
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Movies
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112 Chs

Chp. 57 Understanding Time





"Motherf*cker!" Nick Fury was breathing raggedly as he browsed the thick file in his hands as he was in his private office with Coulson and Maria Hill.


"I have sent some agents already on nearby sites sir, they have confirmed that they have gotten he packages hidden in the places mentioned in the file." Maria Hill looked incredulously at the reports that were all hard evidence of some small time business men and politicians in places close to Agents loyal to Nick.


And all of these agents were Skrulls that Fury had taken in, then just in time a phone by the side rang making Fury pick it up.


"Talos, is it real?" Fury asked as he knew that if the info in the file is totally true then maybe he could have the Skrulls have a long break once everything inside is taken care of.


"How in the hell did you locate these secrets Nick?!" Talos voice on the other side was shocked as he had just found the most incriminating evidence of the activities of a certain politician that might have ties with HYDRA and Fury had Talos look into this guy for weeks yet he has not found anything solid that might bring the guy behind bars as of now.


"You remember that big wig I told you about? I introduced Gravik and G'iah to him, it seems that he wants us to end everything problematic all over the world." Fury knew the significance of this file along with Coulson and Maria Hill.


They already got a lot of things against HYDRA members within SHIELD and this file just made sure that they would never be able to get up from the grave again. This is not cutting a head anymore, this is nipping everything from the bud roots and all.


"Let's see these nasty assholes say they will grow two more heads, I'm going to wreck everything from the neck down towards the tip of their tail." Fury smiled a bit making Maria Hill and Coulson look at him weirdly.


"What? Do I have something on my face?" Fury raised his brow as he noticed their reactions.


"Yes sir you do, you have a smile sir. A very happy one…"Coulson said as he looked at Fury seriously in the face.


"You bet I do, this nigga going to have a long ass vacation after this!" Fury said as he browsed while smiling thinking of either Hawaii or Philippines while strolling down white sandy beaches drinking Gin.


"That sounds nice sir." Coulson also smiled as he knew that many things will change in the next few years as soon as everything within the file gets done.


"Seems we will be working overtime first for now to get that." Maria Hill sighed as she predicted that this will be a very long year.


"Well the sooner we finish this the sooner I could plan my summer house vacation, this nigga has been working for too long." Nick Fury now has hope that he could at least make the divided world unite in the next few years.


"I make coffee." Coulson said as he walked outside the office.




"I received word from Nick Fury, it seems that our friend has given him something that will make the world change for the better. It seems the time has come for peace all around the world." Charles said towards Max as they sat in a large table where many senior mutants are sitting.


Storm, Logan, Sabertooth, Scott, Jean, Rogue, Raven, Piotr, Angel Dust, Deadpool, Pyro, Toad, Angel, Hank, Iceman, Nightcrawler and lastly Emma Frost who was recently added.


"Peace, could there really be such a thing?" Max scoffed as he thought of his experience in life.


"Might be, in Nick Fury's words 'We should make do when he is currently baby-sitting us for now to deal with these matters, I want to swim in the Maldives…' and after that a lot of swear words not needed to be said." Charles said making the others in the table look at him weirdly.


"I was just quoting what he said." Charles shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the file besides him.


"What's that, something we can use?" Logan asked as he smoked as cigar and Sabertooth besides him was asking him for the lighter to smoke too.


"It something I can use, what we can use is in this." Charles pulled out another thick file which was teleported by Paul in his office table with a note.


"Anti-Essex plan…" Magneto opened the file but after a few seconds browsing he frowned as he looked at Jean and Scott.


"This file concerns someone very dangerous, though I do not know how Mister Esteban has come of this but it seems he intends that it should be us to take care of this problem. Max, could you tell them the contents?" Charles has read the inside of the file and he too felt some semblance of indignation as he thought of the implications if the file was indeed real.


"Ooh, so are we going to fight a big guy aren't we?" Deadpool asked excitedly as he looked towards the two old dudes.


"It seems so, but first we will explain something about the family line of Scott…" Charles said as he looked into the face of the young mutant.


"Scott?" the rest of the X-men was confused but as soon as Charles explained what is inside the file, the faces of those present slowly showed fury and indignation as they learned of a very dark history about the Summers.


[Kamar Taj]


"Hmmm…" the Ancient One was silent as she read a note with no written names of who the sender was but she knew only one present that could bypass her senses and go anywhere if he'd like.


[I can go to the Dark Dimension at will, maybe I'll kick Dormammu in the face for a while but I'll do it. Don't go about your suicidal plan to raise Stephen. The bag is a tea I found in an unexpected world I discovered, do hope you'd like the unique mellow flavor.]


"Hmm, now I am in a pickle…" the Ancient One said as she placed the note on the table while sipping her newly acquired tea.


"It is really unique." The Ancient One made a contented sigh as she looked to her side as Mordo arrived just now after finishing a mission.


"Teacher." Mordo greeted the Ancient One with the customary bow towards the Sorcerer Supreme.


"I have new Tea, you should try it. It's very different from the ones we have." The Ancient One offered her student a sip as she knew that many things are changing and getting out of her sights, but in a good way.


"Uhm, okay…" Mordo was totally confused at the moment as he had never seen his teacher this cheerful ever.


He sat down and drank the tea Paul gave which came from the peaceful village of the Shire.


[Middle Earth]


After the battle of the seven armies, the company of Thorin was in full celebration and was very festive when they finally have their home. Paul was even able to act as the middle man with Thorin giving back the jewels of Lasgalen making the Elf King come to terms with the line of Durin by giving back the Arkenstone.


Though hostilities are now over, the views of decades of hate cannot be erased completely. But it placed their thoughts into a neutral relationship as the bond of Kili and Tauriel proved to be a great reason to simmer down the fires of hate.


Thorin was a bit reluctant but he let his nephew have his love life as he sentenced him to be not recorded in the family halls. And he did a very surprising act, he gave up his throne and handed it to Dain.


Reason whatsoever was that the Line of Durin is very susceptible to the Dragon's sickness in Erebor that it would endanger them again if he should keep the crown.


Even Thranduil was surprised at the decision of the shortest reigned Dwarven King. Thrain was able to arrive a month later as well making the festivities much grand at the return of the former monarch.


But even Thrain was with Thorin in the fact that the Dragon's Sickness seem to target those that have thick blood of Durin. Fili did not mind as he was not that nostalgic about the throne and Thorin did not want such burden to fall upon his nephew.


Bilbo was very merry as well as he felt that the hard times are over and that the Arkenstone has never hurt the life of his friend. He did get the title of dwarf friend and a lot of gifts from the others as well.


Paul and Gandalf watched this activities as they stood on the back of the crowd appreciating the happy atmosphere.


"And what will be the Iron Lord be planning now?" Gandalf asked as he looked at Marc's tall figure who was watching over to Beorn who was cuddling the bears that are also drinking mead.


"What I have been doing ever since, what I can and what I want." Paul answered as he had the small tribe of Skinchangers to be introduced to Beorn after the end of the party.


"I would have thought you would take Dale for the prize but to give it away to Gerion's descendant is quite a decision." Gandalf said as he puffed a smoke ring with his pipe.


"I still have the Ettemoors to handle, beside I now have a direct access to the longest tunnel ever made that connects both the sides of the land besides the Misty Mountains. All the way from Ettenmoors and far to the eastern side in withered Heath. Trolls or dragons they will be driven out and would not trouble the lands south as long as the Iron Tide Exist. This will also make me able to trade very far which will bring profit and commerce." Paul smiled as he explained slowly to Gandalf what he is planning.


"A tunnel?" Gandalf raised his brow as he looked at Paul.


"Yes, dug straight and strengthened that even the Earth Eaters will not come near the place. I can build a long track that would connect the far away places, no need to trek the dangerous Misty mountains for travelers. By far I have already built ten stations where the ones that wanted to travel stop and get down." Paul smiled as he planned to start the industrial revolution but a bit cleaner and ecofriendly as possible.


"It seems that you plan to be a very large Merchant. Quite a contrast to what your title tells about you, yet from what I can tell you will be a very successful person in your endeavor." Gandalf did not understand it all but he at least can tell that Paul bodes no dark plan of any sort.


"One Day I will show you what I mean wizard." Paul smiled as he watched the dwarves get drunk and be merry.


[Drowned Earth]


"Well shit…" Paul said as he looked at the girl behind the Sea Devil Genod, the female one as the male one is currently fighting the Male one. Though it seems the kid is very skilled he does not seem to have a chance in saving his sister.


Paul could be blamed as he was so absorbed in his research that his clone did not detect the recent actions of the Sea Devil. Since it had been hunting other Sea creatures to make as babies for the past year many divers became bold and tried to dive deeper into the ruins of Hong Kong.


But this gained the attention of the Queen who somehow willed Genod to capture the young Rita. When Paul concentrated he understood from the thoughts of the Queen that it was the mother of Bota Ma as well as Rita that influenced the Hive mind.


Now it wanted to make Rita into its successor and turn her into one of the Seven Devils so they could be close to each other. Paul was a bit far away but he can tell that if he lets this go on then the kid Bota will die.


Paul looked at the unconscious Teon Ma and shook his head, he narrowed his eyes and subconsciously affect the surroundings of Bota to slowly push the advantage to his side.


Good thing when Genod went to kidnap Rita it did not do much damage to the surface town. Only the Mayor was injured  and some of his goons died but it was not something Paul would bother looking into.


But it did bring the whole town into alert as Bota and Kana had tried to rescue Rita when they heard Genod would not eat the victims instantly.


Now it came to this part where Bota is luring the sea devil out of its lair. Paul was nostalgic, he had seen the kid grow and develop a deep affectionate love towards his teacher Kana who only saw him as a kid.


Because the girl rather liked the boy's father, but she thought that maybe Teon had sent the kids to her to take care of. Paul had already known of the dark side of that Union Busan and he did not want to get involved in those idiots yet.


But it seems the world revolves around these kids seeing that they already met two of the seven devils in four years.


Four years, Paul thought as he never thought he'll be spending four years in this flooded apocalypse earth. But just as he thought about that he paused, he looked up towards the void where his other clone was waiting and watching the bubbles.


It was then Paul realized the slight difference in Time dilations, it changed. The one in Middle Earth has a 50:1 ratio towards Marvel and here it became a 150:1 meaning time here is longer compared to one day in Marvel.


Paul was silent as he had his clones pause at what they were doing and observed that motion of the bubbles where changing. Paul observed this as some sort of epiphany has struck him, his real body which was in the labs was still but he can feel everything around him pause as well.


Focusing his mind he stood up, he saw how the world outside stopped and he can still move. He slowly walked out but he covered himself in his psionic energy to erase his presence.


He could still feel his clones but his perception has maxed that only the Badger Clone and Lion Clone seemed to be the only ones that could push themselves to move fast in his maxed out version of Bullet time.


Paul did not think that his observation of the various universes in the place that might be the Source Wall for the DC gave him understanding in the laws of time.


Paul teleported back into his workshop to continue with his tinkering but he still scanned the vicinities of his clones. It was then he noticed that Gi'ah and Gravik are like tourist walking around his Man-cave, so his mind went back into what his clones were doing at the moment.