
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Enter Kyoto 4

Zhong Lidang was actually very worried.

Obviously, it is impossible for Li Chenan to kill tens of thousands of people by himself, and he probably has no way to convince those students with a single mouth.

If he is in danger, his Shenwu army must take action.

Once the Shenwu army takes action, once there are huge casualties here, and the unarmed students will die, this incident will definitely cause an uproar in Yujing City.

The people in Yujing City will look at Dingguohou's Mansion differently, and the civil officials above the temple will have the best excuse to impeach Dingguohou's Mansion.

Under the excitement of the crowd, will the emperor take advantage of the trend and take down Dingguohou's mansion in one fell swoop?

This is an uncomplicated situation. These students were instigated by someone with a heart, and they can easily achieve two goals by using Li Chenan——

First, let's see how much Dingguohoufu attaches importance to Li Chenan.

Second, it would be a better result to be able to use one Li Chen'an to bring down Dingguohou's Mansion.

Grandma knew about it, but grandma still let herself bring the Shenwu Army to welcome Li Chenan into Beijing.

Grandma even said lightly, "If anyone dares to take the opportunity to make trouble, it will be bad for Li Chen'an... cut him off!"

If this is really cut down, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Just when Zhong Lidang was thinking about these things, Li Chen'an was wearing a green shirt and carrying the unique sword, walking towards the endless crowd in full view.

He was not walking fast.

He passed by Zhong Lidang's side, and suddenly turned his head and said to Zhong Lidang, "Can you get me two tables or stools?"

Zhong Lidang was startled, thinking that if you want a knife, I will give it to you, "Why do you want a table and stool?"

"There are too many people, I want to stand taller and see farther."


Zhong Lidang didn't know what Li Chenan's intention was, but he still sent two soldiers from the Shenwu Army to a teahouse and moved two tables out.

"Thank you!"

"Are you afraid?" Cheng Yiren asked this sentence.

"I'm afraid, I'm terribly afraid... With my small body, I can't even eat enough for one person."

Saying this, he walked forward again.

He stood in front of the group of people, climbed onto the two stacked tables, and glanced slowly. Suddenly, those impassioned voices stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at him.

They didn't know what Li Chenan was going to do.

"I am Li Chen'an!"

Li Chenan stood on the table and yelled loudly

"I don't want to ask why you came here, let alone what you want to do to this young master!"

He waved his arms and his face suddenly tightened.

"When I come to the capital today, I might as well tell you that I, Li Chenan, stepped out of Guangling City, and I have no intention of stepping into Guangling City!" "Aren't you looking for justice from me?"

"I'm standing right here!"

"It doesn't matter if you want Wendou or martial arts competition... I don't care about Wendou, because you are all scumbags in front of me, Li Chenan!"

As soon as he said this, it immediately caused dissatisfaction among many students, and there was another commotion in the crowd.

After all, since ancient times, there is no one who is the first in literature and no second in martial arts. Most of these people are young men with full blood and vigor. How could they bear such a shock.

"You country bumpkin, do you really think that you are invincible after writing a few poems? Let's get out of the way today, let's compete!"

"Don't be fooled by him, today is not the time to compete with him in poetry!"

"Don't argue with him, brothers, let's go, let's kill him!"

"Yes, beat him!"

"Go, beat to death!"

The situation was a bit out of control, and this aggressive method did not lead them away. Su Mu, who was standing not far behind him, suddenly became nervous, and Sima Dang, who was riding beside him, also grasped the handle of the knife hanging on the horse at this moment.

Jian Wu, who squeezed to the front, put Zhongli Ruohua on his shoulders. Zhongli Ruohua looked excitedly at Li Chenan on the stage while eating horseshoe cake. She held the sword in the other hand and waved it excitedly, "Ah!" He looks so majestic, fight, fight, fight quickly!"

At this moment, Li Chenan suddenly pulled out the unique sword behind him!

"Whoever dares to step forward, I will cut off his head!"

"Come whoever is not afraid of death!"

"You bastards, who claim to be literati, want to bully the few with more?"

He jumped down from the platform suddenly, swung his sword forward, and the students who had just taken two steps forward suddenly stopped.

Li Chenan saw the young man who was shouting the loudest in the crowd, and he pointed forward with Bu Erjian, "You, come out for me, young master!"

The boy was startled, his neck stiffened, "He, Li Chenan, dares to kill people in broad daylight? Brothers, don't be afraid, give me..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Chen'an opened the way with the Bu Er sword, and rushed over with one stride.

He rushed into the crowd like this, and the crowd dispersed to both sides under his rush. He stood in front of the young man, and swiped the Fuji sword on his neck.

He stretched out his left hand and grabbed the boy's skirt.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he dragged the boy out of the crowd and slipped onto the stage.

In front of tens of thousands of students, he patted the boy's face with his sword, and the boy's face suddenly turned pale, "You, how dare you..."


Li Chenan slapped him across the face, he tilted his head, and a mouthful of blood gushed out from his mouth.

"The dead duck is still stubborn!"

He raised his head to look at the group of teenagers again, his face was serious, and he moved his dantian, and said loudly

"Everyone you are standing here is rubbish!"

"It's worse than trash!"

"You have the energy to deal with me, Li Chen'an, do you dare to go to Mobei to fight the invading barren people?!"

"You don't dare!"

"Because of the cowardice in your bones!"

"The barren man has occupied the land of our Ning country, slaughtered the people of our Ning country, and forced our Princess Sulin to go and marry her!"

"Shame! What a shame!"

"Are you men?"

"In the face of a national crisis, you don't seek a way to save the country, but come here to trouble me, Li Chen'an... Do you really think that I, Li Chen'an, are easy to bully? A bunch of bastards, come on! Come and see if you dare to hack me to death you!"

"Whoever stands in front of me, let me die!"

Li Chenan dropped the boy in his hands, and he jumped off the stage again.

He walked with a sword, and he walked into the crowd like this!

His voice exploded in the crowd

"The one who protects the country, the king and his ministers are the ones who eat meat!"

"Whoever protects the world, the lowliness and responsibility of the common people are nothing!"

"You are all readers, so you know why you study!"

He goes forward with one sword and one sword!

He speaks every word!

"If you still have a little bit of blood, you should remember."

"Scholars should set up their minds for the world and their lives for the people!"

"Keep learning for the sake of the saints!"

"Create peace for all generations!"

His voice echoed in Suzaku Avenue, and his figure seemed to grow taller suddenly.

So many students bowed their heads.

Zhongli Ruohua's childish voice suddenly sounded, "Yes, yes! Brother-in-law is right!"

She jumped off Jian Wu's shoulder, walked in front of Li Chenan, looked up at Li Chenan, and then turned her head to look at the speechless students.

"I am Zhongli Ruohua!"

"Which of you dares to be unfavorable to my brother-in-law, hum, I can't spare him!"

She was about to stuff the remaining piece of horseshoe cake into her mouth, she thought for a while and handed it to Li Chenan, "Your reward, let's go."

Li Chen'an was stunned for a moment, looked at Jian Wu, took the horseshoe cake, and continued to move forward while holding Zhong Li Ruo Hua's little hand.

The long Suzaku Avenue.

Countless students and common people.

There was no sound at the moment.

Someone was about to make a move, but they finally gave up, because Li Chenan was surrounded by soldiers of the Shenwu Army.

Li Chenan lifted Zhongli Ruohua to his shoulders, "Where is your sister?"

"Don't pay attention to her, can you invite me to eat something delicious, I'll take you there!"