
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

poison plan

Su Muxin is a typical literati.

He was born with delicate features.

He likes to wear a white Confucian shirt.

Even when walking, he likes to shake the fan with one hand and put the other behind his back.

From Li Chen'an's point of view, such a young man would be somewhat arrogant, especially since this boy is still the head of the four great talents in Kyoto!

Maybe it's because he has read too many books, or maybe he has read too many dramas. Such a boy of seventeen or eighteen will almost always fantasize about his future wife——

For example, the daughter of a certain family.

For example, the lady of a high-ranking official's family.

No matter how bad it is, she is still a girl with a clever ingenuity from an innocent family.

But Murong He has nothing to do with these things.

She is the most outstanding disciple of Songshan Sword Academy.

She is still an orphan!

She can't cook, can't be a female celebrity, and can't write poetry.

But she has the courage that other women don't have.

She left Songshan Sword Academy and came to Kyoto just to find Su Muxin.

Su Muxin went to Guangling City, so she also went to Guangling City.

Originally, Li Chenan's purpose in bringing them together was not pure. Murong He was a guest elder of the Fish and Dragon Society, and at that time he was the embroiderer of the Li Jing Division.

He was just worried that Murong He would pull out the sword on her back and kill him.

He thought that Su Muxin would not really like Murong He.

But now it seems that this kid really believed his words, he really accepted Murong He's sincere feelings, and found someone who loved him.

Murong He still carried her sword on her back, but she didn't look like a master, but more like a virtuous wife.

Even when they got outside the gazebo, she just raised her eyes to look at Li Chenan and Zhongli Ruoshui, then her eyes stayed on Amu's back for three breaths, and then she kept looking at Su Muxin.

Eyes full of tenderness.

The whole world seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Even though beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, she didn't blur her vision.

"I suddenly miss the tavern under the banyan tree."

Su Muxin walked into the gazebo, and Murong He put away the umbrella.

Li Chen'an invited the two to sit down, and Su Muxin said again, "That banyan tree is really nice, the backyard of the tavern is very cool, it doesn't look like this capital... This damn day, people who are so hot don't want to move."

"I said, coming here didn't bother you, did it?"

Li Chenan grinned, "Don't talk nonsense, you kid came here in such a hot mood...does Brother Hua have any orders?"

Su Muxin shook his head, "Teacher really wants to come and see you, but we still need the news that Senior Brother Liu has arrived in Shuzhou to be sent back to the capital."

"I came to see you for another matter."

"What's the matter?"

The expression on Su Muxin's face became serious.

"Brother Liu's death, although this matter has calmed down because of what you said yesterday at the South Gate, it did not end so easily!"

"There are three Confucian scholars from Ningguo in Taiyuan Academy. Except for the teacher, the other two don't know the details of this matter. They are very hostile to you..."

"They think that what you said at the south gate is just for fame, and even think that you dared to come to the capital so unscrupulously because of the big tree of the Dingguohou Mansion."

"The teacher said that they even knew about your past in Guangling City, so they suspected that the poems you wrote, and even the words you said at the South Gate were all written by your father!"

"So, they made some arrangements to make you look ugly in front of the students all over the world, and make your reputation plummet... What you said at the South Gate actually touched many students of the Taiyuan Academy. After the academy, many students even came to me to ask me about your character."

"The teacher asked me to tell you so that you can be prepared."

Li Chenan frowned, "What do they want to do?"

In fact, Li Chen'an had already expected that since he was a great Confucian in Ningguo, he would definitely not attack him with a sword, it was nothing more than embarrassing him in poetry and articles.

"Isn't it already the fifth day of August?"

"August 15th, the most intense Mid-Autumn Festival in Kyoto every year, you will receive invitations, and they may attack you at the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Li Chenan's brows immediately relaxed, "Small things!"

Su Muxin leaned over, "Don't be careless! After all, you are a great Confucian!"

"As long as it's fair, I don't worry about anything."

"It's fair, because at that time, not only will there be five great Confucian scholars from our Ning country who live in the capital, but the teacher said that there may also be the old master Wei Xuanmo who came from Yue country."

Li Chen'an was startled, and Zhongli Ruoshui who was beside him suddenly asked curiously, "Old Master Wei also came to the capital?"

"It's still on the way, I heard it will arrive in a few days."

Li Chenan asked, "Who is Old Master Wei?"

"The most famous Confucian in the Yue Kingdom!" Zhongli Ruoshui introduced to Li Chen'an, "I heard from grandma that this old master Wei traveled around the world when he was twenty years old. country, and also spent a lot of time in our Ning country."

"Students all over the world know that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles."

"But the only one among the world's students who have truly traveled thousands of miles is Wei Xuanmo, Master Wei from the Yue Kingdom!"

"In the three years he was in Ningguo, he taught at Taiyuan Academy for one year, and then he went to many places in Ningguo."

After Zhongli Ruoshui finished speaking, he looked at Su Muxin and asked, "What is he doing in Ningguo?"

"The teacher said that the official document says to bring the students from the Hanlin Academy of Yue Kingdom to have cultural exchange."

"But the teacher also said that this old master Wei chose to arrive a few days before the Mid-Autumn Festival. His intention... I am afraid that through this Mid-Autumn Festival, students from Yue State will compete with our students from Ning State!"

"Oh..." Zhongli Ruoshui suddenly realized, and looked at Li Chenan, thinking that this person might not be kind, but if Li Lang went to participate in the Dragon Boat Festival, he might give Old Master Wei a pleasant surprise.

"By the way, the teacher also said that the emperor may also go to the cultural meeting... If the emperor goes, the princes and princesses will all have to go, so you still have to be prepared!"

Li Chenan understood the meaning of Su Muxin's words.

If those two so-called great Confucianists challenged me at the literary conference, but I didn't hand in an answer sheet that silenced them, I'm afraid they would bring it up to the emperor, and the emperor would punish themselves by punishing them!

Perfectly avoiding the Fish and Dragon Association, even Zhongli Mansion was unable to lend a helping hand.

As long as the emperor gives the will, then he will surely die!

This is to borrow a knife to kill someone, to borrow the emperor's knife to cut off one's own head!

Who came up with the idea?

Li Chenan pondered for a moment, and his expression became serious, "Then I'll go back to Guangling City now, how about it?"

For Wen Xiaowan, Li Chen'an only missed her graceful body a little bit, it was far from the time when he would risk his life to save her.

Besides, there is Shang Di planning, if she is still alive, she may be able to escape the catastrophe.

But it's not easy for me to escape this catastrophe, because there is no excuse for committing a crime!

Su Mu was startled, and after five breaths, nodded, "That's a good idea!"

But at this moment, the concierge walked in with an old eunuch.

The old eunuch lifted up his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and roared in his drake-like voice, "Who is Li Chen'an? Accept the order!"