
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Affair in the south of the Yangtze River

Obviously, Wei Xuanmo's praise for Li Chen'an in front of the archway of the Taiyuan Academy was extremely high.

He even sees farther than many people in Ningguo!

He knows very well that the prosperity of a country is closely related to the youth of this country, so he is very worried because of this, worried that the youth of Ningguo will wake up in these few words of Li Chen'an!

"A hundred years ago, there was a Prime Minister of Shang in Ningguo. He almost turned the tide with his own strength and dragged Ningguo back from the brink of extinction."

Wei Xuanmo stood on the tree-lined avenue leading to the Taiyuan Academy, looked at his disciples again, and said

"Judging from Ningguo's history books and folk rumors, Ningguo's people almost worshiped that Prime Minister Shang as a god, but in the eyes of my teacher... his achievements are of course great, but the methods he used are very extreme."

"When he saved Ningguo, he didn't save Ningguo in this life!"

"It's just treating the symptoms but not the root cause, because he didn't leave much foresight to the officials and people of Ningguo! A hundred years have passed, Ningguo...is like a dead tree, it's just a reincarnation!"

"As a teacher, I thought that spring would never come again in Ningguo, but I didn't expect that there would be another Li Chen'an!"

Zuo Anqiu and Yang Duoduo looked at each other in shock. The teacher's words actually lifted Li Chenan to the same height as Shang Buqi!


Hearing what the teacher said, he seems to be higher than Shang Buqi!

Sure enough, Wei Xuanmo took a deep breath, "As a teacher, I always tell you that the most important thing in a country is faith!"

"What is faith?"

"Faith is a kind of spiritual sustenance. Simply put, faith can give people strength when they are helpless, guide people when they are confused, and give people strength when they encounter setbacks!"

"So, when a country has faith, this country has an unyielding backbone!"

Zuo Anqiu's heart was shocked, and he asked, "Teacher, these few words of Li Chen'an are really thought-provoking, but... can these words become the belief of Ning Guo?"

Wei Xuanmo smiled slightly, "Not really, but this sentence can set the scholars in Ningguo in the right direction!"

He continued to walk forward slowly with a few disciples, and said, "This world, after all, is a world ruled by scholars. Just like you, you will eventually be officials in the Yue Kingdom."

"When the scholars have a direction, when they work tirelessly for it, they stand on the temple, and they become the rulers and administrators of this country."

"Think about it at this time, establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations... They have implemented this idea, and this idea will be passed on to the people under their rule."

"They become officials no longer to make money, but to realize this great ideal, so the government will be clean."

"The life of the common people will naturally be easier. The common people read less, but they know that such thinking is good for them!"

"Thus, this kind of belief will be gradually established, the whole country will be united, and the officials and the people will work together... So I assert that the rise of Ningguo will only take three generations!"

After a pause, Wei Xuanmo stopped again, and looked up at the sweet-scented osmanthus trees on both sides of the avenue, "You don't have to worry about anything, because Li Chen'an's few words... It's hard to shake the rotten Ningguo. "

"As for people like Prime Minister Ji, they will not allow such ideas to spread widely in Ningguo."

Yang Duoduo was taken aback, "Why?"

"Because it will hurt their interests!"

"People are the most complicated things in the world!"

"In the eyes of those with vested interests, they never want to change, even if they are buried with the country."

"Reforms will cause them to lose the power in their hands, the benefits that are at their fingertips, and even become prisoners. Subjugation of the country is certainly not what they want, but..."

Wei Xuanmo stepped forward again.

"However, some things cannot be reversed after all. This is the trend of history!"

"In short, you must firmly remember those few words of Li Chen'an, no matter what the future of Ning country is, let these words... carry forward in our Yue country!"



Huaxi Bieyuan.

Li Chen'an never expected that the old Confucian Wei from the Yue Kingdom would enshrine the few words he uttered casually as holy words.

After drinking a pot of iced herbal tea, he put down the writing brush in his hand, looked at the letter written on the paper, and turned his head to look at Amu who was still looking at the lotus pond.

He felt a little strange.

Does this guy have a soft spot for lotus?

For the past few days, he has been sitting on the fence of this gazebo, just looking at those lotus flowers, saying very little, very quiet, as if he really saw a flower.

So this martial arts practitioner always has some eccentricities.

However, those who practice martial arts with some eccentricities seem to be the real masters of martial arts.

For example, Xiao Shisanniang who likes to farm.

Like that infatuated Murong He.

For example, Xiao Wu who likes to watch the stars, rain and snow.

Another example is the talented Danqing Chang Scholar who likes to paint maple leaves with human blood.

I am a normal person, so it is understandable that I can't become such a master.

Li Chen'an raised his eyebrows and looked away, got up and took two steps in the pavilion, thinking about what happened in Jiangnan.

That beautiful young lady... forgot to ask her name... If what she said is true, then Cai Zhengyao did not disappoint him.

But that ex-fiancée, Shen Qiaodie, is also a courageous business genius.

She actually hooked up with the Cao family in Pingjiang City, Jiangnan Province through the Huo family... This is normal, the young lady said that the Huo family married the Cao family of the Jiangnan Weaving Department, and Shen Qiaodie wanted to marry her after she divorced herself. To marry Huo Shufan.

The Cao family has worked in the south of the Yangtze River for many years, and they are almost familiar with the magistrates and sheriffs of all counties and counties, so Shen Qiaodie has the right to price the autumn grain in the south of the Yangtze River through them.

However, Cai Zhengyao's old world is not simple.

He even forcibly smashed it with silver, and he just smashed down half of the big grain producers in the south of the Yangtze River!

The subsequent script was similar to what she had deliberated, of course Shen Qiaodie would not let it go, so she also poured money into it.

Now the price of grain in Jiangnan has risen by 30% compared to last year, Li Chenan's goal for Cai Zhengyao has been achieved, so Cai Zhengyao didn't buy a grain of grain in Jiangnan, and it all went into Shen Qiaodie's pocket.

Then the next step is how to grab so much food.

The most important thing about this is two-

One of them is Zhongli Qiuyang!

This brother-in-law is now the admiral of the Linshui City Navy. Food from all over the south of the Yangtze River must pass through Linshui City if it is to be transported to Guangling City!

The second is to see Ye Po.

The girl said that Ye Po has collected over a hundred thugs in the Internet these days...they are really the most vicious kind of thugs!

After all, Zhongli Qiuyang is a serious official, so it is not appropriate for him to take the navy to do such a thing as robbery, but it is most suitable for Ye Po to take these desperate gangsters to do it!

Therefore, roughly at the end of this month, the success or failure of this matter will be known.

At this moment, Xiong Da hurried over from outside.

"Master, just now someone outside said to give you this letter!"