lost is a severe debuff that presents significant challenges and risks to dark wizards who seek to cheat death and dominate the world through dark magic and immortality. It serves as a reminder that the pursuit of power through forbidden means often comes at a steep and perilous price.

Buff Unassailable curse

Your creator lord voldemort left something behind in order to keep his horcrux safe. Since you have left the diary it has shifted to coat your body.

The Unassailable Curse is a powerful magical enchantment that bestows upon the caster a unique form of protection, rendering them nearly invulnerable to mortal harm. This potent curse is often employed by dark wizards and witches seeking to achieve a form of immortality, making it exceedingly difficult for others to bring about their demise.

Effects of the Unassailable Curse:

Invulnerability to Most Harm: Once the Unassailable Curse is in effect, the caster becomes exceptionally resistant to harm caused by most conventional means. Spells, physical attacks, and even deadly injuries may not be enough to fully kill the caster while the curse is active.

Immunity to Age and Disease: The curse also grants immunity to the effects of aging and most diseases. The caster ceases to age and remains in their physical prime as long as the curse is in place, granting them an enduring youthfulness.

Rapid Healing: Any wounds or injuries sustained while under the protection of the Unassailable Curse heal at an accelerated rate. This rapid regeneration enables the caster to recover from injuries that would be fatal to others in a matter of hours or days.

Protection from Fatal Curses: The curse offers a heightened resistance to even the most lethal of curses, making it exceptionally challenging for adversaries to employ magical means to end the caster's life.

Horcrux Bond: The Unassailable Curse is often connected to one or more Horcruxes, which serve as vessels containing fragments of the caster's soul. In the event that the caster's body is destroyed, the soul remains tethered to the mortal world through the Horcruxes, allowing them to reform and return to life.

Sacrificial Protection: One of the most unique aspects of the Unassailable Curse is its reliance on the selflessness and love of others. In the rare circumstance where someone is willing to die with the intent of destroying the Horcrux to protect a loved one, the curse becomes temporarily vulnerable. This self-sacrifice acts as a countermeasure to the curse, allowing the adversary to harm the caster and potentially destroy their physical form.

Limitations and Risks:

While the Unassailable Curse grants the caster near-invulnerability, it is not without risks and limitations. The creation and maintenance of Horcruxes to anchor the soul involve dark and forbidden magic, which can fragment the caster's soul and corrupt their nature and can not be casted on the host. The reliance on the sacrificial protection clause means that adversaries can still find a way to exploit the curse's vulnerability if they are willing to make such a heart-wrenching sacrifice.

Additionally, the Unassailable Curse can attract the attention of powerful and determined adversaries who may seek to unravel its protections. It can also lead to a life of isolation and paranoia, as the caster must constantly guard the secret of their Horcruxes to maintain their immortality.

Overall, the Unassailable Curse is a formidable enchantment that grants the caster unparalleled protection and a twisted form of immortality. However, the dark and dangerous magic involved, as well as the inherent risks and vulnerabilities, make it a double-edged sword that comes with significant consequences for those who seek to wield its power.

Now that was something Tom riddle didn't know his future self must have placed the curse in his elder years.

Tom Riddle's malevolent grin widened. The realization that he possessed such a powerful enchantment filled him with a sense of invincibility. He was no longer just Tom Riddle; he was Lord Riddle, the immortal dark wizard destined to reshape the world according to his twisted vision.

Feeling an insatiable hunger for more power, Tom decided to put his Absorbere ability to the test. He turned his focus toward the Weasley family, who were still unaware of his presence in their home.

He made his way to the living room where the whole family was. Channeling the dark energy coursing through him, he reached out with his hand, and a faint black aura surrounded it. The hunger within him intensified as he prepared to consume the magic around him.

The room crackled with latent magical energy, and Tom felt a surge of power as he began absorbing the ambient spells lingering in the air. It was as if the magic was drawn to him, willingly succumbing to his will. The spells dissolved into his body, their essence becoming one with him.

It started solidifying into a phoenix; the bird was as black as the darkest ink it had petrifying white eyes. As the magic flowed into him, Tom could sense his Absorbere ability growing stronger. He could feel the stolen magical energy fueling his very being, empowering him further. It was a sensation unlike any other he had experienced before.

In his heightened state of power, Tom decided to test the potency of his Plaguebearer abilities. He recalled the memories of the cursed alchemical concoctions flooding his mind earlier. With a swift motion, he summoned a vial from his cargo pants pocket, filled with a mysterious black liquid, and tossed it at the Weasley family.

The vial shattered upon impact, releasing a cloud of malevolent energy that engulfed the unsuspecting family. Tom watched with a malicious glee as the effects of the cursed brew began to manifest. The Weasleys writhed in pain, their bodies weakened, and their minds tormented by the lingering effects of the toxin.

As they struggled against the curse, Tom could feel his power surging even further. It was as if the suffering of his victims fed his dark magic, making him stronger with every moment that passed.

Eventually all the bodies fell to the floor and it left the room quiet just how Tom likes it. He looked around the room with a bored expression on his face. He wanted to count the casualties. "One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven". Riddle finished the last one with a click on his tongue but he had a niggling feeling… That's it he was missing the redhead in Harry's year. A true pity perhaps he'll hunt down the boy in his free time. But first he needs to find out who his death eaters are.

I took the liberty of introducing the gamer part of the story and i'm giving credit to those who deserve it.

got the introduction script from Villainous Ventures

By: flameclawsxx 

And the absorbere from saving connor Lightning on the wave.

All thanks to both of these amazing stories i don't plan on using anything to big from the series i like the concept of midwinter and midsummer and the pure blood rituals.

Aftodelsecreators' thoughts