

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


The martial arts club. I wonder why I never joined it. Nah, I'd just pulverize any opponent that faced me. Why I'm heading in that direction, well...a certain someone doesn't miss a day without stepping in there, no matter the late of hours.

I found Clive training with a punching back, his clothes drenched in sweat and surprisingly, he was the only one there.

"Sup dude, working those hooks I see," I started. Clive suddenly turned towards me and with a full sprint came rushing at me, his fists raised in the air.

With some weird muscle memory, I countered his attack with a swift shin kick followed by a clean take down with my fist inches away from his face.

"What was that all about?" I asked him in anger as I stretched out my hand to help him up. He looked disappointed in himself but still swatted my helping hand away.

"What do you want?" he murmured as he stood up and walked back to the punching bag.

"Ignore my question why don't you? Sure.... But I didn't come here for chitchat today. The dagger," I said.

Clive paused mid walk but still refused to turn towards me.

"You owe me a new ring, this one has already been ruined by that sh*tty dagger," he said and tossed me the ring.

"First of all, no. You think storage rings grow in trees? Secondly, stop acting like the tough guy you think you are cause you are not. Don't think I don't notice how these days you spend your time with the group we were in," I told him straight up.

He paused once again and this time turned to me in anger.

"For your information, they are the ones who invite themselves to my table. I'm just the guy who tolerates them," he defended himself.

"Sure you only tolerate them? There was a time when you'd kill anyone who dares stepped an inch near your table, why the sudden change?"

"Uh... the little one, Alex was it? He just lost his brother so I'm just surviving with him for the time being. It's not my fault he attracts the rest of those losers," he tried again as I headed for the door.

"Keep telling your self that. Riddle me this question, since when has Clive the half orc ever cared about another monster? And they are not losers. I've seen how most of you seat by yourselves. You need each others company,"

"You still owe me a new ring!" he roared angrily as I run out of the room smirking, making my way to my room.

Now all that's left is...

Damn, maybe I should have eased off on the illusion magic. Everyone I had left in my room looked shaken to the core; Arnold and Blade were both passed out in fear, one in my bed the other on the floor. The girls were both hugging each other tightly while crying and even though Bareth looked the better of all the boys, his wet army pants told a different story. The elusions already disappeared once they achieved their purpose.

"So? Did y'all learn your lesson?"

Everyone awake turned in fear towards me and almost brought me to the floor as they ran out of my room, Bareth carrying Blade like a sack of potatoes.

Hmm... I think I just scarred them for life. Well, that's one lesson they'll never forget.

"What I'm I going to do with you Arnold?" I raised my arms in defeat as I stared him laying peacefully on my bed.

"You know what, I don't care. Scoot over! I have a long day tomorrow, and I don't feel like lifting dead weight today."


**next morning *


"Uh...traveling," I complained as I headed the principal's office to get issued that release form. Somehow I was the first to wake up and felt like this was the right time to leave. Before any more problems arose once a certain someone woke up.

"Come on in, Max," Principal Kelly welcomed me. I noticed the general was in the room too. Guess my gut was right to wake up early.

"Son, at least you wake up at the right time," The general greeted. I nodded in acknowledgement knowing full well this was in fact, not a normal occurrence for me.

"Now that we are all here, let's think of what we'll tell the king," Mrs Kelly began with a serious voice.

"You're going too?"

"Of course I'm going Max. What? You thought your young principal won't make it to her students first Demomight now did you?" she smiled at me." And also, he is still my father so... Yeah I'm definitely going,"

The general scoffed and ignored what the principal said. If I didn't know better, I'd say he doesn't approve of Mrs Kelly's involvement.

"What was that general? Got something to say?" Kelly also noticed how the general looked.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly fell deathly silent. I could feel the tension growing with Mr Kelly and General Zard staring daggers at each other, their aura nearly killing me. I could hardly breath at this point, but they soon calmed down and we were back to normal life.

"Forgive me for asking, but is this like... a lovers quarrel or... "

I immediately regret opening my mouth. Both turned their powerful gazes on me, and my life flashed before my eyes.

Imagine yourself trapped in an Iron Maiden, squeezed the life outta you like there's no tomorrow and finally for good measure, some random giant steps on you to finish off. That's just about how I felt when the two unknown ranked demi-gons stared me down with both of their powerful auras on full display. I felt a little lightheaded and... Is that blood coming out of my nose?!

"Leave the student be, general. He doesn't know the full story, it was just an innocent question," Principal Kelly spoke with a hint of sarcasm.

"I could say the same thing about you, Principal," General Zard countered with a devious smile. I was just regretting getting caught in the middle of it.

"So... I can leave if–" I slowly stared to get up.

"STAY!" both yelled in unison.

I quickly sat my butt back in the chair and tried to appear as invisible as I could.

"I–I can to that," I piped nervously.

"Oh look at that! You're scaring the kid to death, Zard,"

"I'm scaring the kid?! That's rich coming from the castle princess, Kelly,"

"Show some decorum you muscle head! You're an adamantium warrior for beasts sake!" Mrs Kelly was already raised from her chair with veins bulging from her head.

"You and I both know that's not what I wanted! And please, you're the principal here, lead by example!" the general roared back.

I definitely walked into a land mine here. Wasn't this about the meeting?Aren't we going to be late?

"Hmph!" Mrs Kelly huffed as she straightened her red suit. The general sat down too(angrily of course).

"Well anyways, sorry about that Mandrax. About the meeting, leave all the talking to me and, (with a stink eye) general Zard here. We're leaving right about... Now!"

The principal's office suddenly shifted a full one eighty degrees before we were all softly placed in front of a large white door with a lion head painted on both doors.

"Uh..." was all my brilliant mind could say at the moment. What kinda transportation device was that?!

"Only the people invited by the king can ever set their sights on the Demomight's entrance. Transport is always left to the Beast king himself. No body knows where exactly this place is," Mrs Kelly explained.

"Seems like we are the first ones to arrive," the general commented and placed his hands on the door.

There was a soft vibration that was immediately followed by a loud screeching noise as the doors opened. I fought with every fiber in my being not to place my arms in my ears so as not to appear weak.

They eventually(and thankfully) fully opened to reveal a quite luxurious hall. There was a magnificent square table that looked like it was made of... Is that gold? Eight thick skinned chairs were placed around, four on each side and leading to the front, two large thrones were in view, one with a golden and brown color and on the hand stands two large wolf skulls to finish.

The other one was a calm green with a few flowers here and there together with a touch of gold on the bottom corners. The thrones are obviously for the kings together with the the eight chairs for the warriors. So, why in the beast verse is there five more chairs placed on the side of the elf King? Or does he have his own club of powerful elves?

"Looks like we're going to have a few more guests this morning," Mrs Kelly whispered as she nodded to the maids bringing in a few more chairs into the large hall, all placed on the sides of the Kings' thrones, each one with a different pattern than the last but none as extravagant as the first thrones.

I think the maids were half-orges. Now that's just wrong! Such a proud race that never bows down to anyone answering the call of the beast king? I thought I've seen it all.

They seemed like a calm bunch though, so I'll give them that. There was a soft *ding* and boom, a blue energy portal appeared above one of the sits brought in by the maids. An old guy with a large white beard fell on the seat like it was normal for old people to fall out of know where like that.

He had on a cone hat and a large black trenchcoat that covered his whole body. He was obviously a wizard, maybe a representative of the planet Brix from where Alex came from.

I was given no chance to observe him more as a door to my left opened and a dark haired fellow walked in all smiles. He looked human enough, so he was probably representing the human faction. He took a sit next to the Wizard, who's face said that he wasn't too pleased about that arrangement.

Different types of representatives continued arriving at around that time until finally the great lion gates opened up again. Except the screeching of the doors, everyone waited silently in anticipation until the doors fully opened.

"They're here," General Zara muttered.

"Who's here?"

"The remaining Adamantium warriors,"

"Oh damn."