
Chapter 48

AN: Massive thnx to my new highest paying patrons: Denis Bajtler, Jose Carvalho, Shadow_Wolf, and BlackDeath 3rdTime'sTheCharm.

My discord: discord .gg/9wpfysDGsz

My Pat reon: www. Pat reon com/ Robs511 (No spaces and a dot before com)

Now proceed forth to the chapter!


I flew over the Jacksons, keeping a vigilant eye from the bird's view.

Percy was already starting to attract monsters, his aura simply too strong to ignore. And my job? My job was a fun one.

I just hurled down Holy spears like the judgement of God, incinerating monsters on the spot.

Another thing I'd learned after leveling up my Holy power skills was to form spherical arrays that sat above my shoulders, launching a continuous stream of Holy weapons at my Will. This freed both of my hands to do as I wished, cause I needed just a sliver of concentration to keep the arrays, one on each shoulder, running

The Array itself was a half-meter circular disc, similar to my demonic barrier but with its own unique symbols, glowing in a translucent white hue that represented Holy power. I'd unlocked the ability upon maxing out my Holy Weapon Creation skill.

Now, the result of that was two consistent streams of Holy spears that eradicated the approaching monsters down like a machine gun.

I followed after my charges absently, until the car finally came to a stop around the Montauk beach. The evening then proceeded with both the Jacksons spending time playing around in the water.

After an incredibly intense session of fucking, Sally had begged me to grant her this one wish. I'd agreed of course, feeling just the slightest bit guilty at having driven the woman to another day of soreness.

Sally was, afterall, still just a mortal. There was simply no way for her to keep up with me, but sometimes I lost myself in lust, pushing her a bit too hard.

This was simply my way of repaying the...debt? Sort of.

With the Jacksons busy, I spent my time practicing my monster slaying skills. Holy weapon creation wasn't the only thing that I'd maxed out afterall.

Maxing the flying ability was another seriously smart thing I could've done. The skill just basically made me immune to gravity, enabling me to take flight without a conscious thought, and with absolutely no help from my wings. I was now also clear of any danger of falling from the sky, as the skill granted me the ability to always be airborne. I could literally be smacked by a god, but I won't fall to the ground. The only way I can be on the ground without my consent is if someone literally dragged me down, or hit hard enough to make me unconscious.

So as long as I had my mind's faculties, my control over wind will enable me to bend it completely to my will.

Another thing I'd maxed out was divine Lightning bolt, unfortunately it was a bit of a disappointment, being the only skill to not give me an overwhelming ability at Lvl 10. It still provided huge benefits of course, just not as much as other skills.

At Lvl 10, I can now launch a bolt of divine lightning in just 1/100th of a second, wherever and whenever I wanted. Even if I was underground, the divine bolt will still try to drill through the ground to reach me. I also suspected that maxing this skill was the only reason I was able to create my most powerful attack:

The Holy Celestial Lightning Bolt.

This motherfucker of an attack was so disgustingly powerful, that I felt the gods should already start becoming wary of me. It was the epitome of destruction, easily the most powerful attack in my arsenal, being a full stage above even Lightning storm.

I only used it in the practice ground of Hephaestus, because I was sure that if I summoned that bolt right now, I could easily dig a hole straight through the lands of Montauk, directly to the ocean. The look on Hephaestus's face when saw it's power was enough of an indication for its impressiveness.

Unfortunately, at level 2, which it currently sat at, it took 8 full seconds of utmost concentration to summon it down.

Even with my enhanced mental stats, the only thing I was able to do in this timeframe was launch my automatic Holy spears. But even then, the array launched a single scrawny stick of Holy spear per 10 milliseconds.

Still, the fact that it was powerful enough to actually injure a god more than made up for it. Just a single bolt could probably put a minor god right out of commission. And this was with just 648 spirit. With 648 spirit, I could match a damage level of a true god's attack.

Last but not least, was Electric Discharge.

When I maxed this skill, a very... peculiar thing happened. The electrical particles' whole nature seemed to change, and they no longer felt just soothing to me, they became...warmer? Sort of. I couldn't rightly describe it well, and for the longest time I hadn't know what exactly changed.

Oh, my control over electricity had certainly improved, and so did the way I could use them; like making ropes of electricity midair, combusting the air itself to produce electricity. Yeah, I did a lot of cool stuff with my new control and manipulation over electricity.

But I knew, just instinctively, that those weren't the biggest change it went through. It was only when I started training Percy in the use of his water abilities, did I finally figure it out. Just like water was able to heal Percy, electricity could do so for me as well. I'd observed the way his divine energy worked, and replicated the process.

This method was way better than sleeping for 6 hours. I just needed to meditate for a few seconds and boom! A minor cut disappeared! I was sure the effect will increase as my level in this new skill increased. Oh yes, did I forgot to mention? It actually created a new skill! Crazy right?

Electrical Healing (Lvl 3)

Yep, I'm so lucky. Basically, the ability that I'd gotten at Electric Discharge Lvl 5, to plug my fingers into a socket and recharge myself...has turned from simply recharging to healing. As long as there was any flow of electricity in the surrounding, I just needed to access it, and I'll heal myself rapidly.

My attention was abruptly taken down by the Jacksons, hearing Sally's voice rising in pitch and temper.

I flew down to them as a feeling of restless urgency seemed to have overtaken them.

"Sally?" I asked.

A look at me and her tense face was instantly washed with relief. "Oh, Mikael! Thank the gods! Please, we must hurry. Percy, he...he witnessed the fates sniping his threads."

I turned to look at him, confused and alarmed. "When did this happen?"

The poor boy looked doubly nervous as he stared at us both. "Wh-when you were sleeping. The bus stopped for a minute...ah, some kinda engine problem or something."

"Not too long then. Alright c'mon, I think it's time I show you the camp. Sally, go back home. I'll drop Percy."

"No!" Sally interrupted as she came back with all their stuff. "I'm coming too! Please, I need to...say goodbye."

I hesitated for just a second before deciding.

'What the hell? I was almost a minor god now. Surely I could protect an extra person.'

I nodded. "Sure. We'll drop Percy, then I'll drop you."

"No!" She protested again. "You can't do that..i mean.."

I tsked irritably. "Woman, you are confusing me. Stop being so female for a second. What do you want?"

She blushed scarlet. "Let's go in the car?" She finally mumbled. "Please?"

I looked at the small Camaro, barely capable of sporting 4 people. The rear seats especially looked cramped as hell.

"That tiny dingy?"

My expression must've been telling cause the younger Jackson snorted in amusement.

"I can create one from scratch, if you guys keep a look out for a bit."

"Wait, how–"

And in front of their shocked and awed eyes, I did indeed create an SUV from scratch.

Yes, I knew exactly what a car should have, to make it run faster. My imagination was already powerful, but with those 4 points in intelligence and level 9 in object creation, I found my creations taking a new turn. I now no longer had to know every nook and cranny of objects I may wish to create. The car's engine, for instance, was created purely through my imagination.

Honestly, if someone asked me which of my three powers were more important to me, I wouldn't be able to answer with any confidence whatsoever.

Divine Power gave me full control over wind, air, lightning, and thunder. And I had a complete path straight to Godhood with my own Divine Authority. Who wouldn't want that?

But Holy Power gave me multiple sets of majestic wings, every pair of which brought with them 50 levels for my own leveling pleasure. If I was able to unlock all 6 sets, then I'll be getting a grand total of 300 levels solely from the wings without any effort of my own. Plus the wings provided physical increment of their own, and all this without taking my new Holy spears in consideration.

Then there was Demonic Power, which was basically just a cheat code into the world of power and creation. Do whatever the fuck you want, make whatever the hell you can. It also had potential to replicate any power ever, as long as you have the Will and Imagination to produce them.

What would you choose? What would a common man choose? I couldn't answer.

But as I basked in the awed looks of the Jacksons, I realized I won't be able to live without any of them, now that I've tasted and experienced these powers personally. They were a part of me and my soul, and parting with them would be akin to tearing apart a piece of myself.

'Fuck, I'm such a power whore.'

But then again, who wouldn't be? Cause I realized how massively unique my existence was, even without weighing the Gamer abilities in.

Once I master all three of these energies, could anyone truly be my opponent? Only time will tell.

I finished making the car soon; Volkswagen Atlas model. Belatedly I realized this car actually didn't exist in today's market. If I remembered correctly (I did), then this thing was released only in 2017-18, and we were still more than a decade away from that time.

'Damn, why did I never take advantage of my future knowledge?'

Oh yeah, cause I couldn't be bothered with the mortal world.

"Alright C'mon, hop in." I waved towards the Jacksons as I took the driving seat. "Leave the pig's car alone, I'll do the world a mercy and set it on fire."

Any protests from Sally were drown out by Percy's enthusiasm at the idea, and my promise to later gift away the SUV.

In the next second, we were off like a rocket, zooming down the countryside to reach the farm road, with me occasionally launching a few Holy spears here and there.

I was...a little rusty in my driving. It has been more than a decade since I last drove, plus my perception of speed was no longer what it used to be.

Where previously 80 miles per hour might feel like a taboo speed, even 100 miles/h was now making me feel as if we were stuck in slow motion.

Which is why our ride was a little... bumpy.

"Are you angry that we're in a car? Or do you just want to kill us anyway?" Percy sniped at me from behind.

"Shut up, brat. The thing is slower than a turtle, what am I supposed to do?"

"Man... I really don't want to meet this Greek turtle if that's true." The sarcastic little shit quipped from behind.

"Watch it prissy, Or I'll throw you down a Dragon's gullet soon."

"Wait, there are dragons in America!?"

"Oh, you've got no idea.." I muttered absently, my eyes rounding upon the form of a huge bull charging towards us. "What the hell is that thing doing here?"

I heard sounds of exclamation from behind as Percy yelled out. "Is that the Mino–um!?"

"Don't say his name, Percy." Sally warned with a hand over his mouth. "Names have power. Call him Pasiphae's son."

I swerved the vehicle to one side with a sharp turn, passing the huge lumbering bull by a few feet. My one hand left the steering wheel and launched a couple of quick Holy spears directly in its back, incinerating half of it's body away instantly.

We drove away too quickly for me to see if it was alive, but I would assume so for I receiver no Xp.

"That thing shouldn't be alive." I announced, feeling troubled. "I killed it twice in two years, even though monsters usually take decades to regenerate. It should've stayed dead for the next century."

"Wait...that thing was the real deal? As in the one Theseus killed!?" Percy asked incredulously.

"Yeah yeah, the same one. Theseus was just the first one to do the deed, so to say. Quite a few demigods have killed it over the last few centuries."

"Mom, I don't think the Greeks know the meaning of death." Percy muttered quietly.

"Don't diss the Greeks, Percy. You are one of us now. And didn't I already explain how gods are immortal to you? Well...the same applies to monsters too."

Amidst the crackling of thunder and heavy rain, we finally reached the farm road.

The farm road was a pretty straight road, enable me to push our speed to it's limit. Halfway down the road however, I felt a... premonition. A divine presence.

Acting instantly, I slammed down the car breaks as the smell of burning ozone and divine energy filled my senses. "Hold on!"

The bolt of lightning that struck down contained none of my father's divinity, as it slammed into the asphalt just a few meters away from our car.

A massive boom of thunder filled our ears, and the force behind lightning made our whole car shake, making me lose control of the vehicle as it started for a dusty trail away from the farm road. The SUV ran over several tall shrubs and vines before hitting a large stone that turned our entire vehicle spin around, finally slamming into a tree. The sudden force made my head crack upon the steering wheels, breaking the thing in two, while the Jacksons were still yelling in alarm and panic.

"Hold on, you two!" I yelled back. "I'll check who-!"

I'd barely kicked out the door when a meaty hand suddenly took hold of my throat from above, making me grunt.

With the slightest bit of disorientation and confusion, I tried to escape from its grasp with pure strength but the thing might've as well been made of adamantine for all the difference I made. The powerful being pulled me out of the car with a simple tug, tearing through glass and metal as easily as paper.

Finally, I bought my mind under control and dispersed a wave of static electricity throughout my body. The being jerked back with a curse, his hands twitching in shock, but didn't let go. Instead, It charged me back like a rag doll and threw me away deeper inside the forest at a stupidly ridiculous speed.

I broke through multiple trees with my body before finally come to a stop against a giant boulder, sending deep cracks throughout the stone as I slammed upon it.

I pushed myself up slowly, rage coursing through my veins as I glared above. The being didn't bother with the Jacksons, slowly approaching me with the confident gait of a god.

'So Hera finally made a move huh? Doesn't matter. The bastard's has made a huge mistake, and I'll show it exactly how.'

With a simple thought, the storm-breaker gloves were in my hands, extending into dual blades of celestial bronze and adamantine, glinting white and blue under the moon's rays.

[Stormbreaker (Divine): Made of Adamantine and Celestial Bronze. The weapon increases the user's control and Authority over Wind, Lightning, and Thunder. 30 to Spirit, 10 to Strength, Speed, and Dexterity.]

I observed the being as it slowly, unhurriedly, approached me.


Race: God

Tier: 7 (Minor God)

Current Tier: 6 (Divine)

Level: 636 (Divine Form) [Max]

Current Level: 586 (Mortal Form)

Divine Power: 2,750,000/2,750,000

Stamina: 2,775,000/2,775,000

Health: 2,700,000/2,700,000


Strength: 810 (910)

Speed: 335 (435)

Dexterity: 440 (540)

Endurance: 555 (655)

Constitution: 540 (640)

Mental: 58

Spirit: 550 (650)

Surprised, I looked up as the once great hero Hercules dragged behind him a club, the Nemean lion's pelt wrapped up around his shoulder.

"Out of all the gods and goddesses, I expected you to be the least likely to ever accept her orders." I said disappointedly, truly surprised that Hera sent this guy to kill me. And even more surprised that he accepted. "You've truly fallen from what you once were."

"You are right." The god admitted with a sigh, making me furrow my brows. "Had I been a mortal still, I would've helped you escape that bitch's wrath. I feel for you, brother, truly I do. Alas, my decision is not in my hand. Beings higher than you and me are at play here. I can only do as I was bid."

The god gave a bitter chuckle.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." I flared my wings to their full might and four snow white wings with golden tips, blacks stripes, and sparks of electricity dancing around them alighted the immediate area around me with their presence.

As I felt my strength and speed increasing, I looked at the god with a tilted head. "Prepare yourself."

And then I was off in a blur of white and gold, crossing the 50 meters distance between us in a single millisecond, breaking multiple barriers of sounds. My swords were reared back, strong currents of electricity coursing through them.

My electricity had already been powerful enough to give him a real shocker earlier, but when Stormbreaker's 30 spirit were added to my power? The god was a goner.

Heracles barely managed to bring his club between us, but I vaulted over it, my swords striking his head. Again, he jerked just enough to let the hits fall upon his shoulders, the lion's pelt saving him from being torn apart in three. And then his club was upon me, swinging with divine dexterity and forcing me to dive away from it's path.

The club struck upon the earth with the force of a god, shaking the very ground beneath us like a 9.5 magnitude earthquake that sent deep cracks into the ground, creating wide fissures and holes all around the place. I quickly took to the air to keep my balance, and kept flying upwards to create some distance to start peppering the god from above.

But the plan quickly fell apart when my gaze fell down incredulously upon a squatting Hercules with his hands in the air, as if preparing to follow me.

The god couldn't fly, but the heavily-muscled bastard was so strong that he jumped over 200 meters in an instant, and quickly started catching up to me.

Two arrays of Holy light formed upon my shoulders, firing multiple shots of Holy weapons, while I directed Stormbreaker to launch thick bolts of electricity at the rapidly approaching Heracles.

The god once again hid behind his club, letting my Holy spears and electrical bolts to slam upon the weapon and lion's pelt. While the pelt was fine, his club had inch deep cuts and cracks upon it from tanking my magical might.

Still, the god might be safe but the force behind my attacks blasted him backwards. I raised my blades to the sky and just in 1/100th of a second, the level 10 divine lightning bolt slammed upon the falling god.

But the god's turned body meant that the bolt slammed into his pelted back, shielding him from being obliterated. Unfortunately for Hercules, the lightning bolt splashed like liquid, sending golden veins of divine electricity extending in the air and covering his whole body in spasms.

With no longer being able to control his motors, Heracles slammed upon the earth in a boom of sound, shaking the entire land as he formed a crater beneath him.

I wasted no time, diving towards the dizzy god like a meteor, with my blades cocked back to finish the shocked god as he slowly bumbled to his feet.

The god barely managed to hide behind his club again as my blades struck, but I didn't let off.

He may be more stronger than me, but I was just as faster than him. I kept myself afloat in midair and attacked with a speed and intensity he couldn't match.

My swords started to dig deep trenches of cuts on his faces and neck, making him drip down golden ichor, even as his entire body twitched with electricity. The god roared in pain and anger, the manticore's venom already starting to affect him.

But his roar contained a flicker of his divine authority, and it's force was so powerful that I found myself blasted away. I quickly manipulated the air to turn back towards the twitching and writhing god, but spotting the familiar increase of power stopped me in place.

"Curse you, boy." The god growled out, touching his injuries softly. His eyes widened as he his hands came out golden and glittering. "You almost killed me. Shouldn't have underestimated you. Damn this, and damn that stupid little bitch's orders."

Little bitch? Hera? Well, I couldn't call her little but bitch she surely was.

I retreated further as the god started glowing in a golden hue.

'The bastard's taking his divine form.'

"You will actually fall even further?" I asked incredulously. "Don't you have any shame? Taking your divine form to fight a mortal?"

"You're no mere mortal, and I don't care." The god of Strength replied tartly. "I'm already stuck between two hard rocks. Can't afford to let my honour strike me down."

The god released a golden radiance that cocooned his entire body. Supernova blasted outwards from him, inflaming our entire surrounding alight. The trees melted away, the land scorched black, and between the destroyed forest, Hercules, the god of Strength, stood tall and proud.

Even his injuries from earlier melted away to show flawless skin and muscles of a handsome god. The club slowly transformed with him, and I looked on in slight surprise as the god now stood almost 2 meters tall, naked except the lions pelt and a black skirt covering his midst, while his club became a spear with Hydra's venom glinting upon it.

"Can't fight such a slippery opponent with a club now, can I?" He said, cracking his neck slightly. His rich voice was filled with power and strength. "I'd heard you can survive the true form of a god. It would've been better had you simply died from looking upon my true might. A much more painless death."


Race: God

Tier: 7 (Minor God)

Level: 636 (Divine Form) [Max]

Divine Power: 6,500,000/6,500,000

Stamina: 5,550,000/5,550,000

Health: 6,400,000/6,400,000


Strength: 910

Speed: 435

Dexterity: 540

Endurance: 555

Constitution: 640

Mental: 58

Spirit: 650

Next chapter