

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


The well shimmered with light that later gradually faded. I approached it carefully, trying to come closer to view it's depths.

"WHO DARES CALL ON ME!" a voice thundered from the well.


"Old bat! You'll never stop screaming, will you?" I answered the god as I came into view from the well.

There was a momentarily pause from the other side. I saw that Archeron was currently in her bed. An old, black, creeky thing that probably thought it identified as a bed at least. She had this scowl on her face that didn't look too pleased in viewing a smiling Furrha.

"Only one idiot is dumb enough to call me 'old bat'. What do you want, my escaped slave?" she asked as she stretched her bony hands and focused her black glowing eyes on me.

"Caught you at a bad time? Wait, why are you sleeping? I thought gods never needed rest," I enquired.

"Seriously? For your information, we don't need a lot of things in life but if they bring us joy, then what's stopping us from doing them? Now ask quickly, less I smite you for ruining my beauty sleep."

"So... do you dream? I mean that–"

"Max!" she warned sternly.

"Fine. It's about my ability,"

"You know the rules. You exchanged your life for your ability due to your recklessness in practicing a dangerous art. This is non negotiable," she answered quickly and rolled to the other side of the bed.

"Hey, wait! Please hear me out. I've got this new ability here. And one of its major spells requires the use of lightning. Can you please grant me this at least," I pleaded with her.

"No. Now leave me be, boy. Be thankful am allowing you to keep your life for contacting me," she waved her hand to shoo me away and dived into her covers.

"What if I have something to bargain with?"

She quickly sat upright. I could tell that she was losing her patience with me but I had to try everything I had.

"I have five hundred gp points. I'll give them to you, and you allow my ability to use lightning. Seems fair?"

"Hmm... Five hundred gp would greatly help in purchasing that new chai–I mean help the underworld. But you're still far from attaining that skill," she answered.

"How far? Can I go to credit?"

"I don't do credit. But..." her eyes glinted." You've got something else, don't you?"

What is she talking about? Clearly, I can't give her any of my new abilities so what would she be...wait...



"You heard me. I said no."

"Oh come now. What's a few more years without knowing who your parents really are?" she asked her attention now fully on me.

"No means no. We're done here," I answered angrily and almost cut contact with her but felt my focus glued on her. I couldn't move my limbs too so that's definitely not good.

"Oh no. You don't get to run away from this offer. How about, all your coins and your memory piece, all for the measly skill you want. You'll even get to walk out of this with your life," she smiled evilly.

"Why the hell would you want it?! Please don't do this! I'm sorry about contacting you, I–I'll even give you one year of service! Please, this is the only clue I have about them!" I begged Archeron even though her face said this wasn't up for debate. I could feel tears start streaming down my face.

I had no idea I really cared deeply about that fragment. It was really the only close thing I had about my family. She seriously can't do this to me!

"This is your fault for contacting me. You should have known the risks involved with contacting a god. This is a warning to you Max, no god is ever good. We always have our ulterior motives even if your think we are helping you. Never forget that."

"Wait! Please don't–"

She suddenly cut off contact with me before I could plead some more. The well began vibrating again and I immediately jumped far away from it before it could think about devouring its next meal.


<* User has zero gp coins. Fragment of memory also been exchanged*>

<* Skill 'thunder from the sky' can now be used!*>


I stared numbly at the well and leaned in defeat. The tears started streaming down again but I forced myself to calm down. A fourteen year old should learn how to control his emotions.

I can't believe this! All I wanted was to get that stupid skill but had no idea Archeron would be that ruthless and leave me with nothing!

Phil later passed by and found me on the wall looking glumly with red puffy eyes. He shook his head like he related with me.

"Gods, what can you do, right?" he mumbled as he helped me up.



**back in Archeron's domain*


Archeron checked her inventory and nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"It's too soon for you to learn the truth, boy. Thankfully, he contacted me before he was able to view this memory cause it held a lot more than he should have known,"

She took out the piece and crushed it to dust.

"Now that that's done, time to catch me some snooze,"


Phil allowed me to view the shop a bit longer, even though I had informed him that I was robbed of my coins. I passed by a few armors that were clearly more powerful than your average one, all that were within my purchase range if I still had the money.

Phil also explained to me about the power of my watch. There was a reason it was one of the most expensive item in the shop.

"It can transform into what the user required depending on his ability,"

"What! Serously?" I exclaimed.

"Well, yeah. If it's powerful enough, then the watch will adapt to the ability and enhance it even further. But don't go showing off its true power yet. I can bet that that would really grab the attention of any powerful warrior," he advised.

"Wait, your saying that not many know of its power?"

"Pretty much. But if they ever see you using it, then that would be the end of your ownership of that watch,"

I shuddered just thinking of all the trouble this watch would get me if ever discovered.

"Guess I better be heading out now. Thanks for the info Phil,"

"No problem, dude. And if you ever feel like buying something extra, you know where to find me,"

"I sure do," I said and turned for the door.

"Wait! Before you leave, take this," Phil stopped me and handed me a ring.

"So you can easily come here and save yourself the trouble of traveling all the way,"

"Thanks Phil. I'll definitely be your number one customer," I joked.

"You already are the first Furrha to visit the 'H' shop so I'll say you've already filled out that position. Have a good day!"

I walked out of the shop and opened a portal back to school. Guess this trip was worth it after all.

I was just about to turn the door knob to the janitor's closet when it burst open and someone bumped into me.

We painfully collided into the buckets and mops around and I had to steady myself before the gravity of earth had settled with me.

"What the–"

I saw the familiar face of Alex looking up at me, his mouth twisted in pain.

"Alex what's going on?" I asked him. He blushed and jumped off me then apologized profusely for the sudden visit.

"I just had to see you. It's about... him"

Tears suddenly welled up in his eyes. I knew what he wanted to say but I stopped him with a hug.

"I know. I know," I whispered as I rubbed his head. He cried for almost an hour while I kept muttering soft words for him to calm down and accept his brother's death. I later suggested we head over to the dining when I felt he was ready. He reluctantly agreed and together we walked down the hall.

"I made a promise to him," I started after a while of silence.

Alex just nodded his head to confirm I could continue.

"I promised him I'd protect you, so don't worry about that,"


I smiled at him and helped him wipe his tears away.

"Your brother, though evil, had good intentions in the end. But one thing I'm sure of is his love for you, so... If you want, you could head over to your planet and maybe–"

He looked at me with this pouty look on his face.


"You are already chasing me away after you promised to protect me?" he asked.

"No, I would never!"

"Then... Can I call you big brother from now on? I grieved my brothers death but that doesn't change the hatred I felt for him for what he did to me. You've treated me more like a brother for these few days we've had than he ever did when we were brothers, so please?"

"I–I....Ok. Now, why don't you head over to your other new friends, I have something to finish ,"

Alex nodded and walked over to Clive's table, who didn't look too happy with the sudden intrusion of his peace once we were back at the dining hall.

I guess Alex just needed to let out all his grieve to someone who knew him better. I just hope Jay will get better soon cause his friend really needs him. I'll keep my promise to his brother, the guy deserves that much at least.

"Now, time to finish this revenge thing with the main artists of the gang,"

My eyes shined mischievously as I walked to the girls dorm room.


"Tomorrow, where are you heading?" Arnold asked once we were back in our room after supper. The dude was as usual laying on my bed, this time wearing actual pajamas.

"That's...ah...confidential," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh? How so?"

"Confidential means I don't have to tell you squat, so leave me be,"

I started ignoring him when he continued to pester me so he decided to change the subject.

"You're the one that burnt Blade's pants, weren't you?" he turned to me and stared hard.

"I have no idea what you are talking about,"

"You did do it! You evil maniac!" he accused.

"Oh, feeling a bit confidence today, are we? How about I call over that puppy from today morning–"


Our door burst open and Kira marched in together with the rest of gang.

"What now?"

"What is this?!" she asked angrily and took out a ring that she activated and behold, a dead sixteen level spider was before us. Arnold yelped and did the classic dive under the covers, my covers to be exact. The rest of them just backed away slowly from the gruesome thing.

"Um...a spider?"

She didn't like that answer.

"Of course it's a spider! Why was it in my room?"

"How should I know? Are... are you accusing me of something?" I faked offence and rose from my bed. Kira looked confused but Blade came out and held what remained of his pants from this morning.

"YOU BURBT MY FAVOURITE PANTS!" he roared angrily.

"Evidence?" I stared smugly at him.

"We know it's you because of the butt thing," Bareth chimed in. Emily nodded her head in agreement.

"A-ha! So you two were in it too?"

"Of course we were–I mean, no, I wasn't part–"

"Too late for that. Arnold, seems like you withheld information from me," I turned to the elf hiding in the covers with a smile that didn't reach my eyes.

"Please, Max! I–"

"No more words are needed,"

I began the illusion magic and suddenly the dead spider came to life. I also brought 'cute princess' out to play a little with the dishonest elf. And as the cherry on top, I brought forth the worst monster everyone feared to ever come across, a Dragon!( Don't ask how they all fit in my room)

With teleportation magic, l left the screaming artists to their devices with a satisfied smirk on my face. A little scare will do them some good. Revenge achieved.

"Before heading over to the meeting tomorrow, I'll have to grab that dagger from Clive," I thought as I headed over to where I assumed he would be.