
The miss is a tyrant

Irene_Fernandze · Teen
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6 Chs

Expect my resignation

'I wonder, what is this old man playing at', she subconsciously questioned herself. "But father, shouldn't we stay so we can talk some sense into this girl", Jane objected, but quickly earned a cold glare from her father. She unwillingly left the room while glaring at Alexi.

"Take a seat", grandpa Miller ordered and Alexi obliged. She walked to a sofa that was opposite the old man's and sat down crossing her legs. She looked like a midcentury tyrant as her demeanor had changed. Leaning to the side she asked, "Why did you call me, Mr. Miller". The manner in which she addressed him shocked the old man, shouldn't she be calling her grandpa and why is she so calm.

"I'm sure you know what I called you here for, Alexi", he started off the conversation, " You must hold a party to introduce yourself to other socialites and businessmen. This can benefit you so much and you can create connections with other wealthy families" he stated. "What if I don't" she questioned knowing what was at stake if she did not do what this old man had asked. "Then you will be stripped of your position as the CEO o the branch office and your title as heir of the Miller family", he said with a serious face. "And while you are still here, I'd like to tell you that I am aware of your position as the CEO of the fairy boutique and the fantasy modeling agency, as a member of this family you cant have other businesses outside of the family business. So I demand that you hand over these two businesses to us, I'm sure your mother can run them well enough," he ordered.

As someone who has always been the black sheep in the family, Alexa learned to be independent and rely on her own strength. That is why she decided to start an empire of her own, which will be outside of Miller's enterprise.

"I'm sorry mister Miller but I can't do that", she said standing up and walking towards the door, just as she was about to open it she paused and looked at her grandfather. "And about your request, I cannot fulfill it so you should expect my resignation letter as soon as tomorrow", she said before leaving the study.