
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Wei Xuanmo

Huo Shufan looked at his grandfather suspiciously, and asked

"What do you do when you visit Old Master Wei?"


"...Why do you worship a Yue countryman as your teacher?"

"Because this great Confucian of the Yue Kingdom is not simple!"

Huo Xi turned his head to look at Huo Shufan, and said, "It's not Grandpa's idea, but Concubine Li Gui's idea. Although you have the title of the top three talented scholars in Guangling and your status as a Juren, it's still too low. "

"Originally, grandpa wanted you to join Hua Boss Confucianism... But this old man doesn't know how to flatter him, so he rejected the ten thousand taels of silver ticket that grandpa sent!"

"Grandpa thinks Concubine Li's move has two meanings."

"Firstly, scholars pay attention to a teacher's succession. If you become Wei Xuanmo's disciple, your status as a literati will be higher, and you will become the son-in-law of the sixth princess, those nobles in the capital or those princes and princesses in the palace. I will also give you a high look, and it can be regarded as a face for the sixth princess."

"Second thing... This old master Wei accepted Xiang Ji's invitation the day after he arrived in the capital. It seems that his relationship with Xiang Ji is quite unusual. If you become his disciple, you can also distance yourself from Xiang Ji. closer."

Huo Shufan pondered for a moment, and his face became more and more puzzled.

He leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Grandpa, father is a close minister of His Highness the Crown Prince... let's talk about it, shouldn't our Huo family be on the side of His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"Why did grandpa mention several times that he wants to get closer to Prime Minister Ji, could it be... Could there be some reason that my grandson doesn't know?"

Huo Xi stroked his long beard and smiled slightly.

"You will understand. Grandpa and your father will handle these matters. The most important thing for you now is to become Wei Xuanmo's disciple...even if it's just a name."

"Then marry the sixth princess."

"Princess Six is a woman after all, so it's normal for her to be narrower and restrain you tighter."

"In the future of your son-in-law career, you must never reverse the meaning of the sixth princess, and you must have a good relationship with Concubine Li... This is very important to our Huo family!"

Huo Xi nodded thoughtfully, "Grandson understands."

The carriage stopped, and the grandpa and grandson got out of the carriage and stood in front of the solemn and solemn vermilion gate of Duke Yan's mansion.

At this moment, Wei Xuanmo, the great scholar of the Yue Kingdom, also brought a few of his most proud disciples, and stood in front of the huge archway of the Taiyuan Academy.

A tall stone monument has recently been erected next to the archway of the Taiyuan Academy.

Wei Xuanmo and his disciples were looking at the stele.

A few lines of extremely elegant characters are engraved on the stone tablet

Stand up for the world!

Live for the people!

Learn for the sake of the saints!

Create peace for all generations!

——Li Chenan!

Wei Xuanmo bent his body slightly, and looked at these few lines for half a cup of tea.

Then he stretched out a hand to touch the stele, and then touched the three characters Li Chen'an, then turned around and looked at his disciples.

"When I was teaching here as a teacher, there was no such stone tablet at that time, and of course there was no school motto engraved on this stone tablet."

"Li Chen'an, he said such thought-provoking words!"

"He said it in front of tens of thousands of students and common people when he entered the south gate of Yujing City more than ten days ago!"

"Master, I remember that when we came to Yujing City, after you heard about Li Chenan's poems, you didn't seem to take him too seriously... What about now?"

He turned around and pointed to the stele, and said earnestly, "As a teacher, I have traveled to many countries in my life, and I have met great Confucian celebrities in many countries."

"They may have great works handed down from generation to generation, or they may have outline ideas to educate people."

He turned to look at his disciples again, and said very seriously, "The so-called great Confucians in the world are all at the age of knowing their fate and even listening to their ears. But Li Chen'an, he is only seventeen!"

"These few words are the most accurate and inspiring words that describe the purpose of a scholar's study!"

"As a teacher, I think it's not an exaggeration to call it a holy word!"

Yan Biao and other young men were shocked when they heard this.

Of course, they can also understand the lofty ideology in these few words, but they never expected that their teacher would raise these words so highly!

Shengyan... Doesn't this mean that Li Chen'an has surpassed the Great Confucianism and can stand shoulder to shoulder with a saint?

"The teacher knows that you are dissatisfied, and the teacher will not blame you. You are all sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys. You should be dissatisfied, but...!"

Wei Xuanmo suddenly accentuated his tone, stroked his white beard, and there was faint worry in his eyes.

"Have you thought about it?"

"If the students of Ningguo really enshrined Li Chenan's words as holy words, if they really set up lofty ideals for studying because of this...Ning will see a huge change!"

"Such changes are unpredictable. I think that after one generation, at most three generations, whether it is officialdom or folk in Ningguo, a brand new situation will emerge!"

"Maybe there will still be people in the DPRK and China, but there are more people who work hard for this country!"

"When the atmosphere in the officialdom improves, the life of the common people will naturally improve."

"My teacher often tells you that the prosperity of a country does not lie in how powerful the officials are, but in how rich the pockets of the common people are... Only when the people are strong can the country become rich!"

"The reverse doesn't necessarily hold true, such as the West Ye Kingdom!"

"This is the importance of thinking, that is, the spirit that scholars must comprehend from books and travel thousands of miles!"

"Li Chen'an realized it at the age of seventeen. Mr. Hua engraved these words on the stone tablet in front of the archway of the Imperial College...Of course he hoped that these words could awaken the young people of Ningguo and guide them. These teenagers are pursuing the ideals in these words!"

"As a teacher, I also hope that you can humbly keep this sentence in your heart! Spread it back to our country of Yue, so that the scholars of our country of Yue can also understand the ultimate meaning of reading!"

"Only in this way can Yue State become stronger and continue to suppress Ning State. Otherwise... after three generations, Yue State will no longer be Ning State's opponent!"

Yan Biao and the others bowed and saluted, "I understand."

When they looked at the words on the stone tablet again, their expressions were obviously more humble.

It's just a young man's heart, so he felt that the last three words Li Chen'an were a bit of an eyesore.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet Master Hua."

Wei Xuanmo led a few disciples into the tall archway of the Imperial College, and he said while walking

"Master, I heard that when we were in Guangling City, Master Hua and Li Chen'an hit it off, and because of Li Chen'an's poems, he called him brothers and became friends for many years."

"I'm taking you to visit Mr. Hua as a teacher. It's not for you to ask Mr. Hua for some knowledge, but to listen to Mr. Hua's story about Li Chen'an."

"Emperor Ningguo issued an imperial decree to let Li Chen'an participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is a good thing and a bad thing for you."

"Knowing your opponent is important."

"As a teacher, of course I don't believe that you will lose...but as a teacher, I am also worried that it will not be easy for you to win!"