
Chapter 14: The Three Broomsticks Inn

"Is that-Is it really Hogwarts?" Jenna asked, scrambling to her feet and clutching her bag to herself as she took in her surroundings.

"Yea. We are just outside the apparation blocking charms the castle and grounds have on it. Thankfully, Hogsmeade doesn't have any such blocks, so we just need to take a little stroll to make it into the village." Denver explained while he was studying the castle in the distance as well. "There, we can get ourselves set up for the duration of our stay, and start working on a plan."

Jenna gazed longingly at the castle, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from begging Denver all over again to go to the school. It wasnt a tourist attraction, and they would be suspicious characters at the best of times. Until Denver figured out how to get them into the school, Jenna didnt want to get on his bad side. If he even suspected what she planned on doing once she was actually at the castle, he would probably jinx her so she couldnt move and leave her behind.

Tearing her eyes away from Hogwarts, Jenna gave him a nod. "Okay...where will we be staying at?" She asked, following Denver as he turned and started leading the way through the woods. He led her silently through a small bit of woods until they reached the village that catered to the inhabitants of Hogwarts.

Hogsmeade didn't excite Jenna the same way Hogwarts had, though she did enjoy doing some window shopping as she followed Denver through the village.

Even without having been to the village before, Jenna remembered from the books that there were two inns in Hogsmeade. The Hogshead didnt seem like it would be Denver's type of place pre-Dumbledore's death, even though Aberforth did turn out to be a good guy in the end, helping out the DA during their in school defiance of the death eaters.

Jenna's assumption was correct, as Denver lead her into The Three Broomsticks. He ordered them both a Butterbeer, then sent her to sit at a table while he inquired about rooms for them. Jenna was more then happy to oblige, scuttling to a corner booth to sip at her drink while people watching. The crowd of people didnt seem any different from the Leakey Cauldron; witches and wizards happily sitting around, drinking and chatting to one another about their day, families, or in the case of the gentleman a table over, his unfortunate rash from a mishandled potion.

Jenna blushed and sank a bit down into the booth, hiding her face behind her mug of butterbeer. It really was divine, better than any imitation she had had back in her own world. Smiling happily to herself, Jenna looked towards the door of the inn as it opened, watching a man enter the inn.

Sitting up abruptly, Jenna blinked in surprise. The man, wearing dark robes, had greasy black hair that came down to his shoulders, a hooked nose, and sallow skin that was in drastic contrast to the darkness he otherwise shrouded himself in. Her heart hammered in her chest as the man's cold, black eyes scanned the crowd, before he headed towards the bar counter.

'Snape is actually here?' Jenna thought to herself, her eyes following the man in curiosity and confusion. While she was highly eager to get a good look at the professor who everyone had suspected to being a truly evil man, she also felt conflicted with trying to get a closer look at him. For starters, she was of an age where she most definitely should be in school currently, which would raise the question of why he didnt recognize her, but she also remembered that he was very skilled in Legilimency and Occlumensy. The last thing she needed was him trying to read her thoughts and finding out how much she knew about HIM.

It was at that point that Denver came over to the booth looking slightly bothered. "No rooms?" Jenna inquired, sipping at her drink again while also trying to keep an eye on Snape.

"Not exactly. They've only one room." Denver replied, sitting down. "We're going to have to share."

Jenna sputtered, nearly choking on the butterbeer as she coughed, "W-what?!"

"It cant be helped. All of the other rooms have already been rented out." Denver explained, raising an eyebrow at her. He waited until she got her coughing under control before continuing. "It wont be so bad. When they have another room open up, I can get it as well, and then you can have your own room again."

Jenna nearly wanted to scream that that wasnt the issue she had with sharing a room with him. She had never had a boy sleep in the same room as her before, and if the Three Broomsticks room he had managed to acquire was like her room at the Leakey Cauldron, it only had one bed...

Jenna felt her face burning up from a blush and quickly took a large drink of her Butterbeer, effectively draining her mug. "I-I need another drink." She stammered, bolting from the booth and scurrying away to the bar to get a refill. She thought she heard Denver try to say something, but she was too embarrassed by the thoughts in her head to stop and hear him out.

Reaching the bar, she quietly ordered another butterbeer from the employee while trying to quell the images that kept flickering through her mind. She may have only known Denver for a few days, but he had always been perfectly polite to her, helping her along every step of the way to trying to get home. He was even willing to go as far as breaking into Hogwarts to help her. She knew deep down that he wouldnt try anything, but it didnt stop her heart from racing and her mind from wandering.

When her drink was placed in front of her, Jenna suddenly realized that she hadnt gotten any sickles from Denver for the refill. She gulped, berating herself for being such a hormonal airhead as she started opening her purse to find the emergency money Denver had given her. She could have just went back over to their booth and asked Denver for the money, but she didnt think she could handle any more embarrassment right now.

Just as she felt her fingertips brush the pouch of money, two silver coins were placed on the bar top beside her drink. She glanced to her right, freezing in recognition as her eyes met two cold, black tunnels in a pale face. Their eyes were only locked for a moment, but it felt like an eternity for Jenna. Without a word, Snape stood up from his stool, turning in a swirl of robes towards the door and leaving Jenna flabbergasted and fearful.

Had he heard what she had been thinking? Did he know they were going to try to infiltrate Hogwarts?