
The most wasteful fruit among pirates

[Not My Novel, I am translating it] Transmigrated into the world of One Piece? Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it. Became brother of Don Quixote Doflamingo? Well, that's a done deal, can't restart. However, when the young boy discovered that he had consumed the Hito Hito no Mi, he couldn't stay calm anymore....

young_sunlight · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter 148: Splitting Diamonds with a Sword

"Why don't you run?" 

With pink feathered cloak and lightning jumping wildly, Doflamingo descended from the sky, opening his arms wide. His menacing appearance alone kept everyone on Jaya Island from daring to provoke him.

Facing him was Rob Lucci, who was scorched black all over and had stopped in his tracks to confront him.

"I've already seen through your tricks, Doflamingo."

Even though he had been badly beaten earlier, the silver-eyed Lion King remained as calm as ever.

"It's alternating current, isn't it?"


Although Doflamingo had his sunglasses on, he couldn't hide his rapidly accelerating heartbeat from Rob Lucci.

"The Electro technique of the Mink Tribe essentially works by transferring electrons through friction, creating positive and negative charges..."

Transformed into his Lion form, Rob Lucci talked confidently. He tested Doflamingo with his words while using his Color of Observation Haki to confirm his own suspicions through Doflamingo's reactions.

Damn, he understood it so quickly...

Indeed, Doflamingo's move, developed based on Rosinante's idea, "Infinite Thunder Devouring God," utilized the principle of accumulating positive and negative charges through the friction generated by his String-String Fruit!

The first strike might not be strong, but it brought a significant accumulation of negative charge to the target. Using the principle of attracting positive and negative charges, the next strike, having a positive charge, was even stronger. The third strike was negative again, and this cycle continued, repeatedly increasing in power until it completely destroyed the target!

This move also had another advantage: once the "first strike" hit, it marked the opponent with a single polar charge, allowing all subsequent attacks to rely on the attraction of positive and negative charges for a chain bombardment. No matter how fast you were or how strong your Color of Observation Haki was, there was no way to evade it!

It could be said that this was an extremely sharp development of the Thunder and Lightning technique. Doflamingo used his String-String Fruit to generate electricity through friction, and with Rosinante's idea, he had successfully suppressed formidable enemies who had nearly wiped out the Donquixote Family in the past.


"Now that I understand the principle, breaking this move isn't difficult."


"Hehehe, then show me how you break it!"

Pointing a finger, the lightning behind Doflamingo once again surged into the sky, transforming into a waterfall-like lightning dragon. It writhed like a divine beast, its body exuding a fierce aura, charging toward Rob Lucci!

"I guess I underestimated you."

Evading was already useless. Rob Lucci stood his ground, not even using Armament Haki to resist the lightning. Instead, he closed his eyes. Just as the frenzied lightning was about to engulf him:

He suddenly opened his silver eyes, and a gleam of light flashed! The scorched mane on his body trembled violently—


Swallowing thunder and spitting out lightning, the electric dragon, with unstoppable momentum, suddenly paused in mid-air. It was as if it had encountered an invisible force head-on, and instead of positive and negative attraction, it was now facing a repulsive force!

Boom, boom, boom~~

The raging lightning and shockwaves spread in all directions from Rob Lucci as the epicenter. The bricks on the streets were overturned, buildings were shattered by lightning, and countless debris and rubble flew into the air, creating a terrifying scene.

However, the silver-eyed Lion King standing in the center was completely unharmed, and there were faint specks of light flickering around him.

"What is this..."

Unable to cope with this unexpected turn of events, Doflamingo clenched his fists, but it was clear that Rob Lucci had understood and countered their technique quickly.

"Even as a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit user, you've mastered the Electro technique of the Mink Tribe."

In the face of Doflamingo's surprise, Rob Lucci calmly lifted his chin.

"As an 'Animal-type' Devil Fruit user, is it really that incredible for me to learn this technique after seeing you use it so many times?"

"Hehehe, indeed."

Learning and improving during battle had never been exclusive to anyone.

Why couldn't others absorb experience and learn techniques from battles, just like the Donquixote Family, who could learn and improve from battles? Moreover, Rob Lucci didn't need to create powerful lightning for combat; he only needed to reverse the charge on his body.

"However, you've also been seriously injured."

With black threads drawn from his ten fingers, Doflamingo bent down and began his charge.

Even though Doflamingo's developed technique had been cleverly broken by Rob Lucci, Doflamingo's condition was much better than his opponent's.

The five thunder dragons that had struck earlier had already left Rob Lucci "cooked on the outside but tender on the inside." If it weren't for the robust vitality of Animal-type users, he would have already collapsed.

"To deal with you, it's enough."

The proud Lion King flicked his claws and initiated a countercharge, slashing forward mightily!


The blades fell, but they could only produce a few sparks.

"Hehehe, just you two little devils, can't even injure me!"

Doflamingo's third generation Black Thread was wrapped with Haoshoku Haki, and the black-red Haoshoku Haki raged, easily tearing through steel. Meanwhile, Zoro's Kikoku, clutched by Rosinante, emitted a deep blue light, capable of penetrating anything.

But both of their attacks were ineffective because they were facing:

A dazzling diamond!

A rainbow-colored coat made of diamonds, arms made of diamonds... In the presence of the world's most unbreakable substance, the attacks of these two swordsmen couldn't even leave a mark.

"Replica • Glitter • Unbreakable!"

"It's my turn."

Having shed his disguise, Kuzan Amneal revealed his true self and laughed manically. With a casual swing of his arms, he knocked away Zoro and Zoro's weapons.

Then, Kuzan Amneal rushed forward, fists clenched, each carrying a radiant white light sphere, and aimed them at the two.

"Replica • Tremor • Wooyou!"

Facing this close-quarters attack, Zoro and Rosinante had no time to dodge. They could only use Haoshoku Haki to fully envelop and cover the third-generation Black Thread and Kikoku in their hands, and then strike forward to counter the attack.


A deafening noise reverberated throughout Jaya Island. Buildings were destroyed, sand and rocks flew, and it felt like a magnitude ten earthquake had hit. The destruction caused by the three combatants was comparable to an intercontinental ballistic missile strike, and a small mushroom cloud rose into the sky over the city.


A figure flew out of the smoke, and the black feathered coat made a loud noise!

At this moment, Rosinante naturally didn't use his "Silent Fruit" to affect air resistance. It would be more accurate to say that he wished the air resistance would increase.


He spread his arms, using the black feathered coat Doflamingo had woven around him like a parachute.

The coat filled with wind allowed Zoro, who had been thrown hundreds of meters away, to come to a stop. And next to him:

Puff, puff, puff, puff...

On the other side, half of his body crouched down, and six spider-like claws deeply inserted into the ground. After dragging along the ground for tens of meters, Zoro also stopped his retreat.

"Are you okay?"

As Rosinante rushed back to help up Zoro and snapped his fingers to set up an invisible "Sound Prohibition Barrier," he looked towards the man in the center of the smoke.

"An attack that trembles, diamond defense, and the recovery of the Phoenix Flames..."

This Kuzan Amneal, worthy of being one of the "Seven Warlords of the Sea," was indeed formidable. But:

"We still have a chance."

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Zoro remained spirited.

Kuzan Amneal was indeed strong, and after all this fighting, Rosinante and Zoro were covered in injuries while their opponent remained unharmed. If it were anyone else, they might have already despaired.

But that wasn't the case for Zoro.

"Well, yes."

Zoro nodded slightly.

Although his practical combat experience was lacking, he had encountered quite a few "top-tier experts."

Kuzan Amneal was undoubtedly strong, but facing him gave her a sense of "floating" strength, unlike the "invincible" strength she felt when facing the senior members of the Marine Headquarters.

The reason lay in Kuzan Amneal's Devil Fruit ability!

The Replica Fruit not only allowed him to replicate other people's appearances but also their skills and Devil Fruit abilities.

But with advantages come disadvantages, and it was clear that the "Devil Fruit ability" copied by Kuzan Amneal had certain differences from the original user:

The most obvious was that if it were the real "World's Strongest Man" Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, who threw a punch, with Zoro and Rosinante's current strength, they would have already been flattened... No, they would have been crushed!

Was there any possibility of continuing the battle?

So: Kuzan Amneal's copied Devil Fruit ability actually had an "upper limit." This upper limit was most likely Kuzan Amneal's own limit of strength, or rather, his level of development of the "Replica Fruit."

And Kuzan Amneal's Haoshoku... although stronger than Rosinante's, it was still limited and not as profound as "Rob Lucci's."

Because a few years ago, he had his conspiracy among the crew members exposed by the Whitebeard Pirates' "rookie" Marshall D. Teach and was beaten so badly that he fled the New World, his confidence had already been shattered.

Just like Crocodile, who could fight evenly with Barrett half a year ago but, after having one of his hands shattered by Whitebeard, lost his composure, gave up his efforts, and sought "ancient weapons," his Haoshoku practically disappeared.

"The opponent can only use one Devil Fruit ability at a time; this is our chance."

After all this fighting, Rosinante and Zoro had already noticed:

The second limitation of Kuzan Amneal's Replica Fruit was that he could only replicate one ability at a time.

When he turned his body into a diamond for defense, he could only rely on physical attacks, and when he used his "Tremor ability" to attack, his body would revert to flesh and blood.

"I have a move that can render the opponent powerless."

After hesitating for a moment, Rosinante finally decided to use his "trump card."

"But that move... cough, cough, it requires the opponent not to be in 'diamond state' to be effective."

During the previous battle, Rosinante had thought about using his trump card, but Kuzan Amneal was very cautious. As soon as he felt that Zoro or Rosinante's attacks posed a threat to him, he immediately entered the diamond state, making it impossible for the two of them to find an opportunity.

Should I cut the diamond?

"Leave it to me,"

Zoro nodded directly.

The "Capture Dragon Ball" was an ancient species of "Capture Spider," and what was the most famous thing about the Capture Spider?

In addition to its huge size, long lifespan, and the fur all over its body, it was the dissolving toxin that could melt birds, snakes, and insects into a puddle of liquid when injected.

In Rosinante's previous life, giant "Capture Spiders" often played popular roles in various horror movies.

Where Zoro had swung his sword earlier, massive blue cracks corroded the ground. This was undoubtedly an ability granted by the Devil Fruit she had consumed.

"You hold him off for now, and I'll gather strength to break through his diamond defense and force him to use 'Healing Phoenix Flames.'"


With a few words, Zoro sheathed his sword and assumed a stance.

Taking a deep breath, he swiftly circulated his Haki, infusing the third-generation Black Thread with Armament Haki. Meanwhile, his Observation Haki attempted to find the opponent's weakness, focusing wholeheartedly on preparing for the upcoming strike!

To succeed or to meet a noble end!


Although the description is lengthy, in reality, only a few seconds had passed.

Having discussed their strategy, Zoro rushed alone towards Kuzan Amneal on the opposite side. The Kikoku in her hand radiated a brilliant blue light as she swung it down with force!

Simultaneously, her six spider-like claws behind her rapidly aimed for Kuzan Amneal's vital points from both sides, as if seven swordsmen were attacking together.

"It's useless, Marine girl."

With a flexible body, Kuzan Amneal "evaded" all these attacks. Following that, both of his fists lit up with the power of the "World's Strongest Man" once again, and he directed a powerful blow towards Rosinante!


Without the restraint from Rosinante, although Rosinante blocked the light sphere with his sword, he was still shaken and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Let's see how many punches you can block."

Another punch, this punch seemed slow, but as it was thrown, Kuzan Amneal's two arms had completely transformed into phantoms.

"Lizard • Phantom Fist!"

This was not a copied ability but Kuzan Amneal's own technique.

Though it appeared to be just one punch, it had actually delivered hundreds of punches in an instant. Countless fist afterimages overlapped to create an illusion of "slowness"!

In the next moment, the radiant light sphere scattered countless rays of light into the air!

As dense as a sudden rainstorm, as fast as shooting stars, accompanied by a thunderous roar that sounded like a thousand horses galloping, they overwhelmed Zoro.

"Wooden-axe, wooden-axe, wooden-axe, wooden-axe, wooden-axe!"

"Ring Gate!"

Faced with this terrifying attack, Rosinante rotated his Kikoku in front of him, forming a huge whirlpool of brilliant blue.

At the same time, the half-human, half-spider rapidly covered herself with a thick layer of carapace, completely transforming into the appearance of a giant spider.

It was clear that she had brought out her strongest defense.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

The deafening sound of rolling thunder was deafening, and the dazzling light radiance spread in the air one layer after another. First, it tore apart the brilliant blue vortex technique, then it struckher, and in the blink of an eye, her carapace was shattered into pieces.

Darn, he's so strong!

Bleeding profusely and gritting her teeth, she could only hold on with one thought in her mind:

Is shenot ready yet?

"You've waited long enough."

A figure shot past before her, and the voice arrived a bit late.

"Ghost Slash • Extinction!"

With his "Silent Fruit" having concealed his presence, Rosinante suddenly appeared in front of Kuzan Amneal, surpassing the heavily injured her. In his hand, the third-generation Black Thread fell without a hint of fireworks.

Hehehe, as expected!

Faced with Rosinante's strike, Kuzan Amneal, still wearing his mask, curled his lips slightly. The Marine girl was acting as a distraction, while the brat from the Donquixote family was gathering strength for her most powerful strike. Kuzan Amneal glanced at them, easily seeing through her and her''s tactics.

Although Zuzo's Observation Haki was suppressed by Rosinante's "Silent Fruit," his battle instincts, honed through countless trials, allowed him to capture the timing of Rosinante's attack:


In a sound that soared into the sky, she's transformed arms and the third-generation Black Thread collided. The two figures seemed to solidify in mid-air, and the black-clad youth, who leaped through the air, swung down his longsword with a swift motion. With the restraint of the Marine girl in front and the young demon's gathering of the most potent attack, Kuzan Amneal glanced at them, effortlessly discerning their tactics.

Although Kuzan Amneal's Observation Haki was suppressed by Rosinante's "Silent Fruit," his battle instincts, honed through countless trials, allowed him to capture the timing of enemy's attack:


In a sound that soared into the sky, enemy's transformed arms and the third-generation Black Thread collided. The two figures seemed to solidify in mid-air, and the black-clad youth, who leaped through the air, swung down his longsword with a swift motion.

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(End of this chapter)