
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Movies
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112 Chs

Chp. 56 This was fun...

[Marvel World]


Paul was in his workshop doing something that gained the attention of Shanna as she went inside the RV. There she saw Paul tinkering with something in the workshop, seeing his focused face made her smile as she tiptoed behind him and gave him a hug.


"~Whattya doin there~?" Shanna said in a very girly tone as she hugged Paul while sniffing his hair.


"Just a little project of mine…and why are you sniffing my hair? Are you a dog or something?" Paul looked at Shanna's face as she kept sniffing his hair on his side.


"What does it do?" Shanna stopped her actions as she looked at the orb like thing in Paul's hands.


"Well, if I did make it successfully then it would be a power source of some sort. But for now this thing in my hand is a prototype, I was just trying to see if I could fuse the arc reactor tech with the various knowledge I have in my head." Paul said as he held the circular core he is fiddling with.


"Whoa, is it some sort of nuclear reactor or something?" Shanna asked as she felt that was the closest thing she could think of to relate with the orb.


"Kind off, but this is supposed to be free of radiation and could generate energy to light up a large city of half a year." Paul looked to his side and gave Shanna a small peck in her cheek.


"Whoa! That much? What will it power anyways?" Shanna reciprocated with giving Paul some kisses as well on his neck as she asked this.


"That remains to be seen, the amount of energy it will produce once done would determine where I will use this thing." Paul said as he reached his arms behind him to pull Shanna to his lap and embrace her.


"Would you let me see it then once it's done?" Shanna said as she felt flushed as she sat on Paul's lap and her heart beat fast as her body became warm.


"Of course I will, but first it seems I have some visitors to entertain." As Paul said that there was a knock that made the warm atmosphere stop.




"Tsk… bummer." Shanna clicked her tongue as she stood up and straightened her clothes. She and Paul walked towards the living room of the RV where they could see Coulson waiting at the door.


"Well if it isn't the right hand of Fury, what seems to be the issue this time?" Paul said as he looked at Coulson who seemed to have been worked to the bone lately.


"I have come under orders from the director to introduce to you some people that might help you in some things you might have problems with." Coulson said as he looked at Paul's tall figure.


"Well come in, don't just stand there. Let's talk about this with some beverage, tea?" Paul invited the agent inside the RV which made Coulson curious.


"That would be delightful." Even as Coulson said that his voice sounded as monotonous as ever.


"Then would the two over there care to join us or would they stay there in the bushes hiding?" Paul asked which made Coulson look towards the side where two people in tactical gear came out of hiding.


"Told you that it would be useless hiding." Coulson said as he looked at the tall male being followed by smaller petite female with a face of Emilia Clark making Paul do a double take on their faces but he could not remember any character that was portrayed by her.


He did not watch most of what his father liked before and even when the Marvel Cinematic Universe has expanded much in the future he was sure that everything here is not exactly the same as what he had watched.


There are a lot of differences but it was inherently the same and Paul knew that maybe he was just in one of those possible realities. So he just shrugged it off in his mind as he prepared tea while Shanna went out to watch Ina and Biri in the nearby reserve.


"So what would The Spy Nick Fury want with sending me this…hmm?" Paul was about to start some small talk but he picked up something different about the two in front of him making him pause a bit and stare at them.


"You… both of you aren't human, ahh I see. So you're the Skrulls Nick Fury took in." Paul said as he smiled but it made Coulson and the three frown as Paul was able to recognize them after a few short moments.


"Don't! Stop it he's not hostile…" Coulson said as he saw the guy with him about to stand up and attack along with the Emilia Clark look alike. "… the Director had said that he might be able to tell you apart so don't take action. He is not hostile."


"Yep, I don't want some beef boi. Let me guess you are all refugees from the Kree and Skrull war are you? Don't worry, I can relate since I too lost my home to someone I cannot seem to fathom…" Paul paused a bit as he looked dazed towards the air but this made Coulson perk his ears up as he looked towards Paul.


"You are already so powerful and possibly could destroy the planet Mister Esteban, how could there be someone that could even be stronger than you?" Coulson's spy senses perked up as he asked this but the two besides him was taken aback at his words of Paul being able to destroy Earth if he wanted to.


"There are a lot of dangerous beings Agent Phil, that is why I had you research about Mythologies and the such since when there is smoke there will be a fire. Zeus? He exist. Odin? He exist too. Ra? He also is real. Jesus even is real too. Skrulls too have their own Gods and they to exist. Most of all there is even a god of Dumplings, Bao he is a large dumpling that can talk and has powers…" Paul drones on as he talked while Couslon and the tow besides him are shocked at his words.


"…but all of them still fall short to beings that I had talked about with the X-men, Celestials. One day I can go in depth explaining to you what they are but those beings could create Suns out of nowhere, worst of all they can just conjure a black hole besides earth then we all go bye bye." Paul said as he served them tea.


Coulson and the two others perked at the words and they looked at each other in disbelief. But Paul's next words made them more shocked as he revealed something even the Skrulls did not know.



"But they would not destroy Earth yet, soon maybe but that is something you have to take care of yourselves. There are so many threats in the universe alone and Earth can be some sort of a hot place for many alien species, Skrulls are not the only ones living in this planet that are foreign." Paul sipped his tea as he thought of what to do next as his mind somewhat focused on the things his cones are doing.


"Anyways, you can have these…" Paul pulled out a file out of nowhere and placed it in the table in front of Coulson. The Agent looked skeptically at Paul what it was and he was about to reach forward but Paul explained the contents anyways.


"…these are instructions on how to take down at least 90% of the world's large crime syndicates and how to make sure that those sitting in high positions are kicked out and be replaced by the ones that seem to be earnest in their duties." Paul's words made Coulson look towards him in shock.


He then picked up the file which was quite hefty like a bible and saw the various things that could prove very beneficial for SHIELD. The two besides him also peeked and understood how much of an important thing these bundle of files in Coulson's hands were.


"Tell your director that this would hasten the fall of HYDRA, also this might be able to pave a path to unite the world in at least ten years if followed properly." Paul nonchalantly said as he gave clues and instructions on how to unite the world.


"I expect that there is something that you require for you to be giving us this much data?" Coulson asked as he stared at Paul straight towards his eyes.


"Yes, if the whole entirety of Earth is still not united until then, there is a large chance that the Universe will experience the largest genocide ever recorded. Not just this planet, but also from every life and sentient beings within this Universe will lose a lot, that includes you Skrulls too." Paul made the two besides Coulson flinch.


"This event, can't you take care of it?" the Emilia Clark look-alike asked Paul but he replied something that was out of their expectations.


"I can, but I will not. Too much trouble for me, I rather laze about somewhere else thinking how to deal with my own problems." Paul said as he sat back relaxed as the three in front of him were speechless at his answer.


"Then I'll take my leave first mister Esteban." Coulson said as he left hurriedly carrying the file with him while the two Skrulls were left there sitting uncomfortably in front of Paul.


"Let's go somewhere else…" as soon as Paul's words landed the environment instantly changed shocking the two with him. "… follow me."


The two was silent at first as they looked at each other but they still followed him from the dim lighted path they arrived from and soon they arrived in front of a large metallic gate.


"Open Sesame!! Just kidding." Pau said as the gates opened slowly as mechanical whirs were heard around the passage.


As the gate opened the scene that made the two slack jawed. They were greeted with a gigantic industrial construction handled by hundreds of robots of different sizes.


"Welcome to the South Pole, this is my Man-Cave where I plan to make a large tourist spot and seek to build a space port where every kind of alien is welcome as long as they have the passport issued here with them. But that would be for later…" Paul led them forward where a futuristic looking golf cart awaited and a robot drove in the vehicle.


"…you two will be the first to see the sights and places where you can be comfortable in your own skin. Go ahead, nobody is here to judge you." They were shocked at Paul's words but they still cannot put their minds on how Paul brought them here but the one in front of them was a clone.


"T-this is so grand, how were you able to make all of this if you have been in this planet for a few months." The male Skrull asked as he turned back into his own face was Gravik, a young skrull that was a survivor from the Kree-Skrull war.


Even though deep inside he kind of looks down on humans but when Paul said they were both survivors he felt a bit of connection to him and was open to him on his thoughts.


"Yes, how did you make such a large project when many eyes have been looking towards your way?" the Emilia look-alike G'iah asked as she too cannot understand where Paul got all of these resource to build all of this.


"Simple, have a lot of free labor work for you 24/7." Paul answered like a matter of fact as he pointed towards the robots that kept working.


"Also have a great Brain to make a rudimentary Ai that could understand your plans and such. Anyways here's our first scenery, the park…" Paul's words made the two look to where he was staring at but they were stunned as they saw dinosaurs walking around without a care of their presence.


"D-dinosaurs?!" G'iah asked as she looked shocked at how prehistoric animals exist here, last she remembered Paul said they were in the South Pole.


"Yes, dinosaurs. Real and live dinos, here in this hollowed out mountain there is a hidden environment here that was able to preserve a lot of ancient species of dinosaurs and thrived for millions of years untouched by the outside world. There are also groups of sentient beings here that were able to live and adapt to the life inside this hidden world."


Paul did not care at all of they spoke of this since in his mind there is absolutely no point in hiding it at all. He even plans to invite the X-men here to play and wander about.


"There are also groups that has advanced technological development inside, but in reality they are just beings able to pick up upon stray celestial technology but they are good enough to make space faring ships if they want." Paul kept talking until the robot stopped a bit and then there was a woman who was dressed in white tang suit going towards tehm


"So how's your recovery?" Paul asked the mother of Shang Chi as she still seemed to be confused as to where she is.


"I can now at least take care of myself." Ying Li said as she looked at her benefactor that seems to have a screw loose in his head.


"Well, I saved you but the price you pay is to be a secretary of this underground city I am about to make for 10-15 years give or take…" Paul said as he had a bit of trouble saving her as he had to steal her soul in limbo as she was about to enter purgatory maybe.


Not sure why she was there when her religion was different but Paul just did a quick snatch and grab of her soul which the jade somehow was not able to keep in her body.


He had thought that maybe her death was supposed to be a canon event but people revive in this universe left and right that he was able to circumvent that easily since he felt his abilities were still a cheat.


Though even now he still does not know the extent he can do for now but Paul is just enjoying life as it is as he mentally shocked the aliens as well as Shang Chi's mom in how much absurd things he has in the Man-Cave.


[Middle Earth]


"I will make sure your filthy bloodline ends here now Thorin Oakenshield!!" Azog was fuming as he felt his plans have been getting wrong every minute that Paul was there interfering.


He promised in his mind he would torture Paul once this is all over but right now he is having a death match with Thorin who seemed to be very energetic thanks to small boost given by Paul along the fight.


The rest were somewhat busy with the orc berserkers as well as goblin mercenaries that tried to meddle in the fight of the two but they were thwarted by Legolas, Kili and Tauriel with their skillful shooting.


It was then the army beyond was seen led by Bolg who is now fighting Dwalin in the frozen river. Being one of the best fighter of Thorin meant that Bolg was really having a hard time, especially when Dain found it funny to beat the orc along with Dwalin.


"Take that ya ugly piece a shite! Haha!!" Dain laughed as he and Dwalin made Bolg into piece of entertainment.


"Don't break him yet Dain, we should have fun with this f*cker!" Dwalin headbutted Bolg making the orc dizzy and this time a rock hit his balls as Legolas smiled on top of the high place he is on.


Paul's advanced team with Sapphire leading on the other hand was dealing with another group of orcs wanting to flank the raven hill and some targeted the warbats with repeating crossbows.


Meanwhile Paul was giving Bard orders on making the Orcs rout solely and surely as their Ogres and Trolls were mostly focused on him. When the army of gundabad orcs were visible, it was then another bugle sounded out and made the battle field look towards the east.


"Finally, they are here." Paul smiled as he roared in the sky.


There a cavalry made up of large Rams which are fiercer and more resilient than the ones the dwarves have. And the riders were a mix from elves to men and dwarves.


About 500 of them formed and slowly rode down in their stainless steel armor making the orcs in the field unable to adapt fast enough and they were hit by the heavy charge of the Iron Tide.


"The Iron Tide is here!!" Bard shouted as he looked over from the city of Dale and it made the people there cheer as they have heard of the infamous Iron Tide and even the Orcs were shocked at the fearsome charge.


Paul looked back towards the tunnels and felt that maybe it would be a pity to have the enemy retreat so he willed the two Troll Kings who roared and charges towards the holes and suddenly started demolishing them to prevent the orcs from escaping.


Then the two Troll Kings stomped away as they went to go towards the other side where the exit should be to at least trap the ones inside there from running away.


This made many trolls and ogres calm down as they feared the Troll Kings would have taken them out themselves. But even then they are already having a hard time against Paul's dragon and the thousands of wolves that got into the mix.


Yet somehow they were able to tell which ones to bite and claw as they ignored the dwarves, elves and men. Paul also focused hard to make sure to lessen he casualties of the wolves as the arrows and swords that hit them would not be so fatal and could be treated later.


It was then another sound was heard as the screech of eagles echoed overhead, this time they were more than the ones that appeared in the movie as they carried some large crates tied to strong ropes where Beorn and the bears were in.


This was one thing Paul had prepared beforehand before when he left the bears in Beorn's care. This time six eagles let go of the crate when it was but meters from the ground and it broke releasing the armored bears inside along with Beorn charging towards the gundabad orcs.


Azog was stunned he looked at the devastation brought towards their back up as well as the eagles making short work of the warbats as well.


"See this, that is the signal for your end spawn of filth. You have no ability to kill of my bloodline, we are Durin sons and we are staying for many years to come." Thorin breathed raggedly but he still has a triumphant face as he taunted Azog.


"GRAAA!! DIE!!" Azog raged as he realized how this battle was already lost. He lost his mind as he tried to kill Thorin without care for himself.


Their fight was intense but Thorin now held the upper hand as he slowly and surely tired down the pale orc. Legolas watched over to make sure there would be no one to interrupt the battle but he can see that Kili and Tauriel was about to be overrun by Goblins.


It was then Kili was hit with an arrow that was about to land on Tauriel. This shocked some nearby but they too were busy fighting against the orcs and goblins that wanted to take Azog away.


"Kili!" Fili shouted as he ran towards his brother but was faced with many orcs.


"No!" Tauriel shouted as she realized what had just happened, Paul was even shocked at the sudden development. But he messaged Sapphire to go there with haste to apply First aid so Paul could operate on Kili later.


It was then she separated with the advance group but good thing the Rams were versatile and was able to circumvent the distance.


Yet Tauriel is still in danger as the goblins were about to storm her as she held the once again weakened Kili.


"No, no no!!" Tauriel ignored the goblins that were about to reach her but just in time Thranduil arrived as he killed the goblins with ease.


His arrival surprised many but the battle raged on yet the pressure was slowly weakening as the Gundabad orcs were routed by the intense carnage brought by the Eagles, Beorn and the Bears.


A hundred of the Iron Tide Cavalry even came up the hill to provide assistance. It was three Ram riders arrived near Kili which were two men and Sapphire.


"Quick, apply first aid before he loses too much blood!" Sapphire said which was obliged by the two men who were specially trained by Paul for situations like these.


Thranduil still fought to stop the goblins but he still has leisure to look back and see the pained face of Tauriel who was unsure of what to do.


"Wh-who are you? What are you doing to him?" Tauriel asked as she seemed stunned at the arrow in Kili's chest.


"We're adventurers under the Iron Lord's command." Sapphire said as she helped the two comrades of hers in stabilizing Kili's situation.


Tauriel was not sure what they were doing but seeing Kili relax a bit after they injected something on him made her relax a bit too.


But this time she noticed how Thorin was kneeling in front of a downed Azon that got both of his arms cut off and was now bleeding in the frozen river.


"This is for my grandfather… this is for my father and this is for my people!" Thorin said as he stabbed Azog in the chest with Orcrist.


"It is finished…" Thranduil said as he stood beside Tauriel after finishing off the last of the Goblins.


"It is, but why am I feeling scared?" Tauriel said as she looked at the weakened Kili.


"When he blocked the arrow, how did you feel?" Thranduil asked softly as he looked at the former captain of his guards.


"It hurts, like my heart was carved out of my chest. Why is it so? Why does it hurt?" Tauriel shed some tears as she looked at the two men monitoring Kili.


"Then at least you now know love, real love…" Thranduil said as he turned around walking away, as he arrive near a bend he saw Legolas looking a bit sad as he too watched Tauriel dazed towards Kili.


"I won't be coming back…" Legolas said as he saw his father walk past him.


"Where would you be going?" Thranduil asked.


"I… I do not know." Legolas seemed unsure as he turned around to leave.


"Go north, find the Dunedain. There is a boy there, a son of an old fried Arathorn. His father was a great man, he might just grow up to be another." Thranduil said making Legolas pause and as he was about to walk a few steps he said. "Your mother loved you, more than anything in the world, more than life…"

With that Legolas paused, he looked back and gave an elven farewell as Thranduil watched with caring eyes as his son left.


Paul on the other hand stood in the middle of the battlefield on top of the large pile of dead orcs and some dead ogres.


"Well, this was fun…"