
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

a knife with a story

The main courtyard of Huaxi Bieyuan.

Zhongli Ruoshui, who happened to be downstairs, was shaking a fan in one hand and holding a handkerchief in the other.

She walked towards the pavilion in the lotus pond, wiping the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief from time to time as she walked.

Sitting in the gazebo, he fanned it hard twice, looked at Li Chen'an, "The weather is extremely unbearable at this time of year... Tomorrow we will go to Shuiyunjian to live for a while, the mountain is much cooler than this! "

Li Chenan looked at Zhongli Ruoshui's red face and grinned, he slapped Zhongli Ruoshui, and said, "I still have some things to do these days, why don't you go to Shuiyunjian first, and wait until I'm done with work." Looking for you?"

Zhongli Ruoshui thought about it, the idea Li Chenan drew up in Jiuyulou and Shangdi to rescue Wen Xiaowan was a little risky, he couldn't go to Shuiyunjian by himself.

When the day gets cooler later, I have to go to Dingguohou's Mansion to see if grandma can come up with a better way.

"Then I won't go either."

"Let's just heat it up when it's hot. In fact, in fact, I can survive it. By the way, I'll ask Xueer to make a pot of herbal tea. Putting it in the well to cool for a while can relieve the heat."

Zhongli Ruoshui yelled to Donglou, "Xue'er, come out!"

Lin Xueer also walked over with a fan, "Miss, what are your orders?"

"Go to the kitchen to make a pot of herbal tea. Remember not to put too much caramel, let it cool in the well before taking it."


Lin Xueer walked towards the side courtyard outside the main courtyard, and Amu, who lived on the first floor of the west building, came over at this time.

Li Chen'an looked up, and found that the sharpness on this kid's body had subsided a lot, and he was expecting him to bring a chill, only then did he realize that Amu's face was also covered with beads of sweat.

After all, it is still a person.

Not a real knife.

But Amu still didn't say a word.

He still stood by the fence like a knife, and took off the wine bag from his waist as if no one else was there, and then...then he leaned on the pillar of the gazebo, looking at the lotus flowers all over the lake and drinking his wine.

At this time, Li Chen'an asked, "Amu, Mu Shandao's younger generation is your generation, don't you have the highest martial arts?"

Amu didn't like him, he was still drinking and looking at those lotus flowers.

After a while, he replied with two words, "No."

"Then who has the highest martial arts?"

Amu drank two more sips of wine, and after dozens of breaths, he spit out another name, "Wang Zhenghaoxuan!"

Wang Zhenghaoxuan?

Li Chenan remembered this name, his master Wu Xichen once mentioned this name.

He said that among the new generation of martial arts in Ningguo, Murong He of Songshan Sword Academy, Xiao Shisanniang of Wanxizhai, and Wang Zhenghaoxuan of Mushan Sword are considered the three most talented and most likely to step into the realm of great masters!

Murong He, fifteen years old, advanced in the three realms, has never seen her practice swords, but saw her getting bored with that kid Su Muxin every day.

Xiao Shisanniang, fourteen years old, middle-level of the third realm, has never seen her practice martial arts, but saw her growing vegetables in the field every day.

As for Wang Zhenghaoxuan of the Mushan Sword... the master said that he is only fourteen years old, he started retreat three years ago, and he still hasn't broken through, so no one knows his current state.

This Amu, twenty years old, is already at the upper level of the three realms. In fact, his aptitude is also excellent.

Look at yourself again... Li Chen'an, seventeen years old, the realm, well, the master said it is roughly the middle level of the eighth realm!

This gap is a bit big.

If these talented teenagers do something to themselves, it will be a matter of one or two tricks.

However, practicing martial arts is not my profession, making money is.

Thinking of it this way, Li Chenan immediately felt better.

He looked at Amu again, rolled his eyeballs, and said, "When I return to Guangling City, you will go with me!"

He didn't ask for Amu's opinion, it seemed that he was very sure to fool Amu to his side.

But this time, Amu didn't hesitate, and he didn't turn his head to look at him. He spit out two words, which were still cold and sounded as they fell to the ground, like a knife that was thrown out, "Don't go!"

Li Chenan just looked at the knife and grinned

"I have wine, Hua Ping Chun, let you drink as much as you want."

Amu was silent. After a long time, it seemed that he had thought a lot, and then a word came out of his mouth, "Okay!"

This time there was no clanging sound, a good word, but there was a taste of unwillingness, but surrender.

Li Chenan heard the taste in this word, and suddenly frowned slightly, he seemed to see that the straight, hard knife became a little bit bent, and also a lot softer.

This Amu has a story!

Why didn't he persist?

In fact, if he persists, he is the sharpest knife.

Amu does have his story, which is a bit bitter and cannot be told to anyone.

He thought about it carefully just now, and thought that it was time for him to leave Yujing City.

Because Zhongli Ruoyu showed him the song "Long Lovesickness, Rain" written by Li Chenan!

It was also because Zhongli Ruoyu said happily, "Amu, I'm just waiting for the rain."

"Amu, Qi Zhishan has a younger sister named Qi Zhiyu. If I marry Qi Zhishan... I'll help you be a matchmaker and see if Zhiyu wishes to marry you...you have to smile more, don't be so cold, the girl wants Coax, you are too old, you have to learn how to make girls happy, go to Li Chenan's side, you can learn more from that guy!"

"He was able to deceive Sister Ruoshui. You don't know how smart Sister Ruoshui is. This shows that the boy has other tricks to coax women... Just like this poem, look, who can stand it?"

That night he looked at Zhongli Ruoyu and really smiled, but Zhongli Ruoyu kept looking at the poem and didn't even notice that he had smiled.

It was a bitter smile.

Laughing is uglier than crying.

Fortunately, Zhongli Ruoyu didn't see it.

He didn't sleep all night last night.

He sat on the roof of the second floor, looking at the stars and the moon in the sky, drank a night of wine, and shed a pot of tears.

I am an orphan myself.

Zhongli Ruoyu is the daughter of Dingguo Houfu.

He clearly realized that there was an insurmountable gap between the two.

She and Young Master Qi of Duke Qi's mansion are the real match.

So...it's not appropriate for him to stay by her side, so early this morning, he came to Li Chenan's side.

Now Li Chenan invited him to Guangling...

I am already homeless, since Li Chen'an has good wine and still cares enough, he might as well go to Guangling.

Of course, Li Chenan didn't expect that Amu had such a story in his heart, he grinned, "I just like your cool appearance, don't worry, hang out with your brother, I guarantee that you will have a wonderful life in your childhood!"

Amu turned his head, glanced at Li Chenan, then looked at Hetang again, thinking that I am older than you, you are still a brother, what a brother!

"Alcohol, enough, give me another tael of silver every month."

He became that knife again.

"I'm not dead, you can't die."

"If I die, find someone to collect the body for you!"

"The rest of the shit, don't bother me!"

Li Chenan laughed, very happy.

At this moment, Lin Xueer brought two people over.

Li Chenan raised his eyes and was immediately happy——

It was Su Muxin and Murong He who came.

Murong He is holding a floral paper umbrella.

This floral paper umbrella was almost on top of Su Muxin's head, covering the sunlight on Su Mu's heart, while she herself was sweating profusely in the sun.

She has a sunny face.

That face, which was not pretty at first, was a bit fat like a baby, but now it was like a lotus blooming in the rain.

The sweat beads are the raindrops, making this lotus holy and beautiful!