
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


Li Chenan and Shang Di were talking about Wen Xiaowan in the old rain building.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion in Jinxiu Alley, in the Lingyan Pavilion on Lingyan Lake, Ji Tai, Prime Minister of Ningguo, was also drinking wine with an old man in a wheelchair.

Wine is the painting screen spring.

The dishes served with wine are extremely simple.

Just a plate of peanuts, and a plate of thinly sliced braised pork head.

If people who don't know think how honest this prime minister is, in fact, it's just because the old man in a black robe sitting in a wheelchair only likes these two kinds of appetizers.

Ji Tai poured a glass of wine for the old man in black robe, "Are you really not tired of eating peanuts and pork heads for so many years?"

The old man in black drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, lifted his sleeves and wiped his mouth, then stretched out his hand and twirled a piece of pork head and put it in his mouth.

He doesn't have many teeth in his mouth, so he's practically grinding with his gums.

This is a bit slow.

But Ji Tai had long been used to it, he just looked at him like this, silently waiting for him to grind the piece of pork head meat to pieces before swallowing it.

After a full 30 breaths, the black-robed old man stretched his neck, and the veins on his neck even protruded.

He swallowed the piece of meat, with a wry smile on his withered face, "I really can't eat peanuts, I can only taste the taste, I can only spit it out...feed the birds or the fish."

Saying this, he really twirled another peanut, and his mouth was slowly wriggling again. This time, it took a full half a cup of tea before he spit out the peanut that was still intact in his mouth. In Lingyan Lake.

The fish in the lake seem to know this situation, they seem to have been waiting.

When the peanut just fell into the water, they actually came from pupae, and some even jumped out of the water!

That's a big school of fish!

Those fish stirred up ripples circle after circle, which lasted for a long time.

The black-robed old man just watched until the ripples on the lake subsided, and then suddenly said, "If I die, don't forget to feed them."

Ji Tae smiled

"I'm worried they'll get used to the taste in your mouth and won't eat the peanuts I throw out."

The old man in black robe pondered for a moment

"It's fish, so they can't refuse the taste of food, even if they can tell the difference in taste, even if they know that the food is full of danger...they will still come to look for food one after another."

"You like fishing. The fish in this Lingyan Lake are caught by you and then put down, put down and caught again, and you even caught the same fish several times!"

"Look, this is the stupidity of fish, put it on a human body... the same!"

Ji Tai's sparse eyebrows raised slightly, and he filled another glass of wine for the old man in black robe and handed it over, "But some fish are extremely cunning, they swim outside the school of fish, no matter how I lure them, they just won't bite. Hook, what about this?"

The old man in black robe also grinned, his toothless mouth looked very gloomy, like a dark hole.

"But you not only know how to fish, you can also cast a net!"

"Hey... Speaking of casting nets, in the past twenty years, I have spared no effort to expand the Ichthyosaurs Association, suppressing Li Jingsi at all costs, and even aroused the hostility of that old dog, Changsun Jinghong."

"But twenty years have passed, but that fish has never caught in the net."

"If he is still alive, he will be twenty years old!"

"If he doesn't know anything, just treat him like a stupid fish, it doesn't matter if he can't catch him... But if the emperor finds out that he is still alive..."

Ji Tai let out a long sigh, he stood up, grabbed a handful of peanuts from the plate and stood by the railing, he threw the peanuts in his hand into Lingyan Lake one by one, and sure enough, he attracted another The snatch of a large school of fish.

"The emperor, although he has been obsessed with Taoism these years, you and I know the reason why he is obsessed with Taoism."

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"He made an order to kill Lu Zhanxiao who got in the car and waited all over the house. What you did is a bit cruel, old bastard!"

Ji Tai threw the remaining peanuts into the lake, and the lake boiled like boiled water because of the predation of those fish, but he turned around and looked at the man in the wheelchair. The back of the old man in black robe said again

"At that time, Empress Lu happened to be pregnant with the dragon species, but you tricked Lu Zhanxiao into possessing a huge military power, and then you single-handedly sowed discord, making the emperor suspicious of Lu Zhanxiao, so in a rage, you left that place." Dao will."

"The water in Huanhuaxi was stained red by the blood of Lu's family, and then your leg was broken by your brother Wen Zhuyu, and a mouthful of your teeth was knocked out!"

"Empress Lu has not been abolished, this is your first miscalculation!"

"This is enough to show the emperor's love for Empress Lu...After all, Empress Lu is the empress chosen by the emperor himself. At that time, the emperor was not the emperor, and the emperor was still the prince...The emperor became the emperor, so he canonized Lu Qiushuang as empress."

"Of course, there is also the reason that Lu's old lady is the Princess of Yue, although she has died long ago."

"You underestimated this woman, Lu Qiushuang. She didn't fall because of the destruction of Lu's entire family!"

"She gave birth to that child!"

"It is recorded in the living records that it is a son!"

"If he is still alive, he is the rightful prince!"

"The child disappeared during the full moon, and Lu Qiushuang was completely crushed. She hanged herself... I thought her death was also your handiwork, but I found out later that I was wrong."

"You didn't do anything to steal the child, so after she died, even if you searched the palace, the child was still alive and dead, as if he disappeared out of thin air."

Ji Tai walked to the table and sat opposite to the old man in black robe.

The old man in black robe listened carefully, grinding a piece of pork head in his mouth.

He listened with gusto.

He also chewed with relish.

He laughed again, and his words were a little vague, "Isn't this in line with your wishes? Empress Lu is not dead, so where is the noble concubine Ji?"

"Empress Lu is not dead, how can the emperor be obsessed with Taoism to seek longevity? How can the whole country be spent on building the Changle Palace?"

"Without all of this, you don't have all of this!"

"As for that child... Twenty years have passed. Even if he lives, he can only live humblely, because if he is a little smart, he will not become the fish that bites the hook or catches the net!"

"Everything is under your control, you just need to wait, wait for the second prince to take the throne, and everything will be settled."

After saying this, the black-robed old man chewed for a while, stretched his neck and swallowed the piece of meat, and suddenly asked suspiciously, "This Li Chen'an...the difference is so big, you should pay attention to it!"

Ji Tai pondered for a moment and shook his head, "The age doesn't match."

"Besides, the time for this old man Li Chunfu to return to Guangling is also not right."

The old man in black robe didn't seem to think about Li Chen'an anymore, but said, "It's a bad move to spread the news about Wen Xiaowan!"

Ji Tai looked at the old man in black robe, "Isn't it just to catch your junior brother so that I can avenge you!"

"You suspect that Wen Zhuyu was responsible for stealing the child?"

"Who knows? Always have to catch him and come back and ask."

"He has not heard from him for so many years, as if he disappeared from the world. He is a cunning fish. Even if Wen Xiaowan is really his daughter, based on what I know about him, he probably won't be hooked because of this."

"On the contrary, I am worried that it is Chang Sun Jinghong who bit the bait... This fish is too big, I am worried that you will not only lose the bait, but also break the fishing line in your hand!"

Ji Tai was silent for a long time, drank a glass of wine, looked up at the face of the old man in black robe, "The emperor is on his way back to the palace."

"The General of the Habayashi Army and the Commander of the City Defense Division are both my husband's men."

"You said... the eldest grandson dares to bite the hook?"