
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Nothing is free in this world

Ning Chuchu was a little stunned on the spot.

She never expected that Li Chenan would ask such a spoiling question at this moment.

She restrained her smile, sat upright, picked up the bowl of iced herbal tea, and took another big sip, thinking that this kid might have got into money's eyes!

The news of Guangling City will be sent to her at any time, so she knows everything that Li Chenan does in Guangling City like the back of the hand!

This guy's peach blossom stuffing can earn a lot of money!

He robbed the Shen family's granary, which was tens of thousands of taels of silver!

But he was thinking about the twenty taels of silver... It's stingy, but... But he did recruit the disciples of Wanxizhai into the Department of Mirrors, which can be regarded as a great achievement.

So, she looked at Li Chen'an again, handed over the silver medal, then turned to Zhiyuan and said, "Give twenty taels of silver to Mr. Li, brother is very busy, I'm afraid he forgot about it."

Zhiyuan took out her purse, took out a twenty-two ingot of silver from the purse, and was about to pass it to Li Chenan, but Li Chenan said again at this moment, "Girl, you are a good person!"

First issued a good person card, then he grinned, and said with a wicked look

"I'm going to leave the capital after the Mid-Autumn Festival. Since your brother is so busy, and I can't miss the business of the Mirror Department, why don't you give me two hundred taels of silver in advance?"

"I don't have to think about how to find him for the next four years, so it will be more convenient for everyone, don't you think?"

Zhiyuan's eyes widened immediately, and she glared at Li Chen'an angrily, "You man, how can you get the money before you work?"

Ning Chuchu was stunned for a moment, she didn't seem to hear that Li Chenan wanted to advance the two hundred taels of silver, but asked in surprise, "You said you plan to leave after the Mid-Autumn Festival?"


Li Chen'an sat up straight, spread his hands out, "Girl, you don't know, I was assassinated once by the Ichthyosaur Society as soon as I arrived in the capital."

"Originally, I was a helmsman of the Ichthyosaur Club. You can also tell your brother about this, but you have to tell him that my original intention of joining the Ichthyosaur Club was not to step on two boats, but to think that the Ichthyosaur Club It would be better to have the name of this villain."

"I heard that the fish dragon will belong to Prime Minister Ji, so if the fish dragon will come to assassinate me, I am afraid that there is also the acquiescence of Prime Minister Ji."

"I don't understand how such a small person like me attracted the attention of a big person like Prime Minister Ji. I thought it would be no big deal to come to Kyoto. The main thing was to see Ruoshui. Since fish and dragons would not welcome me, I planned to Leave immediately."

"After all, it's too dangerous to stay here, and maybe it will cause trouble for the Ding Guohou Mansion."

"Department of Mirrors...I don't want to hide it from you, Department of Mirrors is now in decline, so you can't count on it at all... You can also tell your brother about this, tell him, if you want Department of Mirrors to rise , can suppress or even eliminate the Ichthyosaur Society, silver is the key!"

Li Chenan stretched out a hand and knocked on the table, looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, said very seriously and from the bottom of his heart

"Don't think silver is vulgar!"

"If you have money, you can travel all over the world. If you don't have money, you can't walk a single step!"

"An organization as big as the Lijing Division needs a lot of people! Not only the masters of the rivers and lakes, but also capable and ruthless people from various industries!"

"Except for me, I'm afraid no one in this world is a fool. The trick of painting cakes is useless in front of others!"

"The purpose of joining this company is very simple, just to gain the identity of the company, and then to make money."

"Tell your brother that if you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse more grass!"

"There is no free lunch in the world, and there is no one in the world who does not get up early!"

Ning Chuchu was taken aback by what Li Chenan said.

Of course, these words are very reasonable, and she, Ning Chuchu, also knows that a lot of money is needed to strengthen Li Jingsi, but...

"Then tell me, where did the money come from?"

This sentence made Li Chenan laugh.

"There are thousands of ways to make money. You and I met by chance, and I don't have much friendship with your brother. Girl, please drink another cup of iced herbal tea, and you can go home!"

Li Chenan poured another bowl of herbal tea for Ning Chuchu, and didn't say anything more, because there was no need to say anything else.

But Ning Chuchu was not happy.

She knew that Li Chenan's wine was extremely profitable, and the only way she could think of to get money was to rob Li Chenan's wine shop!

But there is Zhongli Ruoshui in this matter, she really can't do it.

She took another sip of herbal tea, but she didn't get up to leave, but looked at Li Chenan, "Do you want to know how the food price in Jiangnan is now?"

Li Chenan was taken aback, Cai Zhengyao had already gone to Jiangnan, but he had not received his reply so far.

Calculated according to the time, the autumn grain in the south of the Yangtze River has already entered the warehouse, so the grain price war between Cai Zhengyao and the Shen family should start.

Just how much Cai Zhengyao raised the price of grain in the south of the Yangtze River, and how determined the Shen family is to eat that grain at a high position, he was indeed worried and wanted to know.

"Did Lijing Division get the news?"

Ning Chuchu put down the bowl, sat up straight, looked at the back of Amu who was looking at the lotus, and then looked at Li Chenan's expectant expression, suddenly the corner of her mouth twitched

"Well, I just received the news last night."

"...Then tell me how the grain price in Jiangnan is now?"

"Nothing is free in this world!"

This sentence was said by Li Chenan just now, and Ning Chuchu returned it to him in such a lively manner.

"Well, I don't want the two hundred taels of silver anymore, how about it?"

"No way."

"What does the girl want to say?"

Ning Chuchu raised her neck, like a proud white swan, with a triumphant smile on her face.

"It's very simple, tell me how Li Jingsi can earn a lot of money!"

"This is your brother's business, why should the girl worry about it?"

After a pause, Li Chen'an added, "Actually, whether it is the Ichthyosaur Society or the Mirror Division, in my opinion, there is no need for them to exist!"

Ning Chuchu was startled, "Why?"

"This is just a small means used by the emperor to balance the power of the two sides!"

"A country should have an espionage agency, but one Imperial City Division is enough. Having one more Ichthyosaur Society and Lijing Division will consume more energy from the Imperial City Division, which should be spent on the enemy country. ."

"So, I thought that after you go back, you should persuade your brother to let go of this mirror company. He is still so young, so he should find a good job as soon as possible."

Ning Chuchu looked at Li Chenan intently, as if she wanted to see the truth of what he said from Li Chenan's expression.

After a few breaths, she suddenly nodded, "I'll tell my brother, but you still have to use the method of how to make a lot of money in exchange for Jiangnan's information!"


The two leaned over, and their heads almost touched each other.

Li Chen'an talked to Ning Chuchu for another half an hour, and then he also learned about the situation in Jiangnan.

It was almost noon, Ning Chuchu got up and left with a happy face.

"I'll come find you again tomorrow!"

Li Chenan waved his hand, "I won't be free tomorrow, let's try another day!"
