
The most wasteful fruit among pirates

[Not My Novel, I am translating it] Transmigrated into the world of One Piece? Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it. Became brother of Don Quixote Doflamingo? Well, that's a done deal, can't restart. However, when the young boy discovered that he had consumed the Hito Hito no Mi, he couldn't stay calm anymore....

young_sunlight · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter 146: Infinite Thunder Devouring God


After being almost split in half by Rosinante's sword, the dumbfounded Zoro smiled sinisterly.


In the next moment, blue flames burst from the wound that ran from his left shoulder to his right waist. These blue flames were different from ordinary fire; they carried a vibrant and lively feeling. As the flames burned, the wound on Zoro's body healed rapidly, as if time itself were rewinding.

This is... Marco's "Phoenix Blue Flames"?

It seemed this guy had replicated many useful abilities from the Whitebeard Pirates.

"I have great confidence in my abilities. Whether it's appearance, demeanor, or even Haki and Devil Fruit powers, I've replicated them perfectly," Zoro said with a sly smile.

"So, where did I reveal a flaw?"


Since the opponent hadn't made a move, Rosinante didn't mind buying some time. If Kaido appeared here, it meant that the other battlefields wouldn't face this major boss.

"It was just a small test."

Rosinante suddenly mentioned "Hawk-Eye," not just following the conversation but because he had discussed it with Zoro a few days ago when they read the newspaper.

Zoro actually admired Hawk-Eye a lot, especially as a young person. Hawk-Eye stood alone, challenging the world, ignoring fame and wealth, and dedicating himself to the sword. How could those who wield blades not envy such a persona? Especially young individuals.

But if one stood from the perspective of the Marines, they would undoubtedly harbor resentment and disdain for Hawk-Eye. This was Kaido's flaw: for those familiar with him, even the most skillful disguise would feel off. If you knew your enemy had the power to "transform," it was easy to test whether it was genuine or fake.

Unless he had also replicated memories!

"Hehehe, that's why I dislike clever people—"

Facing Rosinante, who easily saw through his deception, Zoro swung his "Kemurige," a fake, with a fierce and genuine aura.

"Replication: Whirling Waves!"

"Heh, I've seen this move before."

Rosinante wielded his "Sandai Kitetsu," leaving a dark red aura in its wake as it traced a feRosinanteous path through the air. It effortlessly split the brilliant swordlight emanating from Zoro.

However, the next scene made Rosinante furrow his brow. After revealing his true identity as Kaido, Zoro had only swung one sword, and with his other hand clenched into a fist at his waist, he created a luminous orb that exploded towards Rosinante.

"Replication: Void Tremor!"


Facing this punch, Rosinante's expression turned serious as he flew backward. Simultaneously, his "Sandai Kitetsu" was drawn again!

The strength of the man known as the "World's Strongest" was something that Zoro's swordsmanship, even if it was a counterfeit, couldn't compare to. Even though he was a "counterfeit," the power was real enough to make Rosinante's retreating figure shiver and suddenly become blurred.

"Paper Art: Nullification!"

Tap, tap, tap!

Three consecutive steps on the ground, as Rosinante flew backward, caused the earth beneath him to tremble three times. Then, whether it was soil, rubble, or even buildings and trees, they all silently collapsed into three enormous, ten-meter-wide craters.

"Hehehe, not a bad technique to disperse energy."

Kaido, in the form of Zoro, recognized Rosinante's ability to convert the shockwave into the ground, effectively nullifying it.

It seemed like a variation of "Paper Art"?

"Let me see how many of my punches you can endure!"


On the other side,

"Where's Rosinante?"

The blond, silver-eyed youth raised his chin towards the three individuals before him.

"Have him come out and fight me—"

"Fufufu, you two go help the others."

Although they weren't part of the family, Doflamingo's words were beyond questioning. After exchanging glances, the girl with earmuffs, Minimerry, and the Minotaur warrior, Rodeo, leaped away to find their own opponents and relieve the pressure on the others.

"I'm enough to deal with you alone."


Lightning began to dance on Doflamingo's pink feathered coat. While he couldn't control lightning as precisely as Rosinante, he had his own strengths:

He could generate large amounts of lightning thanks to his "String-String Fruit"!

And he had various ideas from Rosinante's "brainstorms":

Two curved tracks appeared on Doflamingo's left and right. They began charging, filling up with "ammunition."

"It's useless,"

A disappointed look flashed through Riccardo's silver eyes. He disappeared in an instant.

The Rokushiki technique "Soru" wasn't something they couldn't replicate.


On the other side,

"Where's Rosinante?"

The golden-haired, silver-eyed youth raised his chin toward the three figures before him.

"Let him come out and fight me—"

"Fufufu, you two go help the others."

Although they weren't part of the family, Doflamingo's words were beyond questioning. After exchanging glances, the girl with earmuffs, Minimerry, and the Minotaur warrior, Rodeo, leaped away to find their own opponents and relieve the pressure on the others.

"I'm enough to deal with you alone."


Lightning began to dance on Doflamingo's pink feathered coat. While he couldn't control lightning as precisely as Rosinante, he had his own strengths:

He could generate large amounts of lightning thanks to his "String-String Fruit"!

And he had various ideas from Rosinante's "brainstorms":

Two curved tracks appeared on Doflamingo's left and right. They began charging, filling up with "ammunition."

"It's useless,"

A disappointed look flashed through Riccardo's silver eyes. He disappeared in an instant.

The Rokushiki technique "Soru" wasn't something they couldn't replicate.


A powerful roundhouse kick, transformed into a curved lion leg, flew from the side, forcing Doflamingo to raise his arms to block it. Even though he covered them with Busoshoku Haki, his arms still tingled.

Before Doflamingo could regain his balance, a golden figure, as sharp as a razor with ten claws covered in dark metallic sheen, assaulted him.

"Lion Dance: Slash Slash!"


Ten enormous beams of light intersected and crisscrossed, approaching Doflamingo in a dense formation. Accompanied by Riccardo's indifferent voice.



The pink feathered coat exploded into a shower of "feathers," and Doflamingo, with bleeding arms still raised in defense, was blown back. A smirk curled up on his bloodied lips.

What was this?

The "Railgun" was undoubtedly powerful, but it wasn't feasible for the enemy to just stand there and take it. Plus, without Rosinante's Kenbunshoku Haki to sense movements, this kind of attack, which required charging and a straightforward trajectory, would never hit Riccardo again.


"Fufufu, I'm ready."

With a thunderous sound, Doflamingo, who had blasted a massive hole in the buildings behind him, stabilized himself and leaped onto a rooftop.

Doflamingo, his arms covered in blood, didn't care about his injuries. He curled his thumb, index finger, and ring finger while extending his middle finger and pinky finger, striking his signature pose toward his arms and the transformed legs of Riccardo.

"String String: Infinite Thunder Devouring God!"

The two floating "electromagnetic rails" on either side of Doflamingo were just a ruse. An endless torrent of lightning and electric arcs surged out from behind Doflamingo, coiling around his body, constantly flickering and growing in number and intensity.

In the blink of an eye, they condensed into a colossal silver lightning dragon, its scales gleaming, teeth bared, and claws outstretched, viciously engulfing the burly silver-eyed lion-man before it.


Most people would be stunned and petrified by the dazzling and thunderous lightning dragon hurtling toward them. But who was Riccardo?

He was a powerhouse with a bounty of 270 million Berries, forged in the New World.

If it weren't for Kaido saving them, how could the "Silver-Eyed Lion King" possibly be inferior to them?


Almost in the instant the lightning dragon lunged, Riccardo had already darted aside at high speed. Although his body couldn't match the speed of lightning, with the addition of Kenbunshoku Haki, evading the lightning wasn't impossible.

However, in that split second, the lightning dragon made a sharp turn in mid-air, instantly swallowing up the temporarily stunned Riccardo.

Boom, boom, boom!

A savage burst of lightning and shockwaves erupted, centered around Riccardo.

The ground in the street cracked and heaved, countless stones and rocks were sent flying into the air, as if being bombarded by heavy artillery fire. It created a massive crater, causing the surrounding buildings to shake dangerously within the shockwave.

"Is that all?"

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, Riccardo's disdainful voice echoed.

The burly lion-man, with golden fur bristling all over his body, and some even turned into charred remains at the top, appeared comically "exuberant."

This lightning was enough to knock out pirates with bounties of around 100 million Berries on the spot, but using it against the "Silver-Eyed Lion King" with 250 million Berries was not enough.

"Fufufu, the real show is about to begin!"

This move, "Infinite Thunder Devouring God," which Doflamingo had developed based on the principles provided by Rosinante, had significant flaws. If the enemy saw through its joints, then the next time...

"There won't be a next time. I'll finish you off now!"

Creating threads, Doflamingo quickly stitched up the wounds on his arms that had been cut by the enemy. He leaped forward, and with a cloak of lightning trailing behind him, Doflamingo soared toward Riccardo, who was rapidly retreating.

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(End of this chapter)