
The Missing Girl The mystery about Redwood High

Nikki_1022 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

Sally slowly opens her eyes, it takes a few seconds for them to adjust to the darkness of the room she is in. She slowly tries to get up, but has to sit down again when she half-falls from dizziness, she takes a few seconds to try and think about what is going on. She slowly starts to try and sit up again, she tries to focus on the objects around her. She squints her eyes and takes a few seconds to try and figure out what's going on. She slowly starts to sit up again, trying to focus on the objects around her.She can tell that it is small. She looks down and sees a mysterious mattress, that is full of strange stains, there is a chain lying on the floor in front of her and a chair with long leather straps on it. She starts to stand up, slowly, pushing herself against the wall for balance. As soon as she stands up, the silence is broken, by a high pitched sound. It starts getting louder and louder and louder, then she feels a shock in her temple and starts to hurt more, she starts rubbing her temple with yet palm, but instead the pain grows stronger and her teeth start grinding against each other, she hears footsteps outside and someone whispering, she closes her eyes and focuses, to hear what the person is whispering:"my angel, my angel has awakened,"he sings. Sally starts screaming, hoping someone will come and rescue her. "Aaaahhhhhhh,"she screams gasping for air. Her mother burst into the room trying to calm her.

"Shhh, it's just a Nightmare, everything is fine, Shhh,"

"What, NO, it can't be, it was so real, no no no,"

"Shh,,I'll go and get you some cookies and milk.

Her mother stands up and leaves the room. Sally sits there silently, and thinks to herself:" why did it feel so real,"

"Like deja vu!" She whispers and her mind starts spinning.

"Sorry, what was that?" Her mom asks as she walks into the room with a glass of milk and two cookies.

"Ohh, nothing, just thinking of a school project."

"Okay, but get some sleep," her mom stands up again, kisses Sally on the forehead,"Night, my angel,"she whispers,"sweet dreams,"

Sally ends up drifting off to sleep as her mind spins trying to remember where she remembers the dreams from, and it feels like only seconds later her alarm goes off for school.

"Mission: get that rose back, is a go-go," she thought.