
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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21 Chs

An Abnormality?

I hid myself in a rock by the left side of the alpha wolf corpse.

Keep calm and wait for the right moment.

6 white wolves are slowly walking toward me.

They dont seem to have noticed that their leader died yet.

When they got closer enough to see their leader's corpse, they started to howl.

"How!? Who killed the alpha?! Sadness!" I hear various voices coming from the howl

What the hell! that scared me to death what are these voices?

I can understand them but they are not even speaking, I feel more like a voice resonating inside me.

Wait calm down now is not the time to worry about this!

Survive first.

While they are busy I sneak around to get close enough.

[Soul Steal]

I cast Soul Steal and 3 extensions of my body go forward hitting 3 wolves' heads.

They dash at me at the same time and I keep running around.


I send Firebolt behind while running.

360 vision is so convenient in times like this! I can aim even if im running.

Cant get me dogs! Im the fastest ghost dead!

More 3 points in agility really make the difference they can barely keep up with me now.

3 of them that are getting affected by Soul Steal are already slowly down.


I sent another firebolt and it hits the open mouth of one wolf.

Fire for breakfast! haha.

I take a quick look at my MP.

(MP 200/300)

It is going down but not by a lot, im draining 3 wolves so it is healing fast.

One wolf dashed at me with his mouth open I used teleportation to evade but some other wolf was already close to me.

I used teleportation again to escape but still took some damage.

That was close! fighting a bunch of enemies at the same time is very hard.

3 wolves fall to the ground and a few windows pop in front of me.

I have to use it again!

[Soul Steal]

3 lines of smoke go straight toward their heads.

only 3 left now it is easier.


End of the battle.

Sigh... if I could get tired I would be right now.

Actually, if I could get tired I would be dead.

Im floating around this cave for so long evading bites and legs.

But! Im a winner!

I think while looking at all the corpses of dead wolves.

I cant do it, but I will imagine myself doing a peace sign with my fingers right now.

Ghost the ghost is undefeatable! take that overly sensitive to spiritual beings dogs!

I stand up for my race! haha.

I couldnt take a good look at my status, I will do it now.

( Lv 5/15

EXP: 8/70

HP 390/390

MP 390/390

Souls: 31

Race: Ghost

Class: None

Skills: Soul Steal Lv1, FireBolt lv1, Teleportation Lv1, Keen senses Lv1 )

Oh? I leveled up, but where is the window to put points?

Hmm, I guess I will try some keywords or something.


Nothing happens.

Spend Points.

A window pops in front of me.

So here it is.

I kind of think that it would be good to put some in intelligence now... but agility is good too...

I will put one point into agility and two into intelligence this time.

And 31 souls! im rich!

I could get fear inducement or I could level up some of my skills...

Thinking about it, fear inducement doesnt seem so useful to me now.

Keen sense is very useful but at the same time, I want to level up teleportation.

ah... im so indecisive.

Keen sense is a good survival skill, hearing better and seeing better can be the difference between life and death in this forest.

But, teleportation is useful to escape and evade.

First, let me see how many souls it would need for each.

Upgrade Keen senses.

(Do you wish to spend 5 souls to upgrade Keen senses?)

5 hm...

Upgrade Teleportation.

(Do you wish to spend 8 souls to upgrade Teleportation?)

I figure teleportation would need more.

Teleportation is kind of ok right now but it has the potential to be really good but probably will cost a lot...

I decided, Im going with with keen senses for now.

(Do you wish to spend 5 souls...)


I will upgrade it two more times to see what it will turn into.

More 7 souls.


More 13 souls.

So 25 souls to get it to level 3.

(Keen senses meet the requirements to evolve, You now have Spiritual senses)

Argh!! what the... my head hurts!

I feel... some kind of energy everywhere!

How do I disable this? im feeling sick!

Calm down... Calm your mind you.

It stopped... Finally.

I will definitely need some practice with this... but I can still hear and see much better than before, and seems like I can feel some kind of energy now.

Im not sure of what it is, but I feel like I already felt it...

It has spiritual on the name, so maybe it is the same energy im made of?

Hard to tell... Well, whatever thinking about it will not make me understand anyway.

I think I should learn how to use it... but it really hurts my head.

I will try training for a little here, I just spent 25 souls on a skill, and it will not be in vain!


Nefert, east of Ghost location.

A group arrived at the guildhall bagging into the door.

They look nervous with a hint of fear in their eyes.

They swiftly make their way toward the crowd of people sitting and talking.

Arriving at the balcony where a woman is standing.

wearing a white buttoned dress with a black open skirt, white tight highs, and black flat shoes.

The group arrives at the balcony, appearing nervous and worried.

The blonde-haired man in the middle then opens his mouth hesitating to speak.

"We... think we might have discovered an abnormality in the blackout forest" Says Jey in a low voice looking around to see if anyone heard

When the woman clerk heard those words her mind stopped for a moment.

In a few seconds, she put a shocked expression on her face and screamed in disbelief.

"An Abnormality!?!?!" Yells the clerk

The clerk yells fill the hall and everyone turns their heads in disbelief and fear.

The hall is now silent.

The clerk wakes up from her thoughts.

"S-orry I lost my composure for a minute, I will call the guild master immediately, please follow me to the meeting room" Says the clerk speaking fast and nervously

The group follows the clerk in a hurry through a door behind the balcony.

They arrive in a room, with couches on opposite sides and a wood little table in the middle between the two couches.

Another door at the right side of the room and a big window at the wall illuminating the whole room.

They sit down with tense looks and in silence while waiting.

Soon a man with a blue buttoned waistcoat on top of a white long-sleeve shirt, dark red trousers, and a black formal shoe entered the room.

He has an elegant air around him, black long hair pushed back, and a diamond-shaped head with slightly tanned skin.

He makes his way unfazed toward the opposite couch of the group.

Now they are face to face and the elegant man speaks.

"My employee said that you guys are here to report what you think to be an Abnormality, please go on"

Jey looks a little puzzled by the situation.

"First Guild Master, could someone please tell me what exactly is an abnormality I heard only stories" Says Jey in a shy tone

The elegant man, namely the Guild master, looks at him with a serious face and curves his back on the couch.

"As you know monsters can evolve naturally from time to time or by killing beings with life force in their bodies, basically any being alive or undead" Says the guild master

The mage woman, Irilda continues with a serious tone.

"An abnormality is a monster with high intelligence similar to a person or even more, do you understand the danger of a being like that? The incident at the capital 50 years ago was caused by one" Says Irilda with a hint of fear in her tone

Jey looks shocked and dont know what to say.

"Let's keep going to the matter at hand, shall we?" Says the guild master with an impatience tone

The tiny man, Namely Hiundal, puts a thoughtful look and proceeds to speak.

Hiundal explained what they saw in the forest.

After he is finished the guild master looks calm and unfazed, but inside they all know that he is feeling fear too.

"It can be a monster that has been born there too, there are reports of monsters appearing in areas where they dont usually appear" Says the guild master with a serious tone

Irilda looks at him with fearful eyes.

"Do you want to risk it?" Irilda asked with a serious tone