
The Mortal God of Olympus

Born to an Archangel and a God, I always knew my story wasn't going to be simple. Especially in a world full of rival gods, scheming Devils, vengeful Angels, and monsters who would love nothing more than to chew upon my bones. But hey, atleast I had a trusty Gamer system by my side. I was literally born to be overpowered, what could possibly go wrong? Dark Mc, Gamer Mc/OC Mc *This is a crossover fic between Percy Jackson series and highschool Dxd. I'm also posting this on fanfiction site under the same name.

Robs511 · Book&Literature
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75 Chs

Chapter 49

'...I can't fight him.' I realized, now worried. 'I can't fight a tier 7 being.'

The difference in tiers kept increasing with each one. I was barely able to defend myself against a crippled tier 6 dragon when I was at the peak of tier 5.

Now? There was no chance. But that didn't mean I wouldn't try my fucking best.

Plus, I did have a way to close this gap a little: Stat points.


Age: 13

Race: God/Angel/Devil Hybrid

Tier: 6

Level: 586

Divine Power: 3,237,490/3,240,000

Holy Power: 3,238,939/3,240,000

Demonic Power 3,240,000/3,240,000

Stamina: 2,930,000/2,930,000

Health: 3,030,000/3,030,000


Strength: 596

Speed: 626

Dexterity: 616

Endurance: 586

Constitution: 606

Mental: 48

Spirit: 648

Points: 58

I've been waiting for those 58 points to turn 60 for over half a year now, but failed to Level up even a single time. So 58 was still 58. And my plan to increase my intelligence and wisdom in one go was now cut off abruptly.

The reason I'd wanted to boost my intelligence was so that I could finally level up my object creation to max. But that plan will have to be shelved for a long long time now. Cause there was absolutely no doubt where I needed to put my points in.

Spirit was the only combat stat that doesn't care about tier. My magical attacks had almost managed to kill a minor god in his mortal form. And I needed to maintain that advantage, now that his spirit has increased by 100.

So without further ado, I put the full 58 points in spirit.

Spirit: 706 (30)

'Now we're talking' I smiled.

Sure my stats may have become unbalanced, with my raw power far surpassing my physical prowess, nut atleast I had a chance of surviving now.

"Come then, little brother." The God of Strength growled out, his spear's tip rising to point at me. "Enjoy your last fight with the grace of a warrior, and be honoured to fall at the hands of the mighty Heracles."

I changed my own twin blades into the spear form. Short swords would be a bad match-up for spear when my opponent was strong enough to crush me like a twig. Getting inside his guard would bring more risk to me than to him. It was better to keep my distance.

Plus I was more skilled with a spear, and I needed every advantage I could get.

This time, the god initiated the bout, leaping towards me like a prying mantis.

Even his speed was ridiculous now, atleast 4-5 times faster than mine, which meant with his strength he'd only need to slap me lightly and I'll be a wet golden stain on the ground.

I did the only thing that comes to one's mind when a 2 meters tall, highly muscled creature, glowing with golden radiance starts jumping towards you: Move out of his way.

So I blasted upwards, flying faster than I've ever flown, and dodged him by a full foot.

But even then, Hercules was fast enough to twist up, almost managing to snag my feet. But a sudden blast of wind prevented that from happening, forcing him down and finally launching me into the air completely.

I didn't stop flying, cause I just realized I didn't need to fight this guy. I just needed to escape, and wait till I reached Tier 7 myself.

And escaping should've been easier; I could fly. He can't.

That idea was quickly shot down when the strong freak reused his earlier tactic, jumping straight up. In the next instance, he was besides me, his spear cocked back to make me a flying barbeque.

I barely managed to block his thrust, bringing down my spear horizontally with both hands to hopefully absorb the blow.


The force behind his attack punted me away like a volleyball, and it took all my authority over wind to finally stop my uncontrollable flight after a whole second. A second might not seem much, but I'd been thrown away almost 30 klicks in this time.

'Fuck's sake.'

Thankfully, he had no control over his jumps and so he dropped back down to the ground instead of following after my flailing body. Unfortunately, just when I got my wings back in control and started flapping away, the god too reached the ground and immediately gave chase.

But now I had the time to consolidate, and be ready for him.

Two Holy arrays once again opened up at my shoulders, restarting their terror upon the ground. Their range was massive, and a single spear covered over a distance of 50 kilometers in tenth of a second.

My spirit powered the spears and so fast did they move, that even Hercules had trouble dodging them. He danced between the spears continuously, his eyes now fixed in the air as my arrays rained down the holy judgement upon him.

Now we were even.

With a jubilant laugh, I pointed Stormbreaker to the sky and bought down another bolt of divine lightning, making the dancing god bend over and take the bolt on his back, hiding beneath the shell of his pelt like a turtle. The force of my attack buried Heracles inside the ground, forming a crater around him which was visible even from up here.

I laughed again, this time in relief and happiness. 'I was worrying for nothing.'

So what if he was a god who could twist me like a fly? My raw power surpassed his by a lot, and I had way too many overpowered abilities to go down so easily, even though i was a full tier below him.

My laughter stopped however, when Hercules clutched his lion's pelt up like a curtain, letting my continuous magical assault pepper into him. I couldn't see what he was doing behind the curtain, so when he suddenly dove to the front and threw his weapon at me, I had no time to plan properly.

Through sheer instinct, Stormbreaker came in front of me protectively, blocking the 7 feet long spear that rocketed towards me faster than my Holy spears.

The spear struck the handle of my own spear, forcing me back, but I instantly got myself under control, willing the air to cushion me.

I looked for the god, only to be met by the flying figure of Hercules as he took my momentary distraction to close the distance between us. The arrays on my shoulder were still active, and my Holy spears dug inside the back of his naked palms as he held his pelt in front like a shield.

I quickly tried to fly away but the god managed to barely but surely grip upon one of my lower wings. A concentrated beam of wind shot at his face, completely crushing his nose while his face caved in slightly.

but the resilient bastard held on, even as tears and ichor flew past his face, intruding upon his vision. And then, with a simple tug of his other hand, he tore my lower left wing in half just an instance before my bolt of electricity took him in the chest, throwing him off.

I bellowed out in pain, wind rushing through my ears as I fell to the ground in a freefall, trailing golden ichor and blood behind me in the sky.

My pain resistance and Gamer's mind barely managed to bring me back to senses a mere 100 meters away from land, and my Wind manipulation and max flying kept me from crashing into the lane of houses under me as I glided down towards the earth safely.

The gaze of pain was soon reduced to a mere stinging as the initial shock wore off, and what replaced it was pure...rage.

My glaring eyes turned just in time to witness the bastard jump back into the air again, his eyes searching for my figure. When they did find me, I stared back with all the rage I felt.

I was done trying to run. Hercules shall live no more past this day.

He went back down as gravity took hold of him, and I pushed myself to stand with gritted teeth.

I closed my eyes, waving my spear around me to form a whirlwind of hypersonic cyclone. Lightning flashed across my storm, winds howled by it's presence, and as my eyes took in Hercules' rapidly approaching form, I let my level 8 Lightning Storm dominate the earth around me.

With Stormbreaker in my hand and Lightning storm around me, I met the god in a clash of Celestial Bronze. His Strength surpassed mine tenfold, but I simply deflected his thrust enough that his hand entered my lightning storm. The god jerked back with a curse as his hand clamped up in shock, and my spear almost took off his head.

But the god successfully managed to retreat, sporting a bleeding cheek on his already bloodied face.

"What in the name of blackened fate is that?" Heracles asked, scowling incredulously.

I snarled. "Something that will kill you."

Then, with a yell, I pushed my hands down to the ground and filled the whole 10 kilometers of ground around us with my lightning. The moist ground conducted electricity almost as good as any wires, forming pathways of currents that granted me access.

The god was dead, he just didn't know it yet.

The wary Heracles tried to run out of the lightning land, but I became one with lightning itself, diving inside the ground to follow my self-created path.

[Skill Leveled Up: Lightning Travel] Lvl 5

I came out of the ground directly behind the startled god, my lightning storm quickly ensnaring him inside it's cage.

The god struggled to move, barely managing to raise his palm to block my spear thrust. The Celestial bronze tip of Stormbreaker pierced the god's hand, coming out from the other side with liquid gold dripping down.

The god screamed in pain and fury.

The power behind his voice was so high that I couldn't even maintain my grip on the spear and was blown back into a concrete house, destroying the entire structure only to be thrown out of the other side.

My momentum did not stop, blowing me clear through dozens of structures in rapid succession until I slammed into a truck, crunching it down in two before I finally managed to swerve in the air. I didn't stop there, pushing down on the pain of my stinging wing as I flapped through the air to avoid any further attacks.

Catching a slight breath, I took a quick peek back at the ground to find my opponent, only for my eyes to take in the absolutely demolished neighborhood. I winced slightly, realizing the cause to be my Lightning storm, which was still revolving around me protectively.

Dozens of buildings and houses had disintegrated into dirt, along with all the vehicles that came into contact with my power. The mortals weren't spared either, and I could see their melted and undone bodies littering the ground, some even with cameras in their hands. And not just a single neighborhood either. The force behind Heracles scream had pushed me back dozens of kilometers.

Half of the city was probably in ruins right now.

Even more died by simply looking at at the god as he charged at me like hulk incarnate. But Heracles did not care.

The outraged being had eyes only for me as he stepped through anything that came in his path, crushing it underneath his boots.

He came at me like a madman, with true bloodlust in his eyes and a visible reddish aura surrounding him.

His pelt had fallen off somewhere, and sensing his vulnerability, I met him in a clash of power.

My lightning storm quickly restricted his movements, dispersing his red aura. But again, the god didn't seem to care. Even as his skin started melting, the god kept going, like a berserk who's lost all his senses and only had one thing in mind: My death.

He threw a wild punch, only to be met by a 9 layered demonic barrier. But the mad god simply kept punching non-stop with abandonment, and broke through the barrier in 2 shots.

So fast and strong was he, that I could do nothing as he ran himself into me, picking my body up by the waist to take me along on his journey through the mortal lands, slamming me into anything that came in his way.

My back broke through concrete walls, steel, and god knows what metals. The pain was almost surmountable when I heard my back cracking, not from the concrete, but from him squeezing me so tightly. I almost cried out when I felt my torn wing being treated similarly.

I tried whacking the crazy god, my fists slamming into his skull like a sledgehammer. But the Berserk bastard shrugged them off, just roaring like a wild animal.

A desperate plan formed in my mind, and the next time I was slammed into a huge building, I bound all the debris in a huge net of air and dragged them into Heracles' face. Pieces of Metal, concrete, sharp glass, and a whole lot of unholy debris buried themselves into his face, all of it entering his orifices.

As the god flinched back from the debris, one of his hands left me and shielded his own face.

Finally managing to focus slightly, I summoned back my weapon, and a white glove materialized around my hand.

And I struck immediately.

My glove extended into its spear form, and with all my remaining strength I buried it's tip deep inside his unprotected neck.

He could do nothing but look incredulously as my spear sliced through his throat like tofu. His body was already broken and melted due to continuous contact with my lightning storm, this was simply the final nail in his coffin.

He dropped me, lucidity returning in his eyes as he stumbled back. His hands touched his throat tenderly, gripping the place where my spear was lodged in.

I let myself fall on my back tiredly, no longer caring about the god. The storm around me quietened down as Pain filled exhaustion beat in my chest. I closed my eyes, and only one thought resounded in my chest.

'I did it. I killed a god.'

Unfortunately, Fates seemed to have made it their personal goal to make this day the most disappointing one in my life. Cause I felt it then: The divine authority over Strength, encompassing the entire area around me.

I turned slightly to see Hercules flashing in pure energy and disappear in front of my eyes.

Sighing, I dropped my head back on the ground, praying to anyone who could hear me to let the bastard be dead.

But when the familiar ringing of level ups didn't enter my ears, I knew- The god escaped to fight another day.

[Legendary Achievement Unlocked: Into the big leagues now]

-Defeat a god before turning 16.

Reward: 15 Levels, 1 to all skills, 1 to Divine Authority

'Well, there's that atleast.'

I accessed my inventory and removed three cubes of Ambrosia, popping all of them into my mouth together.

Hoping to hit a mostly disappointing day with a splash of happiness, I opened my notifications.

You have entered the 7th Tier (Minor God)

'Final-freaking-ly. The 7th tier. Now I'm in the same league as mother.'

If only this happened before my fight with Heracles, I wouldn't be laying here with a broken back and a ruined wing.

'Fuck's sake.' I sighed.

Belatedly I remembered about the Jacksons, and quickly sat up with groan. I opened my upper status to see how bad my injuries actually were.


Age: 13

Race: God/Angel/Devil Hybrid

Tier: 7

Level: 601

Divine Power: 87,000/6,500,000

Holy Power: 980,900/6,500,000

Demonic Power: 3,150,000/6,500,000

Stamina: 650,070/6,010,000

Health: 230,000/6,210,000

'Yeah, I'll survive.'

I quickly stood up and sucked back my wings. They still hadn't regrown, and flying with them would be 40% foolishness and 60% pain. Instead, I simply jumped up and took off into the sky, flying using just my Air and Wind manipulation.

I needed to reach Percy.

I looked at the sun and noticed it hadn't been long. The fight between me and Heracles must have lasted for barely a few minutes at most. Though to me it felt like hours.

As I passed over the city, my eyes took in the horrid scene below me. The land was torn asunder, while the few building and houses that weren't thoroughly eradicated littered the roads in form of concrete and debris pieces. I usually never felt guilty about doing amoral things; may it be fucking another's wife or hypnotizing irritating strangers. But as my eyes took in the ruined city below me, I left the slightest bit of guilt and hollowness assault me.

Could I have stopped the fight? No, that's stupid. Hera wanted me dead and Hercules came sniffing.

Could I have shifted our fight location? I don't know. I mean sure, theoretically I simply needed to fly towards long Island sound and continue our fight over water or something. But in practice? Yeah, no. Heracles barely gave me the time to move, let alone shift our fight path. Hell most of this damage was caused by me getting swatted around like a fly.

But even knowing there was nothing I could've done, I still flew through the air with a hollow heart. I gave a genuine prayer perhaps for the first time; to Thanatos, to Anubis, to Osiris, to Hel, to Shinigami, to Yama, and anyone else who will judge the souls that were unfairly departed today.

May the souls rest in peace.


AN: A big couple of chapters, all for the viewing pleasure of you all! Let me know if it was enjoyable.

And Mikael is finally a minor god! Cheers and celebrations! Those who've forgotten, it means he's now equal to a Satan.

Also, the name shifting between Heracles and Hercules is intentional. Hope no one was confused by that. Hercules is one of the few gods who were said to be mostly unaffected by their roman counterpart, cause he just never developed an alter personality.

Well, that's it for this chap. Let me know what you thought in the comments, and rate the fight scene from 1 to 10.

Next chap's for Strange Old World on 5th, and the next Mortal God chap is on 11th.

Till then, take care and peace!