
The Missing Girl The mystery about Redwood High

Nikki_1022 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

After she tells them everything, she goes to. her room and calls the other two to come to.

"What now?"Nick asks confused," Just come," Sally says quickly. She enters her room, waits for everyone to come in as well, then closes the door behind them, she walks to the window and closes that too, she turns around and the twins in the eye," We have to make sure NOBODY is watching!" she says. Jessy nods her head, " What?" Nick says with his mouth full of food. Jessy and Sally just shake their heads. Sally sits down and fiddles in her bag, soon after she pulls out the rose." What's that red stuff all over it though?" Nick asks, taking another bite of his sandwich." Not sure, I think it's some type of blood, though,"Sally answers. "Why don't we test it?" Jessy asks. " What how?" Nick asks. "With a swab, phenolphthalein l and some hydrogen peroxide, dummy!" Jessy says sarcastically, making a face at him