
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Cave

It is already daytime again, It looks like im floating since forever.

Actually, I can only float so it is kind of true.

This forest is killing me! there is nothing where.

And I dont have any song to sing in my head anymore.

Ghostar technique! Lost in thought.

I wonder, what I will do in the future.

Im a monster so being around humans is a no-go.

I just want to be happy... and survive, survive comes first of course.

I want to experience things again, in my former life I... didnt have the chance to do things.

I didnt want to do anything at all.

Thinking about my former life makes me depressed sigh...

But now there are things I want to do!

I want to sing, draw, travel, and see things that impress me.

Getting stronger makes me feel good too.

I hope that in some way I can get a better body or something.

The skill tree says that more skills will appear as I evolve.

Im a ghost spirit thing so there must be some kind of skill that allows me to possess bodies right? I hope.

But what exactly does evolving imply? Im already lv 3 and no skill appeared.

While I was floating I found a mountain, at least I think it is a mountain I cant see because of how big the trees are here.

Roaming around the foot of the mountain I found a cave, a big spherical hole in the mountain.

Im kind of scared of entering there... what if it is haunted? haha

Well, No risk no reward I guess.

I float inside the cave like a champ, this ghost is not a coward no sir!

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be d-

"Rii" I hear a sound, that looks like a breathe but louder

Shit! that scared me.

Looks like it came from deeper in the cave.

Floating deeper and deeper in this dark tunnel im really getting scared.

Soon, I find myself in a more spacious area, and when I enter the room 4 white wolves look their eyes at me like im breakfast.

How?! just how?

It is that thing people say that animals have a gift for feeling spiritual beings?

Whatever time to float!

6 wolves are running behind me as I float at maximum speed toward the entrance.

Ha ha, you guys think that im the same as before?

My name is Ghost the Ghost and im the fastest Ghost dead.

Floating in a dark tunnel while you can hear loud wolf steps behind you... that is haunted for sure.

They are roaring and drooling while running.

Damn dogs! I dont even have a body what do you expect to eat here?!

On the horizon, I can see the exit illuminated by the sun, like a light at the end of the tunnel.


I use teleportation to get a little bit closer.

I pass through it and the wolfs dont follow me outside for some reason.

I guess they dont like daytime? come to think of it last time I saw one of these it was nighttime.

Sigh... what a relief.

But they are slower than me now, if it is one by one I can steal their souls without problem.

Usually, wolf behavior is staying in packs and there is an alpha.

But I did not see any difference in the wolves running behind me, they looked the same.

Wolves usually send some of their pack to hunt down food and then return with it.

I will wait until nightfall and ambush them.

Im gonna hide around some trees first for sure.

I float toward a big tree with a branch coming from the left side.


I teleport myself to the branch to hide better.

Dude! Im literally in a tree a few miles away from the entrance of the cave if they find me like this, I swear im going to freak out!

Some time passed.

Night already? Time really flies when you do nothing for hours standing in a tree branch...

I look toward the cave and I see 6 white wolves getting out and running in different directions.

Time to act, I will enter there and see if I can find some kind of alpha.

Now that I think about it, what happens if I just jump from here?

I try and I go slowly floating to the ground.

Cool, I can fly! not exactly but it is still awesome.

I float toward the cave entrance.

I make my way into the dark tunnel, having night vision is convenient here.

But it is still kind of scary here, ironic coming from a ghost haha.

I enter the spacious area from before and I continue to make my way more inside.

"Kresh Kresh" I hear a chewing sound coming from deeper inside.

Shit! that is creepy.

A huge wolf with white fur and a waning moon symbol on the forehead.

He is eating a greenly corpse, throwing blood everywhere, and making a grotesque meat-chewing sound.

I have to attack while he is distracted!


I send a firebolt at him and it hits his left rib, he jumps behind and throws the greenly corpse away with his mouth.

Dammit, It dont seem to have caused a lot of damage to him too.

[Soul Steal]

The wolf dashes towards me, I send 3 Soul Steals lines that hit him but he continues coming like a berserker.

I keep running around him trying my best to evade his bites.

I kept floating around him but he spun making his big tail hit me hard.

(HP 130/270)

Argh! That hurts, my body just disappeared for a few seconds there what the hell!

He is coming again like a crazy dog biting and trying to hit me with his legs.

Every time he gets close to biting me, I use teleportation to evade.

(MP 180/270)

Shit! even with Soul Steal attached to him im still using too much teleportation!

My MP is going down more and more by the time but the wolf is starting to slow down too.

While im running I cast Firebolt behind me and it hits his head.

He was stunned for a few moments shaking his head.

(MP 120/270)

Calm down Ghost, it is a resistance battle he is slowing down already just keep going.

His mouth comes toward me again and I use teleportation to appear at the side.

We stay at this for a while.

(MP 30/270)

I can only teleport one more time! please just die!

The wolf is already too weak and in a last-breath effort he tries to smash me with his leg.


In a blink and a bit of white mist, I appear like magic at the side few inches away from his deadly claw.

The wolf fell to the ground.

(MP 10/270)

My MP never got so low! This was very dangerous.

Calm down, dont freak out!

As I was lost in thoughts, a few windows popped in front of me.

(EXP Gained: 20)

(Your Level is now 4)

(You have 3 points to spend)

Sigh... Calm down let's think for a moment here.

The best option here is still agility, everything I can do right now is run and wait for Soul Steal to do its job so I will go with agility, making 9 now.

Now that I calmed down, for some reason things seem different.

I feel like im hearing better and seeing better too.

Let me see my status for now.

( Lv 4/15

EXP: 8/60

HP 300/300

MP 300/300

Souls: 13

Race: Ghost

Class: None

Skills: Soul Steal Lv1, FireBolt lv1, Teleportation Lv1, Keen senses Lv1 )

8 souls?! from one creature.

That wolf was loaded!

I finally broke the 300 barrier in maximum MP and HP too.

It seems that I have a new skill, Keen senses, well dont need to be a genius to figure out what this does right?

I guess I w-

My thought got interrupted by a sound I heard in the tunnel to get here.

Damn it! They are here already.

I can hear 6 wolves getting close.

If my HP and MP didnt regenerate after leveling up I would be dead, but maybe now with 9 agility, I can have a chance against them.