
The Midnight Prince

After fierce battle battle with a magical girl also known as Ozwiz, Haise gave up his ring to his sister and die somewhere in a peaceful place to where the waves of the ocean swayed the rock. As one of the chosen who received the light of knowledge, known as nilucis, Haise woke-up in a place that could be described as ruined. Red sky and devastated civilization that could only be seen. Only a giant glowing white tree from afar and a red gate, near at him, remain stood. Therein, he met a ghastly woman that claim to be a fragment of his nilucis. What will happen to Haise now? And what kind of fate and difficulties he has to face?

Guenhartz · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Doing Well

It's been three days since Minami fought his brother. She woke-up with the ring on his finger she intended to take from his brother.

Seeing the ring in his finger, she finally understood if why Haise did that and why he killed Mimi, a cat-like being that put her in that kind of mess that almost made her fell in the abyss. A deceiver to be precise.

Regrets filled her heart to why... why she didn't listen to his little brother. 'Why did I believe Mimi more over my brother?' She really regret it.

Now that her brother is gone and no where to be found, she still believe somewhere... somewhere in this world, Haise is still alive and doing well.

With the ring of his brother, she could now fly on the top and seek for him.

She looked at his friends and a new glimpse of journey and quest has began.




'Ahhhh! I'm starving. Do all vampires starve? Isn't supposed to be extremely thirsty? Like something felt dry on their throat?'

Haise really did thought he became a full pledged vampire. What's the use of the light of knowledge you received from Vamirha?!

Haise with his barrier magic and new magical foundation, he created a convenient version of motorcycle goggles to cover his eyes. Since he could change the color of his barrier if he wanted to, this normal to him. To him at least.

Haise continue to wandered around and saw a magazine on the ground and picked it up. It had photo of a certain woman in her erotic and nude posture. The woman's body was just being covered with some white bandages.

Haise's eyes behind his goggles became lifeless. It's been almost two years since he was abandoned by his mother for such a ridiculous reason.

Minami and Haise don't have the same mother. However, the have the same father.

Minami's mother was the legal wife, while mother was just a concubine. Despite this, he and his sister get along well with each other.

A pinkish-purple flame ignited from his hand and incinerated the magazine.


A loud and violent noise resonated and caught Haise's attention. Haise leaped with his bari-step skill (a skill when he step onto his barrier) and went to the root of noise.

Haise while he was standing in the air, He saw four lycans chasing a mage woman—

Wait... she has pair of glowing red eyes? She's vampire?!

"Don't let her escape."

"She's getting further!"

Fire sparked and blasted from one another. The lycans seems to be desperate of capturing the woman.

Haise as a humble gentleman, of course, dashed towards them.


Didn't they know the law? Causing trouble like this in the human society is prohibited.

Haise three-point-landed between them and dust fogs arose.

"Who the fuck is that kid?"

One of the lycans asked. Base of their point of view, they did perceived as a teenage boy. Well, Haise was only a teenager.

The woman who seems to be a young adult, widened her red glowing eyes and looked at the jet-black haired teenage boy, who was wearing a long black hoodie coat and motorcycle goggles.

Haise's golden eyes began to glow behind goggles and saw a weird strange glow from the woman's mana, wrapping her. Yes Haise have a special vision he had discovered before, but this vision he has now is quite different from before, he could also see the beating heart of the lycans.

'This is quite interesting.'

Haise felt a little excited about his new visual prowess to perceive.

Since Haise didn't know what's really going on, He created two bari daggers that looks made of glass and cast barrier around him.

"Dude, this kid!"

"Yeah I can see."

The lycans were quite impressed to what Haise just did. On the other hand, Haise was quite ignorant on their point of view.

Pinkish-purple.flame began to cover his bari-daggers. He glared at the lycans and glimpse at the woman.

The lycan that seems to be their leader displayed a broad smile and said: "We're going to have more bags of golds with this kid than that vampire here."

'Slave traders?' Haise snapped finally understood what these lycans are up to.

"Don't let them escape especially the boy!"

The lycans that seems to be the leader shouted as they dashed towards Haise and the woman.

Unaware of Haise's abilities, Haise could see their motions. He dashed and went to the woman and held her like a princess.


The woman gasped and trembled the moment Haise touched her.

Just by looking at it, Haise noticed that the woman was indeed glamorous. Well she's a vampire after all. Haise even thought that and continue to dashed away from the lycans.

"Don't worry, missy, a humble meal is enough for this service." Haise spoke with a smile on his face.

'A-a vampire?' The woman noticed Haise's half-growth fangs. She was also blushing as she smelled Haise's scent and... That really—aroused her?


The lycans began to blast them with pyro-balls or fire balls. Haise just evaded it all in the air.

He dashed backward and he cast several of spinning bari thorn covered with fire.



Haise managed to hit one of them, with this little this destruction, he immediately dashed towards them and left the woman inside his bubble-like barrier that was already been cast the moment Haise dashed away from the lycans.

Haise firmly held his bari-daggers and covered it with pinkish purple-flames, preparing to to slice them down.

With such speed, Haise attacked the lycan near at the water tank. His mind was just fill of how he would strike down his enemies.


The lycan strike Haise with his claws again and again.

Haise evaded it, when sensed the other lycans dashed their way on him, Haise leaped and ride on the lycan's back then slit his neck.


The lycans surrounds Haise and blasted him with pyro-balls, but Haise just repelled it all with his barrier.

"Huh? H-he repelled are attacks?"

The lycans was stunned.


A laughing pinkish-purple flames appeared. It was laughing like a child and actually have a voice of a little girl. It also looks like a small doll in the incarnation of flames and attacked the lycans at Haise's will.

This one is called, Rafa, the flame of sorrows and pains. Haise acquired her when he was trapped in the mansion of dust of some isolated realm. Probably, his nilucis triggered back then and sent him therein.




"Wh-what is this flames!"

The lycans tried to get rid the pinkish-purple flames from their body, but they failed.

"Give-up. You guys can't get rid these flames until you all don't turn into ash."

Haise said in his cold tone.


Rafa, the source of these pinkish-purple flames ran and revolves Haise's feet as if it was playing. Soon it went on Haise's shoulder.

Haise patted Rafa on its head and soon it faded.

The lycans slowly faded as they turn into ashes. The last thing they saw was the jet-black haired teenage boy, wearing a long black hoodie coat and motorcycle goggles with glowing golden eyes behind of it watching them to perished and faded.

The woman, who was inside of the bubble-like barrier witnessed it all...