
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

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At this time, it is Sishi, although Bailu has passed and the autumnal equinox is approaching, but the autumn tiger in Yujing City this year has not yet left.

The sky was cloudless.

The sun is still hot.

Li Chen'an didn't like this kind of weather very much, he wanted to stay in the west building, but this boy Amu wanted to sit in the gazebo and watch the pond full of lotus flowers.

So he had no choice but to stay in the gazebo, but he fiddled with a pot of ice, and a pot of herbal tea was frozen in the ice.

Saltpeter can be bought in medical centers and grocery stores, but its name is fire saltpeter.

Medical clinics use this thing as medicine, mainly treating heat stroke, cold, pain and other diseases.

However, the grocery store sells this thing not for the production of fireworks and firecrackers as Li Chenan thought, but mainly for Taoist alchemy!

There are no fireworks.

As for firecrackers, they are really made of bamboo!

In other words, the serious fire and medicine have not yet appeared in this dynasty in this world!

Li Chenan's eyes lit up.

He stared at Xiong Da who was standing opposite, and asked again, "You mean, everyone on the battlefield is fighting with real swords and guns? No, no such thing as artillery?"

Xiong Da scratched his head and smiled foolishly, thinking that the young master is a little strange today.

"What is a cannon?"

"...It's a big iron pier," Li Chen'an gestured with both hands, "An iron pipe as thick as the mouth of a bowl can fire powerful cannonballs that shake the sky."

Xiong Da's head shook like a rattle, "No, the villain has never heard of it in the army for many years."

"What about defending the city? What kind of thing is used to defend the city?"

"Arrow towers and catapults."

"ok, I get it."

Xiong Da resigned and left, Li Chenan began to think about fire and medicine in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, he found a problem. He knew that gunpowder and powder were made of saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal in a certain proportion, but he didn't know the proportion, and he didn't know how to make guns!

Who knew that time travel would happen to him?

If you know, then in your previous life, you were a fart business, and you should study hard to become a military expert!

In such a backward era, if guns...even red-clothed cannons and rifles were created, equipped with an army of ten thousand people, it would probably be able to sweep the entire world.

I regret it!

Guns and cannons cannot be made. At most, gunpowder and gunpowder are made, and some sugar is added to it.

Thinking of this, Li Chenan gave up the idea of tinkering with guns, and was about to make a list for Xiong Da to buy the materials needed for gunpowder, when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind the screen wall.

He looked up and was startled——

Just under the sunlight, a girl in a long snow-white dress was approaching.

Her hands hang down and clasped in front of her.

Her hair gently undulates with her steps.

The white jade hairpin on her head glowed flowingly in the sun.

The silver necklace on her slender neck also folded and shone in the sun.

Could it be that this is as graceful as a frightened bird, as graceful as a dragon swimming?

She seemed to raise her eyes to look at Li Chenan, and seemed to see Li Chenan's staring expression.

Her face flushed slightly, she lowered her head, and walked towards the gazebo like this.

The distance is closer.

Li Chenan saw that pretty face clearly.

He was startled suddenly, a guy stood up!

At this moment, Amu also looked back, and he just glanced at that, and then he seemed to think that the lotus in this pool was more beautiful, so he turned his head and continued to look at the lotus with a red dragonfly resting on it. A budding lotus.

Li Chenan's gaze passed Ning Chuchu, and he looked at Zhiyuan who was following Ning Chuchu.

Then he looked at Ning Chuchu again, and took a step outside the pavilion, "No...you, you, did we meet in Guangling City?"

Ning Chuchu raised her head, a sly light flashed in her eyes.

"Did you recognize the wrong person?"

"...This is too similar! On the third day of March, in Huapingdong, Guangling City, I met a handsome father-in-law from the palace! He is very similar to you!"

"Besides, I shouldn't admit my mistake to the young lady behind you!"

"That day she was beside that handsome father-in-law...what's your name?"

Ning Chuchu was taken aback, turned to look at Zhiyuan, and asked in a low voice curiously, "Where is such a handsome father-in-law?"

Zhi Yuan covered her mouth with a chuckle, and said, "Perhaps Mr. Li mistook Miss's elder brother for the father-in-law in the palace."

When Li Chenan heard it, he suddenly realized.

"Oh, so he is the elder brother of the girl... Please come in, girl."

Ning Chuchu glanced at Li Chen'an resentfully, and stepped into the gazebo with her skirt lifted, but was suddenly startled.

She pointed to the basin of ice on the table, "Where did this thing come from?"

"I made it, come, come, the weather is too hot, and this iced herbal tea is almost ready, I'll buy you a drink!"

Ning Chuchu sat opposite to Li Chenan, Zhiyuan stood behind her, both master and servant's eyes fell on the basin of crystal clear ice, their faces were extremely shocked!

Because of ice, in such a hot season, even if Ning Chuchugui was the fourth princess of Ning Kingdom, she would not be able to enjoy it, but she unexpectedly saw such a big basin of ice here!

He said he made it... how did he make it?

Li Chenan poured two bowls of iced herbal tea and handed them over, Ning Chuchu and Zhiyuan took it, the master and servant took a small sip, a cool and slightly sweet feeling came down, and the heat all over the body disappeared immediately.

Ning Chuchu took another big sip, and suddenly felt extremely refreshed all over her body.

I still remember that when my father drank a bowl of this thing when I was young, it was also cold, but the taste was much bitterer than Li Chenan's bowl.

She put down the bowl, took out a handkerchief from her sleeve pocket, and lightly touched her mouth. Her eyes looked at Li Chen'an happily, and her red lips parted slightly.

"Me and Ruoshui are good sisters."

"I heard that Ruoshui found a fiancé in Guangling City and came to the capital. I think it's you?"

Li Chenan grinned and nodded.

"Listen to my brother... that's the handsome father-in-law you met in Huapingdong, Guangling City on March 3rd... He said he found an embroidery envoy in Guangling City, so it must be you?"

"Replacement as fake!"

Li Chenan took out the silver medal from his pocket and handed it over, "I have been in the capital for more than ten days. I thought I could see your brother, but Ruoshui said that he was busy and was in the palace, so I couldn't get in with my status, so after you go back, don't you?" Please say sorry to him!"


Ning Chuchu thought that this little girl like Ruoshui probably did it on purpose!

She still takes this guy very seriously, but it also shows that she is still worried that she will rob her fiancé.

That little girl has always been extremely confident no matter what she does, but she has a lot of defenses against herself in this matter alone. Does this also mean that her beauty is comparable to hers?

Ning Chuchu suddenly smiled, making Li Chenan's heart skip a beat——

He had to admit that the younger sister of the head of the Lijing Division in front of him really had a face that was not inferior to that of Zhongli Ruoshui!

It's just that, now that I have Zhong Li Ruo Shui, I can no longer float like in my previous life.

He fake coughed twice, leaned over and said something

"That's right, your brother insisted on letting me be the embroiderer at the time, and it was agreed to be four taels of silver per month."

"Look... five months have passed in the blink of an eye, please ask your brother for me, when will you pay me twenty taels of silver?"