
The room of death

It was a room that seemed to not contain any light. No eyesight was a hard thing to process people that entered this room would have to rely on their other instincts to survive. It was something that would weed out those that aren't able to adapt. When he set his first forward a slight click could be heard.

An obvious wind was coming towards him with his instincts on high alert he sprung to his right. Just a mere second later the room trembled something clearly hit the wall behind him. With a lone sweat drop, Jiyu continued his walk each step he could feel the anxiety building. It was a slow process this room wasn't only deadly physical but also on a mental level.

The feeling of not knowing when one would meet their death when an attempt on their life would happen was a scary thing. Someone may even lose their mind because of the anxiety of not knowing when their life could end. After a couple of steps, Jiyu suddenly felt his left foot sink.

The feeling of water was around his left leg while it was being sucked into the deep darkness that one would call water. A feeling of being pulled down while something made his way onto his leg was felt. Immediately Jiyu used all his strength to pull his leg upwards while something was attached to it.

The feeling of not being underwater was finally there yet something was still attached to his leg. Shaking his leg with all his might it detached a sound of something hitting the ground could be heard. "Kori its right in front of use freeze it" and like that, a little bit of light was in the dark room. A beast that looked like an octopus was seen being frozen Jiyu just picked it up and threw it back into the water it came from.

It was too creepy to look at with those eyes that spoke of darkness. The depths of the ocean was something scary even in his past world no one knew what resided deep there. "Kori make a path right before us" the problem of water was no longer there. Alas, it was fated to not be so easy, after finally passing the water some type of smoke was released from the walls.

The walls seemed to move and the previous feeling of knowing where he was was no longer there. "The smoke may invest your lungs and you will die a slow death. Try to surpass this maze and live" the monotone computer voice spoke once more. This was maybe the scariest test this far.

Dying like this would be a slow and painful death. But most of all the mental torture of knowing that you would die and you couldn't get out of it was maybe the most painful. "Kori hold your breath right now" Jiyu screamed not wanting the little cub to die.

If the room was lighted one could see the little cub puffing its cheek while it was holding its breath. 'At most I have 5 minutes' Jiyu inwardly thought while he started to calmly walk while feeling the wall in front of him. Panicking wouldn't get him anything in this situation it would be best to keep calm and access the situation he was in right now.

In 3 minutes he finally made his way out at least that's what he thought. As soon as he stepped into the light spot that was there it turned dark once more. "The feeling of succeeding in living yet it not being true this tower is truly vicious." The feeling of relieve one would feel upon seeing that light would be immense yet to be disappointed once more would be devastating.

Step after step a feeling of greater anxiety grew but then he saw it the light he wished to see. After entering it this time it stayed light. "Truly something interesting one may lose his mind after the maze and keep there panicking yet if he would walk further he would have survived.

With his mind slightly exhausted from the previous levels he walked forward determined to pass this test and make his name into this world. An early death wasn't on the planning so he kept pushing forward not knowing what the next levels would bring him.

With his katana strapped around his back, he walked into the room not sure what would happen this time.

Have fun reading.

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