
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


On the city wall, the second prince Ning Zhixing looked at the back that was getting further and further away, and listened to a guard's narration, and suddenly grinned.

"It's a good saying that those who protect the country will be plotted by their rulers and ministers who eat meat! Those who protect the world will be humble and responsible!"

"A good sentence establishes a heart for the world, establishes a life for the people, inherits the knowledge of the past, and creates peace for all generations!"

"Now I really believe that he really made those three great poems, and also believes that he really created the genre of poetry."

"Originally, this king thought he was a literary genius, but he didn't expect him to have such lofty ideals..."

"This kid is amazing. He used a trick to steal the beam. Those students originally attacked him and killed Liu Zhuo, but he directly avoided this unavoidable contradiction and brought those students to the righteousness of the country. "

"He successfully used the contradiction of barbarian invasion and the shameful incident of Sulin's marriage to make those students ashamed, so that they could no longer mention Liu Zhuo's death under such righteousness!"

"Never fear in the face of danger, and be quick to respond."

"This kind of person is very dangerous. If this king can use it, it will be a great help. If not..."

He squinted his eyes and looked at Suzaku Avenue.

A carriage appeared on Suzaku Avenue.

A woman stood in front of the carriage.

Li Chenan came to the carriage, and seemed to have said something to the woman, but they got on the carriage, followed by the Shenwu army led by Zhong Lidang.

"This is going to Dingguo Houfu!"

"Zhongli Ruoshui came to greet her... She should have been my concubine... Now I roughly understand why I lost to this Li Chenan!"

"I really want to kill him!"

"Let's go, go to Xiangfu."



Li Chenan entered the capital, facing tens of thousands of students, but left safely.

There was no bloodshed that many feared and many expected.

There was only one student who was unlucky enough to be slapped by him. He just stood on that table, holding a pitch-black sword in his hand, and said that.

There was no fighting, but the original anger of those teenagers disappeared, and they even felt ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

The words he said quickly spread in the capital, so many students began to taste his words, and then, after reflection, they seemed to understand something.

The news of the South Gate also quickly spread to Tai Academy.

Hua Manting laughed out loud after hearing this.

"I won't play chess today!"

Shang Di threw the chess piece in his hand on the chess scale, "I don't want to play chess anymore."

"Hey, my little brother, these words are good!"

Hua Manting stroked his long beard and stood up, shook the cattail fan in his hand, and looked at the thick shadow above his head, "When I was in Guangling City, I first heard his work "Butterfly Loves Flowers". Amazing talent in poetry!"

"Then, in Qianmo Academy, he composed the song "Will Enter the Wine" while drinking... Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning... How many people in the world can have such a majestic spirit?"

"The old man will know that he is not a thing in the pool!"

"He built such a small tavern in Erjinggou Alley, and the old man persuaded him at that time, worried that he would waste all his talent and become obsessed with Brother Kong Fang."

"Now the old man knows that the old man wants to go wrong."

He turned to look at Shang Di, every crevice on his face was full of pride and pride.

"He's more lucid than anyone!"

"Up to the temple, down to the school!"

Shang Di certainly agrees with this, "Thinking that we were both studying in this Taiyuan Academy back then, we had a hard time for ten years, but we didn't understand the true meaning of studying."

"At that time, what I thought was to be able to be named on the gold list, and to be able to do something I wanted to do for the court and the community."

"We call them ideals and aspirations."

He smiled bluntly and shook his head, "Compared to this kid, it's better to be judged!"

"That kid didn't go to school without seriousness, but he understood the true purpose of studying!"

"It's hard for the old man to imagine that he could say those words. You said... Could it be his father Li Wenhan's opinion?"

Hua Manting pondered for a moment and shook his head, "Li Wenhan is good at teaching and educating people, but if he has such a high opinion on reading, he is not his father Li Chunfu...I think it is impossible."

"I'll go talk to him!"

Shang Di stood up impatiently, but was stopped by Hua Manting.

"What's the rush? You old bastard is ignorant! He just arrived in the capital, and Zhongli Ruoshui went to greet him in person. Of course, he wanted to tell his heart first!"

"Wouldn't it be a shame if you run away at this time?!"

Shang Di is not ashamed to go.

It's just that Hua Manting didn't expect that Li Chenan and Zhongli Ruoshui couldn't tell their hearts at this moment!

Because the little girl Zhong Li Ruo Hua was also in the carriage, she sat between the two of them!

Zhongli Ruoshui looked at Li Chen'an through Zhongli Ruoshui without blinking her beautiful eyes, "You are too courageous! But," Zhongli Ruoshui suddenly showed a shy expression, "But I really like it!"

When Li Chenan said those words, he happened to pass by that teahouse, those words made Zhongli Ruoshui feel refreshed, and made his heart even happier.

Zhongli Ruohua, who was sitting in the middle, was not in a very beautiful mood.

She suddenly glanced at her sister, then turned her head to look at Li Chenan again, she tugged on Li Chenan's sleeve, "Be careful, she is not like this usually!"

Zhongli Ruoshui's face turned red, his eyes widened, and he listened to Zhongli Ruoshui's words

"Are you afraid you've been cheated by her? Let me tell you, she's not a lady. She can eat three bowls for a meal, and two boxes of Yunjinji's cakes at a time!"

"Let me tell you, grandma eats the peaches before they are ripe!"

"... Zhongli Ruohua!"

Zhongli Ruoshui gritted his teeth.

"Look, look, I didn't lie to you, this is her true face, it's so fierce! You have to think about it!"

Li Chenan immediately laughed.

He thought this sister-in-law who was like a porcelain doll was very interesting.

At such a young age, Zhong Liruo's face was red and his ears were red and he couldn't get off the stage.

He rubbed Zhongli Ruohua's head, and said with a smile, "You don't know, I just like your sister!"

"Think about it, being able to eat is a blessing, which means you are in good health."

"Other people have emotions and desires. It's normal for her to be angry. This means that she is a mortal and lives beside me. Otherwise...with your sister's beauty, if she is heartless and desireless, wouldn't she become a fairy in the sky? Then how can I chase her into my hands?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhongli Ruoshui's embarrassment was immediately resolved, but Zhongli Ruohua was stunned for a moment.

It took her a few breaths to digest the meaning of Li Chenan's words, and she couldn't help being a little annoyed. She wanted to take revenge on her sister, because her sister didn't agree with Li Chenan taking her to Juxian Pavilion for a good meal.

Now it seems that Li Chenan is aiming at his sister.

She looked at Li Chen'an rather resentfully, and muttered, "Sister Ruoxue is right!"

"... What did she say?"

"She said, all men have the same virtue, and when they see a beautiful woman, their legs go limp! Even the dumb one can open his mouth, and he can speak sweet words that can deceive people to death!"

"Sister, I think sister Ruoxue is right, you have to be careful!"

"You, get out of the car!"

When the carriage arrived at Dingguohou's Mansion, Zhongli Ruoshui opened the door.

Zhong Li Ruohua was startled, "What about you?"

"We're going to Huaxi Bieyuan!"

"I also need to go!"

"Don't even think about it, get out of the car and practice swords!"

Zhongli Ruohua cried "Wow...!"

"No, sister, I was wrong, you are a match made in heaven, take me to Huaxi other courtyard, I don't want to practice swords!"