
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Enter Kyoto 3

Li Chenan never expected that he would face such a huge battle when he entered the capital.

He originally thought that there would be a process for all this to happen, for example, one day after he arrived in Kyoto, someone with a heart would deliberately launch a denunciation against him.

For example, one day when I was walking in a certain street, some martial arts masters attacked and killed me.

He was still leisurely sitting in the carriage and listening to Su Muxin tell him the story of this capital, talking about the famous scenic spots in Kyoto, or the famous brothels, or the famous tea houses and restaurants.

When the team entered the south gate of the capital, the carriage stopped, and there seemed to be a moment of silence outside, and then there was a loud noise

"Li Chen'an, you bastard, come out and die!"

"Li Chen'an, you treacherous villain, you don't even want the face of a scholar for the sake of glory and wealth!"

"Li Chen'an, return my senior's life!"


Su Muxin looked at Li Chenan, Li Chenan raised his eyebrows, "The people in Kyoto are so enthusiastic!"

Su Mu was stunned, "It's this time, aren't you afraid of those students coming over?"

"Don't worry, I'm still the same saying, useless is a scholar!"

Su Muxin's face darkened, Li Chenan smiled, and patted him on the shoulder, "I'm not talking about you, I'm referring to these scholars who seem to be bloody and righteous... Do you know what the biggest problem with these scholars is? "

Su Muxin looked at Li Chen'an in astonishment, Li Chen'an raised his brows, and said a word lightly...

"This scholar, the biggest weakness is that he always thinks that the world is reasonable!"

"Actually, there is no reason in this world!"

"Do you think they have gathered so many people here to welcome me, do they really dare to rush over and fight me desperately?"

Li Chenan shook his head, "They dare not!"


"...Because people who like to reason are afraid of death!"

At this moment, Zhong Lidang came over on horseback, "They said that if you don't come out, they won't let us go... It's not appropriate to take action against these students."

Li Chenan nodded, he opened the door and got out of the carriage.

Su Mu was very nervous, thought for a while, and got out of the carriage.

Standing on the city wall, the second prince Ning Zhixing saw the backs of Li Chenan and Su Muxin. The distance was a little far away. He couldn't see clearly, but he guessed some.

"This king thought that the Dingguohoufu would bring him to kill him, but now the Dingguohoufu pushed him in front of so many people... Chang Gonggong, do you think this was done on purpose by the Dingguohoufu?"

The old eunuch pondered for a moment, and replied, "I think the purpose of this action by the Marquis of Dingguo Mansion is nothing more than one point!"

"The Marquis of Dingguo's Mansion sent the Shenwu Army to bring Li Chen'an into the capital. This is an attitude given by the Marquis of Dingguo's Mansion, which shows how much they attach importance to Li Chen'an. Pushing Li Chen'an in front of everyone at this moment is also an attitude from the Marquis of Dingguo's Mansion." an attitude!"

"Perhaps the Marquis of Dingguo also wants to see if this kid has the ability to deal with such trivial matters!"

Ning Zhixing thought for a while, "You mean... If Li Chen'an takes over this matter and dissolves the past, the Dingguo Houfu will re-examine his ability?"

"Returning to Your Highness, if Li Chen'an really resolves this situation, I'm afraid Zhong Lidang will take Li Chen'an back to Dingguohou's Mansion!"

"Oh...that means the Ding Guohou Mansion will really show its attitude?"


Ning Zhixing frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed slowly, there was a sharp edge in his eyes, which dissipated after a while, and his face looked like spring blossoms again.

"If he really takes it, I want to have a good drink with him!"



Yujing City has four avenues from the Imperial Palace to the Sifang City Gate.

These four avenues are all named after the mythical beasts of the four directions, and this avenue entering from the south gate is called Suzaku Avenue.

There is a two-story tea house at the end of the south gate of Suzaku Avenue. It is noon now, but there are still many tea customers in this tea house.

Zhongli Ruoshui was on the second floor, sitting by the window. She didn't drink tea, but watched nervously what was happening outside.

Zhongli Ruohua is also sitting here.

The little girl who escaped from practicing martial arts was full of joy and curiosity.

With a piece of Yunjinji's horseshoe cake in her mouth, she climbed onto the chair and poked her head out of the window, "Sister, sister, is it the one in the blue shirt or the one in the white shirt?"

"Blue shirt."

"Oh...it's still a little far away..."

Zhongli Ruohua suddenly turned to look at Zhongli Ruoshui, "He doesn't seem very popular, those people seem to want to eat him, what did he do? Don't you worry?"

Zhongli Ruohua is a curious baby, at her age and in her innocent world, of course she doesn't understand why this happens.

Zhongli Ruoshui didn't answer because she didn't understand.

"How about... I'll help him? Those people won't embarrass me as a child, will they?"

Zhongli Ruoshui glanced at her, "How can you help him?"

Zhongli Ruohua blinked his big eyes, "Use a sword, I brought a sword!"

"There are so many people bullying him, it's not fair! Grandma said that in the face of injustice, you should draw your sword and kill it! Then it will be fair!"

Zhongli Ruoshui pondered for a moment, then told Jian Wu, "Take her with you, if anyone dares to harm him... be careful with your moves!"


Jian Wu responded, and Zhong Liruohua happily grabbed the sword on the table, grabbed two pieces of horseshoe cake from the food box, and happily followed Jian Wu downstairs.

She was very curious and found it very interesting.

Zhongli Ruoshui was still sitting on the second floor watching. In fact, she knew that with her cousin Zhonglidang and Princess Yunchen Cheng Yiren around, Li Chenan would not be threatened with his life at all.

It's just that she still does it.

She felt more at ease this way.



Princess Yunchen Cheng Yiren also got out of the carriage at this moment. She was wearing a face scarf and carrying her knife.

She stood beside Zhong Lidang, looked at the noisy scene in front of her, and asked with some concern, "He is a scholar after all, so you are not afraid of something going wrong?"

Zhong Lidang grinned, "He is not an ordinary literati."

Cheng Yiren was stunned, thinking of Tayun who was killed by that servant, he suddenly lost his sympathy.

"You are right, he is the scum of literati!"

"But how did he break this situation?" Cheng Yiren was very curious, because Li Chen'an would face tens of thousands of students alone.

"One mouthful of saliva can drown him. Does he really dare to draw his sword to kill?"

"Don't talk about tens of thousands of people, even tens of thousands of pigs... is enough for him to kill for a long time."

Zhong Lidang didn't know either.

He looked at the back of the man who was walking forward firmly, and after a while he said, "If he chooses to kill, the Suzaku Avenue will probably be bloody, and the Dingguohou Mansion will surely fall into a bottomless quagmire." among!"

Therefore, if he was really wise, he would not choose to kill people.

But does he have the ability to reason with so many violent students with his mouth?