
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


"Your Highness, are you really going to disband the Mirror Division?"

Sitting on the carriage back to the palace, Zhiyuan couldn't help asking.

Ning Chuchu suddenly sighed, her whole body seemed to relax, and she suddenly became listless.

"Actually, he was right!"

"Prime Minister Shang established the Lijing Division a hundred years ago because there were so many people who corrupted the law at that time, and even the Imperial City Division was not spared."

"Prime Minister Shang uses a brand-new Lijing Division to arrest or assassinate corrupt officials all over the world. The methods used are just like what Li Chen'an said, that's called troubled times, and heavy codes should be used!"

"But now the situation has changed a lot... It's not that the number of corrupt officials has decreased, but that Ji Tai's power has covered the sky with one hand, and he has restrained and even suppressed the department of mirrors with the ichthyosaur. ."

"Furthermore, under the leadership of Mr. Changsun, the Imperial City Division is different from a hundred years ago. Although the Imperial City Division has not made any major moves in the past few years, secretly, the spies of the Imperial City Division scattered all over the country are there. Collect the evidence of those officials."

"Mr. Changsun is probably waiting for an opportunity, but neither I nor the prince's elder brother knows."

"Under such circumstances, there really isn't much need for Lijing Division to exist."

Zhi Yuan pursed her lips, "But His Royal Highness cannot live without the Mirror Division."

"Yeah, so we still can't disband for the time being, so we have to earn money first!"

Speaking of earning money, Ning Chuchu's eyes lit up, and her whole body was filled with fighting spirit again.

She looked at Zhiyuan, and said excitedly, "Those lucrative industries he mentioned... the bank is too troublesome, and I don't have anyone who knows how to manage money."

"The copper and iron business is also very troublesome. The mining of copper and iron mines is controlled by the Ministry of Industry, which is in the hands of Ji Tai."

"Salt needs to find a salt well... He said that sea water can also be used to make salt... I can tell my grandfather about this. Those uncles have all gone to the island in the East China Sea. There is inexhaustible sea water. It's just that it's taking too long."

"As for tea and silk, it takes about half a year to travel to and from Yue or Wu."

"Hey, it really is the fastest to snatch it..."

"Zhiyuan, who do you think we should grab first?"

Zhi Yuan was taken aback, "Your Highness, there are many big families in Kyoto... Isn't Mr. Li having a grudge against the Huo family? The head of the Huo family came to Beijing to discuss marriage with the sixth princess, so he should have brought a lot of dowry gifts, or... ...or should we rob the Huo family first?"

Ning Chuchu's eyes lit up, "Okay! After returning to the palace, you call Yuheng and Kaiyang to my princess mansion. On this Mid-Autumn Festival night, let's do it first!"



Ning Chuchu is planning the first major event in her life at the Princess Mansion.

Horch didn't expect disaster to come from the sky at all!

He had already come out of Concubine Li's palace, and was led out of the palace by a young eunuch, and came to his carriage waiting here.

"Go to Duke Yan's mansion!"

After giving instructions to the coachman, he and his grandson Huo Shufan got into the carriage.

"This matter is finally safe. When the emperor makes an order, although you are recruited as a son-in-law, our folk rules still have to be followed...Grandpa has already transferred a lot of money from Guangling City. In the name of Na Zheng, send it to the Prince Consort's Mansion."

Huo Shufan lowered his head and muttered, "Grandpa, the sixth princess... she won't allow me to take a concubine!"

Horch stroked his beard, pondered for a moment and said, "Now she is a princess, of course she has the pride of a princess."

"When you really get married and become husband and wife, let's figure this out slowly."

"Grandpa, my grandson thinks it's better to put the money in the Huo Mansion in our capital. Firstly, my father has a lot of money to spend. Secondly... if my grandson needs it, it's always better to get money from the Huo Mansion." Make it easier."

After Huo Xi thought about it, the grandson's words made sense.

After all, to be a son-in-law is to belong to the royal family, and the royal family has no shortage of money to spend. It is more worthwhile to spend most of the money accumulated in this life on the Huo family.

So he nodded, "Alright, after you become a son-in-law, grandpa will go back to Guangling City."

"There are still a lot of things to do in Guangling City, especially to take down Li Chenan's wine shop... This matter has become much easier with the help of Yan Guogong's mansion, and our Huo family doesn't have to worry about Zhongli's mansion in Guangling City. ."

"In addition, Shen Qianshan's daughter, Shen Qiaodie, this time she went to the south of the Yangtze River to buy autumn grain on behalf of her father. If she can succeed, it shows that this girl is indeed a business talent... Grandpa will arrange for her to come to the capital and live in the capital. Huo Mansion."

"And you, don't talk about her bad luck anymore, just raise her as a child in the Huo Mansion in Jingdu."

"If she gives birth to a boy for our Huo family, grandpa promises you that your son will still be the master of the Huo family in the future!"

What can Huo Shufan do?

Shen Qiaodie only likes her body, and always feels that being around this woman will bring bad luck.

But that sixth princess...he couldn't even like her body, let alone face her all day long.

After thinking about it, he suddenly envied that Li Chenan very much!

This dog said, how did he get such good luck?

Hey, instead of facing the sixth princess, he still thinks it would be better to face Shen Qiaodie. As for bad luck... It's all so unlucky, how can it go wrong?

"Grandpa, in case the Dingguohou's Mansion announces the matter of Li Chen'an and Zhongli Ruoshui, let's use the power of the Yanguo's Mansion to rob him of his wine shop in Guangling City... Will this attract Dingguohou's mansion? revenge?"

Huo Shufan was very worried.

Because Yan Guogong's mansion is definitely not afraid of Dingguohou's mansion, but the Huo family can't face Dingguohou's mansion directly at all!

Dingguohou's mansion can't do anything to Yan Guogong's mansion, but it is not too difficult for a guy to wipe out Guangling Huo's family.

"It's really good that you can think of this level, so this matter will have to wait until you become the consort of the sixth princess."

"In addition... Concubine Li is not easy!"

"Don't look at her plain and elegant dress. When we met our father and I, we were still in the field in her back garden."

"The chrysanthemums in the yard are growing very well, and the sweet-scented osmanthus by the lotus pond is also blooming very well!"

"She is planting flowers with her heart, and she is also planning with her heart!"

"Since she told us to meet Duke Yan, then Duke Yan must know the seriousness of this matter."

"Grandpa is wondering...whether it is Concubine Li, Duke Yan, or even the Emperor who intends to...destroy Dingguohou Mansion!"

"It's like twenty years ago when the emperor ordered to kill Lu Zhanxiao who was waiting in the car!"

Huo Shufan was startled, and looked up at his grandfather. Huo Xi looked serious, and said, "The nobles stand tall and see far away, but our Huo family is still too low."

"Since this is the case, we don't need to guess what their purpose is, we just need to follow them closely and do what they ordered!"

"After you became the son-in-law of the sixth princess, Concubine Li Gui is your mother-in-law. She has no reason to make you make her daughter a widow!"

"The grandson knows."

The carriage continued to move forward, and the carriage fell silent.

After a while, Huo Xi said to Huo Shufan again, "You have to participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival, because the emperor will go."

"Okay, grandson should go all out!"

"Well, tomorrow, I will go to Honglu Temple with my grandfather to visit the old master Wei Xuanmo Wei, the great scholar of the Yue Kingdom!"