
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

four letters

There was no wind in Yujing City at noon.

The whole city seems to be placed in the oven of the world, silently accepting the scorching sun, even the cicadas on the tree seem to be exhausted and slack off.

Even the Huaxi Bieyuan located on the banks of the Huanhua River can hardly survive the sweltering heat wave at this time.

Even the chirping of cicadas on those trees, there are only one or two occasional chirps left at this moment.

As a result, this huge other courtyard became more and more quiet.

Li Chenan and Zhongli Ruoshui had already returned here from the old rain building. After lunch, they each returned to their own rooms. They wanted to take a nap, but Li Chenan realized that even the mat on the bed was warm.

So I got up, shook a folding fan and sat in front of the window.

Opposite is Zhongli Ruoshui's boudoir.

The window on the second floor of the boudoir was open, and the curtains had not been drawn due to the heat. Li Chenan looked into the distance full of expectation, but he couldn't see the lively and fragrant scene he had imagined.

He withdrew his gaze, looked at the bookshelf next to the wall in this room, thought for a while, walked over, took a book from the shelf at random, looked at the title, and felt that his heart was not peaceful, so he again Put it back, and sat in front of the window again.

Still shaking his fan, still looking at the opposite window, his mind was thinking about other things.

I don't know if Ye Po has recruited any masters these days.

Seeing that it was already the fifth day of August, and the autumn grains in various parts of the south of the Yangtze River had entered the harvest season, Cai Zhengyao had already gone to the south of the Yangtze River, and the price of grain in the south of the Yangtze River should have been raised by him.

Shen Qiaodie, the Shen family who wanted her own life, would she eat those expensive grains?

Can Ye Po successfully intercept the food she ate?

And then sent to Shuzhou under the cover of Guangling Navy in Linshui City?

That's right, Jiangnan's grain, his plan is to send it to Shuzhou.

Since Mrs. Fan is laying out the layout of Shuzhou, she must make that place as solid as gold. I don't know the specific measures of Mrs. Fan in Shuzhou, but with her old wisdom, she will definitely establish a branch in Shuzhou. A private army belonging to Zhongli Mansion.

Otherwise, she wouldn't let Huang Sanlie's former subordinates go to Shuzhou, and even occupied two tribes.

Building an army requires a lot of food.

And the center of gravity of his wine shop will also be Shuzhou, because that place will be safer in troubled times.

So he didn't expand the scale of his winery by the Taohuaxi.

The other thing is about Li Jingsi.

Calculated according to the time, the disciples of Wanxizhai should have arrived in Guangling City.

I don't know how many people came, Xiao Shisanniang said that there should be one hundred and eighty people, so there will be more than one hundred masters of the rivers and lakes, but it is still not enough.

Take it step by step, this kind of thing cannot be rushed after all.

The important thing now is to make money.

There are several big money opportunities ahead.

One is sucrose, which should be sold at a very high price after it is produced, because caramel in this world is more expensive, and this white sugar will of course be more expensive.

The second is salt!

Huo Chuanming will let his cronies master the Yantiesi in Guangling Prefecture, and he can get Yanyin from him. With Yanyin, he can buy a large amount of this green salt, and then process it into white salt. This will bring you huge profits.

The third is iron... This thing can only be bought, not sold.

Because my Li family army needs it, and after the relationship with Zhongli Ruoshui is confirmed, Zhongli's mansion will also need a lot.

That's all for now, if it works well, these things can already support the construction of the future army.

It would be even better if these things could be sold to other countries, but I still don't fully understand Ning country yet, other countries... Let's talk about it later.

Thinking about these things, Li Chenan put down his folding fan, sharpened the ink on the inkstone, picked up a pen and started writing letters.

It took him an hour to write four letters.

One was for the family, to say hello, but I didn't say much about the rest.

One was for Ye Po, and this letter said more, because the matter of food in the south of the Yangtze River was extremely important.

One was for Xiao Shisanniang, asking about the disciples of Wanxizhai and their suggestions for arrangement.

The last one was for Huang Sanlie, and this letter took the longest time, because he needed Huang Sanlie to set up a sugarcane crushing workshop and a green salt refining workshop.

These two things don't exist in this world, so he drew a lot of sketches so that Huang Sanlie could see it more clearly.

After writing these four letters, it was late, and it was still very hot. Li Chenan put down his pen, wiped the sweat from his forehead, picked up a fan and fanned it, only then did he feel that he should get out the ice.

Thinking of Bing, his eyes lit up, because this thing is not complicated.

This world already has fire and medicine, so there is saltpeter, and with saltpeter, this ice can be easily produced.

Later, I will ask Zhongli Ruoshui if there is saltpeter for sale in the market.

Thinking of this, he raised his head, and still did not see Zhongli Ruoshui in the opposite window, she should still be sleeping.

So, Li Chenan went downstairs with his fan, wandered alone in this huge other courtyard, and came to another small courtyard not far from the main courtyard.

The courtyard door is open.

He walked in and saw an acquaintance—Xiong Da!

Xiong Da was sharpening his knife shirtless in the shade at the corner of the yard.

His back was covered with sweat, and when he turned his head to look over, his face was also covered with sweat.

He stood up in surprise, picked up a sweat towel from the side, wiped his face, and smiled, "Master, why are you here in this hot day?"

"What are you doing sharpening your knife on this hot day?"

"Hey, this knife is not sharp enough. If you want to kill someone and set it on fire, shouldn't you be prepared earlier?"

See, that's what it's like to be a veteran.

After returning to Guangling City, he had to find a way to get all these veterans into his Li family army.

It's not that I expect them to go to the battlefield to charge again, but to let my group of recruits learn the spirit of them.

"Come, come, help the young master with something first."

Xiong Da put down the knife in his hand, picked up the jacket that was put aside and put it on on his body, and asked joyfully, "Master, what's the matter?"

"Take me to the hut."

Xiong Da was taken aback, "...Young master, this is, this is the hut of the servants, isn't there also in the main courtyard?"

"What are you thinking, young master, go find something in the latrine."

Xiong Da was even more confused, his eyes were wide open, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, hesitated for a moment, thinking what else could there be in the hut besides that thing?

"Don't think about it! Walk around, take the young master there and you will know."

So, Xiong Da took Li Chenan to the hut not far away.

When the two arrived at the hut, Li Chenan squatted outside the hut and watched carefully. For a moment, under Xiong Da's shocked sight, he reached out his hand to touch the corner of the wall, and then put it in front of his nose to smell it. smell...

At this moment, a person came out of the hut.

He was Zhou Huairen, and he also stood behind Li Chenan in astonishment, exchanged a glance with Xiong Da, and then saw Li Chenan standing up, "That's it!"

Li Chenan stretched out a hand, with a little white powder on the fingertips.

"There should be more in it, young master, I want this thing, you send people to collect more, and then send it to the main courtyard."

Zhou Huairen took a closer look, and asked suspiciously, "Master, what is this thing... for?"

"Hey," Li Chen'an grinned, "Master will make ice for you!"

Xiong Da's thick lips twitched for a moment, but he hesitated to speak.

He felt that Young Master Li might have some brain problems.

In this hot day, he is not a god, how could he conjure ice?