
Chapter 13: Onwards to Hogwarts!

Jenna gawked at Denver. Had she really heard him right? "Really? Youre serious?" She asked. "No more resistance, no more doubts or ideas to check elsewhere? We are really going to go to Hogwarts?"

At Denver's nod, Jenna nearly jumped out of her chair in excitement. "I cant believe it! I'm actually going to go to Hogwarts!"

"Just not as a student." Denver cut in with a bland tone.

"Sorry, come again?" Jenna asked, confused.

"You wont be going as a student." Denver repeated, watching her closely. "Nor will you be interacting with anyone while we are there."

Jenna scoffed, crossing her arms and looking at him in disbelief. "Do you even realize how powerful the man running that place is? You think you're going to just waltz in there unexpected and unannounced, stroll through the school unnoticed, which has staircases that rearrange themselves to lead to other places might I remind you, and search that whole library, part of which is restricted with who knows what spells on it and its books, all without attracting some sort of unwanted attention? We're not exactly first year age, Denver. We cant just 'blend in', even if it is a school."

Denver frowned, starting at her. "I'm not exactly looking forward to this either, but once we are in Hogsmead, I will come up with a plan to get us in and back out undetected."

He was wrong in that regard. Jenna was looking forward to this. Extremely so. In fact, one could even say she had dreamed of this day. She just didnt believe it was going to happen the way Denver wanted it to. Infact, she was very certain he was not going to get near the school, much less inside it, without Albus Percival Wolfred Brian Dumbledore knowing.

Still, she wasnt about to fight him over this. She was getting what she had been wanting this whole time. Hogwarts! The magic, the elves, the great hall and all of its magically delicious treats, the whomping willow and giant squid. She was going to pet Fang, and no matter what Denver said, she was going to talk to the Golden Trio.

After they had finished eating, Denver followed her to her room and told her to pack her things. At Jenna's confused look, he explained that the blue purse he had bought her was more then 'just for looks'.

"I had an extension charm placed on it." He explained while gathering up her spell books. Retrieving the purse from her, he started stacking the books into it, his arm vanishing into the tiny bag, causing Jenna to gasp. "Do not tell anyone about this, alright? It is undetectable by anyone who hasnt been told that it is there, will help keep your accumulation of items lightweight, and it will make it so that we can travel at a moments notice should we require to vacate our location quickly."

With excitement, Jenna scooted over to push her hand into the bag. Feeling around, she felt where the books had been stacked to one side. She experimentally pulled one out, then put it back in, grinning. "It really is like Mary Poppins' bag!" She exclaimed with a giggle. She then started gathering her other clothes and robes, folding them up and placing them to the opposite side of the bag from the books. "This is so cool!"

Denver, for his merit, seemed to really enjoy watching her excitement over the charmed bag. "Just dont lose it, okay?" He said with a smile. "I've given you 10 galleons inside there as well, just incase we get separated and you need them. Dont spend them on butter beer."

"Aww, but I'm actually going to have the chance to try it for reals!" Jenna complained, pouting as she felt around until she located a small bag with the coins inside. "You're cruel."

"I'll buy you some. That money in there is for emergencies." He reiterated firmly, though his stern expression didnt quite seem to hide the laughter in his eyes. "Emergencies only."

"Fiiiine." Jenna conceded, making sure everything that belonged to her was now in the bag. "No splurging on an owl, then."

After over 30 minutes of back and forth banter, and Jenna having to stack her small amount of belongings just so in her charmed bag, Denver pulled out a small, bent iron nail from his pocket. He held it out to her.

"A...nail?" Jenna asked in confusion. She reached out to take it, but once her fingers touched it, the world suddenly went flying away around them. Jenna felt like she would go flying off into the spinning madness at any second, had it not been for her hand somehow being magically connected to the nail head.

Just as suddenly as it had started, the world abruptly slammed to a stop, sending Jenna flying forward. She would have fell face first into the ground if a certain man hadnt casually grabbed her by the arm and waist.

"WARN A GIRL NEXT TIME?!" Jenna managed to screech, before her stomach turned. She gagged, shoving Denver away to run a few feet away and vomit.

"Didnt want you backing out." Denver replied calmly, putting the nail back into his pocket. "Portkey travel can be scary when you haven't experienced it and dont know what to expect."

Jenna just groaned.

They stayed there in silence for a bit, letting Jenna's stomach calm down. Finally, she raised her eyes to look around and gasped. There in the distance, shining gloriously in the sunlight, was a large castle. Hogwarts!

I am very sorry this took so long to post. My health took a plunge for a bit, and I needed time to heal up physically and mentally, while still trying to be a mom.

I do hope that everyone is doing well, and will try to continue posting new chapters as I can.

Pippa_Aricreators' thoughts