
The Missing Girl The mystery about Redwood High

Nikki_1022 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7

Sally is now back at school. Over the weekend Sally, Jessy and Nick decided to meet up after school. During the day Sally's mind runs through all the different scenarios that can possibly happen, and even if she tries to stop herself she can't. She even thought about it over the weekend, she also had a nightmare greet her in the middle of the night about it.

After what felt like eternity, the bell rang, signing that it is the end of the last period, she raced the other children out of the class and into the passages, she pushed against the other children to get to Mr. Mark's classroom. Nick already went to ask Mr. Mark if they can use his classroom after school at break. She wanted to ask him herself, but was scared of what he would say because she hadn't talked to him after what happened and is scared to find out. She walks-runs through the passages, occasionally pushing through a group of learners, after a few minutes she arrives. She enters and sees Jessy organising everything nicely onto a table, she reaches into her bag once again taking a few more things out and placing it on the table. She looks around looking for Nick and finds him eating a sandwich in the corner, " ohh, hi!" Nick says looking up at Sally. "Hey," Sally says. "What took you so long?" Jessy asks not even looking up from the table. "It's Monday! and the other children don't want to be here." Sally grabs a chair and places it next to the table,"So.. what's the plan," Sally asks.as.she sits down.

" We swab the rose with phenolphthalein and then after a minute we add the hydrogen peroxide and if it turns pink..." it goes silent for a second, Jessy takes a breath,"it's blood."