
The Muggle V Magical situation

In the second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter had hoped for a somewhat peaceful year after surviving the ordeal with the Sorcerer's Stone. However, the tranquility didn't last long as a strange series of events began to unfold. Muggles across the world were beginning to stumble upon evidence of magic. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Aftodelse · Book&Literature
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The paragon of evil

As the train continued its journey back to King's Cross Station, Tom Riddle's mind was consumed with anger and frustration. He had been so sure of his brilliance and cunning, believing that his plan to use the Basilisk to petrify the mudbloods would strike fear into the hearts of all who dared to challenge him. But Dumbledore, that meddlesome old wizard, always seemed to be one step ahead.

He brooded over his mistakes, realizing that his arrogance had blinded him to the true extent of Hogwarts' defenses. He had underestimated Dumbledore's knowledge and foresight, failing to anticipate that the headmaster would act so quickly to protect the students.

As the train whistle blew, signaling their imminent arrival at King's Cross, Tom Riddle made a decision. He knew he had to be more patient and cautious in his pursuit of power. His previous approach had only resulted in setbacks and humiliation, and he couldn't afford to repeat those mistakes.

Once he stepped off the train and returned to his life as a student at Hogwarts, he would adopt a different strategy. Instead of rushing headlong into confrontation, he would bide his time, learning more about his adversaries, and carefully plotting his moves.

The weasleys body was unsuitable; she was too soft to weak, no strength. Once he was alone he'd take her body's life force to build a new one. One more suitable for his station as Britain's dark lord.

The train came to a stop finally lord riddle could spread his legs and walk around he suggested to his nemesis and the dumb red head that they should go see red heads mom. Oh tom played his part he smiled hugged and cried but the tears were crocodile. Oh how he played the cow telling her how scared she was and don't send me back please. He was sure he had the woman wrapped around his delicate fingers.


Looking around the 'house' riddle thought about just leaving but he needed a space to take over the girl's body before he'd go out to conquer Britain again. It was now night and he was in his 'parents' room testing their wand to see if he could use them. He didn't need the ministry busting down the door in order to arrest him. Turns out Mr. Weasly had an alright wand. Going into the yard he disapparate


Turns out the orphanage was scrapped while he was gone. Now a big building was in front of him. His shoes snapped on the ground while he went down the dark road he looked across and found a clothing store he pulled out the stolen wand Alohomora walked in and took what the name tag says cargo pants then he thought that a polo would look nice he got a few pairs in different colors.

When he got out he found unexpected resistance. I know I didn't trigger any alarms or break something. How did they know I was here? Pushing that aside he decided to punish the filthy muggles for dearing to interrupt him.

Pointing his wand at the closest the cop. They laughed and with a patronizing tone the fat one that started balding spoke up.

"Kid" he had a slow slur in his voice that made me wrinkle my nose. I'll definitely kill him before I go back to the temporary base of operations. "Put the clothes down girly. And you can go home without this being on your record."

Appalled, I spoke the words that will put the dogs down "Avada Kedavra." It came out as a drawl in the grand scheme of things this one life wouldn't matter. The cops panic and go into cover but it doesn't matter. I mow them down like lambs for the slaughter. One by one the final one got into what I suppose would be a modern car and drove off.

I disapparated back to the Weasley's house.

Sorry for it being short ill decide to continue if this gets five adds to the story.

During Tom's life if you search up the first surveillance camera, it says 1949 which was Tom riddle's graduation year and if i remember right, the horcrux was made in the sixth year so Tom and Ginny would have no clue what a camera is. Tom sometimes thinks in the third and first person. I always thought that voldy had a inner monologue.

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