
Chapter 12: A decision is made

Jenna didnt remember when she had finally collapsed into sleep, just that she had worked long into the night and woke up the next morning with a book under her head, and her wand laying on the bed next to her.

She had to fumble around for a few minutes to find her glasses, which had somehow made their way under the pillow that her feet had claimed during the night, then crawled from the bed to stretch and rub at her exhausted eyes. Stifling a yawn, she picked up her wand and put it up her sleeve once more. She needed a better way to carry it.

She pulled open her door, nearly running head first into Denver as she was about to step out. "Ah! You scared me!" She cried, holding a hand over her heart. "What are you doing?"

Denver was just standing outside her bedroom door. He finally held out a few shopping bags, clearing his throat. "I'm sorry...that I have to be so cryptic all the time and that I may not be as...excited, as you are about everything. I'm not really use to working with first timers, and I forget that this...is a very exciting thing to do. Especially so for you."

Jenna frowned, taking the bags from him. "Its..its okay. I shouldnt pry so much either." She admitted while opening one of the shopping bags. "What's this...clothes?"

"Robes." Denver corrected. "Well, and a few changes of clothes and toiletries...I've realized we may be here for longer then I intended, and I shouldnt force you to neglect your appearance while we are here."

Jenna looked down at her clothes, noticing the food stains here and there, and the faint smell that was coming from them. "Ah....yeah..." She mumbled, reaching up and starting to twirl her hair nervously around her finger. She hadnt really thought about the clothes, since she had been able to wash up while they were staying here.

They stood there for a few moments in silence, before Denver nodded, turning away. "Well then, you should probably change and we can-"

"Thank you, Denver." Jenna cut in, her blond hair falling forward to hide her eyes as she bowed her head slightly to him. "For being so considerate to me."

Denver glanced over his shoulder at her, then smiled softly. "You're welcome. I'll get breakfast ordered for when you're ready to meet me downstairs."

Jenna looked up, watching him walk down the hallway before she closed her door and smiled to herself. He really was a good guy.

She decided to put on some of the new clothes that Denver had got her, finding he was apparently gifted at guessing sizes. The pants were just a size too big, but Denver had been kind enough to provide a stylish braided leather belt in the bags of clothes. The shirts fit her comfortably, and were cute. She felt like these were more towards her sister fashion choices then her own, but she also felt flattered that Denver thought these cutesy, girly clothes complimented her.

She gladly brushed her teeth and hair, grateful to be using more then her fingers to do so since she had arrived, pulling the blond lochs back into a ponytail at the nape of her neck. She actually felt...nice. Even as tired as she still was, and with evident circles under her eyes, being so 'dressed up' by her standards made her feel more energetic. Finally, she took her wand and put it into a small, light blue floral purse that was also included in Denver's shopping.

Heading downstairs with the purse strap over a shoulder, she looked out for Denver and found him tucked away in a corner of the bar. Maneuvering her way through the people who were already there so early in the morning, she sidled in beside him and smiled. "You have really good tastes in girls clothes."

Denver smiled and looked her over. "Well, you get use to what girls like when you're always drug out to carry the bags." He replied, before sliding a plate of eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns towards her.

"Sisters?" Jenna asked, taking a bite of the bacon eagerly.

"Mother. She likes owning things. A lot of things." Denver chuckled.

Jenna wondered what type of family life Denver had. Her own father would never have let her go into the type of career Denver was in. She frowned, chewing her food thoughtfully. She hoped her dad was okay. He was probably worried sick about her. Given no notice of where she was, all of her things at the house and food cooking on the stove, he probably thought she had been kidnapped.

The thought of just how worried and scared her disappearance must have made her father was a very sobering thought. "Where should we look for the book next?" Jenna asked, pushing her half eaten meal away. She had lost her appetite. "Should we try Privet Drive next, or possibly the burrow? The Weasley's house would be a logical place, given how much its written about."

Denver sighed and shook his head. "I think the place it is going to be, is Hogwarts. You're just too attached to the school for it to be anywhere else." He ran a hand through his hair. "We are going to have to go to Hogwarts."

Today was my birthday. :) Yay me!

Little short of the 1k goal, but I'll hopefully make that up next chapter. <3

Pippa_Aricreators' thoughts