
The Muggle V Magical situation

In the second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter had hoped for a somewhat peaceful year after surviving the ordeal with the Sorcerer's Stone. However, the tranquility didn't last long as a strange series of events began to unfold. Muggles across the world were beginning to stumble upon evidence of magic. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Aftodelse · Book&Literature
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Taking what belongs to me

With trembling hands and a heart pounding with anticipation, I begin the intricate process of inscribing the runes. My hands move with a mix of trepidation and confidence, etching each symbol into the ground with utmost care. These runes represent the essence of creation, power, and balance.

As the moon rises in the night sky, I ignite the ritual fire, and the air fills with the scent of ancient herbs. I stand at the center of the rune circle, a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I take a deep breath and begin the incantations, my voice resonating with a blend of reverence and longing.

The ground trembles beneath me, and the runes on the ley line nexus shimmer with ethereal light. I feel the energies converging around me, drawn to the intent in my heart. For a moment, time seems to slow, and I'm one with the forces I'm attempting to control.

With a surge of power, a rift tears through reality, revealing the portal to my pocket dimension. My heart races with a mix of excitement and fear as I step forward, crossing the threshold into a world I've only dreamed of.


The pocket dimension is awe-inspiring, a tapestry of colors, landscapes, and creatures beyond imagination. Yet, I know I must exercise caution and responsibility. I could even change it with a swish in my hands. A lush forest turned into an oasis.

I've come to understand that maintaining the balance of my pocket dimension is an unending task. The energies must be tempered, lest they spill over into the regular world or attract malevolent entities.

Exploring this new realm is exhilarating, but I remind myself to approach it with reverence and humility. I seek wisdom from its mysteries, rather than trying to exploit its powers for personal gain.

My pocket dimension becomes a sanctuary for me—a place where I can delve deeper into the nature of runes and existence itself. With each visit, I learn more about the interconnectedness of all things and the true essence of magic. I should play around with magic. This was a refreshing experience.

But now it's time to take back my property.


As you return to the now-desolate and ghostly Hogwarts, memories of your time as a student flood your mind. The halls that once echoed with laughter and learning now echo with silence and melancholy. Chuckling softly, you can't help but reminisce about the adventures you had in this magical place.

Petrifying the mudbloods was your favorite part, the look in their eyes when they saw Adolanda's eyes that were a beautiful Gold. That appeared to melt in the sunlight. Really it's a shame that others don't understand the true magnitude on how beautiful basilisk eyes are.

Your plan was still in the works but one thing was for certain. Since there's no one for the basilisk to 'protect'. It would now be able to leave the school. Not many knew the basilisk existed in the schools even less knew that it could leave the school if the school is shut down.

With the memories dancing in my mind, I weave my way towards the Chamber of Secrets. It's hauntingly silent there, with only the sound of my footsteps echoing like distant thunder.

Before me lies the entrance to the basilisk's chamber. The proud and fearsome serpent, for centuries the protector of Hogwarts for the heir of Slytherin, now trapped with no purpose. I've come to liberate her, to return to her what has been taken.

I approach the gaping mouth of the statue of Salazar Slytherin, the entrance to the basilisk's domain. My heart is with Adolanda, the basilisk. Her fierce golden eyes, with their mesmerizing charm, have always held a special place in my heart.

The statue sensing my intent, slides open silently. As I descend into the depths, the eerie light illuminating the ancient chamber bathes the walls in a spectral glow. The sight of the basilisk stirs a feeling of shared solidarity deep within me.

I call out for Adolanda, my voice echoing through the vast chamber. There's a silence, then a rustle, and out slithers the majestic basilisk from her lair. Her golden eyes meet mine, reflecting the respect and bond we share.

The tension in the chamber is palpable. The golden eyes of Adolanda flash with recognition, then surprise as I explain my intentions. I open the portal to the pocket dimension, the gateway to freedom, a hiss of joy echoes throughout the chamber.

Adolanda slithers into the portal, eager to explore her new realm. Her shimmering scales melt away into the ethereal blue, leaving behind only her eyes, still vibrant and alive even as her form dissolves into the portal.

As I watch, a satisfaction washes over me. I've accomplished this for my friend, my protector, who had been entrapped, reduced to a mere ghost of her former self. Now she has a world where she can roam freely, where her golden eyes could gleam with excitement and curiosity.

With a last glance at the chamber, I close the portal separating our realms. It feels lighter, no longer burdened by the confines of the castle.

As I ascend the stairs leading out of the Chamber of Secrets, my heart soars free. Once again, I have taken back what belongs to the true heir of Slytherin.

In this new dawn, Adolanda can savor her freedom while I return to my studies and exploration of the infinite unfolds of the magical world. What once was a stolen legacy was once again restored, and in that moment, I knew my destiny entwined with magic had just begun.

With the moonlight pouring into the grand hall of Hogwarts, I look over the castle, a symbol of history, magic, and tradition. For the first time in what felt like forever, I felt like I truly belonged. No longer a thief of what belonged to me, I was now a guardian and friend, proving that even the most feared can be loved.

Companion unlocked: Slytherin's Basilisk (Novice) (Legendary)


The Companion Slytherin's Basilisk is a rare and formidable magical creature that holds legendary status in the wizarding world. This majestic serpent, with its immense size and captivating gold eyes, strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest wizards and witches. Slytherin's Basilisk, also known as the "King of Serpents," possesses a unique blend of raw power and ancient magic, making it an invaluable ally to its chosen master.


The Companion Slytherin's Basilisk is a colossal snake, easily reaching lengths of up to fifty feet or more. Its scales shimmer with a dark green hue, creating an awe-inspiring sight as it glides through the shadows. Its eyes, a mesmerizing shade of melted gold, are both captivating and intimidating, capable of freezing even the most valiant of adversaries with a single glance. The Basilisk's fangs are long and venomous, capable of delivering a lethal dose of poison with deadly precision.

Powers and Abilities:

Petrifying Gaze - The Basilisk's most infamous ability is its petrifying gaze. Direct eye contact with the serpent can cause victims to turn to stone, rendering them immobile and helpless. Its gaze is so potent that even reflections or indirect glimpses can induce a milder, yet still petrifying effect.

Venomous Bite - The Basilisk's venom is extremely lethal, capable of killing victims within minutes. The venom also possesses unique restorative properties, with a single drop being able to cure certain magical ailments or reverse certain curses.

Immunity to Most Spells - Due to its legendary status, the Companion Slytherins Basilisk is highly resistant to most magical attacks. Many spells simply bounce off its impenetrable scales, rendering it nearly invulnerable to conventional magic.

Mind Bond - Once the Companion Slytherin's Basilisk chooses a master, it forms a deep and unbreakable mind bond with them. This bond enables the master to communicate telepathically with the serpent, granting them unparalleled understanding and cooperation in battle.

Enhanced Senses - The Basilisk's senses of sight, smell, and hearing are exceptionally acute, allowing it to detect even the faintest traces of danger or intruders.

Enhanced Strength and Speed - Despite its colossal size, the Basilisk is surprisingly swift and agile. It can strike with incredible speed, making it a deadly predator in any confrontation.

Achievement unlocked

Mind Weave

Mind Weave is a rare and prestigious achievement unlocked by forming an extraordinary bond with a magical familiar.


Upon unlocking the Mind Weave achievement, the master gains a profound enhancement to their telepathic link with the Companion. The mental connection between the two becomes even more refined and potent, allowing for seamless communication and shared experiences.

Some may wonder why you care about a basilisk so much. But they don't understand she was the only thing young tom had as a kid. Adolanda was very lonely after the death of her father and jumped at the chance of having decent company. And that my friend is why tom riddle cares for the basilisk.

Next chapter will be researching a part of magic.

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