
The Muggle V Magical situation

In the second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter had hoped for a somewhat peaceful year after surviving the ordeal with the Sorcerer's Stone. However, the tranquility didn't last long as a strange series of events began to unfold. Muggles across the world were beginning to stumble upon evidence of magic. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Aftodelse · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Gabriel once more

Harry Potter was glad he was going home after his second year at Hogwarts. The only thing wrong about this was that the dursleys would most likely not show up or show up late because they left. Hogwarts early. Ginny was being odd the whole train ride. Why was she quiet the whole ride? It was like we weren't even there. She was a whole different person.


Harry's heart sank when he saw the Dursleys waiting at the station. He had hoped to avoid their company, especially after the tumultuous year he had endured at Hogwarts. But it seemed that fate had other plans.

As they approached the Dursleys, Harry tried to put on a brave face, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of dread. Dudley, with his usual sneer, didn't say a word, while Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia exchanged disapproving glances.

"Get in the car, boy. We don't have all day," Uncle Vernon grumbled, his tone as cold and bitter as ever.

Harry obeyed, slipping into the backseat of the car. Ginny glanced at him with concern in her eyes, but she didn't say anything. It was as if she sensed that this was a private matter between him and his relatives.

During the car ride, the Dursleys were their usual selves—ignoring Harry's presence and making derogatory comments whenever they deemed fit. Harry tried his best to block out their words, reminding himself that he wouldn't have to endure this for much longer.

As they arrived at Privet Drive, Harry stepped out of the car, carrying his trunk and Hedwig's cage. He noticed Ginny watching him intently, her expression a mix of worry and sympathy. He gave her a small smile, trying to reassure her that he would be okay.

Once inside the house, the Dursleys went about their usual routine of ignoring Harry's existence. They didn't ask about his school year, and he didn't offer any information willingly. He knew that no matter what he said, they wouldn't care.

In the quiet of his room that evening, Harry couldn't help but feel the weight of loneliness. He missed the warmth and camaraderie of the Weasley home, the laughter and acceptance he found among his friends. At Hogwarts, he felt like he belonged, but here at Privet Drive, he felt like an outsider, an unwelcome burden.


He was cooking breakfast the next day Vernon was on the telly. As Harry went about his morning routine in the kitchen, he noticed Uncle Vernon staring intently at the television. Curious, Harry glanced over to see what had caught his attention. To his surprise, the news anchor was discussing something that made his heart skip a beat.

"Murderer on mass. Last night a robbery at Anderson & Sheppard clothing store was robbed and five three cops died on duty. When confronted with the person". The news reporter took a deep breath and looked back at the screen. "I know this sounds superstitious and wrong but look at the clip".

A red haired girl was shown pointing what looked like a stick. She was wearing robes that seemed too big for her. Harry's mouth was left agape. He didn't think Ginny, that shy girl that always seemed a little pale, would go and rob a store. For clothes?

Harry made a promise to himself to send the weasleys some galleons so they can all buy themselves some clothes if things were getting bad enough. As the news report continued, the reporter mentioned that the authorities were actively searching for the suspect. They urged anyone with information to come forward, emphasizing that harboring a criminal was a serious offense.

He was mainly worried about the Statute of Secrecy; the muggles now had clear evidence that magic existed. Fortunately the anti muggle wards will keep the magical society safe from any person who wants to bring back the salem witch hunts.

As the news lady continued her report on the mysterious robbery, a sudden interruption occurred, capturing everyone's attention. A bright light shield shimmered and faded across the screen, momentarily blinding the camera's lens. The helicopter recording captured the spectacle of a massive magical shield being activated, protecting a hidden location from muggle eyes.

Back in the newsroom, the anchor gasped, and the camera quickly panned back to the studio. "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we have just witnessed something extraordinary. We have no information on what we just witnessed, but it appears to be some kind of visual interference or technical glitch. We apologize for the interruption and will provide updates as we learn more."


The news reporter was back and she seemed to have news and very concerned

She paused for a moment, seemingly trying to gather her thoughts. "Our field reporters were determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, and they were relentless in their pursuit of the truth. Despite the magical interference, they managed to capture some footage before the light shield shimmered."

The screen switched to show the helicopter footage from the day before. The news reporter's voice was filled with excitement and trepidation as she continued, "What we discovered is both astounding and unbelievable. Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves, for what you are about to see is unlike anything you've witnessed before."

The camera zoomed in, and the image was shaky as the helicopter tried to get closer to the hidden location. Through the shimmering magical shield, the outline of a charming and picturesque village came into view. It was a village unlike any other, with crooked rooftops, colorful storefronts, and cobblestone streets that seemed to wind in every direction.

"Is this...a film set? A theme park? No, ladies and gentlemen, this is real!" the reporter exclaimed, her voice filled with amazement and wonder. "Our ground field reporters have confirmed that this hidden village is not a mere illusion but a genuine, living, and breathing community!"

The news anchor in the studio was also taken aback, her eyes wide with surprise. "Are you saying that this hidden village, protected by the light shield, is a real place? A real village?"

"Yes, that's correct," the news reporter confirmed. "It appears to be a village with a magical population, and it has been concealed from the muggle world for centuries. The existence of this village, known as Hogsmeade, has long been a closely guarded secret within the wizarding community." The ground reporter continued.

"Not only this small town Charel but also many more are found in britain". Harry felt a knot forming in his stomach. He knew the significance of Hogsmeade's discovery, but the revelation of multiple magical towns hidden from muggle eyes was even more alarming. The delicate balance between the magical and non-magical worlds seemed to be at its breaking point.

Just then Harry keeled over, dropping the spoon he was using to scramble the eggs.

His stomach churned and twisted he could feel his magic moving through his veins like cool water. Then it solidified over the left check as a star and he knew no more.


Next day: 9:22 am

Vernon was watching the news again; he knew he needed to be kept up with what's going on with the freaks. In order to decide if they should leave the Uk when not if the freaks start trying to take over. Vernon thought about the delinquent living under his roof. Boy and his kind were all no good ruining the lives of innocent Normal folk like him and petunia.

Now the boy collapsed on his floor ruining the white tiles with his blood. It was streaming down his nose. Now Vernon would have to decide to take the boy to the hospital or place him back into his room.

He decided on the more budget friendly option by throwing Boy in his room. Grumbling, he called his wife down to finish making breakfast.


In hogsmeade

Minerva was looking for housing after the closing of hogwarts. She had a few prospects on where to look at the moment she was staying at Spinner's End with Severus and the other professors that didn't have homes outside of hogwarts.

She was looking at buying a mansion after all she had no bills to pay at hogwarts. After much consideration, Minerva found a grand mansion situated in the outskirts of Hogsmeade. The mansion had been hidden from muggles for centuries by enchantments and was large enough to accommodate everyone from Hogsmeade. Its vast grounds were shrouded in magic, ensuring that the residents could live in safety and seclusion.

After confirming the deal and the wards having been shifted ownership to her the dealer left and she made the whole walk back down to the hogsmeade village which was a ten minute walk back to the town square. Where she'll go down and hire out her service as a Master of Transfiguration.

When she got down into town square it was pandemonium. A helicopter hovered on the outskirts of the town. Minerva frowned at it. Usually any air vehicle wouldn't stay for long and usually left without noticing anything magical but this one was pointed at hogsmeade. Maybe they're doing something else that they need to stay in a single spot. Minerva doubted that conclusion.

Then it happened she could feel the magic surrounding the world. Shook and bent like a rubber band, her gut twisted as she collapsed on the cold stone cobble. Her heart was pumping so far that it hurt to move. Minerva realized that she was bleeding out of her nose and ears. She needed to do something before she bled out.

Calling on her magic it felt like a sore muscle but she needed to use it to get out of this situation she tried to apparate away but something blocked her. It was the magic in the air was overwhelming, preventing her from apparating or using her magic effectively. With immense effort, she managed to crawl to the side of the street, seeking cover from the chaos unfolding around her.

From her vantage point, Minerva could see the once hidden village of Hogsmeade now exposed to the muggle world. The magical shield that had protected it for centuries had failed, and now the muggles were witnessing the existence of a genuine magical community.

In the distance, she could hear the sounds of sirens approaching. The muggle authorities were likely responding to the magical interference caused by the shield's collapse. Panic and confusion spread through the village as the residents tried to comprehend the situation and take measures to protect themselves.

As Minerva struggled to regain her composure, she realized that she couldn't stay in Hogsmeade any longer. With the magical secrecy broken, the safety of the village and its residents was at risk. She needed to find a way to help, but first, she had to escape the immediate danger.

Summoning all her strength, Minerva focused on apparating to a safer location. This time, she managed to break through the magical interference, and with a loud crack, she disappeared from the chaos of Hogsmeade.

Never acknowledging the other wizards on the floor.


I decided to do multiple povs in this chapter to show what's happening And will later talk about the exact reason the wards fell.

Aftodelsecreators' thoughts