
The most wasteful fruit among pirates

[Not My Novel, I am translating it] Transmigrated into the world of One Piece? Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it. Became brother of Don Quixote Doflamingo? Well, that's a done deal, can't restart. However, when the young boy discovered that he had consumed the Hito Hito no Mi, he couldn't stay calm anymore....

young_sunlight · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter 147: First Blood

In some places (Zoro and Zozu is misplaced i did correct many of them , but there might a chance some are still there)

"Ha... ha... ha..."

"Doflamingo, Rosinante... How did you two come..."

Diavolo, with alternating flushes of red and pale, supported his body with the longsword in his hand, muttering to himself with bloodshot eyes.

Around him lay several "experts" among the pirate captains and battle commanders, their bodies severed or beheaded.

"Are you already delirious?"

Diavolo swayed in front of him, his body bearing several sword wounds. The "Dark Cook," Kayu, smirked maliciously. Besides the "Five Elements Countering" and "Eight Trigrams" techniques, he was proficient in various poisons and assassination arts.

Just like the current Diavolo—

In terms of strength, Diavolo, who could cut iron and release flying slash attacks, was by no means weak.

But after being poisoned by "Heart Devouring," his life and death had fallen entirely under Kayu's control.

"Heart Devouring" was a poison concocted by Kayu. Those poisoned by it would experience intense itching all over their bodies, followed by needle-like pain, then the sensation of being gnawed by a thousand ants, and finally, excruciating agony deep into their bones. It could even make a person claw themselves to death!


Diavolo's extra-long Western-style sword fell onto the ruined street, and the tall figure of Diavolo trembled as he knelt down, clutching his own neck tightly, emitting gasps that sounded like a wild beast's "huh huh huh."

"Don't rush..."

"The real show is just beginning. My 'Heart Devouring' is not an ordinary poison."

Watching the man, who was known as the "Number One Swordsman of the Donquixote Family," crumble into such a miserable state, the "Dark Cook" Kayu finally regained his "confidence."

Yes, he was very strong!

The previous failure was just a mistake.

"Kill... kill me..."

In a hoarse voice, the man on the ground, clawing at his own face with his hands, begged.

"I... admit..."

Diavolo's voice grew weaker and weaker, as if the torment of the poison and the earlier battle had drained him of his strength.

"Say it, admit that the Donquixote Family is nothing but trash—"

Finally able to savor the taste of "victory," Kayu, the sinister man, lowered his head, eagerly waiting to hear the words of admission from the family member in front of him.

However, what awaited him was—

Diavolo, who had his head hanging low, suddenly raised it.

"The Donquixote Family is by no means trash!"

With a mouth stretched to the limit, his face torn into a grotesque appearance, revealing rows of gleaming white teeth.


His teeth sank fiercely into Kayu's neck. This attack, which couldn't even be considered a "technique," caught the "Dark Cook," who prided himself on being "proficient in everything," off guard.

But this momentary lapse was a fatal mistake!


With fingers that had been severely scratched from the violent scratching, Diavolo suddenly embraced Kayu with tremendous force, firmly pinning the man's arms. Then, he pressed forward!

The two figures rolled on the ground, looking even more unseemly than a brawl between street thugs.


A mighty pirate with a bounty of over a hundred million Berries was actually pinned to the ground by someone in such a savage manner. Kayu's heart was filled with shock and anger, mixed with an irrepressible fear.

Was this guy... a beast?

"Get off me, you lunatic—"

Although Kayu had been pinned down and his arms were rendered ineffective, his advantage lay in the "Eternal Spirit Blade." Even when pinned by the other party, Kayu could still use it as a "dagger."


A knife thrust into Diavolo's waist, causing blood to spurt.

However, the man who was tightly biting his neck seemed oblivious to being attacked. His bloodshot eyes stared fixedly at the enemy who was just inches away, as if he would never let go even if they both went to hell together!


Another ruthless thrust stabbed into Diavolo's waist, and the intense pain made Diavolo's torn facial skin twitch. While Kayu rejoiced inwardly, his opponent once again increased the intensity of his bite, even swallowing Kayu's blood!

"Are you crazy? My blood is poisonous..."

But the response he received was even more violent biting and swallowing.

"I... I surrender! I'll give you the antidote!"

Kayu couldn't hold on any longer. The other party was like a wild beast that only knew how to bite and tear. With a gaping wound on his neck and blood loss, the "Dark Cook" once again sensed the approach of death.

This time, it was different from being pierced through the chest by Rosinante.

It was a gruesome and savage way of being bitten to death.

However, Diavolo still clung tightly to his neck, continuously tearing, chewing, and swallowing.

"I apologize, ah ah ah! The Donquixote Family are all heroes, spare me—"

Apologizing while launching a frenzy of attacks was still futile.

"Is there anyone, anyone at all—!"

Struggling, even the desperate struggle was in vain.

"Come and save... save—"

Neck muscles, sternohyoid muscles, carotid artery, esophagus, trachea... almost half of his neck was chewed and broken, and his head tilted to the side. The wide-open eyes of the "Dark Cook" Kayu, filled with fear, finally lay motionless in a pool of blood.



"You've got some skills, little devil from the Donquixote Family—"

In the city center, two figures were engaged in a high-speed battle. Each punch and kick, each sword and blade strike, had the power to tear down buildings and alter the landscape!

Rosinante, with his "Color of Observation Haki" suppressing the opponent's perception, wielded the third-generation "Kikoku," which radiated black and red light, and his golden hair crackled with lightning as he accelerated himself.

For a moment, the battle seemed evenly matched.

Facing off against Rosinante was Gaimonion, who wielded the "Golden Pizarro." The long sword seemed to transform into an agile fish, leaping and darting like a fish in water, creating ripples on the surface.

At the same time, azure waves spread in a circular pattern, forming a beautiful transparent water curtain that descended upon Rosinante.

"Mizu no Kokyū!"

Rosinante had never seen this move when sparring with Gaimonion.

With the "Kikoku," he cut through the water curtain, but the blade twisted unnaturally, as if it had become a reflection on the rippling water's surface.


In the instant when the water disturbed his vision, Gaimonion, hiding behind the water curtain, also concealed his presence, causing Rosinante's "Color of Observation Haki" to suddenly fail. High-speed attacks and defenses revealed an unexpected vulnerability.

In the next moment, Gaimonion took advantage of the opportunity and rushed forward. His fist, accompanied by a blazing white light orb, was aimed at Rosinante's face!

This is bad—

Faced with this punch, a thought flashed through Rosinante's mind.

He had been careless!

While it was true that Gaimonion had consumed the "Replica Fruit," he was also naturally a "Lizardman" from the Mink Tribe, specifically a subspecies: the Chameleon.

So this guy still had a natural ability: "Concealment Aura." Now was the time for him to play this card!

If this punch landed on Rosinante's face, the balance of victory and defeat would immediately tilt:

Suddenly, a figure wearing a Marine coat rushed into the battlefield from the side.

"Poison Bite!"

With a name like "Golden Pizarro," the large kitchen knife emitted a brilliant blue light, like crashing waves. It also resembled a wild wind raging, filled with resolute fierceness, and it suddenly attacked the Gaimonion, who had been driven back by Rosinante!


The sword's radiance descended, and the street was instantly torn apart! The five-story building on the opposite side of the street was silently split in half, as if the building had always been like this.

Behind the building, more structures were neatly divided into a crack that stretched for hundreds of meters, with no end in sight!

At the edge of the sword mark, rubble, concrete, and steel had all melted into a model-like mass, emitting billowing hot air. In the depths of the sword mark, a faint sky-blue light flickered.


The power of this strike made Rosinante take notice.

And the person who unleashed this strike was naturally:


"It's me,"

The girl holding the "Golden Pizarro" raised her sword and looked at the guy she had just forced back.

"Why do you keep wearing my face, Gaimonion?!"

Although she said "wearing my face," the current Gaimonion had undergone a significant transformation: her black hair hung loose behind her, her cheek was adorned with golden eyeshadow, her figure had become much taller, and her skin had a golden fur...

But the most eye-catching change was that under her Marine coat, she had six spider-like long legs with golden fur!

At the tips of the six long legs were sharp, spear-like appendages, and the gnashing of teeth and claws made Rosinante look at her several times.

This appearance... isn't it the same as the Queen of Blades?

However, it seemed that Gaimonion had suffered some losses before. There were still some unhealed bloodstains on her chest.

"What... What's wrong?"

Facing Rosinante's scrutiny, Gaimonion snorted displeasedly.

"It's just my 'Animal Transformation' as an animal-type ability user. Haven't you seen it before?"

"Cough, I was just a little surprised."

It was no wonder that Rosinante had sensed another power within Gaimonion's body. In general, most natural and superhuman-type ability users couldn't perceive whether someone was an ability user when they weren't using their powers.

However, animal-type abilities were different. Perhaps because the Devil Fruits of animal-type abilities contained their own "will," Rosinante was able to sense that Gaimonion hadn't used her full strength.

"Animal-type: Spider Fruit, Ancient Zoan, Trapdoor Spider Form."

Holding the Golden Pizarro, Gaimonion raised her sword, pointing it at the "imposter" in front of her.

"I arrest you, Gaimonion, in the name of attacking the Marines!"


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(End of this chapter)