
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


Zhiyuan didn't know if Ji Tai would feel uncomfortable, she only knew that she was feeling a little uncomfortable at the moment.

Li Chenan doesn't even have the status of a scholar. Although the fourth princess is favored in front of the emperor, she is still in charge of the mirror department. If the princess wants to make Ji Tai uncomfortable, then Li Chen'an must stand in front of Ji Tai!

Then he must be a Beijing official!

This official has to be able to enter the elegant hall!

This is to let Li Chenan reach the sky in one step!

Although the emperor is negligent in government affairs, the emperor is not stupid.

What's more, now that Ji Tai controls the government, most of the officials in the six ministries are Ji Tai's people, even if Li Chen'an really becomes an official, I'm afraid that he has endless shoes, and it would be a good ending to run away in desperation. It's normal to be cut off by the emperor.

Your Highness is going crazy!

Zhiyuan looked at Ning Chuchu, but unexpectedly Ning Chuchu said happily again, "I will try my best to handle this matter, and I will wait for him to become a blockbuster at the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

"Besides, don't forget that his grandfather is Li Chunfu, who was once a first-rank Taiwei!"

"Father is actually a nostalgic person, otherwise, otherwise he wouldn't have lost all thoughts and devoted himself to Taoism because of Queen Lu's death."

"Nowadays, the imperial court is full of random thoughts, treacherous officials are in power, and the people are in dire straits...Father certainly doesn't want Ningguo's 300-year-old country to be ruined in his hands. I will go to pay my respects tonight!"

"If the Ji thief is not eliminated, the country will be in trouble!"

Zhiyuan swallowed again, this matter is too big, as a maid, it is difficult for her to express her own point of view.

Stayed in the palace for more than ten years and grew up with the fourth princess.

She had seen many dirty things in the palace, and became even more worried about the words of the fourth princess.

Because even if you are in the harem, if you want to be safe for the rest of your life, the best way is not to ask about world affairs, not to meddle in other people's business!

No one knew that a certain eunuch or court lady next to the emperor was someone else's eyeliner.

If the fourth princess really went to the emperor and said these words, I'm afraid Ji Tai will know the news soon.

The current harem is almost dominated by Concubine Ji, even if the fourth princess is holding the mirror, once the emperor goes to Changle Palace again, the future life of the fourth princess may not be as simple as that.

"Your Highness, I heard that the winter scenery in Mobei is very beautiful. Yaoguang has already arrived at Jingshan City. Why don't I accompany you to Jingshan City?"

"Let's start now. I estimate that when we arrive at Jingshan City, it will be snowing heavily. I heard that the snow there is knee-deep, which is much heavier than that in Yujing City. How about it?"

Ning Chuchu looked up at Zhiyuan, and joked, "You girl, you are getting more and more cunning now."

"But I also understand what you mean... I'm impulsive, so it's hard for me to think about it."

Of course, this matter is not about going to Jingshan City, but about admonishing the father and recommending Li Chenan to the court as an official.

There was silence in the carriage, and Zhiyuan was a little worried about the master, because she knew very well the character of the fourth princess—stubborn!

If you are stubborn in love, you will never forget that Li Chen'an.

Stubborn about things, he couldn't let go of the precarious Ningguo country.

After all, Zhiyuan couldn't bear it, so she said in a low voice, "If Your Highness really wants to do this, why not, why not go to Huaiguo Mansion?"

Ning Chuchu was taken aback, Huaiguo Duke's mansion is the mother's natal family!

It's just that since his mother passed away due to illness four months after he was born, the Huaiguo Duke's Mansion, which used to have a great reputation in Kyoto, suddenly kept a low profile.

From the time I can remember, I have almost never heard of the name Huaiguo Duke's Mansion.

I'm fifteen now, and I've only been to Duke Huaiguo's mansion twice.

Once when I was four years old, I went with the prince's brother.

Once when I was ten years old, I also went with the prince's elder brother.

In memory, Duke Huaiguo's mansion is almost dead in name only. During the two visits in memory, the lintel of Duke Huaiguo's mansion has been mottled, and the vermilion gate has long lost its former color.

When I was four years old, there were still many people in Duke Huai's mansion, but when I went back when I was ten, it was already deserted.

Grandpa still lives there.

But the three uncles and those cousins heard from the prince's brother that they had all left the capital and returned to the island where the Huai family's ancestral home was located in the eastern border of Ningguo.

Therefore, in fact, there are only four of the five major government houses of Ningguo——

Duke Yan's Mansion!

Cheng Guogong's mansion!

Duke of Qi's mansion!

And Duke Luo's Mansion!

At this moment, Zhiyuan suddenly mentioned Duke Huai's mansion...

Ning Chuchu thought of the white-haired grandfather with a hunched waist and a cane, and suddenly felt a little sad, and suddenly felt that he shouldn't have listened to the words that the prince's brother solemnly ordered——

"From now on, don't visit grandpa again, or you will cause trouble to grandpa!"

This calamity is of course the suppression from the Prime Minister's Mansion. The best outcome for the current Huaiguo Mansion is to completely disappear from everyone's eyes.

For this purpose, Duke Huaiguo's mansion has spent more than ten years. If he went there rashly...wouldn't the effect of these ten years be ruined?

But grandpa lives alone in that dilapidated Duke's mansion, isn't his old age extremely bleak?

"Slave... I remember that this is the Duke of Huaiguo's mansion that I left with His Royal Highness when I was four years old. It is not convenient for His Highness to go to the Duke of Huaiguo's mansion now, but, if His Highness trusts me, I can go secretly."

Ning Chuchu was stunned, and only then remembered that Zhiyuan originally came from Huaiguo Duke's mansion, and was a personal maid given to her by her grandfather when she was four years old.

"But the current Duke Huai's mansion...Grandpa is already in his prime, so go ask him to risk his life to enter the palace to meet the emperor..."

Ning Chuchu shook her head, "It's not right, let him enjoy his old age in peace, I'm trying to figure it out."

Zhiyuan didn't say anything more.

The master and servant remained silent, and the carriage stopped after a while.

Ning Chuchu and Zhiyuan got out of the carriage, and when they looked up, they saw the archway in Huaxi Bieyuan.

There is a big leaf banyan next to the archway.

There is a small wooden house next to the big leaf banyan.

There is a brand new recliner at the door of the cabin.

A ball is lying on the deck chair.

He is comfortable!

An Zizai's eyes opened wide, and he was suddenly startled. He stood up and bowed respectfully to Ning Chuchu, "This...Your Highness, why are you here?"

Ning Chuchu smiled sweetly, "I'll come and see sister Ruoshui."

"Ah, Miss San went to the Hou's Mansion...how about you go directly to the Hou's Mansion?"

Ning Chuchu was startled, and blurted out a question, "Is the old lady going to see Li Chen'an?"

"That's not true, Mr. Li is still in this other courtyard, but the third lady went to the Hou's mansion for Mr. Li's business."

"Oh...then I'll go in and sit down and wait for sister Ruoshui to come back."

"...Your Highness, please come in!"

Ning Chuchu took two steps forward, then suddenly turned around and looked at An Zizai, "Are you really a porter here?"

An Zizai grinned, "It's nice and clean here, but, it's just that Mr. Li has too many messes!"

Ning Chuchu raised her eyebrows, thinking that that guy really did too much shit.

She took a deep breath, calmed down her nervous mood, and walked towards Huaxi Bieyuan.

An Zizai looked at Ning Chuchu's back and was suddenly a little puzzled.

She thought that the fourth princess had grown up in a blink of an eye. She said she came to see the third lady, but why did she go to this courtyard?

This lonely man and widow is inside... Is there something wrong?